t M T IGAN DAILY $2,500,000 Fire at Famous-Coney Island Resort ,r to Snap August 31 )etroit Amateurs -rated with CurtisI ling Instrmnent ssful in Tests dice May Revolt-, the Astronomical ng in Schools 'sity New Bu sheas) I Sol coyly hides his behind the dark disc next August 31, his act >graphed by a new movie telescope combination een so successful in pic- happenings in our solar it may revolutionize the astronomy in schools, as n the mysteries of the of the sun and planets vie .goer. roit amateur astrono- t R. McMath, Francis and Judge Henry S. 1honorary curators of, ty Observatory perfect- astronomical moving pic- he co-operation of Prof. 'urtis of the University. ccompany the Universityf yburg, Me., to aid in re- eclipse. Last year they weir specially equipped at Lake Angelus, Mich., ersity. Results Expected hing an eclipse has been with a moving picture the new apparatus is get superior ,results, be- g celestial movies which npossible heretofore. The the sunrise and sunset .ntains of the moon has n realistically pictured, ootation of Jupiter, giant ts, with its many moons. possible action pictures e of the phases of Ven-j >ns of comets, the rota- un, changes in sun spots .rominences, as well as of the mysterious var- Denies Armies Ended Former Reich Cabinet Germany's Mystery Man. Says Forces Didn't Play Partisan Politics BERLIN, July 16.-(AP)-General Kurt von Schleicher, the enigma of the von Papen cabinet, has broken his silence to deny that the standing army had a hand in the downfall' of the Bruening cabinet. Called "the strong man of the von Papen government," the general has been widely regarded as having brought about the resignation of General Wilhelm Groener, his pre- decessor in the defense ministry, thereby tumbling Heinrich Bruen-] ing out of the chancellorship. But in a letter to Anton Erkelenz, president of the Carl Schurz Society, von Schleicher asserts that "no in- terference with politics by the de- fense force of the nation has taken place at any time." He adds: "I agree with you that the power of bayonets alone is not sufficient as a basis for' government." Erkelenz, trade union leader and social Democrat, had intimated that high officers of 'the army and navy and of the defense ministry had meddled in politics. In Erkelenz's opinion the military participated in the formation of the present cab- inet and sided with Hitler's nazis in the preceding elections. To this von Schleicher replied in an open letter to Erkelenz in part as follows: "Your interpretation is all wrong. By what facts can you prove that the armed force interfered in the political fight? The president ap- pointed the new cabinet in accord- ance with the powers vested in him by the constitution, and it is, an in- sult to him to intimate that he was guided by anything else than his own judgment and his own consci- ence. "The army's relation to the pres- ent government is no other than that to every legally constituted government of the reich, namely that of its sharp but non-political a n d\ non-partisan instrument of power." CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TYPEWRITERS, all makes, bought, sold, rented, exchanged, repaired. 0. D. MORRILL, 314 So. State. .-c TYPEWRITING AND M I M E O- GRAPHING promptly and neatly done. O. D. MORRILL, 314 So. State St.--c BEAUTY S1IOP $.59 finger waves, $.25 Tuesdays. Ex- pert scalp treatments $.50 regular- ly. Raggedy Ann Shop, phone 7561. Across from the Den. Open eveningsk -o Workers Go Scientific; Discover Ancient Bones BUDAPEST, July 16. - (AP) - Workmen who had lost their jobs with a scientific expedition were so certain that discoveries could be made in a certain cave of the Hor valley in the Bukk mountains that they persuaded an official to ad- vance them $50. They found human bones which experts of the Hungar- ian National Museum say are be- tween 100,000 and 120,000 years old. IFour buildings erected for the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific exposition in Seattle, Wash., in 1909 are still in use on the state university campus. WANTED WASHING AND IRONING WAr ED--Will call for and deli, Soft water*used; washing d separate. Phone 2-3478. - WANTED-Laundry. So f t wa 21044. Towels free, socks darn WANTED-Waitress. Must be perienced. Bright Spot. - FOR RENT FOR RENT-Ten room house block f r o m Ypsilanti Nori School, 605 Emmet. Newly de( ated. Two front entrances. owner on premises. Large fi porch. FOR RENT -Furnished apartn with privatebath and shower, 3 or 4 adults. Furnished apf meit for 2. -Also single room. C tinuous hot water shower, gar Dial 8544. 422 E. Washington. FOR RENT-Now or September furnished or unfurnished or share desirable 6 room st heated house. Garage. Phone 5 FOR SALE A roaring fire encouraged. by an ocean breeze for a time threatened to wipe out New York's famous Coney island summer resort but, was brought under control after the flames had turned four blocks of its famous boardwalk into ruins. The damage 'to bath houses, apartment buildings, small concessions and dwellings was estimated at $2,500,000. An aerial view of the conflagition is shown above. FOR SALE-Most dependable Fu and Complete Service. Low prices in Our 28 years in Ann A bor. Zwerdling's Fur Shop, 215- E. Liberty, Phone 8507 for P Storage. - Herriot Enlivens International Parleys with His Wisecracks PARIS,/JULY 17.-(AP) -Herriot, premier of France and mayor of Lyons, though he passes for a stolid and solid citizen with a wealth of; musty book learning, is rapidly ris- ing to the position of national wise- cracker, vacated by the late Aris- tit;e Briand,and held by Clemenceau before him. He not only coins his "bons mots" in French, but in other languages as well. Thus at Lausanne, when a German newspaperman asked him how the conference was going, he came right back with a quote from Heine's "Lorelei"-and in the orig- inal. "Die Luft ist kuhl und es dun- kelt" ("The air is cool and the dark- ness is setting in"), responded the chief of the French government. U n I i k e Clemenceau, Herriot's shafts are not barbed. For example, in his explanation of the legendary absent-mindedness of ex-Premier Painleve's another professor in pub- lic life who now is air minister, Her- riot said: "Painleve's forgetfulness is a real system! In his chosen field of sci- ence he has succeeded very well with it. Mon Dieu! He ought- to try it in politics!" Wilson dam at Muscle shoals, Ala., still attracts thousands of tourists weekly. It is the largest concrete dam in the south. Australia Investigates Increase of Leprosy BRISBANE, July 17.-(AP)-Lep- rosy 'is spreading among the blacks of the hinterland in northern Queensland and Central Australia where slowly dying creatures, out- casts from their tribes, lurk in the forests. The government has saked the healtl department to investi- gate. Unearth Valuable Old Roman Potter's Kiln CHALONS-SUR-MARNE, France - (AP) - A Gallo-Roman potter's kiln, well preserved, has been un- earthed near here. It contained quantities of pottery, making the discovery of exceptional value. A I No ] reene's Cleaners and Dyers Phone 23-23-1 A desire to make real the wonders f astronomy to beginning students f the science inspired the McMaths ,nd Judge Hulburt to persevere for ears on their task, so that instead f dry diagrams in books the stu- ent or layman may see the actual iovement of the heavenly bodies, ithout spending the hundreds of ours which the astronomer must atch at his telescope to actually see ,nd understand the facts of this im- ortant science. Took Years to Perfect Pictures showing the growth of lants from- seed to flower have been een by many movie goers in recent ea'rs. These realistic films are made y taking hundreds of photographs t intervals and then running them ff on the screen at a rate which lends them imperceptibly. This rinciple is at the basis of the as- ronomical movie method, but be- ause of many difficulties it took everal years to perfect. THERMIQUE T ht Perfect Permanent Specializing always in the better quality permanents. Come in and have a per- sonal interview in regard to waves and hiaircuts. Stoddard Beauty Shop 2-1212 A Movie of You I I '-W 7M i! ='= t I A Cleaned and Form Pressed-Call and Deliver l 35c 'I A S I s iresses Handfi nshed -- One-piece plain Call and Deliver Velvets and :formals slightly higher' Vi Usold 50c I w1 go O Sale at Campus Stands Slater' s Bookstore Wahr's Bookstore Publications Bldg. JO ts Hand nished - One-pieceplain Call and Deliver 2 5Oc I for - T . o CIA WE SPECIALIZE I _ I i} V I i i t in White Flannels, Linen Suits, Panama Hats. C OUR WORK AND SERVICE GUARANTEED CLE ANERS AND DYERS~ wj~~' h *~ II ifil I rim