THE MICHIGAN D°.I AILY FRIDAYI t .... The Michigan Daily Established 1890 K L j .7 --gm I A Washington BYSTANDER By Kirke Simpson which has brought about the most monstrous and gargantuan economic crisis in over a cen- tury. Men like Richard More, Roger Baldwin, Norman Thomas, Judge Patrick O'Brien belong to that group which will no longer listen to the siren calls of your liberals, and it is these men we believe the public should hear for a change. p. H. Bridge I ,,_ -" x 4 It. 5 +::Yi_:., ,.' +?R'ra.eM1. r r-,r WASHINGTON, July 15.-(AP)-It could not have surprised any eye witness of the Republi- can convention that Mr. Ogden Mills, secretary, of the treasury, should have been selected by Chairman Sanders of the national committee to make the formal opening of the Republican cam- paign. Mr. Mills was so big an administration gun in the convention that this assignment was logical. Yet it might be wondered how Mr. Secretary Arthur Hyde of the agriculture department took' the form of the Sanders' announcement. Just a day or so before, Mr. Hyde had dwelt with much irony on the reforestation aspects of Governor Roosevelt's acceptance speech. blished every morning except Monday during the 'ersity year and Summer Session by the Board in rot of Student Publications. ember of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use rpublication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this paper and' the local news .ished herein. All rights of republication of special atches are reserved. tered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as nd class matter. Special rate of postage granted by d Assistant Postmaster General. ibscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, . During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, (Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. Representatives: Uittell-Murray-Rutsky, Inc., 40 East Thirty-fourth Street, New York City; 80 Boylston Street, Bostori, Mass.; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Il. EDITORIAL STAFF Office Hours: 2-12 P.M. Editorial Director.... ...........Beach Conger, Jr. City Editor..........................Carl S. Forsythe State Editor .............................David M. Nichol News Editor....................Denton Kunze Telegraph Editor......................Thomas Connellan Sports ,Editor ..........................C. H. Beukema BUSINESS STAFF Office Hours: 9-12; 2-5 except Saturdays Business Manager.. ... .........Charles T. Kline Assistant Business Manager............Norris P. Johnson Circulation Manager.................. Clinton B. Conger FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1932 Alumni as Our ;Best Advocates .. . The recently published list of gifts received by the University, during the past year proved two things: that the University has a strong group of alumni who are intensely interested in the wel- fare of. their Alma Mater, and that prominent men not in any way connected with the Univer- sity think so highly of4it as' to make large gifts to its various departhents. It is the alumni, to a large degree, who inter- pret the University to the outside world. They constitute one of the biggest and best publicity organizations any large institution could wish to, have. Their unwavering loyalty to Michigan is shown in the large numbers attending the an- nual reunions as well as in their gifts. They are all interested in its welfare and work continu- ally for its advancement. Some give money, some give gifts representing investments, but far more give, equally as un- selfishly, of their time and effort. The present 10-year program, which is scheduled to end in 1937, represents a drive by alumni groups and alumnae organizations all over the cointry for endowments which, in their estimation, will in- crease the oppbrtunities Michigan will have to offer to its students. Michigan is rich in buildings, equipment, fac- ulty and students. But it is richest in its alumni and alumnae. Being also a cabineteer, why was his blast ignored by his own side when Sanders announced that Mills had been picked to open the campaign in his Boston speech and that he would. deal. then with the Democratic platform and the Roosevelt acceptance? A Matter Of Balance Clearly, one of Mr.'Sanders' troubles is going to be holding a nice balance of preference be- tween cabineteer campaigners. They would be more than human if they all! subscribed to a theory that Mills is to be to the' Hoover campaign of L932 what Senator Borah was to the 19'28 proceedings. Personal ambitions and jealousies often stand in the way of epert staff work in a political army. Still, Mr, Mills was given first honors and what he did and said at Chicago to smooth the path of the administration progam as to platform or presidential running mate seemed fully to justify his selection. Which recalls that the treasury transition from the Mellon to the Mills era was accomplished without' a bump./ It might be thought that when a man had held the reins so long 'over a great department as had "Uncle Andy" before he took to diplomacy, his departure would cause some ripple of readjust- ment. mThere was no sign of it. The financial reporters covering the treasury were hardly aware of any change. They merely saw Mr. Mills in a different office. That was all. No 'Lameness' Here "Oggie" Mills has done well by himself for a lame duck. His last personal political foray was an attempt to beat Al Smith for governor of New York. He did not do it, but his defeat did not dampen the Mills ardor and he looms now as a big man in the 1932 Hoover campaign. Campus Opinion Letters pubisl~ed in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous communications will be disre- garded. The names of communicants will, how- ever, be regardedsas confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, confining them- selves to less than 300 words if possible. MR. BRIDGE DIDN'T GET THE POINT To The Editor: .The battle is now on! Your editorial, Canker- ous Radicalism, in The Daily July 14 I presume is your answer to my letter of a few days ago protesting your remarks about communists. (Note 1.) Of course you called communists cowards; I called you unintelligent as well as a coward (Note 2). Now you attack radicals with scathing epithets of diseased states, such as "cankerous mess" and "diseased organs in a society . . ." Perhaps I can reciprocate in he following comments. Why do you think Professor Carr spoke? Was it not to supply those who are seriously interested in discovering the actual facts with actual facts. And we had Richard More speak also to supply those who wished facts with information the press you represent, and the system you so tena- ciously uphold, will not supply. How many know about the work which is being caried on tofr e the Scottsboro boys and to free Tom- Mooney? What papers give it? (Note 3). Only a few, only radical papers. So the people who seriously want the facts fail to get them except through speak- ers like Professor Carr and Richard More. As for speeches of this nature being passe I wish to point out that we had a capacity crowd, and that we kept a capacity crowd until Richard More finished his discourse, and that throughout his address applause was timely and copious. You resent the comments made by comrade More about the great American myth, Abraham Lincoln, and your beloved idealist Woodrow Wil- son. I did too after I finished high school. But I was taught right here in the University of Michigan other things besides myths fed to us by money barons who control our primary and secondary systems of education (Note 4). You continue to worship the historical great men: Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Napoleon, Bismark, men who stood for slaughter, war greed, hatred. Now any authentic college his- tory will enlighten any one who still believes Lincoln anything else than a politician. The intelligent Negro no longer believes the myth your Republican party has so long forced down his throat-Richard More is not alone, nor are the Negroes who no longer believe in the Lincoln -myth, raidcals. And as for Woodrow Wilson, you have only to consider his pre-war idealism with what happened to this Utopian state under pres- sure of the great war plutocrats. Of course they let hir play with his pet hobby, the League of Nations, which was perhaps an act of contrition on the part of the great idealist. But it was a harmless little thing easily combatted with a solid press.1 As a little suggestion I propose the editorial staff spend two years pursuing the study ofr science. It's really an assistance in editorial writing. It has that rare quality of enabling peo- ple to meet facts square in the face: Journalists have that great weakness of distorting facts. Ic suggest also Rose Macaulay's Potterism as an aid to good journalism as well. And lastly I must comment upon your sugges- tion about what our club should not do You Note 1. Mr. Bridge's masterful attack of a few days ago was directed at a Detroit Free Pr.ess editorial. He mentioned this fact himself. Note 2. Therefore he called the editor of the Free Press unintelligent and a coward. Note 3. The Daily does give space to Socialist ac ivites, as witness these long campus opinion diatribes. Ergo, according to Mr. Bridge's rea- soning, we are a radical paper. Note 4. The same money barons, namely the state, control the University of Michigan. Professor Carr was the only speaker who pre- sented any facts in the Mooney case, which was the subject of the meeting. We challenge any of our readers to show that more than one-fourth of the meeting was devoted to the subject for which it was called.-The Editors. A RADICAL ANSWERS To The Editor: The editorial on the Mooney meeting appearing in this morning's Daily is certainly not in har- mony with the facts involved in the case. The writer ignores the fact that the capacity audi- ence remained seated throughout the entire talk given by Mr. Moore. Opportunity to leave the auditorium was open to anyone who was not the least bit sympathetic with his remarks. Yet even our editorial writer remained, ilberal that he claims to be, and then through the columns of the Daily publishes an attack upon the meet- ing which was one of very few worth-while meet- ings that take place on this campus. I wonder if it was expected that an 84-year-old woman would get up and make an impassioned speech? At the many meetings Mrs. Mooney has attended in behalf of her son, at some of them she did not speak at all. The speakers of the evening were announced in the leaflets advertis- ing the meeting. If such statements as those in regard to Mr. Lincoln and his freeing the slaves were made by a University Professor, the writer of the editorial would-not have claimed them to be false. How- ever, in coming from a man who is avowedly a radical and a negro at that, they are dangerous statements and highly unworthy of being pre- sented to a University audience. As an educator, the writer is a firm believer in the teaching of fairy tales to children and grown-ups as well. No, such should not be the case in this day and age. We are facing the situation of starvation, bread lines, evictions, undernourishmpn'and diseases in children resulting from a lack of proper food. Can the person ignore these facts for such fairy tales as came from President Hoover that "Pro- perity is just around the corner?" As a member of the Michigan Socialist Club I take issue with the writer and inform him that the members of the Club do not feel that the Club was imposed upon. It is the work of the Club to disseminate knowledge from all anglesof present- day events. We would even go so far as to accept an offer from the writer of the editorial to come before the Socialist Club and address us on any topic he feels he is well versed in. We invite him to attend our meetings which are held regularly on Wedneday nights. We may even engage in de- bate with him or others of his type. Unmask. Come out from your hiding place. Face the facts. Find yourself. Get out and work for the working class and promote the welfare of mankind to get out of the pitiable situation in which millions in this country find themselves. Herbert Spencer. Editor's Note: Despite this castigation from Mr. Spencer, the editors must persist in their childish belief that the suffering millions cannot be ma- terially benefited by an attack on Abraham Lin- coln, long since dead, who is remembered, justly or not, for qualities that even a Socialist may stoop to honor. "RED-BAITING" FISH To The Editor: Mr. Fish's defense of capitalism under the cloak of liberalism may prove misleading. Al- though the liberals reject the ruthless methods resorted to by the founders of communism, there can be no doubt that genuine liberals stand united with the communists in their indictment of the capitalistic order of society. The distin- guished emissary from Wall Street seemed en- tirely oblivious of this fact. With the resump- tion of his "red-baiting" activities he would do well to instigate a nation-wide inquiry into the doings of liberals. It is certain that he would find in liberalism an even graver threat than he does in the propaganda of an admittedly im- potent communism. And then, in keeping with his well-known brand of liberalism, Mr. Fish no doubt will find it expedient to protect our liberty against liberals by advocating a liberal form of martial law. Wolff, von Wernsdorff. EdItorial Comment TO MERRIE ENGLAND (Toledo-News Bee) While we are daring to hope that this may be the last 12 miserable years of hypocrisy, snoopery, and repression; our cousins in England are celebrating the completion of 100 years of temperance. England's temperance movement began in 1832, when "seven wise men of Preston" laid out a campaign based upon moral suasion and faith in human nature. They met in a small room in a little cotton town and pledged their lives to spreading the ideal of temperance among fellow- Britons. T o d a y temperance in England is stronger than ever in its history, and statistics prove it. In the past 20 years of this movement the con- sumption of alcohol has decreased 48 per cent; deaths attributable to alcohol have dropped from 5827 to 2088; drinking hours have been reduced by one-half and the evils of excessive drinking almost abolished. In vain prohibition has tried to get a toe-hold in Engla~nd. altho for years there was~ one nrohi- rys 7- AWts A. 1' -s I coR-'ev ives xr Whatever your beliefs and opi ions on subjects of current interest, you may express them i the Campus Opinion Column of The Michigan Daily The Campus POpinionl'' ColmnI's Op-en, to' All You, yout, and you are all entitled to the use of this column in order that your ideastmaybe set forth in print. Any feature to which you I *1 In retiring from the I Chairmanship, Mr. Raskob ness to wait for his money, about lending any more. Democratic expressed a but he said N tional willing- nothing , Music an Drama "AT MRS. BEAM'S" (A Review by Mary A. Spaulding) C. K. Munro's 'At Mrs: Beam's": was given its first performance by the Michigan Repertory Players Wednesday evening. Turning imthediately t'o the acting we find that Miss Tudeau gave us a true picture of Laura Pasquale. She was sufficiently warm and seduc- tive to be interesting. The /quality possessed by her that the others lacked ,vas an ability to re- tard and accelerate the rhythm as well as to color her tone. Mr. William Butler was adequate as Dermott. This character of the gentlemanly robber is an actor's heaven-witty lines, effective bits of stage business, and an opportunity for. colorful presentation. Munro's Mise Shoe is un- forgettable. But Miss Barrer's conception of the part needed more depth. After all, this is not a farce so much as it is a character comedy. However, it was she who was most warmly ap- plauded throughout. Miss Frances Johnson was amusing as the lisping, giggling Mrs. Stone. She gushed and breathed her way in and out of every scene in which she appeared. And in her gush- ing won most of the truly appreciative laughs of the evening. Miss Cosgrove's Miss Cheezle was- the best bit of acting in the play. Incidentally her costume was more artistically in keeping than the others. Mrs. Bebb was colorfully portrayed by Miss Foster. And carefully. . Generally speaking, the ensemble work lacked the professionalism that has characterized pre- vious productions of these players. For one thing (and the most evident), the tempo was much too quick and nervous. Miss Trudeau's drawl iwas a godsend in this respect. For another, there was little gradation of tone. Each actor seemed to find a certain tone level and kept with it constantly. Finally, the accenting might have1 been better. It really is a bit too cosmopolitan l for a boarding house such as Mrs. Beam's to harbor so many different speaking people-par-s ticularly when the American speaking ones have lived in England all their lives. These faultsI wish to call the attention of the student, body may be published here. IfEyou have grievances to redress, if you have blame or praise to give, here is the proper place for it. / All letters sent to t1is columrn should be of less than 300 words, The Editors reserve the right to re- ject objectionable copy. 9; N ( #4 -.The. Michigan 4 )ady ' StudentPublications BRiliin~ I