IT jI'H E MI I C I .IGA ,N--flA I t a a. .,.s s ssi .#.#.. 4 , A-P - JL AL JLj JL FAUE THREE Bioak ebi m r, oyo- P-a limeExeavationI Weary Democras Fall As4leep (UAl J77TI7IV.- aJ As. ociatedtr~Ph :to Democratic delegates yawned and dozed as their national cc v :.non wentL into its fis ilngtses- sion in Chicago. Some of the delegates-as this picture shows-went to clep when faige v(( .ame them toward morning. Washington Foiled by Snlow Storm The most famous kidnaping, i1 American history is the Lino:',,rg kidnaping because bad weather )er- haps prevented the abduction of George Washington, records of a Hessian officer reveal. The records were found among the Sir Henry Clinton papers and now are in the historical collection of William L. Clemens of .Bay City, Mich., a regent of the University of Michigan. Had it been an age of automobiles and hardsurfaced highways t he plot might have succeeded. Geneyal Knyphausen, Hessian officer. had been left to watch \VVashingon's forces while Sir Clinton beseciged Charlston. Washington wvas at Ford's house, some distance from his forces, but before British cavalry could dash across the frozen Hud.son on the kidnap raid snow som blocked the roads. All Camu~s Llfr To Be Closed Ttn All the campus libraries, includ- ing the Legal Research library, will be closed tomorrow because of th e national holiday. The libraries vi, also be closed on Sunday during th; SumrSession except duringthe~ c examination period at the end of the summer. Cold Discovery Staris A oterAhkaE,.i SEWARD, Alaska, July 2.-(AF) -The Seward Gateway said the cut- ting of a 14-foot vein of rock, run-' ning approximately ,$45 a ton in gold at the Cord mine in the Willow Cre'ek district and the discovery :) rich croppirigs in the Crow Creek area, near old placer workinigs, has swung western Alaska axva:y from all occuuations but mining. Miners;I and prospectors are rushing to thej creeks and rivers by airplane, motor boat and railroad. 'IDrag" JVtiNeeded Summer students planning to en- ter the School of Medicin~e will be gAd to know that "drag is not a manl o1 the ('LLC1TV ive toniititee 4)f the school, vigorou sly deFnies that "string; Y' jerk Ifavor ite into the schoolf. Caiidid:at ls arc, jsl'= d, however, on their rnor,Ihiysa..:<< and scho- lasftic ranking, hesad In regard to tepercen -tage ofadmissions from this state, Dr. Novy pointed out that there is no set number ad- mitted but in every case where a resident stud cent's record equalled an ouit-of-stateOj student's, the former wvas chosen. T Iy, +/ ~ , ; V / l . , r _ ".. I ' I:;., . . - , i Summer Term . Enroll Today! HAMILTON BUSINESS COLLEGE State and Wiltiaxai Streets Phone 7831 I I- 1111 SUNI)AY ) NN,, , . . 4-i n d 5c. Open /All Summrrer ° .1 ,9swm M~w..,3 YA7,L.. i ,?4k F t o x aat 4St~tl~ In~iQitFui 0 1 i h e i o n t h b a u th i R 1 0 B r r i i UI