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TheMichigan Daily
The Estblished 1890
rulished every morning except Monday during the
b lversty year and Summer Session by the Board I
control f Student Publications.
Member of theC western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion and the Big Ten News Service.
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?,31fL'5O.A s "AFF
Ofice IBour: 2-12 P.M.
ndtorini I 1)eci r ....................lcah Conger, Jr.
City E(ita , . .......... ......... .......i riS. Il err:yth
State Elitor ..................David M. Nicl&
JItems EdItor................... ......Denton Kunze
Telegrapht iditr................Thomas Cnnelln
Ofic n lonr;:9-12; 25 xc pt Saturdays
Ef~aSin aNs e 1 C...................(h a.e'4..'1Ki.
AitanS lt u it.-SL S :zianger...... ....Norris P. ,oh'so
SUNDAY, JULY 3, 01932
ichigani Welcomes A
Ntw Undertaking .
!F, one of the new conferences meeting at the
Summer Sesion of the University, we welcome
this year the first Conference of Teachers of In-
terniational Lawn. This ambitious undertaking,
conceived by Dr. James Brown Scott and spon-
sored by the Carnegie Endowment for Interna-
tinal Peace, adds a great deal to the already
&kellent brogram of outside lectures for stu-
The tnivrsity is indeed honored that the En-
dowment should have chosen Ann Arbor as the
mneeting place for this Conference. And we are
assured tht if the Conference is successful.
which it cannot help but be, it is but the frt of
lwannual n'cetingr which will be held in Ann Arn
boci. The enthusiasm of both the teachers and
thb studetns in this course insures its success.
The teaching of inernational law has become
an important subject in the last decade, both in
its application to war and peace. With the aims
6 nd objects of this Confercnce in mind, this field
of instru~ction is to have the same sort of inter-
change of ideas, opinions of experts, and ad-
vgrned instruction as other fields now enjoy. We
wish the participants in this first conference su-
ass , anid hope they will return to Ann Arbor
again next summler, bringing to all students a
IA 'better understanding of the law of nations.
The Bo'ns Army.0
WkC1hile Secretary Ogden Mills announces a tw
billion dollar deicit for the pat fiscal year, we
read that tbe American Legion members arc
pushing their campaign drive for more members
for their Washington bonus encampment. They
expect Congress, which adjourns shortly, to give
them some two billion dollars in immediate pay-
mrent of their adjusted compensation certificates
When the American Legion met in convention
t Detroit a year ago, one of the resolutions i
passed, at the earnest request of President Hoo-
ver, was one declining to ask for another bonus
payment. The importance of this matter to the
financial program of the administration was evi-
det in the fact that the President made a spe-
cial trip to Detroit to address the convention or
the subject.
One of the evils of the dole is seen in this pres-
ent movement. Many Legionnaires have discov-
ered that while they may have trouble getting
food and shelter at home, the government is
providing it free of charge at Washington. S
the best thing the unemployed members ca
think of doing is to go to the capital for a while
That this can, at present, be the only object of
the movemeni is apparent from the fact that
their measures can not be brought up again ir
the present Congress, and that after adjourn-
ment, the legislature will presumably not meet
again until December. That is, unless the Lame
Duck amendment is ratified before this fall.
The bonus ar-my might better take advantage
of the opportunity offered it for loans to return
home and obtain employment. In Detroit, a
wrecker took over 100 men from the forces head-
ed for Washington last week. But experience in
other countries, as well as here at home, has
shown that men once accustomed to charity dole
become less inclined to seek work when they
can live for nothing.
The demands of the bonus army have been re-
f'used by Congress, and should be refused again
at the next session. Another "raid" on the treas-
ury of this sort merely establishes a priviliged
class at the expense of all the others. This fact
has been recognized by the legislature, although
to cater to popular demand the House passed the
buck to the Senate on the last measure. What
the result of such payments would be on the
treasury is shon in the balance sheet of the
;past year,
In thle past the Legion has been organized;
hence itsi succes s in the legislative field. But
since the imposition of the latest group of taxes
to balance the budget, we may rest assured thai
the voters wi111 not tolerate another levy in orde.
to 1jay oiO inn.,normous sum to a special :few.
had been no disorderly deoistration and no
rioting, and inferentially it paced squarely upon
the shoulders of the snob leaders 4 iwhere it ben-
longs) the responsibility for the deaths of the
four persons who, most unfortunately, were f a-
-tally hlit by bullets.
THiOMl'AS WOODi STEVENS Following out its conclusion, the jury urged the
Air Appeciation, Byv Roert H-enderson. j prosecting attorney and tie inconing grand
Ed tor's Dote: Mr. HenderSon. was at one jury to continue investigation of the activities o
tire a memrber of the Goodman Theatre the instigators of the riot so th at ther crimnnal
company in Chic.a;o unoxn.° M~.Stevct$:' d- actiities may be curtailed and foeoietled. l
rection. At the l'(cjlest of the Plusy'trouc- Ti dieuc eoii'uto uh ob
tlo dearten c rd +' a lc,? >i5 f N'fcted upon, rnt only for the generac+l fet4 dio'
tio dearter't 8id i14 ~ '" society, but also for the prote! ion of those nno
written the foliowi'1;iremillis:{eitee 2251 cetbtuelein pronwhaetecut
preci ation. r,
Itwsnydsicto oncfu yasag o~ of fthe p. oesioasl Counst u Ua_
ncnr aIly ar e th eic:;o ea r n ga it o
play the leading role in the premiere C1 L e inollr' or tragedy arsino asar{ sltnf Ci
play called "Lizard Gap' at theC. oocirn D: ticat, c i~IA; ~tvte.i~O aet ;:e 5
indt Chcg7ne h 2h.nsWo hl c5c t ~iL54 iaves i tthe can icp it. 1'>.N
Stevens. This drama art.d the fu ther cat.i .co let tho~'e ti r1ave d eeived do rta
of achieving the shor telt run arti o'w o-recpt
in the history of the Gocodmin. the {i5 e ts 5f}al-
ore, in fact,vwas ,molrrlle n( a. Itb=n ld t 5e(A Z C.l1EN I Y.h'YALZ i
beards,'' as all sadi ctors ray, f101::act oiy oens' W(Daiy JiliBu
week. LAnd they toula f~ s !;' :h et the 1ne2w pZ> I 1 s ec :'ri}jtly said tbia 10- i"mis cr101;;
ready imu lhsooner. ( r...V'; i t sosc istf xda.i U >1 .i sen.
Frederick : Donagh>cy of the ChiCazo 'Tribuine, provenr{.LL({_t~_>d c (eag :,_ nno. i'in tile 2bu.-
OCeVGTin 'ied ifor 1his lend~t er idn'g: I rard the --! nv a 531d but in vey l.%di: o heL Co^,C} f
2oodmnan, ca lld it the-worst lav te th1eatre <.ia a~ ~eugpr:. A0r:e { Ci valecus
had ever presented: and. I fear, tni V5one o 0( and. uto!!,i is le Otci 2ld y:la aeL,
those exceptional cages Gwhen a Itcritic was 7ri'ai. Irirto when ;v:ithn ?;o~ ane. A rer.s.
It was both ripe and high, worthy o Join Go- (ofi olvia es c:' Lts ^ac ' h0- 0t n 7r vih yo-
den in his Softer i:niomeniss. SHow it ever got tito !(cait et ,3 ur n( :corse' a:c t 't 'eiial';-: i dt
the chai:ste ~halls of the (oonn --rv truhiaw de s ted you.
the irni o iston. ce fot e-of i4;. hfulhad ht Ikr. ~u fvle nte--~l~
encumnber"ed the theatre--only God and Mr. Stev- 51y0 ou lhlve ' relly a vorilliarric :ase
enrs ?know. i# resfu Cl lm1'upthkierof ruen:."~
Naturally, eny ily C. clled1"L I'1A r, (jsp,'- ral> 4:, 211v {5i1ct i Y {fis51o5 viCa NaU -wlii i'
.trS with ta ccrta ai dicanl{ . As a farliersttig- YULi a IUiZili~iilL toi, t wi l ldcc(best.1 1
.)4it(hs 10.;t fiU ifi n;te('v'f-J-. t n:as tda Iont~itd y o a d
who played the strong sent hero who nas to ltive values withouit ecetLo n.u isasn:e r;
gave the heroine and her litle baby just before values in all things arid, especially in that fiel
the train passes through that somehow sweeps wthich you expect to work~,vill be found to be
taer fortune away. I was to dominate and cor.- invaluable.
mand all of the other characters in true man- Getting the breaks usu.3aly sums itself uip into
masterful fashion. It was a role suited best to looking ahead. The man who looks ahead into
Thomras Mcighan or William Hart in their hand- the future and is able to apply his sense of val-
soner days. I need not add that I was scarcely uies, if it is fairly good, usually is the one that
a triumph in the part, and in the face of mny will not be stopped by any trivia] considerations.
attempts at viility and chestiness it is to the He is able to understand what is cornim accord-
credit of Mr. Stevens as a gentleman that hie still in- to precedenr in that particular line and he
Tpeaks to me. At least, "Lizard Gap" taught rie is able to weigh these happenings and evaluate
one lesson; and that is to turn down as m-any theme according to the dictates of his sense ofl
parts as you ac,,cept. It is actually true that each values.
actor has a few roles which are niot specifically The roan who sows small potatoes and expects
stedt i rpo arlt pigtpi o a ihaBut while "Lizard Gap" ran for only a week good senseC of values. he rnan who had a real
,n Chicago, we wiere rehears;ing it. for three week; sense of values knows that hie will have to taut
l-with oar hopes high that we had somehow the sane uality or better into at garden or train-
stumrbled onto the great American folk play. ing as hie expects and desires to get out of the
During this time it was my pleasure to conie to proect. With a working plan backed by a prop-
know, ini a measure, Mr. Stevens, as well as his er sense of vatue there is no stopping any man
rcharming maniner and his quiet ingenious sense with the organization to go head and foot in the
of humlor. I can still remember the precise tone, rght way. We earnestly plead only one cause
- after a particularly fearful rehearsal of my stal- at this tme, if undecided and have a liking for
wart hero, in which he gently suggested that I governmental affairs-young man, go into poll-
go and watch George Jessel act in the big movie tis,
palace down the street. I have been figuring thatutohida... TUYAGI THSBENC AED
P ortunately, Mr. Stevens is a man without a (Detroit Mews)
nrein his hotly. Nothling, literally nothing, Inrc-n
nere "izi'dGa." sn ft.tnewvprofession is energin, ii A:1ric-
really upsets him, not (evenizahldrabigGuurpfr o'ihtyoug en I
z(certain that such a man, with such a unique vi-taiilsabgftrefrbihyugmn
ctaie for, the theatre, is welcomed with blessins is Mll ill its iificy; in the whole counitry there
by he tag crw a th, Mndes~shinthetre Iare only about 400 pactitoners. But others arc
by te sa~ecre attri MenelsohnthetreIqoaifying every year; the cllges and univer-
can hear thcmr sign of relliefhe teyeti t's are beinning to pay attention toin, and it
Ste-vens after one of our festival seasons, espe
(lally, ^.; in the cs of "Peter Ibbetson," when oilntbvr'lng efethyaeiin
cours'es which will qualify graduates to take its
no0 one went to bed for two nights in a row. etac xmntos
In addition to his quiet authority, my deepest etat xmntos
admiration for Mr. Stevens lies in his sense of Everyone knows howd~ the automobile business
style and taste. The three plays, for example.loh:astevlopditepstf ea'rrs.Bttk
which hielhas selected for his share of the cur-loka.if suae I 100trewe7(
rets., esnllstaehsrfnmn n companies in the United Statres in 1929 th
shis instinct for values. It is, indeed, a kind of number had ineased to 353. Total income had
showmnansip-a measuring of heis demand and grown from $400,000,000 to $4,336,000,000, multi-
sup ply. It is a lovely quality, this sense of what plying nearly 11iaties; assets from $,742,000,00
"fits," and it is a duality that Ann Arbor could to $17,4832000,000, multiplying 10 times. Insr-
safely profit by. ane in fore grew from 8 i< billion to the enor-
Mr. Stevens' first production opens this week mois sum1r of 103 billion. 'Truly, a giant has been
Sin Stephen Phillip's beautiful poetic drama. "Pao- created, growing far faster than the wealth of
t lea and Francesca," with Mildred Todd-whomn, the nation,
_I feel sure, has a brilliant future in New York--dn Not onily does t hisacu ltonftrtfnd
as Francesca. This is to be followed in turn by dmn high talent and sound wisdom ritfndthse
s Paul Green's folk tragedy "The Field God," and who handle it-the insurance business has ram-
finally by an exotic old Chinese play "The Chalk ified into such complexity that it demands mei
-Circle." who are specialists in t. It must have not only
I speak with little knowledge of a student sea- bankers, actuaries, managers and salesmen, but
son, for I amn only in Ann Arbor during the fes-nentiedithsouonfinraepblm
tival plays. It is mly feeling, however, that layr. wihdmn nweg fgvrmnlw
Steven;, has .shown the giea test keenness in select- economnics and sociology, who can be depended
-ing these three pi'odtuctions. He has eschewed the on to advise clients just as a banker or lawyer
high comedy that rests solely on technical vi- does.
u osity; or the play that demands definite ma- Ti edwsse ieyasaowe h
turity arid age in the actors; or the play that is American College of Life Underwriters was char-
ssensual and sophisticated save when handled by tered in the District of Columbia. Its dean is
the most polished and tactful artist. Soomon S. Huebner, professor of insurance in
He has, on the othe' hand, seized all those the University of Pennsylvania. Each yea' the
1qualities that make a stuzdent season fresh and coilege gives examinations in various parts of the'
brilliant. You find no aping of the Broadway coffntry; one was recently held in Detroit. Those
f cheap tricks-in the wrong way-and which who take the examination muust have a high
tmust all be unlearned in the company of truly school education or its equivalent, and at least
1distinguished players. thiree years' experience in field work. There are
Mr. Stevens' choice has rested instead on beau- five examinations of four hours each, in the
ttiful, provocative, unusual dramas: plays which theory and practice of insurance, economics, so-
you cannot get in New York; plays which stand ciology, governmen't, commercial and insurance
by their own interest without imitation or in- law, and investment, banking and corporation
idious comparison. These plays call for author- =iznance. The tests are stiff, and few pass them
ity in diction, for colorful costumes and provoca- at the first attempt. 'Those who succeed become
tive settings. In such plays you can find poetry chai'tered life underwriters-experts in the pro-
and manner. They offer the actor the opportun- fession of insurance.
ity of spontaneous, untramclled creation. The vast growthz of life insurance in this coon-
- From even my slight experience under Mr. try has made this development imperative. It is
iStevens' direction, I know that they will be pre- being pushed by the best brains in insurance-
wented with grace and beauty. They will have particularly by the young men who realize wha t
lamor and taste. And they will represent what life insurance means not only in the protection
a student theatre should stand for at its best. of the individual and his family, but to the fun-
_____________________________________damentals of national prosperity.
1 Editorial Comme~tntCOANE
____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ __(A. A. Daily News)
The "bonus army,' encamped in the nation's
IN GTHEI GRAND SR' FORD RIOT capital, has accorded dictatorialI powers -to its
tIDN commander, Walter W. Walters of Portland, Ore.
1Detroit Free Press) He announces that he expects to conduct his of-
In mnaking its report justifying the methods flee in a "hard-boiled way." He will make deci-
ased by the Dearborn Police while quelling the sions for his buddies without consulting them,
i iot at the Ford MJotor Co. plant on March 7, the whenever he feels so inclined.
Wayne County Grand Jury did not undertake to The best decision he could make would be to
';ay that th1e judgmrent used by the police was 100 have the arrmy disband and go home. Washing-
er cent perfecct. In the opinion of the jurymen ton is not the place to carry on the bonus fir ht.
:.he Dearboi'n officers were indiscreet in resorting Congress will almost certainly adjourn without:
o tear' gas bombs as soon as the Communists approvingo the diem~anded cash payments.
mnd their adherents crossed fi'om Detroit into Back home there will be elections. In many
;heir jvuri -diction. But they also recognized the cVases newcomers will be ellected to congress. If
art that the off'icers wer- in a difficult situation there is any convincing to be done in this bongo -
where it wa, easy to make a minor mistake with ?ratter. those chosen for the next congress shoeud
he best of putrpose; and in finding that there e the object of the cfforts put fo th.
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