TIHE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, JULY 12, 1932 The Miehigan Daily of the American public the lack of efficiency in h gone of the three departments, something that has Established 1890 been noticed in many gangsters cases before but which needed a case of this importance to make us rcalize that something had to be done. The Curtis conviction is an anti-climax. It has not helped the cause. Neither has the federal kid- I naping bill. Perhaps leading reformers in the ~ - < i A 4udicial and executive fields will find the solution. But the public will not stand ruide by the gang- } rster and racketeer much longer. It has, at last, - thanks to this latest affront to decency and or-+ 1j1~der, become law-conscious. 6 ~'Resou~rcefulness Needed fi"n The Depression . .. Pubished every morning except Monday during the University year and- Summer Sessipn by the Board in Resourcefulness has brought many a man ControlIof Student Publications. mn a Member of the 'Western Conferene Editorial Associa- through the depression so far without harm. An tlon and the Big Ten News Service. ' original idea, a new application of an old idea- MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS there are plenty of ways to make a living if the The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or individual will only apply himself to the task. not otherwise credited in this paper and the local newvs Th published herein. All rights of republication of special Themost recent example of such ingenuity is dispatches are reserved, the action of a man in Detroit who started rais- Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as ing silkworms in his home. Despite statements second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by thcird Assistant Postmaster General. b scientists that silk could not be raised in this Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, part of the country under any conditions, least $1..50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by of all in Michigan, he succeeded in obtaining -Oces: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. Representatives: Littell-Murray-Rutsky, Inc., 40. East Thirty-fourth Street, New York City; 80 Boylston Street, Poston, Mass.; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Ill. EDITORIAL STAFF t Office flours: 2-12 P.M. Editorial Director......................Beach Conger, Jr. City Editor...........................Carl S. Forsythe State Editor ..............David M. Nichol News Editor.. ........................ Denton Kunze ''elegraph Eitor... ..........Thomas Conneilan Assistant City Editor..............Guy M. Whipple, Jr. Sports Editor .........................C. H. Beukema BUSINESS STAFF Office Hours: 9-12; 2-5 except Saturdays aihsiness Manager...................Charles T. Kline Assistant Musiness Manager............Norris P. Johnson Circulation Manager.................Clinton B. Conger TUESDAY, JULY 12, 1932 The Lindbergh Case Maks us taw-Conscious .. . twelve pounds of silk from his initial start of two ounces of eggs. The next crop, le predicts, will be many times larger. The depression, as has been said before, is ag- gravated by the mental condition of our people. Those who have food, shelter, and clothing should not comlplain. The objection lies, probably, in the fact that many have had to do without luxuries, and that constitutes hardship for them. If men and women who have no reason to complain c ould only cease talking about con'ditions, the situation would be much, better. It is the ex- amples set by those who are worst hit by the de- pression and who, in spite of :apparent failure, are making good in one way or another, that lead us to believe all is not as black as pictured. ditorial Comment I UTAH TRADITIONS-TO BE OR NOT TO BE! (Utah Chronicle) A Washington BYSTANDER' By Kirke Simpson WASHINGTON--The speed with which Chair- ran James A. Parley of the new Democratic na- tional committee, made over to the taste of Gov- ernor Roosevelt, began trying to heal sores left by Roosevelt's victory at Chicago is a bit signi- ficant. It reflects a thing about the Roosevelt-for- President rhovemnent that may have hampered him somewhat in the race for the nomination-- although not much, viewed by Chicago results-. but ought to help him in the election campaign. A FRIENDLY POLICY For the Roosevelt drive was guided by a desire to make as many friends and as few enemies within the party as was 'humanly possible. In effect, Mr. Roosevelt set out for that nomin- ation as soon as the votes which made him gov- ernor of New York in 1928, by a mere 25.000 ma- jority, were counted. He personally circularized' Democratic leaders in all states about a party program designed to pick up the Democratic pieces after Hoover's vie-- tory. Three years and more ahead of the' 1932 bat- tle Roosevelt was making contacts all over the country 'that were to prove valuable to him in Chicago. Whether' or not his former political friend and associate, Alfred E. Smith, knew it, everybody else did. And they knew also what it portended -Roosevelt's own candidacy. The Bystander can prove his own early judg- ment of what was happening by referring to what was said in this column as long ago as November 19, 1928. It visualized destiny as pointing to Roosevelt as 1932 Democratic standard bearer. "So far as The Bystander knows," it was add- ed, "every political commentator. . . has already picked Roosevelt, health permitting, as the next Democratic presidential candidate." That sounds like good prophecy know. It was not. It was simply a bit of political reporting. And in view of that Chairman Parley's peace negotiations with Smith or the Smith die-hards should not be hopeless unless there is a far deep- er reason for the Smith-Roosevelt break than is publicly known. Still For Harmony The point is that Roosevelt has aimed at being a harmony candidate all along.. He is still at it, undismayecd by the anti-Roosevelt die-hard vote, which, oddly enough, included some Roosevelt men to the last. There were six and a half Roosevelt votes from Connecticut, for instance, that never escaped from the unit rule. They were cast for Smith to the end. Screen Reflections I S4 TEPPING iNTO A, MQDFRN 'WORLD ' Charting tomorrow's telephone needs Once more an aftermath of the Lindbergl kinping' case makes the front page of many a laewspaper, breaking the long silence maintainec on the affair, and presumably we shall hea nothink more for a long time. This last item comes from the conviction of Mr. Curtis for hav ing aided the kidnappers in the case. According to the judge who presided at the trial, a verdict of guilty meant that Curtis had Y actually contacted the kidnapers. Many are in- clined to doubt that Curtis actually had any communication with those guilty of the atrocious affair, since by his own confession he thought up al his stories for the publicity involved and also for a certain newspaper. The verdict, more like- ly, showed that the jury thought Curtis had aid- ed the kidnappers by drawing a proverbial red herring across the trail. Looking at the Lindbergh case in retrospect, it indicates a rather unhealthy condition of mind of the American people. While police accused newspapers of spoiling their chances for success by the widespread publicity on the case, the sor- did interest of many readers demanded such dIs- play of stories by newspapers. Millions of readers read every detail with morbid enthusiasm, and then shook their heads in sorrow. The case also indicated that several things are wrong with our machinery of government. While the police in many cities vigorously denied charges of third degree after the release of one 'ef the' not-so-famous Wickersham reports, it is evident that the New Jersey representatives of the law so manhandled one of the witnesses in the case that she committed suicide rather than have to subrnit to more grilling after she had told all she knew. Because of the prominence of figures concern- ed, every law enforcement agency at the disposal of the government was called to assist in the case., The irony of the situation lay in the fact that when the government had failed, Colonel pjndbergh had to ask gangsters and convicts to assist him in the search as presumably the only ones who could obtain information. Even whei the federal 'investigators, the only ones who suc- ceeded in putting Al Capone in jail, were un- leashed on the case failure still was the only result. If federal, state, and municipal officers, as well as underworld leaders, could do nothing for such an important figure, what could one ex- pect from the law in the event that the same thing should occur in the household of some un- important clerk? The failure in law enforcement has been blam- ed on prohibition, on the judiciary, on the police, and on the legislators who make the laws. In exactly which department the proper remedy sould be applied is still a question. Is it in the manner of selection of juries? In the ineffici- ency of the police? Is it due to corruption? Is it some faulty judicial process? Or is it faulty drafting of laws which offer so many loopholes through which the guilty criminal may escape? The police blamed the whole newspaper world for their failure to make any progress in the case. But the newspapers are not solely at fault. Colonel Lindbergh was swindled of $50,000 be- cause some one convinced him that he was the real kidnaper. The only persons who could have known the means by which such identity could be established were the Colonel himself and the policemen to whom he showed the original note, which explained the identifying methods. Some- where there was a leak, and it could scarcely Looking ahead - laying a firm founda- tion for tomorrow's telephone service - has long been a keystone policy of the Bell System. To illustrate : business starts creeping into a residential district -- a sign. that greatly increased telephone facilities will be irequired. Through intensive studies, conmercial engineers forecast the needs of five or more years hence with scien- tific accuracy. Additional exchanges, cable ducts, equipnment of all kinds are planned and built. When the call comes the telephone company is ready. So long as the nation continues to change and grow, the plotting of its fu- ture telephone needs will never grqw dull. The opportunity is there! Every once in a while it is appropriate for uni- r versity men and women to, remind themselves that school is not merely a matter of going to --classes, important as that is. The country right now has a surplus of acad- emic "grads" from one school or another, who possibly won good grades, but who cared little or nothing about extra-curricular . activities or school life outside of the class room. Dr. C. R. Mann of the Carnegie foundation has made an intenshxe study among 1,500 successful engineers covering the essential qualities they felt had been most largely responsible for their success. The study shows that 87 per cent of theirdabilityto producemresults was developed outside of the class room. This interesting figure emphasizes the impor- tance of a student's becoming identified with school life in its various phases. Professional men recognize this vital need of contacting and give it expression by joining service clubs, com- munity-building activities, fraternal organiza- tions and the like. If this is vital out of school, it is also import- ant in school. As we see it, campus life, in its various expressions, is far more significant than most of us realize. Fr this reason, we certainly should endeavor to keep up those important school activities that have built up Utah tradi- tions. r Whn the student body of a school is small, that is relatively easy. When, however, thousands are to be considered, the problem calls for" the most careful planning and organization. ' As we see it, the traditions of our great school are at stake. It will be easy, indeed, for Utah to become a highly departmentalized entity; a spiritless, spineless aggregation of sophisticates, that care little about the traditions that have made the grand old school great. It will require work, brains and leadership to keep Utah in that galaxy of schools known the world, over for their traditions and their spirit- Notre Dame, Yale, Heidelberg, Princeton, Stan- ford, and the others.- In the approaching election, may the Chronicle respectfully suggest that the candidates for of- fice present their plans for the maintenance of Utah traditions. Surely the student body is ens titled to know the attitude of each' candidate, and sthe comprehensiveness with which he in- tends to meet his important issue.a The Chronicle will be pleased to publish these platforms. - TALKIES AS TEACHERS- (Indiana Daily Student) Under a new educational plan announced by Robert Maynard Hutchins, president of the Uni- versity of Chicago, the talking motion-picture is1 to become a part of the teaching equipment of1 that University. The great dramas of life, ob- scured now in textbooks, will be staged on the screen, thus giving in a pictorial manner the his-t tory of man's outstanding accomplishments, The pictures willsbeeproduced immediately and it is hoped that a series of 20 films will be readyt by fall. T ey will be incorporated into the newf educational plan at the University, being pre-r sentedfor the first time to the present fresh- man class, Of much importance to the rest of the college world is the availibility of these Mmie films ats a verynominal cost. Costly and tedious experi- ments, conducted in classrooms with small at-1 tendances, may now be seen on the screen wheree an unlimited inumber may benefit. President Hutchins made it plain that the Uni- ]I versity is not entering the show business. "Neither 1 are we trying to jazz up education. We haveD conceived the value of this kind of teaching, and we plan to experiment with the talking motion-. picture. It will not be a substitute for other work; rather, it will be an important addition BELL SYSTEM; ,r. 94) LfCA~I ? T 4,000 FEET WAS CUT FROM "GRAND HOTEL" Director Edmund Goulding and Supervisor Irv- ing Thalberg breathed a deep sigh of relief when "Grand Hotel" was done. All they had to show for their $960,000 and their seven great stars, was 12,000 feet of motion picture film in some high- ly undecorative black boxes. One night, Thalberg an Goulding quietly sneaked out of Hollywood With the little black boxes. And that same night, an unsuspecting au- dience in a Monterey theatre got the thrill of their lives., That audience had drowsed through the usual feature film and were getting ready to go home, when a sudden announcement flashed on the screen: "METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER PRESENTS GRAND HOTEL" Eight hundred people in. that theatre gasped as one. Thalberg and Goulding were putting on "cold," ,without r a d v ance an- n ou n ce ment ballyhoo. The 800 spe-. tators sat back.. and grinned. thankful to get; :: Z] anything extra . their m o n e y ?;;': And with Thal- b er g a n d Goulding shiv- : ering at t h e; b a c k of the:: house, the first scene > "h e g i r l s at the.:?:.'."" t e 1 e p h o n e s w i t chboard' flashed across t h e s c r e e n. "Grand Hotel" ,. . w'as having its p r e m i e r e at GEfAGARBO and JOHN BARRYMORE last, after 48 in"GRA OTN days of inces- sat shooting, after the building of huge sets, af- ter the taming of temperamental stars. Thalberg turned down his coat collar then; the audience liked the picture. They were say~ing so. But they liked things Thalberg didn't like. He thought the film was too long, so he cut 4,000 feet out of it. He didn't like Garbo's first scene, he didn't like the love scenes between Garboand Barrymore, he didn't like a long scene in which Lionel Barrymore and Jean Crawford appeared. And when John Barrymore dropped the dancer's gtolen necklace it sounded like a ton of coal slid- ing down a chute. At Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer "Grand Hotel" went back into production. Cam- eras clicked, lights purred, the retakes were on. And every scene Thalberg didn't like was done over again. Garbo and John Barrymore were brought back. Joan Crawford and Lionel Barry- more returned to the set. Scenes were shortened and changed. Dialogue was ruthlessly eliminated or changed. The busi- ness of "Barrymore's disposal of the stolen neck- lace was done in another way. A NATION-WIDE SYSTEM F INTER-CONNECTING TELEPHONES I TAKE UT, EYESOR E LISURANCE 10-ISSUE PREMIUM W fD COST YOU ONLY $2 r" ) You insure yourself against fire, - yohr clothes by the sensible, ever-, burglary, collision and what not ... smart standards of Vogue. but how about your clothes? If a small Don't just glance through Vogue premium of two dollars can insure .. . read it carefully, use it to the limit you against unbecoming eyesores for of its helpfulness. See how many ideas mnany months to come, can you af- it gives you for planning and picking ford to pass it up? your clothes. Most of us need a guide through Vogue, of course, is essentially a the mazes of fashion's-- complicated fashion magazine. But it is so muclh highways. Particularly these days; more than that. It is a shield against when individuality is the keynote of the costly blunders we all stumble in- the mode. For individuality spells suc- to. Use the coupon, why don't you? cess to the smart and disaster to the The two dollars you send with it will dowdy. Success can be assured and bring you a great deal more than 10 dowdiness defeated, if you choose all issues of Vogue. 10 ISSU ESOF VOGUE FOR $2