f THE MICHIiGAI N DA IL Y SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1932 I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publicaton In the Bull tiin constructive notice to allmeirer of the tlTi erity Co_,py tec1ve aoti".icof the LDean of the Sumrmer Session intU 3:30. exceptIng Sunda. 11:30 a, m. satur y. VOLUME XII SATURDAY, JULY 9, 932 NUMBER 11 Brookhart-Fish Debate: Senator Smith W. Brookkart of Iowa and Congressman Hamilton Fish, Jr, of New York will debate in Hill Auditor- ium on Monday evening, July 11, at 8:15. The subject for the debate will be: "Shall the United States Recognize Soviet Russia?" Reservations should be made now at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre box office. Observatory Nights: The University Observatory will be open to stu- dents of the Summer Session Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, July 11, 12, and 13, from 8:15 to 10 P. M. Admission will be by ticket. Tickets may be obtained in the office of the Summer Session upon the presenta- tion of the treasurer's receipt. Excursion No. 5-Ford Plant. A repetition of excursion No. 3. A visit to the Ford industries at River Rouge will be made the afternoon of Wed- nesday, July 13, leaving at 12:45 and returning to Ann Arbor at 5:30. The inspection tour will include the motor assembly plant, the final assembly line, the open hearth steel mill, the rolling mill, and a motorbus tour of certain other portions of this greatindustrial area. Special buses will take the party directly to the several places visited. Round trip tickets, 1.00; may be secured before Tuesday, July 12, 5:00 p. m. in the Summer Session office, Room 9 University Hall.' Faculty Concert: James Hamilton, Assistant Professor of Voice in the School of Music, assisted by g~aud Okkelberg, Assistant Professor of Piano, will give the following program Tuesday evening, July 12, at, 8:00 in Hill Auditorium. The general public with the exception of small children is invited without admission charge: Haendel: Recitative, "Deeper and Deeper Still;" from "Jephtha"; Air, "Waft Her Angels Thtough the Skies," from "Jephtha"; Aria, 'Sound an Alarm," from "Judas Maccabaeus"; Giordani: "Caro Mio Ben"; Caccini: "Amarilli"; Carissimi: "Vittoria"; Donizetti: Aria, "Una Furtiva Lagrima" from "L'Elisir d'Amore"; Strauss: "Morgen"; Schubert: "Du Bist Die /Ruh"; +Brahms: "O Kuhler Wald"; Brahms: "Vergebliches Standchen"; Rachmaninoff: "At Night"; Mous- sorgsky: "Little Star"; Tchaikovsky: "Pilgrim's Song." Charles A. Sink American Association of University Professors: A meeting of the ;Uni- versity of Michigan Chapter of the American Association of University Professors will be held in the Michigan Union, second floor, on Tuesday evening, July 12, at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of discussing various mat- ters pertaining to the Summer Session. Louis I. Bredvold, Secretary Lost and Found Articles: Students who have lost books or other arti- cles in University buildings or on the Campus should inquire for them in the Secretary's Office, Rtoom 3 University Hall. Articles found on Univer- sity property should be turhed in to this same office. Notice to heads of ,Departments and All Others Interested: Some, saving can be made by disconnecting telephones and having them recon- nected in ample time for the opening of the University in the fall. If you know of any telephone which can be disconnected during the summer1 without interfering with the general efficiency of your department pleasel coni icate the fact to Mr. Frank Clever of the Business Office. * Shirley W. Smith , the score cards and leave them at the Club House. Golf Classes for Women: To stavt Monday, July 11, 4:1:; p. in, at flt, Uniivers it'y Golf Cuu v >f_. lh&i terested should sighi up at, the golf course or telephone 4480. A nominal fee will 'be charged. Ray 0. Courfright, Golf Professional Golf- Classes for Men: To start Tuesday, July '12, 4:15 p. m. at the University Golf Course. Those in- terested should sign up at the golf course or telephone 4480. A nominal fee will be charged.. Ray 0. Courtright, Golf Professional Sports Classes for Women: Short courses four weeks in' length meet- ing two times a week in tennis, golf, and swimming will begin on Mon- day, July 11th. Register now in Room 15, Barbour Gymnasium. The Liberal Student's Unionof the Unitarian Church announces t h e first of a series of summer discus- sions for Sunday Night, July 10, 7:30 p. m. The Subject: "Economic Plan- ning" Refreshments and social hour follow the discussion. The !group will meet in the church parlors, cor- ner State and Huron. Baptist Students: Sunday Noon to 12:35, in west transept of church. Mr. Chapman will speak on "Raus- chenbusch, Modern Prophet of So- cial Justice." At 6:30, at Guild House, 503 E. Huron, social hour, refreshments, anduaddress by Miss M'4ildred Dostert '34M. Wesley Hall. Student Guild at 6:30 p. m. Sunday. Prof. Preston Slosson will speak on "The Function of the Educated Christian Today." Fellowship hour will follow. St. Andrew's Episcopal Church: Sunday 8:00 a. m. Holy Communion. 9:30 a. m. School of Religion for Children. 11:00 a. m. Kindergarten. 11:00 a. m. Morning Prayer anal Sermon by Rev. Duncan E. Mann. Classes in Religion: 10:00 a. m. Harris Hall-Christian Geography. Leader-Miss Ellen Gammack. 8:00 p. m. 725 Oxford Rd.--Chris- tian Philosophy. L e a d e r - Rev. Henry Lewis. Summer Plays: The final perfor- marwe of Stephen Phillips' "Paolo and Francesca" will' be presented in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre to- night at 8:15. C. T. K. Tornado Wrecks Kansas Town; 3 Killed Cermak Seriously III; May Name Successor CHICAGO, July 8.-AP)-Reas- .ring pronouncements from official quarters failed today to quell thl rising concern of Chicago over the health of Anton Cermak, its mayor. While he remained under obser- vation at St. Anthony de Padua hos- pital, the official statements served only to fan speculation over reports his political allies considered his state of health so grave they were thinking of naming an actiig successor. REMEMBER POSTAGE Students were asked yesterday by Postmaster A. C. Pack to remember the increased postage rate which has recently gone into effect. BRIGHT SPOT 802 Packard St. TODAY 11:30 to 1:30 Bacon and Egs with Toast Veti Ci( p Suey witl Rice aded Va Ctle-ts tRoast Pork New Parsley Potitoes sliced Cucumber Tue C'ream: Jell(- - Cake Coffee Milk Punch 30c 5:30 to 7:30 Soup Cubed Beef Steaks Pork Chops Lamb C rop Grilled with Bacon Sausage and Tomato Roast Beef Roast Pork Mashed or Oven Fried Potatoes Sliced Tomatoes - Scalloped Corn Green Beans Pie Cake Jello Strawberry Sundae Coffee-Tea --Milk * 40c i ,r K' Enjoy a Quiet Fourth a- Ink Ass"ae1dPr"ssauco" This scene of destruction, in the little town of Washington, Kas., shows some of the damage wrought by a tornado which killed three persons and injured more than 20 others. Cambria Grange to Make Tour Of University Plant on July 13 - ,Ra M Spend the day on the beautiful Huron iver in one of our High Grade Old Town Canoes. 9 A.M. till 12 P.M. for $2.50 Phone 9313 Saurnders' Canoe Livery on the Huron River; 11 I Plans for a comprehensive tour of the University on July 13 by Cam- bria Grange . of Hillsdale county, have been completed here, it was announced by Carlton F. Wells; sec- retary of the Summer Session, a member of the general committee. The program of inspection was ,ar- ranged when the University learned that the Grange wished to make such a tour the feature of their fifth annual auto trip. Other friends of the Grange ih southetstern Michigan will also be welcomed here, it was said. Dean Edward H. Kraus, o the Summer Session, will give the greet- ings for the University. He will speak at 2 o'clock, immediately after a picnic dinner at Island park. Fol- lowing his address, Mayor H. Wirt Newkirk will deliver the city's greet- ings, and Prof. A. W. Bromage, of the political science department, will speak on "Our County Government." The mass program will be concluded with a community sing led by Rev. Lenz. I Fi JooksandSupphes ntramural Golf: All faculty men, /the intramural golf tournament ng round this week. It is advis- e for each player to turn in more .n one score in order that an rage may be taken from which a idicap tournaipent may be con- icted, if it is found expedient to .duct the play in this way. Sign and men studelts who wish to play this summer should play their quali- WA _.._. PUBIiC DEBA1F / Smith W. Brookhart Vs. Hamilton Fish, Jr. I STEPPING INTO A MODERN WORL Slibj e Shall the U. S. Recognize Russia. t MONDAY, 8:15 P. M FOX THEATRE BLDG., 2nd Floor DETJIWIT - Phone CAdillac 2070, For the conk enicnce of my old friends and customers and for any Man or woman wanting RELIEF FROM FOOT TROUBLES and more comfortable shoes. I will be at my residence, 1120 Lincoln Avenue, AnnArbor Saturdays 9:00 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. During July and August Hill Auditorium Hill Auditorium Main Floor 75c, Balcony 50c Box Office Open All Day Monday - ^t __ ___ __ ..l i } , FOOT SPECIALIST MORE THAN 30 YEARS There are no other shoes like mine in construction and measurements dance toleft lllght I or any night at .o. I_ i the but t I LIMITED ENGAGEMENT' POS(IfVELY wiii not be s.owno nothe.rtheatr. In this city this season. WE URGE YOU TO BUY SEATS NOW Metro - Goidwyn .Mayer has the honor to present the greatest attraction in stage or screen history GRAND HOTEL WITH * GRETA GARBO -* JOHN BARRYMORE * JOAN CRAWFORD * VWALLACE BEERY *. LIONEL DARRYMORE LEWIS STONE JEAN HERSHOLT From the play by Vicki Baum Directed by Edmund Goulding MAJETIC no cover charge ... no extra charge good music ... good food . .. good floor , fingerle operated Michigan Repertory Players Presen .. Stephen Phillips' Delight ful Romance PAOLO AND FRANCESCA" Q rr Striking a balance for a $4,OOO 0,OOOO industry I "On-a large scale" describes account- ing in the Bell System, whose properties cost more than $4,000,000,000. On the outgo side are, for example, four or five hundred million dollars annually for new construction; vast sums for keeping telephone equipment in good order; a payroll running into come are such diverse items as a few cents for a local telephone call, or thirty dollars and upward for a call to a city across the Atlantic. The men responsible for this phase of the telephone business have worked out scientific methods of control-but their effort to refine old practices and devise / I I -- : __.