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July 12, 1932 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1932-07-12

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*The Weather
Fair and somewhat warmer
Tuesday, with moderate north-
west . to northeast winds.




The Lindbergh Case Makes
Us Law-Conscious; Resource-
fulness Needed in The De-

Oficial Publication of The Summer Session


France to Ask
Debt Revision
After Election
Settlement of Reparations
To Depend on Aieria' s
Stand ion Reduction
Stinson Denies Cut
Has Been Proposed
Germany Disavows Share
In 'Gentlemen's Agree-
ment' at Lausanne
PARIS, July 11.-(AP)-France
doubtless will wait until after the
American presidential election be-
fore makingc any overtures for re-
duction or canellation of her war
debts to the United States.
Officials at the foreign office to-
day were unable to say when the
negotiations with Washington would
start but the impression prevailed
that France would await the pres-
sure of the- United States. That it
would be dificult to accomplish.any-
thing before the election seemed
perfectly understood.
Under the gentleman's agreement
entered into by the creditor nations
at the Lausange conference last
week, the settlement which virtually
puts an end to German reparations
does not become effective until those
creditor nations havemade satis-
'factory agreements with Washing- .
WIn the event the negotiations with
Washington fail =~that is, if the
United States refuses to cut the
debts-the Lausanne treaty presum-
ably will lose its force ad the whole
issue of 'eparations will be return-
ed to its statue before President
Hoover announced his one-year,
moratorium 1 a s t summer. This
would mean that the Young plana
and the Hague accord would be1
Keller Asks Probe
WASHINGTON, July -11.-(AP)-_
No European power, Sec. Stimson
told newspaper men today, has madet
any proposal for a revision of debtsJ
owed to the United States.
Furthermore, he' said very posi-#
tively, no representative of the state1
department, in Lausanne or in
Washington, had 'anything to do
with framing the so-called gentle-<
man's agreement reported frome
Lausanne, which provides the Eu-f
ropean settlement of German repar-t
ations, shall go into effect unless thet
United States scales down European1
A resolution by Senator McKellarf
(D., Tenn.,) worded to demand of1
the state department an answer as
to the truth of published reports
that the government had expressedt
further -willingness to consider fur-1
ther reduction of debt payments re-l
mained before the Senate. It was
not reached for action during to-
day's session.
Reich Denies Agreement 3
BERLIN, July 11.-(AP)-The so-
called gentlemen's agreement reach-
ed at Lausanne brought forth to-
night a semi-official government
statement, in which it was said that
"Germany has nothing whatever to
do with any agreement between
England, t'rance or other powers."
"Germany has throughout the
conference consistently refused to
be' drawn into any combination
whatsoever against the U n i t e d
States," the statement continued.
"Hence,.\ no such agreement has
been laid 'before the German Gov-

DJougovito Wins Olympic
Mat Trial at Columbus
COLUMBUS, 0., July 1L.--(Spe-'
cial)-Carl Dougovito, University of
Michigan wrestler, will be a repre-
sentative on the American Olympic
team selected in the final trials here.
last week. Dougovito is alternate
for Jack Von eber, Los Angeles
A. C., in the 158-pound class.
To reach the finals in his division,
Dougovito defeated Bilshaw, of In-
diana, Big Ten champion, and Mon-
oli, of the Boston Y.M.C.A., who had
previously conquered Jack Van Bib-
ber, of Oklahoma A. and M., three
times holder of the intercollegiate
title and four times winner of the
national A.A.A.'. title.
hitramurkl Pool Open
To Wolen Wednesday
Women students will be given an

Churchill Hurls Bitter Attack
At Lausanne Debt Agreement
Tells Commons No More.:.
Unfortunate Approach **.. ~*~*~,
Could Have Been Made <3.f

LONDON, July 11.-(AP)-Win-
ston Churchill told the House of
Commons tonight that, knowing
American public sentiment thor-
oughly, he was convinced that "no
more unfortunate aproach toward
debt cancellation could have been
made than that prdcedure adopted
at Lausanna."
His bitter attack on the Lausanne
agreement drew a reproof from Ne-
ville Chamberlain, chancellor of the
exchequer, who asserted Mr. Chur
chill "had done no service to
iritain" by endeavoring to under-
mine the confidence aroused by the
Lausanne meeting.
In view of "semi-secret" arrange-
ments and the Lausanne gentle-
man's agreement, no onq can say
"Europe is saved," Mr. Churchill de-
He said the ultimate success of
the conference depended on the debt
settlement with the United States
-as was made clear in the gentle-

Three Events
Head Campus
Social Card
Play Staff. Will Be Feted
Wednesday at Second of
Tea Dances in League
Foreign Students
Will Be Honored
Lessons in Contract Will
Open Tonight in League
Under Mrs. Staffan
Campus social events 1 are in full
swing again this week as is evinced
by the announcement that foreign
students will be entertained at a
tea Thursday, members of PlaytPro-
duction and the speech departmeAt
will be honored Wednesday after-
noon at a second of the series of
tea dances, and ,contract bridge les-
sons will be given tonight for' the
first timeat the League for Summer
Sessidn students.
Miss Catherine Noble, assistant to
the dean of women, said yesterday
that invitations have been sent to
the 88 foreign students on the cam-
pus. All students are welcome to at-
tend the affair which will be held in
the League, as well as the group
which has been especially honored
on this occasion. Music will be fur-
nished by the Pfhol family, the
membership of which is made up of
students enrolled in the University.
The music will consist chiefly of
harp music and negro spirituals.
Committe. N md

Fish Flays Pink'Radicalism
In Universities; Brookhart
Indicates He May Bolt G.O.P

Congressmen Open Sum-
mer Lecture Series at
Debate on Recognition
Of Soviet Russia
Fish Declares U. S.
Fears Propaganda

Offers Relief Substitute

New York Representative
Charges Socialist Pro-
fessors More Dangerous
Than 'Red' Propaganda
Iowa Senator Hits
Both Liquor Planks

Iowan Calls

'Red' Ideas


Conventions for


man's agreement which voids the
Lausanne treaty unless Washington
scales down the debt.


Dr. Waterman
Tells of Work
In Near East
Archeologist Describes His
Findings on Expedition
To Mesopotamia
Showing for the first time some
of the slide pictures taken in con-
nection with the expedition, Dr. Le-
roy Waterman yesterday gave a'
Summer Session audience a vivid
description of the work of the most
recent archeological excursion to
Mesopotamia in a lecture at Natural
Science auditorium.
"The greatest contribution to an-a
cient knoWledge and probably the
greatest discovery of all time," Dr.
Waterman said, "was made by the
Semitic foreren in charge of the
Egyptian copper mines. This wasa
the form of alphabetic writing which
has come down through the Greeks
and Romans to us."t
Dr. Waterman denied the reports
current during the progress of the
expedition that he had found the
aticient tower of Babel. In a story
that he released whsile working atF
the Michigan site 30 miles south of,
Bagdad, he said, he told the news-
papers that he expected to uncovers
a "Tower of Babel." The news-j
papers, he claims, sensationalizedj
this story, asserting that he had un-
covered the Biblical tower. The real;
towel of Babel, he declared, was at
Babylon, a fact which has been,
known to scientists for 50 years.
The slides pictured the mounds
under which the buried cities were
found and the remains uncovered,
in the cities themselves. Among these,
were various household utensiis in-
cluding some vessels which looked
strikingly like the modern flask. ,
Two Michigan
IStudents W in
Writing Prizes
New Republic Awards for
College Writers Go to
Gorman, Clifford
The literary ability of Michigan
students was shown superior yester-
day with the announcement by the
New Republic magazine that Wil-
liam 4. Gorman, former music and
drama critic of The Daily, and Ar-
thur Clifford, a freshman last year,
had won first prizes in two depart-
ments of the college literary con-
test sponsored by the publication.
Gorman was rewarded for his
prize winning book review which
deals with "The Apes of God," by
Wyndham Lewis. Clifford won first
prize in the field of the editorial
for his work "1789-1932.",
Tle contest was opened last April
for college students throughout the
country. Prizes were offered in the
fields of sketches, editorials, articles,
and book reviews. The winning
manuscripts will be printed during
the summer in the magazine.
Twn Probes Launced

W r scon]Csin 'U'
Re eats F ear
Budget Deficit
Marked Drop in Summer
Enrollment May Force
Pay Cuts in Fall

'MADISON, Wis., July 11.-(Spe-1\[1Ct
cia-Regentsof the Universy o Members of the general commit-
Wisconsin are seriously concerned tee in charge of the tea are Virginia
with the problem of meeting a fur- McManus, chairman, Fumiko Sai-
ther deficit that my occur in the sho, May Minnick, Pauline Gellatly,
main operating budget of the Uni- and Evelyn Gibson. Mr. and Mrs.
yersity as the result of a marked de- Carlton F. Wells' will also assist with
crease in Summer Session enroll- the affair.
ment. They also anticipate a "drop Guests of honor at the tea dance
i registation' for the reglai 'term to be given Wednesday in honortof
in-etatin or l. ' eg~a 'e play production members and the
Reports i made to the committee speech department will be Prof. Val-
by J. D, Phillips, business manager entine B: Windt, director of the Re-
of the University, and Iean Scott pertory Players, Alexander Wyc-
H. Goodnight, director of the Sum- koff art director, and Mrs. Wyckoff,
mer Session, reveal that the enoll-d t and Thomas Wood Stevens, guest
ment has dropped this summer ap- director, and Mrs. Stevens. The
proximately 24 per centsunder that dancing will be held from 4 to 5:30
of last year, bringing with it an o'clock in the Grand Rapids room.
unanticipated decrease in summer Bridge Craze Hits Campus
school receipts of $19,503. The bridge craze which has hit
Salary cuts for those on the teach- the campus has become so popular
ing staff this summer have tbeen that lessons in contract will be start-
avoided by an action of the regents ed tonight under the direction of
which will balance the summer bud- Mrs. Frank Staffan, bridge deyo-
get by drafting funds from an un- tee and expert. Those taking the
assigned fund of $47,006. However, course will meet in the Grand Ra-
the summer enrollment may make pids room of the League at 7:15
further salary cuts for staff mem- o'clock, and instructions will con-
bers necessary next fall. Frank p, tinue for one hour. A fee of $1.50
Holt, registrar of the University, will be charged for the series of six
said today that he anticipated a de- lessons which will ,be given each
crease in revenue next fall of any- week during the remainder of the
where from $74,803 to $122,000 be- Summer Session. Students interest-
cause of decreases in enrollment. ed in aiding with the instruction will
These figures are based on early es- notify the dean of womeg's office.
timateg of the summer enrollment The lessons are being sponsored by
decrease, and also include the pres- Another em
ent summer deficit. item of interest was a tea

Harmless; Assails 'Cor-
rupt' American Newspa-
per Operation
Charges that the government of
Soviet Russia was too much linked
up with the 3rd Internationale to
permit recognition by the United
States and less effective counter-
claims that communism was a "pro-
gressive form" even when it inter-
fered directly with the domestic in-
stitution of the nations outside of
Russia were brought forward in the
debate last night between Repre-
sentative Hamilton Fish, of New
York, and Senator Smith W. Brook-
hart, of Iowa, on the question of
"Recognition of Soviet Russia."
"We do not fear the overthrow of
our government, but we will not tol-
erate foreign interference with out
domestic institutions,", Representa-
tive /Fish said. Senator Brokhart
answered that by not recognizing
Russia we were in the same relation-
ships which we would be in during
war and that as long as this existed,
"Communists have a perfect right
to meddle in our affairs."
Three phatses exist in communism,
the revolutionary and political, the
religious, and the commercial, Rep-
resentative Fish pointed out. "We
have less to fear. politically, than
most countries," he said, "but the
greatest tragedy of the entire prob-
lem is that 10,000,000 Russian chil-
dren are, being taught hatred of any
God or any religion and total disob-
edienceto their parents on these
Senator Brookhart's answers to
charges that there was no such
thing as freedom of speech or of
the press in Russia were not that
these conditions were non-extant
but rather that the American press
was one of the "most corrupt and
most corruptly controlled institu-
tions," and .that there had seldom
been a time in the history of the
United States when "free speech
was really in existence."
"The single issue in the matter
of recognition," he continued, "is
the securing of adequate guarantees
from Soviet Russia that their offi-
cials who come to the United States
will divorce themselves from the
2rd Internationale. This is impos-
sible. Their consulates would be-
come hot-beds of propaganda."
Sisk and Ayer
Address Tw~o
Club Meetings

Hoover Vetoes
Garner Relief
Loan Measure
Wagner's Substitute Bill
To Be Taken Up Tomor-
row in Senate
WASHINGTON, July 11.-(A)-
A Presidential veto having doomed
the Garner project for Reconstruc-
tion Finance Corp. loans to individ-
uals, Congressional leadersnmade
ready tonight to 'set a new relief bill
on the road to the White House to-
An attempt will be made to have
this substitute measure authorize
Federal Reserve Banks to lend to
those in need, when the Federal Re-
serve Board approves. Senator Wag-
ner, New York Democrat, will spon-
sor this latest bill.
Hoping to have his way in the re-
lief legislation after all the dispute
it has caused, President Hoover fol-
lowed up his scorching message, ve-
toing the Garner-Wagner Bill late
in the day with another aimed to
simplify the additional work being
put upon the Reconstruction Corp.
He asked that the Federal Re-
serve Board Governor and Farm
Loan Commissioner be eliminated
as ex-officio members of the Recon-
struction Board, to be replaced by
men tree of other duties, and that
one more member be added as well.
If at all possible, the plan is to
have the Senate attack the relief
problem again tomorrow. Wagner
has his bill ready.
The provision to allow Federal
Reserve Banks to make loans to in-
dividuals, if the Board approves, was
introduced today by Senator Glass,
Virginia Democrat, sponsor of the
Federal Reserve System, and was
approved by Democratic leaders of
both Houses, along with some Re-
Senator Wagner said he did not
believe the President would object
to 'this, as the loans would not be
made from public funds, as under
the' provision of the vetoed bill.
'Rural Education'
Is Hubbard's Topic
In Lecture Today
Frank Hubbard, associate director
of the research division of the Na-
tional Education association, will
lecture at 2 o'clock today on "The
Outlook for Rural Education." The
lecture will be given in the Univer-
sity high school auditorium.'
At 4 o'clock, Dr. Margaret Bell will
will lecture in the auditorium on
"The Personal Health of the Teach-
er." Other events scheduled in the
education school for the day are the
Men's Education club baseball games
at 4 o'clock on south Ferry field.
Hubbard has been with the Na-
tionalbEducation' associationhsince
1926. Prior to that time, he was di-
rector of research for the city
schools of Fresno. Cal

Arguing on Prohibition
When Relief of Jobless
Is the Major Problem
A vigorous attack on "pink .intel-
lectuals" and radical college profes-
sors who use their position to spread
social rebellion was voiced last night,
by Rep. Hamilton Fish of New York.
Among the c h i e f ffenders he
named the univeisities'of Wiscon-
sin, Chicago, New York, Columbia,
Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Washing-
ton, and California.
"These men, in these institutions,"
he said, "do more to undermine the
faith of the American student and
of the American young people in
their government and ideals than Iall
the communist's in the country."
Wants Liberalism
Congressman Fish stressed, in-
stead, a doctrine of political liberal-
ism which would recognize the ex-
isting flaws in the government of
the United States and set about
mending them by legitimate and
constitutional action.
"I do not object," he stated, "to.
the sincere convictions of many col-
lege professors in these respects. I
believe they should have a perfect
right to their opinion. I do o5ject
however, to those who use their pos-
ition to teach these doctrines of
social rebellion to the students."
Particularly, he mentioned some
of the leading colleges and univer-
sities for women where, he said, this
"poisonous propaganda" is being
spread. "Young women," he added,
"are the most susceptible .to this'
kind of thing. Some of their profes-
sors get away with murder-."
Brookhart Offers Views
Distinct threats that he might nod
support the Republican party on its
platform in the next election to-
gether with a promise that he would
remain a Republicai but "not that
kind of a Republican" were made
last night by Sen. Smith W. Brook-
hart of' Iowa.
His principal clash is with the
liquor planks of both parties. He re-
fused to state whether or not he
would support President Hoover in
the November election.
Stating that it would take a "high-
powered microscope to tell which of
the two major party planks was the
worst," he said, "I am for prohibi-
tion, not for any surrender. The
most outrageous thing to me is that
the two great conventions should
spend all of their time arguing about
booze when 10,000,000 people are out
of work and 20,000,000 more need
Prefers Garner Bill
In ,connection with relief, Senator
Brookhart stated that "the Garner
bill is vastly better than the one
which the President wants, but it is
still wholly inadequate. The en-
trance of the United States govern-
ment into the field of money-lend-
ing is simply adding one more Shy-
lock to the business."
Senator Brookhart's remedy for
the entire situation is the creation
of a governmental agency with suf-
ficient funds and autlority to
handle the exportable surplus of the
farmers. "One billion dollars more
to the Farm Board would make this
possible," he continued.
Currency must also be stabilized,
he pointed out, and he advocated
the printing of Treasury notes and
the use of the price indices as a
barometer to show the correct stop-
ping point.
"Congress could do these things at
the present session if it wanted, and
it would want to do them if the
President said the word," he con-
R. B. Hall Will Discuss
Japan in Lecture Today
Prof. Robert B. Hall. of the geo-


Senate Vote Ends Beer
Hope for This Session
WASHINGTON, July 11.-(AP)-
The afirst prohibition test in Con-
gress since the national party con-
ventions today showed little change
from the past over-whelming dry
The Senate turned down a bill to
legalize beer of higher alcoholic con-
tent by a vote of 50 to 25, stopping
the beer movement for this session.

given yesterday at the Helen New-
berry residence in honor of Miss
Agnes Wells, deadl of women at In-
diana university, and Mrs. McFar-
land, director of the Helen New-
berry residence.
Co-eds wishing to obtain news-
paper training this summer may ap-
ply at the office of The Daily on
Maynard street. Assignments will be
made in the writing of special arti-
cles concerning womens' activities
on the campus.,




Fischer, Michigan Sophomore
Star,Wins with Daring Shots

Johnny Fischer, the new intercol-
legiate golf title holder, believes
championships are won by daring
shots. He's a gambler of the links
and rarely plays safe.
A quiet, unassuming 20-year-old
youngster off the course, Fischer is
just the opposite with a driver or an
iron in his hands, facing a difficult
He- always goes the shortest way
to the pin, no matter if he. has to
flirt with the woods or cavernous
traps to do so. Especially on dog-leg
holes does this University of Michi-
gan sophomore show his daring,
playing the angles and disdaining to
shoot safely for the direction mark-

the present Western conference col-
lege title holder. He finished second
low amateur in the national open
this year, tied with George Von Elm,
the business man golfer.
Fischer is cpld and deliber4te
during a match. Apparently noth-
ing unnerves him. He thinks there's
always a chance-no matter how
much trouble he gets into-and
that's one reason he won th inter-
collegiate t ou r n a m e n t at Hot
Springs, Va.
Gaining an early lead on Billy
Howell of Washington and Lee,
Fischer shot near-par golf but saw
Howell gradually close the gap, come
even and finally go one up with
seven holes to play.
On the 32nd, Howell placed his

Group of enate Work
Dr. Charles Sink, candidate for
lieutenant-governor and president
of the School of Music, told the
Men's Education club last night of
his experiences with state educators
as a member of the. Senate. Dr.
Sink explained his work as a mem-
ber of educational boards and com-
Dr. Frederick Ayer, ofthe Univer-
sity of Texas and a visiting fac-
ulty member this 'summer, told the
Women's Education, club at the same
time of the various causes of fail-
ures in schools. Research shows
that lack of co-operation is the
greatest factor in the failure of
teachers, he said.
Mother to Make Plea
For Mooney's Release
A plea for the release of Tom
Mooney, convicted . San Francisco
Preparedness day parade bomber,
will h voiced at R o'clock tnnight

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