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July 02, 1932 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1932-07-02

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The Michigan Daily
Established 1890
Ptiblished every morning except Monday during the
l3DNerity year and Summer Session by the Board in
Cttrol of Student Publications.
fvember of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion and the Big Ten News Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
fiot otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
Published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved.
ntered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
Z14:d class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
rd Assistant Postmaster General.
1 ubscriptionduring summer byrcarrier, $1.00; by yail,
$15.During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
iail, $4.50.,
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
iii Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
resentatives: Littell-Murray-Rutsky, Inc., 40 East
% irty-fourth Street, New York City; 80 Boylston Sreet,
gn, Mass.; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Ill.
Office Hlours: 2-12 P.M.
editorial Director..................Beach Conger, Jr.
City Editor............................Carl S. Forsythe
State Editor .............................David M. Nichol
News Editor.......................... Denton Kunze
Telegraph Editor...............Thomas Connellan
Office Hours: 9-12; 2-5 except Saturdays
Business Manter:...................Charles T. Kline
Assistant Business Manager.........Norris P. Johnson
A Michigan Democrat
Deserves his Reward.. ..
Many state Democrats have felt that the party,
in not running William Comstock for governor
two, fall, has acted unfairly. Comstock, a Michi-
gan graduate, has served his party well, carrying
the banner many times when victory seemed
hopeless, and now that the hopes of the state
organization are high, it is thought he should be
given an opportunity to win.
Wr. Comstock, apparently, is content to fish
for bigger game instead. As a member of the
sub-committee on resolutions at the Democratic
convention, he and Senator Walsh fought
t4rQugh the prohibition plank in the larger com-
Mittee. It was due to his indefatigible efforts
that the other members of the committee finally
gave in by reason of sheer exhaustion and placed
in the platform a plank approving the St. Law-
ince, Waterway. The Michigan delegate, by his
h rd work, has become an important factor in
tsl nantinl organizaton this year.
With the financial shape of the state in none
too good a condition, it is entirely possible that
Qmstock has given up doing his thankless job
unieit the state Democrats and is looking for-
wa4d to a federal office if h~is party should win.
and he richly deserves one. He has served his
home town in many official capacities; he has
been prominent in public enterprises; he served
one term as a member of the Board of Regents
r the University. As a loyal Democrat, who has
given unstintedly of his time and effort to the
party, he has qualities that deserve recognition
from the party.
International Goodwill. - -
The depression in the sports world apparently
Ws't as bad as one would think. Thousands of
agthletes are arriving every day from foreign
countries to attend the Olympic games which
will soon be in progress, living quarters are be-
ing rapidly erected in California to house all the
participants, and soon thousands of visitors will
conie to attend' the quadrenniel meet.
The Olympic games are, perhaps, one of the
many extra-official methods of fostering inter-
national goodwill which are employed today to
keep peoples of one country on good terms with
those of another. That is, if properly handled.
We' feel sure, however, that American sports-
manship will keep its amateur reputation un-
sullied by a choice of impartial officials and by
showing all courtesy possible to the visitors. In
this manner, perhaps, can. the seemingly unfair

decision of the Schmelling-Sharkey, decision,
which blackened America's reputation for good
sportsmanship, be forgotten.
The origin of the Olympic games is known to
all. In old Greek times, even wars were post-
poned in order to hold them. The new world
was not as sport-conscious as this, but it was in
the Olympic games that the rancour and hatred
following the World War were first forgotten.
By showing every consideration to international
visitors it is possible for them to take home a
most favorable impression of our country and
spread this impression among their fellow- citi-
zens. Goodwill tours and delegates do a greati
deal to foster friendly relations between the peo-
ples of different countries which officials have
to take into consideration in their relations,
Probably the most outstanding episode of this
character was the Lidbergh goodwill tour to
Mexico four years ago. t
In this time of v rangling and bitterness over
questions arising out of post-war problems and
with the United States termed "Uncle Shylock"
'because of its attitude on foreign debts, we must
make every effort to show our Olympic visitors
the best possible treatment, for the sake oft
sport and for our own sake. In this manner can
more be done than in weeks of official confer-
ences around the diplomatic table.
The Democratic plank on repeal seems so
forthright and clear, some will begin to wonder ifi
the party has fallen into the hands of amateurs.-
Detroiit News

A Washington
By Kirke Simpson
CHICAGO, July 1.-No casual observer of the
democratic convention, once the delegates rather
than the national committee brass-hats or boom-
ers for various nomination candidates began to
arrive, could have failed to note this possibly
significant circumstance: Everybody wanted a
short convention, whether there was a short
platform or not.
Nobody wanted the thing to last over a week-
_ _.__ -nd for the highly important
reason that it cost too much
to live away from home.
That one factor from the
irst was expected to urge the
onvention toward that seem-
ngly universally desired goal
-avoidance of a repetition of
.?> . u h a thing as the Smith-
McAdoo deadlock of 1924.
Old Issues Absent
In addition, the underlying
"auses cf the 1924 pitched bat-
le the religious issue and pro-
hibition, appeared f r o m the
A, 5N?/7Y start conspicuously absent this
By contrast with the Republican convention
just over, the Democrats gathered with no major
platform issue to disrupt their harmony at all.
The only talk heard was of the exact shading
to be given the prohibition plank.
Dipping back into memories of 1924, one sees
an utterly different picture.
Then McAdoo and Smith merely personified
the clash over issues.
But this year they found themselves strangely
associated in contesting Governor Roosevelt's
leadership for the nomination although upon
what specific issues they challenge his avail abil-
ity as party standard bearer it was a bit difficult
to discern.
Borah Helped Too
Just how vastly different for the republicans
was the framing of their plank on prohibition
was being forced on the at- -,
tention of democrats even be-f
fore they actually sat down
here to write their own ticket.
The aftermath of the
G. O. P.'s one big conven-
tion fight started at them
under Washington date lines
every time they picked up a.
Senator Borah's stormy at-
tacks on administration policy
as disclosed in the plank filled
them with glee.
They were looked upon as
encouraging to hopes of an Borah
agreement on the democratic declaration well
in advance, and that in turn added to the de-
mand that the convention do its job and quit
in a reasonably short time.
Editorial Comment
(Detroit News)
Someone should admonish those controlling
the activities of American political parties that
they should watch their steps. Times have
changed. No longer are conventions and party
councils remote, exclusive affairs to which none
are admitted save those "in the know." One-
eared Mike with his place on the platform and
his magical capacity for reporting proceedings
to the very homes of the people where soverign-
citizen-voters sit in calm judgment upon the
conduct of politicians; is strictly truthful and
impartial. He does not. "color the news."
And what a mess the radio has revealed the
"sober"convocation of national parties to be. Out
of its setting these jamborees might be regarded
as forgivable horseplay, the legitimate sort of
romping sometimes engaged in by fraternal or-
ganizations that make cortai evcts oftheir
national gatherings the occasio for eierve'
conce of animal spirits.
But these great national pwitiJa. 'ijnveiti wn
cannot be taken out of their ,se , ti . If at any

time anywhere in the world cool, intelligent,
conscientious counseling was demanded of delib-
erate bodies, it was demanded of those who in
the present desperate emergency accepted the
responsibility of proposimg candidates for the
Presidency of the United States. Nor, if even a
modicum of human common sense could be ex-
pected to prevail in such matters, was the re-
sponsibility less in formulating the principles
and policies supposed to compose the program
of the two great parties.
The microphone revealed convincingly that
such a sense of responsibility was hardly a fac-
tor in the proceedings. Debate in open conven-
tion could not be conducted in orderly fashion.
If the delegates themselves had been inclined
to listen with decorum they hadn't a ghost of a
:hance. They were surro' inded by packed galler
ies, whose wholly unofficial status tde 1heir
constant disorder and periodic uncontrolled in-
terruptions disgusting to all intelligent listeners.
Thus the Mike, dispassionate, accurase repr-w
icr, shows them up. Who is this fellow speak-
ing? We're for him, Rah ! But tha I, fe1,mw of fhew
minority; away with h i! Boo! Wow!" And
bedlam breaks loose :md M i e 'n1Ut report
more than that disorder, intnriv'e and mob
aproar are having their way to make impossible
any meeting of minds or 1cruinr of wisdom.
Meanwhile the honest, thoughtful citizen -list
fing in at home comes to the conclusion that
olitic i a sort of madoiu; e dnothn1 0h is to
oe hoped from those who pose as 'leaders ami
(The Daily Iowan)
For the last 14 years people from the country-
ide around Sloan, 18 miles south of Sioux City,
have been buing groceries, ginharn and chew-
irig gum , among oer in' s 1 fr i Mr. and rs
(?ames 1eI1mif , propris ror of :i snr'rail rttr

requests were turned down by the Hennums, who
suggested relief agencies, no less deserving.
That principle is not new. It has occurred be-
fore where there was no hope of ever being paid.
But the Hennums knew that some day their ac-
counts would all be good, gradually the slate
would be wiped clean. But, rather than see the
debts hanging over the heads of people already
much harrassed by an economic depression, they
decided on one sweeping gesture to relieve their
debtors of just one more worry.
It was entirely a friendly move and not actu-
ated by pity. And it was done in the interests of
both creditor and debtor, because both were
made just as happy. Such noble deeds can only
come in a time when happiness and friendship
are most easily recognized as the two most valu-
able things in the world.
(The Sou'wester)
What freshman can honestly select the frater-
nity he wishes to be identified with in one brief
rushing season of only two weeks at the very be-
ginning of his college career?
During the one week allotted for rushing un-
der the present system, the rushees are carried
off their feet by concentrated, high-powered
rushing. They get a distorted view of college life
and get off to a bad start generally. Since the
rushee should base his judgment of the group
on the men in it and the quality of the frater-
nity, he should be given an adequate time to
make his selection. He has to take into consider-
ation the fact that his whole four years must be
spent within the group he selects. How can he
make such a selection wisely in the short period
allotted according to the present system?
The young freshman who is rushed "off his
feet" by several fraternities soon acquire an ex-
alted view of his own importance to the campus
at large, and to the fraternity in particular. He
likewise obtains an inadequate impression of the
importance of himself to his fraternity and the
fraternity to himself
What fraternity can select the material best
suited to the group in the two-weeks' rushing
period? What fraternity can be sure that it will
not pledge someone who may later be sorry he
went to a fraternity or someone it may later re-
gret having pledged?
When rushee and fraternity men are thrown
together for a period of several months rather
than a period of two weeks, both will be en-
abled to form a lasting impression of each other
and greater harmony in the groups will be assur-
ed. It will do away with any feelings of regret
that might arise under the short period due to
unwise selection made under stress of emotion
and half-formed opinions.
(Daily Illini)
Recently there have been rumblings, rumors,
whisperings, and a goodly assortment of inside
tips being noised about concerning the possibil-
ity of the Kaiser returning to the throne to lead
a new Germany. There has been little said in
these rumblings about what sort of an imperial-
istic olicy would be followed if the great Hohen-
zollern leader should be recalled from exile.
Recent ress dispatches have been making much
of the fact that the movement has taken on a
smoothness that is operating through the back
door, so to speak, in getting the support of the
German people before trying to return the Kai-
sr to the throne. Monarchial tendencies have
been tenderly fostered and nurtured in them inds
of the German people by what remains of the
old guard that was in power with the Kaiser at
the time of his overthrow by the German defeat
and his subsequent exile to Doorn.
The customary denials, by the Kaiser's family
and associates that accompany every whispering
the press happens to utter concerning a new in-
trigue to ut the Kaiser back in power, have been
issued quite frequently during the last few weeks.
Of course, it is too much to expect that every-
where there is smoke their is fire, but then, there
is a great deal of smoke in that locality if there
is not fire thereabouts.
Just what a monarchy in Germany would be
now under the old magnificent leader of that
beaten people is hard to determine. The royal-
ists and die-hards of the old regime are convinc-
ing themselves and others that it would be a
very good thing. This is luestion.able, but also
is the point that the present government is sat-
isfactory. The Royalists point to the glorious
years under Wilheln when he was making hi'
pui t o conquer the world, and then they sigh
ad turn away, le they drop a tear for "the
good old days.''
Wh:aver happe nsroimernile t1his wild i In;,
that few newspapers have promoted there will
undoubtedly be a ch~nac inm Germany's form of
governmen one of these days. The Hitleritie
will possibly change the regime, uiil with it the

tenor of government, to one that will certainly
be less attractive to the common people than
the present one. The monarchial type of govern-
ment cems to be all right in aspect, but in re-
trospect, we are afraid that our place card must
be left out of the gathering.
The King of Siam, one of the most broadly
educated leaders i lthe world today. has formcd
for himself a constItutional monarchy, thereby
shearing himself of many powers which he has
enjoyed during the past years. Perhaps the fact
that he has not enjoyed them, but has been re-
-ponsible for them, caused the king to consider
the health of his trigger finger and change the
government. However, long and loud the Kaiser
whisperings go, they should brin, about some
interesting reactioAn soon.
.Y he epe;dl ph uk iin the Democ raiiu p0 I iaty iii ;4
'inwm adopted in Chicago is precisely the plank
taken to the national convention by the Michi=
gan delegalton.
Michigan went to Chicago determaained to nut
the plank through. To the credit of William A
Comstock, Michigan member of the resolu tio
"ommtee, he pu p a battl for itthat shovid
wipe from the slate his pe'4 record of wavering
m the subject.
Nobody believed so forthright a plank had a
chance at this convention until a few hours be-
fore it was presented on the floor.
And the subcommittee would never have re-
leased such a proposal if Comstock of Michigan
had not stood there day after day and hour after
until .nl. joined by Sen Iors David Walsh
od Burton K. Wheeler, 1 won he light
l't' f c~ 'n l htc i} 'Ulf- 2 l":i i~'' t U' td i t'




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