w THE MICHIGAN DAILY )AILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ublication in.the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the 3rity. Copy received at the office of the Dean of the Summer Session 3:30. excepting Sundays. 1130 a. m. Saturday. ,UME XIII FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1932 NUMBER 10 I Notice to Heads of Departments and All Others Interested: Some. ing can be made by disconnecting telephones and havying them recon- ted in ample time for the opening of the University in the fall. If you w of any telephone which can be disconnected during the summer hiout interfering with the general effiency of your department please imunicate the fact to Mr. Frank Clever of the Business Office. Shirley W. Smith Excursion No. 4-Niagara Falls and Vicinity: The Department ,of >logy will conduct the Summer Session excursion to Niagara Falls as it, for many years. The trip is open to tall students of the Summer Ses- i and their friends. This year total expenses may be kept under $15.00, including an ade- te allowance for iricidentals. This total provides for all the important tures at the Falls as well as for round trip railroad fare, hotel accom- lations, meals, and the like. Further information concerning the itinerary, expenses for individual us of the trip, and other details are available at the Summer Session ce, Room 9 University Hall. Round trip rail tickets must be secured )re Friday noon, July 8. W. H. Hobbs Brookhart-Fish Debate: Senator Smith W. Brookhart of Iowa and gressman Hamilton Fish, Jr., of New York will debate in Hill Auditor- on Monday evening, July 11, at 8:15. The subject for the debate be: "Shall the United States Recognize Soviet Russia?" Reservations ld be made now at. the 'Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre box office. Summer Plays: A special matinee of "Paolo and Francesca" will be n this afternoon at 3:15. There will be no evening performance. Observatory Nights; The University Observatory will be open to stu- ts of the Summer Session Monday; Tuesday, and Wednesday, July 11, and 13, from 8:15 to 10 P. M. Admission will be by ticket. Tickets t be obtained in the office of the Summer Session upon the presenta- of the treasurer's receipt. University Bureau of . Appointments and Ocpupational Infornation: seniors and graduate students interested in securing either business or hing positions will please call- 'at the office, 201 Mason Hall, Tuesday ugh Friday, July 5 through 8 inclusive, for free registration. Hours egistration are from 9 to 12 a. m., and 2 to 4 p. m. International Law' Lecture: Prof. Edwin D. Dickinson, professor of at the University of Michigan, will fpeak on "The Enforcement of In- ational'Law" in 1025 A.H. at 8 p. m. tonight. The public is invited. Faculty Concert: James Hamilton, Assistant Professor of Voice in the aol of Music, assisted by Maud Okkelberg, Assistant Professor of Piano, givp the following program Tuesday evening, July 12, at 8:00 in Hill torium. The general public with the exception of small children is ed without admission charge: Haendel: Recitative, 'Deeper and per Still," from "Jephtha"; Air, "Waft Her Angels Through the Skies,"' i "Jephtha"; Aria, "Sound .an Alarm,' from "Judas Maccabaeus"; dani: '"Caro Mio Ben"; Caccini: "Amarilli"; Carissimi: "Vittoria"; izetti: Aria, "Una Furtiva Lagrima" from "L'Elisir d'Amore"; Strauss: rgen"; Schubert: "Du Bist Die Ruh"; Brahms: "0 Kuhler Wald"; ims: "Vergebliches Standcheiji"; Rachmaniioff: "At Night"; Mous- -church chicken or fish dinner at the hut tonight --sixty cents ... soup todessert... Hultine Will Compare Russian, U. S. Worker Jacob Hultine, who spent several months in Russia as a laborer, will speak at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon on "The Worker i4 Russia and the United States." The lecture, spon- sored by the Socialists club, will be held in Natural Science auditorium. sorgsky: "Little Star"; Tchaikov- sky: "Pilgrim's Song." Charles A. Sink; Intramural Golf: All faculty men and men students who wish to play in the intramural golf tournament this supnmer should play their quali- fying round this week. It is advis- able for each player to turn in more than one score in order that an average may be taken from which a handicap tournament may be con- structed, if it is found expedient to conduct the play in this way. Sign the score cards and leave them at the Club House. Golf Classes for Women: To start Monday, July 11, 4:15 p. m. at the University Golf Course. Those in- terested should sign up at the golf course or telephone 4480. A, nominal fee will be charged. Ray 0. Courtright, Golf Professional Golf Classes for Men: To start Tuesday, July 12, 4:15, p. m. at the University Golf Course. Those in- terested should sign up at the golf course or telephone 4480. A nominal fee will be charged. Ray o. Courtright, Golf Professional Wesley Hal. Mixer and opportun- ity to get,acquainted, Friday, at 8 p. m. All students of the Summer Session invited. The Liberal Student's Union of the Unitarian Church announces t h e first of a series of summer discus- sions for Sunday Ni'ght, July 10, 7:30 p. m. The Subject: "Economic Plan- ning" Refreshments dnd social hour follow the discussion. The group will meet in the church parlors, cor- ner State and Huron. Smith Support For Democrats Pleases P a rty Mills to Open Republican Campaign Monday with Speech at Boston WASHINGTON, July 7.-(AP)- ~Expressions of pleasure without even a note of surprise continued today in Democratic discussions of .Alfred*E. Smith's announcement that he will support the party ticket :and one of their number met criti- ,cism of the reforestation program :advanced by their Presidential can- didate with the statement that it is .quite all right. Meanwhile the only formal ema- nation from the newly-opened Re- publican campaign headquarters in Chicago wgs an announcement by :Everett Sanders, national committee ,chAirm'an, that Secretary Ogden L. :Mills of the treasury would begin )his party's drive in a speech at Bos- ton on Monday. Vice-President Curtis let it be known at Washington that he would be ready to stump the country again this dear if the G. O. P. councils wanted him to. Little public attention was given by Democrats to Smith's belief that "it is not practical, in our country; to start a third party at this. time," although there werd numerous pri- vate talks of what that might mean in the future. From many, including Speaker Garner, Gov. Franklin D. Roose- velt's ticket-mate, there came ex- pressions of gratification. Garner's two-sentence statement just about summarized the general sentiment among Democrats. "When anybody says they are go- ing to support the ticket I am happy to know it," he said. "I have felt all the time that Governor Smith would support the ticket." Men prominent in the public eye usually have hobbies to which their attention turns in spare moments. And with Sen. Smith W. Brookhart, Iowa Republican, who debates here next Monday night in Hill audito- rium' with Hamilton Fish, Jr., New York representative, on the question, of Soviet recognition, it is marks- manship. ISenator Brookhart is an expert rifle =shot. He has participated in numerous state, national and inter- national contests, and captained the all-American Palma rifle team which in 1912 won the world cham- pionship at Ottawa. His expertness in this field called him into service in 'the World war and, in addition to serving as a col- onel and lieutenant-colonel, he was a special instructor in marksman- ship for the eighty-eighth division, national army, the thirty-fourth na- Courtright to Give G 7olf Instructions Beginning Tuesday Coach R. 0. Courtright, assistant coach of the Varsity golf team and for some time joint holder with Johnny Fischer of the University course record, will give, a series of golf lessons for men and women in- terested in the game, it was an- nounced yesterday. The lessons will be given on Tuesdays and Thurs- days, beginning next week. Fundamentals of the gAme such as grip, swing, stance and various shots will be emphasized by Coach Courtright. Those intending to take the les- sons should sign up at the Univer- sity golf course immediately, for classes will be limited to 20. The golf course is located on the Cut- off road, opposite 'the football stadium. tional guard division, and the nine- teenth regular division. Active in Iowa politics for -nany years, Senator Brookhart, whose term expires March 3, 1933, is known as a "progressive" Republi- can. Personally he is a man of strong convictions which he is not slow to defend, and by his vigorous, forceful personality has attained a conspicuous position in public life. In the debate Monday, which opens the special summer series of three lectures, Senator Btookhart wil argut for recognition of Soviet Russia. Rest Cure Is Ordered For Mayor of Chicago CHICAGO, July 7.-(AP)-A rest cure has been ordered for Mayor Anton J. Cermak.f Against his will he was taken to a hospital Wednesday night to re- cuperate from the strain under which he recently worked in, at- tempting to raise money for unpaid city employes and in playing host to the national conventions of the Republicans and Democrats. SWIM at Newport eacIh Portage Lake Senator Brookhart's, Pastime. Brought Him Into War Service Noted Neurologist Dead In Philadelphia at 66 PHILADELPHIA, July 7.-(AP)- Dr. Joseph Leidy, famed as' one of America's leading neurologists, is dead today at the age of 66. After a protracted illness, he died Wednesday night at his home in Penllyn, surrounded by members of his family. Di'. Leidy was born in Philadelphia, the son of -a distin- guished father, Dr. Phillip Leidy, and Penelope Fontaine Maury Leidy. He was graduated from University of Pennsylvania medical school in 1887 and in 1900 was awarded in- signia by the French government for his services in representing the United States on the international jury of hygiene, Paris exposition. BRIGHT SPOT 802 Packard St. TODAY 11:30 to 1:30' Salmon Salad with Potato Chips Fried Perch Spanish Pork Chops Roast Beef Browned Potatoes, Green Peas Macaroni and Cheese, with Meat Loaf, Shredded Lettuce Pineapple Tapioca Pudding, Ice Creamn - Cabe Milk - Coffee - Punch 30c 5:30~ to 7:30 soup Fish Fillets Baked in Tomato Sauce Baby Pike Vegetable Plate with Eggs or Pot Roast qf Beef Breaded Veal Cutlets Tuna Fish Salad Roast Pork, Dressing Sirloin Steak a la Creole Mashed or French Fried Potatoes Spinach, Carrots, Peas, Lettuce Salad Pie - Ice Cream - Cake Coffee Milk Tea 40c I! LYDI A MFN DELSSOH N THEATRE 'MATI N EE TODAY STEPHEN PHILLIP'S ROMANCE PAOLO AND FRANCESCA" All Seats 50c For Reservations Call 6300 v 4 OPENING SATURDAY AND SUNDAY July 9 and 10- at 830 in the evening The Campus Club" Ann Arbor's First and Only Roof Garden Above Slater's State Street Book Store Dancing, with Dining Accommodations BYRON DALRYMPLE and His BELLVEDIER CLUB ORCHESTRA 1I /I SUMMER SCHOOL i f ooks upT.es WAl iR S UNI VERSITY BOOKS TORE We Close at 5 P. M. Except on Saturdays.. a!i Admission 50c a couple IPA mi . r L F, ,, 4. 12 V WHITE KID a . i pI B B S AtnIFs FOO n- u- HIGH. OR a -r r 1 LOW , uT7 rT C )TWEA R The Outstanding Vogue HERE EVERY WHIM AND FANCY CAN BE SATISFIFD AT PRICES THAT PLEASE... The iI1-ular cereal! AND no wonderJ Kellogg's Rice Krispies actually snap and, pop in milk or cream. That's how crisp these crunchy rice bubbles are. And what a tempting flavor! Toasted rice grains. Packed with taste! Great for any meal., Ask for Rice Krispies at your fraternity house or cam pus restaurant. Enjoy with milk or cream. Delicious served with canned peaches. Try them as a quick-lunch suggestion or for a late snack. Nourishing and extra easy to digest. Kellogg's Rice Krispies are the only cereal so crisp it crackles in cream. RICE KR1SPIES READY TO EAF z+s°''tDDauaxtsm ' KELLOG40 AHy peter da ar 3 IH E SE wo little' "SCALL A- WAGS" have set the town atalk.- ing. They will accompany dour costumes with an inspired chic- yet their cost meets the, most mogdest ugt r $' __n and Al OtraO4 Coo "SCALLAWAGS" come in lightweight felt. You -I /11 i- n - 1