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July 07, 1932 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1932-07-07

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The Weather
Local showers and thunder
storms Thursday and possibly
Friday; little change in tem-


atritan Iasii
Official Publication of The Summer Session

Politics: A Field for College
Graduates; Such Flights Are



G.o0.P. Wets
To Campaign,
For Beer Bill
Will Vote on Home Loai
Bank Bill's Rider for
Legal 3.2 Brew
Platform Framed.
By Prohibitionists
Several Planks Known to
B e Objectionable t o
Senator Borah.
WASHINGTON, July 6.--(AP)-A'
campaign 'to marshal out sentiment
behind A demand for a vote this
session on beer for revenue legisla-
tion was opened today by Republi-
can arlti-pfohibitionists.
Meanwhile in the senate, the beer
forces looked for, a vote tomorrow
on the Bingham proposal-advanced
as a "rider" on the home loan bank
bill-to legalize 3.2 per cent beer.
To Petition For Vote -
The beer drives in the house took
the form of a plan to petition
Speaker Garner and. Representati e
Snell, of New York, the Republican
leader, for an immediate vote em-
phasizing the governments need for
the revenue' that would be derived.
"The petition to the Speaker," said
representative Britten (R., Ill.,)
"will say, for example, that the
Speaker should appear before the
rules committee and the Volstead
act be made the immediate order of
business in the house and that Con-
gress should not adjourn until a beer
for revenue bill is passed."
The meeting! of the house wet
block went on record for repeal of
the 18th ,*mendment and agreed to1
urge a vote on that question also
this session if possible.
Drys Adopt Platform
A platform upon which Senator
Borah. -clearly would refuse to run
was adopted today by the prohibi-
tion party's national convention over
the objection of a group that has4
been beseeching the Idaho states-l
man to accept the party's presiden-1
tial nomination.
Foremost among the planks to
which torah would object was one
calling for American adherence toc
the World court. The senator was
a leader in thle fight against enter-t
ing the court' in 1926 . and occupies
a similar position now.
Leaders of the group who had
been endeavoring to make Borah thec
nominee sought the adoption of a
one-plank platform-declaring forl
the maintenance and enforcement;
of the 18th amendment--leaving thel
nominee free to take his own stands
on economic and international is-T

Fifty Students Visit Ford
Factory on Third Excursion

There were thirty to start with,
but, as some one remarked; we grew
with the heat. When' all the private
cars had arrived there must have
been well over fifty. All the way to
River Rouge we read "The Ford In-
dustries," handed us before depar-
ture. After that nothing was a
conplete surprise, except that the
place was so busy. And we can
record one disappointment; only-
we did fail to see the much-touted
Spring and Upset building, the name
of which the booklet does not ex-
Mr. Ford had us sign a visitor's
card, waiving-all claim to redress if
we fell into a rolling mill, under a
stamp hammer, or picked up a,
white-hot casting. (This, with'H. G.
Wells story, "The Cone," which we
read recently, set our mind firmly
on the murder possibilities of a com-
fortable little factory like that, at
River Rouge.) Evidently, however,
it is customary to survive, for be-
neath this waiver are four questions:
1. Are you interested in buying a
Ford car? 2. A Ford truck? 3. A
Lincoln? 4. Are you satisfied with
the car you have? We answered
"Yes to the first thtree and a vehem-
LiasGt Issued
Of Teachers
In Law Group

ent "No" (not having any) to the
last, and look forward to communi-
cations and possible freeirides. That
is, until the , dealer looks up our
credit rating.
- Once inside, we marveled- as al-
ways at the possibilities of belt con-
veyors and the tremendous distances
of the plant. Crowded into the one
bus to cover the stretches between
Ford's far-flung buildings, we en-
joyed, ,moreover, lifeboat-life inti-
macy. From our own point of view
we could nipely make out three va-
rieties of st aw hats and a lady in a
blue dress, who was rhythmically
easing a shoe off and on, with evi-
dent relief. It was a party.
Niagara Falls
Study Guide
Professor Hobbs Tells of
Advantages of Trip This
' - -
Many students have already sign-
ed up for the 28th annual University
excursion to Niagaral Falls, it was
learned last night. Prof. William H.
Hobbs, noted geologist, who con-
ducts the annual pilgrimage stated
that reservations can still be made
in the office of the Summer Ses-
Professor Hobbs described the
Falls as one of the greatest "clocks
we have for the study of geologic
history." For centuries, he said, the
rock has been worn away by the
water, 'and. during this time the
world had gone through many geo-
logic changes, all of which are re-
corded at Niagara.
Many are unable to understand
the full significance of this phe-
nomenon, he said, without the ;ac-
companying explanation of a geolo-
gist. A special car will take the
Michigan party through the Gorge,
and stops will be made whenever de-
sired. Professor Hobbs said that a
boat ride.on the "Maid of the Mist"'
which will take the party under-
neath the Canadian falls, and a de-
scent into the "Cave of the Winds"
will be interesting features of the


Releases 'Who's
for International

Field Conference
Thirty-six' teachers of interna-
tional law are attending the confer-
ence in their field, it was stated yes-
terday by Lawrence Hartwig, '33L,
registrar of the meeting. Those, at-
tending, and the institutions they
represent, are as follows:.
E. L. Adams, Universityr of Illi-
nois; Ruth E. Bacon, Wellesley col-
lege; 'Margaret Ball, University of
California; William 'W. Bishop, Jr.,
Michigan; Howard B. Calderwood,
Michigan; John B. Clark, Mercer
university; Archibald Currie, David-
son college.
James W. W. Daniels, Wesleyan
college; R. L. Dillard, Baylor uni-
versity; Eleanor H. Finch, Washing-
tqn; Arthur Funston, Earlham col-
,iege; Herbert L. Ganter, Georgetown
university; Robert Gatke, Willamette
university; Max H. Guyer, University
of Maine.
Solly A. Hartz6, Lake Forest col-
lege; A. E. Hindmarsh, Harvard uni-
versity;, Mary Hinsdale, Grand
Rapids Junior college; Irby C. Hud-
son, Vanderbilt university; Almeda
M. Janney, University of Toledo.';
Florence E. Janson, Rockford col-
lege; Samuel M. LePage, Penn col-'
lege; James T. Lowe, Georgetown
university; S. A. MacCorkle, South-
western college; Frank A. Mgruder,
Oregon State college;john B. Mason,
University of Wisconsin.
Ralph C. McDanel, University of
Southern M e t h o d i s t university;
Montell E. Ogdon, Texas Technologi-
Richmond; Sam D. Myres, Jr.,
cal college; Laura M. Osgood, Michi-
gan; Lawrence Preuss, Michigan$
Helen Dwight Reid, University of
Andrea G. Ronhovde, University
of North Dakota; Franklin C. Sewell,
Georgetown university; Frank A.
Wellman, Phillips university; Pay-
son S. Wild, Harvard university,
and Ivan Stayanoff, University of

Smith Stands
By Roosevelt
And Garner
Says Formation of Third
Party Not Practical at
This Moment
Will Not Run For
State Governor
Leaders Plan Drive of
Four Months in Rural
Sections First.
NEW YORK, July 6.-(AP)-Al-
fred E. Smith said today he would
support the nominees of the Demo-
cratic Party, after expressing an
opinion that the formation of a third
party would not be practical "at
this time."
Smith amplified a prepared state-
ment in the affirmative just once
to say that his declaration of sup-
port for the Democratic Party in-
cluded support for its nominees,
Roosevelt and Garner, neither of
whom was mentioned by name in
the statement.
Refuses to Forecast Victory
His answers to all other inquiries
were negative. He would not say
whether he would "take the stump"
for the ticket" or what he thought
of the party's chances in November.
He denied he intended to run for
Governor, and said his chief inter-
est of the moment was to "get a
little rest."
Roosevelt Plans Drive
While Smith was clearing the po-
litical atmosphere, Roosevelt man-
agers were making plans for a cam-
paign unique in modern day poli-
tics. They intepd to start their four-
month drive for votes in the rural
sections and leave the campaign in
metropolitan centers until the end.
This is much the same strategy fol-
lowed in 1930 when Roosevelt was
seeking re-election as Governor and
in the pre-Convention campaign
when the support of delegates was
being sought.
With a frown on his face, the
"happy warrior of 1928" gave out
the following statement in his sky-
scraper office:
"I want my friends all over the
country to know that my heart is
full of gratitude for the /loyalty
which they have displayed towards
me. Since the nomination was
made at Chicago and continuing
to this moment, I have been receiv-
ing thousands of letters and tele-
grams from them looking to me for
advice and suggestion; tousands
more making definite suggestions to
me. Obviously, it will be impossible
for me to reply to them idividually."
Players Schedule
Afternoon Show'
For Play Friday
"Paolo and Francesca," a romantic
dramatization of Dante's iminortal
love story, which opened a four-day
run last night at the Lydia Men-
delssohn theatre, will be given at a
speci'al matinee performance Friday,
taking the place of the regular night
The scheduling of the matinee
performance was made so as not to
conflict with the reception to be
held Friday night in the League by
the deans of the various schools and
colleges for students of the Summer
Session. Prices for the matinee have
been substantially reduced.
The current play, the second of

the seven being given this summer
by the Repertory players, is under
the direction of Thomas Wood
Stevens, director of the Little
Theatre Guild, of St. Louis.
A cast of more than 20 persons,
headed by Alan Handley and Mil-
dred Todd, is presented.in Paolo and
Francesca. Both Mr. Handley and
Miss' Todd have appeared in numer-
ous campus dramtic productions.
Season tickets, on sale at the
theatre box office in the League, are
being offered for the remainder of
the plays at reduced prices.
Plan Methodist Mixer
For Tomorrow Night
A mixer for Methodist students
will be held at 8 o'clock tomorrow
night in Wesley hall. The event is
lannnd to prmit the seven hndred.

Three Wolverine
Wrestlers Leave
For Final Tryouts
Carl Dougovito, captain of last
season's Michigan wrestling team
and intercollegiate champion in the
158-pound division, left Ann Arbor
Wednesday with Joe Woodard and
Bob Hewitt, former Wolverine grap-
plers, for Columbus, 0., where they
will compete in the final Olympic
trials, starting today.
Dougovito won his way to the fl-
nals by virtue of his ascendancy to
a national title. Hewitt, a finalist in
the 1928 Olympics at Amsterdam,
gained the finals of this year's trials
by winning the 123-pound title in
the National Y. M. C. A. meet at
Grand Rapids last week. Woodard,
a graduate of the University in 1931,
was runner-up in the 134-pound
class in the f"Y" meet.
Crisis Breaks
Up Meetings
At Lausanne
Fifteen Minute Session
Ends' in Franco-German
LAUSANNE, Switzerland, July 6.
-(AP)--The Reparations confer-
ence reached a crisis tonight when
six-powe negotiations, started with
confident predictions that a final
agreement soon would be reached,
broke up within fifteen minutes.
Spokesmen for France and Ger-
many, whose deadlock has made
accord difficult, expressed pessimism
as the delegates of the six leading
powers abandoned for the night
their attempt to get together.
The British retained their optim-
ism, expressing hope an agreement
would be completed tomorrow.-
Before the delegates of the six
leading powers sat down together
for what turned out to be an sur-
prisingly brief session, it had been
said that they would stick it out
to dawn, if necessary. An official
British statesman asserted at that
time that the French and Germans
had arrived at an accord on virtu-
ally all points at issue.
Premier Edouard Herriot of France
and Chancellor Franz von Papen of
Germany refused to yield on the
amount of the final settlement and
on the political clauses. They will
meet alone tomorrow morning.
Failure to clench the accoi'd was
attributed to a nervous heaIache
from which Prime Minister Mac-
Donald was suffering as a result of
the strenuous negotiations. It was
explained that the prime minister,
as a result of the headache, lacked
the force needed to put the accord
Smith, Yoakum to Give
Talks on Education
Dean H. L. Smith, of the school
of education at the University of
Indiana, will deliver his second lec-
ture here at 2 o'clock today when
he speaks on "The National Educa-
tion Association" in the University
High School auditorium. Dean
Smith is treasurer of the associa-
Vice-President C. S. Yoakum, of
the University, who is in charge of
educational research, will speak be-
fore the 4 o'clock conference in the
auditorium today. His topic will be
"Recent Trends in Examination
The second series of games in the
Men's Education club baseball series
will be played at 4 o'clock this aft-
ernoon on Ferry field.

Griffin to Talk on
Depression Lessons
Dean Clare E. Griffin, of the
School of Business Administra-
tion, will speak a 5 o'clock this
afternoon in Natural Science au-
ditorium on the topic, "The Busi-
ness Depression and Some of Its
Dean Griffin is the author of
"Principles of Foreign Trade"
and "Life History t of Automo-
biles," and has contributed to
numerous magazines. He .has
also held several positions of im-
portance with the government.
Smith Speaks
On Education
Council Work
Indiana Dean Says Group
Is Developing Different
Economy of time, supervision,
health; character education and
higher education have been some
of the problems studied by the Na-
tional Council of Education, accord-
ing to Dean H. L. Smith, of the In-
diana school of education. Dean
Smith is a former president of the
52 Years Old
The Council, Dean Smith said,
came into existence 52 years ago in
response to a need for a small group
of educational leaders to discuss and
make pronouncements concerning
fundamental school problems. Dur-
ing the past half century the or-
ganization has been interested in a
wide range of problems in elemen-
tary, secondary and higher educa-
Next year, according to Dean
Smith, the program of the Council
includes work on developing a
philosophy of education for differ-
ent school levels and the evaluation
of the report of the, National Survey
of Secondary Education.
The most famous committees
sponsored by the association have
been the committee of 10, which
dealt with secondary education, the
committee of 15, which considered
elementary education, and the com-
mittee of 12, concerned with rural
Reorganized Last Year
From 1880 to 1900, the National
Council was the foremost educa-
tional agency for research in the
United . States, Dean Smith said.
Since that time other agencies have
grown in importance. As a conse-
quence the Council this year effected
a reorganization of its purpose. - Its
aim now is to evaluate and make
pronouncements conceining research
investigations conducted under other
auspices. Its membership has been
increased from 51 to 172 members,
now under the leadership of Dr.
Wlliam C. Bagley of Teachers col-
lege, Columbia university.

H1ave Ex<
For 954


New York..........
St. 'Louis ...........
Boston ............

Fliers Cross Sea
For New Record;
Leave For Russia

Globe Circlers 10 Hours
Ahead of Old Mark as
They Leave Berlin
Stop There Three.
Hours to Refuel

Flight to




(By Associated Press)
At one o'clock this morning,
no word had been received of
the round the world fliers, Mat-
tern and Griffin, who left Berlin
yesterday for Moscow.
BERLIN, July 6.-(AP)-James
Mattern and Bennett Griffin, two
young Americans who are itching to
girdle the globe by air faster than
anyone ever has, b ought their red,
white and blue monoplane down'at
Tempelhof Airdrome this afternoon
after a record-breaking trans-At-
lantic crossing, and 3 hours and 20
minutes later they roared into the
air again enroute to Moscow.
They were 10 hours and AS min-
utes ahead of Wiley Post and Harold
Gatty; the American airmen whose
round-the-world time of eight days
15 hours and 51 minutes they are
tryi g to beat, when they' started
along the brightly lighted flying
route toward Koenigsberg.
"Tired? Not a bit of it," said
Mattern, when they lapided here at
5:40 p. m. (11:40 a. m. Detroit time).
They spurned sleep.
When they took off .for ,
at 9 p. m. (3 p. m. Detroit time),
they faced a hop of 950 miles. The
sun already had set. Ahead lay
good weather.
"Berlin Looks Good"
"Berlin looks great, hope see you
this week-end," said M'ttern in a
message sent to his wife back home
just before the beginning of the
Moscow leg of the fliglit.
"Why, they'll reach Moscow in no
time with the weather as it is and
the worst of the flight behind them,"
predicted Hermann Koehl, friend of
Mattern and veteran of the Bre-
men's air crossing of the Atlantic
from east to west.
Mattern and Griffin were mighty
pleased when they landed here.
Here's why:
They already had a margin of two
hours and 55 minutes on Post and
Soviet Debater
W as harvard
Representative Fish Has
Had Vried Career in
Political Field
From graduation in a large east-
ern, university to the nation's law
making body- in the short space of
10 years that is the story of, the
meteoric career of Hamilton Fish,
Jr., qepresentative from New York,
who, with Sen. Smith W. Brookhart,
of Iowa, will debate here next Mn-
day night in Hill auditorium on the
question of Soviet recognition by the
United States.
Not only does the public record of
Rep. Fish read like the pages of a
story book, but his undergraduate
career at Harvard can be pointed to
with pride. Graduating in 1910 with
an A.B. degree, he finished a four-
year course in three years, with cum
laude honors. In addition, he cap-
tained the Crimson eleven in his
senior year.
Following his graduation from the
law school at Harvard, Fish became
active in politics in New York state.
From 1914 to 1916 he was a mem-
ber of the state assembly and, when
Edmund Plat' resigned his seat in
the sixty-sixth Congress, Fish was
appointed to fill the vacancy. From
the sixty-seventh to the seventy-sec-
ond Congresses, his re-election has

Heredity Now,
Aid to Courts
In Law Suits
Shull Tells of Recent Cases
Where Science Decides


Wednesday's Results
Boston 5, St. Louis 4.
Other games, rain.

Chicago .,
Boston ...
Phillies ..,
St. Louis
New York.

...... 39
. 36





Heredity has at last taken its
place in the limelight of court pub-
So it was said yesterday by Prof.
Franklin Shull of the department
of zoology in a lecture at the Na-
tural Scence auditorium. For years,
said Prof. Shull, the other scfences,
notably psychiatry, played an im-
portant role in judicial proceedings
while heredity remained in the back-
ground; but more recently, especial-
ly in the Watkins-Bamberger baby
case, heredity has taken its place in
the spotlight.
There are four types of blood, Dr.
Shull pointed out, based on agglu-
tinogen in the red ells and agglu-
tinin in the serum. In the famous
Bamberger-Watkins case, he said, it
was founc,-that the Watkins' must
have produced a Group I child and
since the child given them was not
of this group, the babies were ex-
"The mixing of babies in hospitals,
desertions, and the return of pur-
ported longlost heirs," Dr. Shull
concluded, "happens often enough
to make a means of identification
"A notable case," remarked Dr.

Wednesday's Results
Cincinnati 6-2, Brooklyn 4-3.
St. Louis 4, Boston 2.
Pittsburgh 4-3, New York 2-1.
Chicago 6, Phillies 1.

-v- -

'Lary Given Warthin 'Dance
Of Death Collection of Prints

Bridge, Dancing, Refreshments
To Feature Deans' Reception

For six centuries men have given
attention to the "Dance of Death."
In the course of this time, the rep-'
resentations have been numerous
and varied. The motive has ap-
peared not only in drawing . and
painting but also in the drama and
in poetry.
A little more than a year ago the
late Prof. Aldred S. Warthin, of the
Medical school, published a study of
the physician as he appears in these
various representations. His book
is entitled "The Physician of the
Dance of Death." A large collection
of books and plates were included in
the study for this book, and' the col-

through history and also of the po-
sition which was accorded to him
by. society.
The exact origin of the motive is
not known, Dr. Warthin says, but
he adds that it probably began in
the religidus dramas of the early
Middle Ages. The "Dance of Death"
is to be found on the walls of many
of the monasteries, churches and
charnel houses of the period. Death
is shown as a skeleton, dancing away
with its victims.
Six distinct periods in the evolu-
tion of the conception are traced.
The first is the period of the great

Tea dancing proved to be popular
with the Summer Session students
yesterday as over 150 people gather-
ed at the League for the first all-
campus dance.
This was the first of a series of
parties to be held every Wednesday
throughout the Summer Session,
and was held under the direction of
the dean of women's office. The
main purpose' of the gatherings is
to permit students to become ac-
quainted with one another.
Officially * opening the summer so-
cial season, the deans' reception will
take place tomorrow night at the
League. Deans of t h e various
schools will be present to meet the
Summer Session students.

other members of the University,"
she said.
Because of the large crowd that
attended the party last year, it has
been necessary to make the ruling
that no one will beyallowed to enter
the ballroom without a partner. A
reception committee will be on hand,
however, to introduce those students
who come without partners, Miss
McCormick said.
The reception line will begin at
8:30 o'clock. Dancing and cards
will begin at the same -time-danc-
ing lasting until 1 o'clock.
Hostesses at the tea dance yester-
day afternoon were Annette Cum-
m i n g s, Agnes Graham, Virginia
Ladd, Betty Neal, Harriet White,

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