THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1' - _ The Michigan Daily Established 1890 Published every morning except Monday during the Uiversity year and Summer Session by the Board in Obntrol of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- tion and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. l, nteried at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as sec nclass matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $1.50. During xegular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Student Publications Bu-ilding, Maynard Street,. Ann Arbor, Michgan. Phone: 2-1214. Representatives: Littell-Murray-Rutsky, Inc., 40 East Thirty-fourth Street, 'New York City; $0 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass.; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, I11. Music and Drama EDITORIAL STAFF Office Hours: 2-12 P.M.. Director...... ..... Beach Conger,yJr. a r t...........r. .. ....o..r.. Carl S. Forsythe toi .. ,...... ..;,..,.....David M. Nichol N s litor ....... .........Denton Kunze , grpmit r.........Toas Connellan Aiftat City Editor............ uy M. Whipple, Jr. BUSINESS STAFF Office Hours: S-12; 2-5 except Saturdays Bi*ess l naer .Charles T. -Kline .. A att Sftiess..a.nager......:.....Norrs P. Johnson THURSDAY, JMLY 7, 1932 Polities: A Field For College Grduates. . It has been traditional that the only way to enter the field of politics, meaning both politics and ornment service, has been via the profes- sion of law. Today, with employment so difficult to obtain, the average college graduate should be able to enter this field of endeavor without the legalistic training. College students, as a rule, have never serious- ly conidered politics as one of the fields from whih to choose a vocation. The Yale ally News recently gave as its reason for this condition the crookedness of politics. A series of interviews with other college editors, however, brought out afteth point, namely that politicians and gov- effiinent' servants were too poorly paid. And so, with comparative riches beckoning from the coiimercial field,'-most graduates have postponed political careers until a sizeable income has af- forded them leisure and experience to try for better positions. Tofey, ho vever, few menibers of the classes of 1if W or 1932 are willing to let the ejuestion of the ramount of compensation ente- into the problem of getting a job. All are willing to take anything, aid await promotion to better fields during bet- terA times. And in considering his possibilities for fatre -ervce, the yong man might well reflect oft the gains to be made by serving his country. We believe college men would constitute an ex- cellent class from which to recruit public serv- ants. While a college training does not neces- saily turn out a hearty back-slapper or a polish- ed rhetorician it does turn out a man who sfbuld be able to mingle with large groups of ay type and be at ease with them. It usually trains a man in the theoretical aspect of govern- \ment and also teaches him the practical me- chanics of iA. He studies, from afar, of course, the sc1al, economic, political and religious ques- tions facing the country, and althougl this class- rion work nay be far fibm practical, it gives him a background with which to start. Colege men would do politics a great deal f g$.d. They should raise the general tone of poli- tics above that which it has now; thse men es- pecially who bemoan the ignorance and apparent stttpidity of politicians in power could show their \wtllingness to help by entering the field. Perhaps a generation of college men in legislative as well as other brahches of the government would create a governmental class which wold lack sohe -of the defects of the present one. It is in the very nature of a college that it should train men for public service. This was Woodrow Wilson's conception of a university, and he attempted to carry out his philosophy in the academic world at 'Princeton. With the many fields open in politics, there is no reason why the well-equipped college graduate should not rise to prominence in this manner and yet perform a service to his fellow men of greater value than he might in the comnniercial world. Such Fl*ihs Are Useless.. .. There was some small point in the first of the tmans-Atlantic flights. It was a demonstration of the fact that the airplane might someday be- come a factor in trans-oceanic communication, in fthe carrying of passengersibetween Europe and America, and in the expedition of mail serv- ices,. But there has been no point to the flights which have been attempted since that time. Airplanes have improved but slightly since the day in 1927 when Lindbergh flew to France. Many of the projected flights have reached a tragic ending ti some unknown part of the ocean. Others have proved disastrous before they ever reached the outer limits of land. Only one lesson is to be learned from these subsequent flights, and that 'is the fact that air travel and communication, uider the conditions which surround oceanic fly-' ing, is not yet safe and will not become an ac- complished factor in civilization for some time. It is to this same 'class that the flight of James Matters and Bennett Griffin must be allocated. "Spectacular" it certainly is, "hazardous," no one will deny. Perhaps they will break the Post- Gatty record. But what .of it? FACULTY CONCERT A Review By Mary Spaulding, '34SM For the opening summer concert, held Tuesday evening in Hill auditorium, several faculty mem-v bers of the School of Music combined their tal- ents to present a truly musical program', Beethoven's "Trio" Opus 1, No. 3, the first number offered, was expertly performed. The Mozartean quality of this early Beethoven was nicely interpreted by Mr. Besekirsky, violinist, MV. Pick, cellist, and Mr. Brinkman, pianist. Their tone was good, both individual and corpor- ate, and indicated much playing together. They have a sensitive attitude toward their music and have shown intelligence by sufficiently suppres- sing their own personalities to produce fine en- semble work. Miss Thelma Lewis was the soloist, on the pro f ;ram. Despite tonally uncertain moments and an verstraining at times, she sh'owed herself tor :ave a definite histrionic ability and a voice of< brilliant timber. Her first number was a Mas-a senet aria which was a bit beyond her power. Her rendition of Sadero's "In Mezo al Mar," how- -ver, was charming. She does this sort of thing Nell and, at times, wins her audience completely. Why not offer more of it? Dunhill's "The Cloths >f Heaven," Brahms' "Alte Liebe," and Clokey's 'Dawn" were also included by her o the pro- gram. Turina's "Theme and- Variations -- Sonate" )roved the trio's versatility. A little uncomfor- tablyj placed on a program containing BeethovenY and Cesar Franck, it nevertheless held its own1 Iuite well. A light, attractive piece, it proved to be entertaining., Franck's "Sonate for Piano and Violin"-one of/his three best chamber works-was performed 2apably and with feeling. Mr. Brinkman and Mr. Besekirsky were so absorbed in this music that they were completely "in" it. In fact, the hearert listened to Franck rather than to the perfor-j mers. This sonate is a lovely work. It has a cer~ tain closeness, a restrained intensity, a passion- remembered-jn-solitude quality that is compell-1 ng. It is the type of music that is usually tri- outed to the older masters only, so great is its beauty. And yet it was written in the latter part of the nineteenth century. Its performance this evening had a moral attached, a moral that said: there is something new under the sun, and it does not have to be erratic to be4w, Screen 'ReeIecions "GRAND 'OTEL" COMING TO THE MAJESTIC THEATRE At last-the year's big picture, which Ann Ar- bor has been waiting for, has been announced for local presentation. "Grand Hotel," an M-G-M production, will be shown as a legitimate engagement at the Majestic theatre beginning a week from today and running through Friday and Saturday. This is the first time since the days of "Ben- Hur" that any picture has been "roadshowed" nationally. Two shows will be given here on the 14th, 15th and 16th each, one at 2:30 and another at 8:30. All seats for these shows are reserved, and tickets may be purchased now, the manage- ment states. The cast of "Grand Hotel" has been termed by the produ- , errs as the most remarkable ever assembled for a single production, for it includes, . Greta Garbo, John Barrymore, - Joan Crawford, Wallace Beery, Lionel Barrymore, Lewis Stone, Jean Hersholt, Tully Marshall and others. Edmund Goulding directed the show from a spe- **QPM 0 cial motion picture treatment prepared with the assistance of Vivki Baum, au- thor of the play. (Goulding's recent productions are "The Trespasser" and "Devil's Holiday.") Goulding says his intention in bringing Miss Baum's stage success 'to the screen was to use the camera as a "walking personality," letting it follow the tangled destinies of the central char- actors as would an invisible onlooker, and as did Miss Baum in the book. B. C. AT THE MAJESTIC "THE FAMOUS FERGUSON CASE" KIND: Contrast of conservative and sensa- tional journalism. STARRING: Joan Blondell. FEATURING: Grant Mitchell, Vivienne Os- borne, Adrienne Dore. BEST SHOT: The husband of the woman whom the sensational reporters have brought to her death enters the room to have it out with the tabloid representative. WORST SHOT: A tiresome harangue delivered by the aforementioned tabloid journalist, this time attempting to make the country' sob-sister go wrong. RATINGs: Good, but the mule-kick it might have has been robbed by other movies treating the same theme. OTHER A TTRACTIONS: .Edgar K e n n e d y comedy fairly good); travelogue (boring); and news (with another tiresome fest of horse-races). A Washington BYSTANDER By Kirke Simpson WASHINGTON, July 6.-(AP)-One of those many unwritten books The Bystander would like to read is Al Smith's personal narrative of his political career. Perhaps it would disclose the real story of the break between Friend Al and Friend Frank Roosevelt that has played so large a part in current American political history. If there was one question more than any other asked during the democratic convention, it was ps to that. Washington political reporters are supposed to know all about those things when men of presi- dential nomination caliber are involved. Not On The 'Inside' men; but it even was reflected in some parts of the party platform adopted in Chicago. A thought of all this came to The ,Bystander during the Chicago meeting, while Smith was making his dramatic and powerful appeal for adoption of the prohibition plank, flatly favoring repeal of the a-mendment.' ie was in good form, the crowd was with him on the floor and in the galleries. Victory for the plank that well could be styled the Smith plank was asured. Smith was soon to be placed in nomination for another try as party standard bearer. Yet ihere was something about him, assured, positive, dominating as he appeared then, that suggested he did not expect to win. "I was four years ahead of my time (on re- peal)" h, said, "and just look what has happen- ed to me," Is This A (Au Cai that e- a clue to the bveak between Friend Al and Friend Frank? Does it imply that to Smith's mind it should have been the part of Friend Frank to carry on again for Friend Al rather than go out for the no ,ination oil his own hook? Who but Friend Al knows. Editorial Comment .,.. ' iI BORAH FOR PRESIDENT ON PROHIBITION TICKET? (Ann Arbor Daily News) The Prohibition party is striving to take ad- vantage of a situation to get a real foothold in national politics. Some of its leaders, notably National Chairman D. Leigh Colvin, believe that the resubmission and repeal planks of the two major parties, combined with Senator Borah's bolt from the Republican platform because of the convention's action on the eighteenth amend- ment, offer an opportunity for a strong impres- sion to be made in the November election by an organization that hitherto has been merely per- functory. Borah is an out-and-out dry. Both the Repub- licans and Democrats have gone wet, in the es- timation of many prohibitionists. So why not effort to deflect the prohibitionists from both major parties and, with Borah as the pres- idential candidate, give them a real run for their money? It looks like a chance to do something. But probably more harm than good would be done to the prohibition cause. Only by something closely resembling a poli- tical miracle could the Prohibition party's presi- dential candidate get to first base. Borah prob- ably would struggle along farther than any other dry political leader, but a victory for him is in- conceivable. With all the drys from -both the Re- publican and Democratic ranks supporting him, he might get into the White house, but he would not have such support. The conservative drys- and they are legion-are likely to stand by their parties, realizing that, regardless of whether the next President is a Republican or Democrat, the eighteenth amendment cannot be removed from the Constitution except by the will of the people. The Republican plank pledges resubmission, but the party did not go wet. The Democratic plank pledges resubmission, and the party went wet. But the party's attitude will have little ef- fect, in either case, on the outcome of the prohi- bition battle. The people of three-fourths of the states, expressing their wills through state con- ventions, must sanction repeal before it can go into effect. A victory for either of the major parties at the polls next November will not mean a victory for the wet cause. Resubmission only is pledged. And why should the Prohibitionists oppose resubmission? Why should they decline to refer the important issue to a decision by the voters of the nation? The Prohibition party, with Senator Borah as the presidential candidate, presumably would be pledged to prevent the issue from coming to a vote. Pledged, in other words, to refrain from recognizing a cardinal principle of Democratic government. Why organize against resubmission, when re- submission offers a decision by the people? Should not the drys, who succeeded in their cru- sade for national prohibition only by virtue of that constitutional right to submit such ques- tions to the people, refuse to listen this time to the voice of the nation? Why should they, ap- parently so confident of the support of the Amer- ican citizens, decline to let, the citizens express themselves? Many drys do not take that attitude; Many be- lieve a new showdown is necessary. Many will vote their party tickets and let nature take its course. The time for this prohibition crusade will be after congress votes to submit the question. A third party, dedicated to the cause of pre- venting submission, could not make much of an impression-with or without Borah, And we en- tertain the notion thakt Mr. Borah is well aware of that fact G(O1D OLD SOL (Daily Illini) Worshippers of Apollo, we salute thee! It is becoming increasingly evident that a number of sun tan complexions are in the process of man- ufacture on the campus. These heroes who pos- sess the intestinal fortitude to face the multitude in a Toyally sizzled epidermis deserve something or other which we do not or never will have the power and authority to award. Old Sol's rays were made for something else besides nourishing the garden onions, but it was hardly for the purpose of putting on a complex- ion that resembles a Londoner's nose after 'three weeks on the left bank. Here, in the interests of humanity and the University students in partic- ular, we draw.the line. For the ladies, to the ladies, and at the ladies ii particular we hurl our bouquets of pansies and advice. If you must take sun baths do it gradually and not with the ven- geance that results in a partial peeling on the second day. There was a bride's cook book or a booklet on "Forty Ways to Make a Gin Rickey," (we forget which) in which we once read a receipe for mak- ing toast. It recommended that you put the toast on, burn it to a crisp, and then take it to the sink and scrape it. Needless to say this does not work out so well on the human frame when an even complexion is desired both by the posses- sor and the poor public that must view the awful spectaoie dyring classes and at other hodirs when it is inevitable that one must stay awake at least part of the time. i , i 1 1 4 I Do 0 THIAT' GRE~im ~ _ _ - ,_-.iii{ OU { Inowv 11