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July 01, 1932 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1932-07-01

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rou THItE Ml H1 IG A N D AILY n Y
---- -- - . . . ...... .... ... .. ...

AY, JULY 1, 1932

Students At Field Camps Miss
Trickiest Weather In U.S.'

Biology, geology and geography
students who have elected any of
the courses offered at the various
field stations at Douglas lake, Mich.,
and along the Cumberland river in
Kentucky will be numbered among
the fortunates who will not have to
endure what regular session students
called the "trickiest" weather in the
United States. But then, that was
last winter, when snow was a rarity
and slush and rain the rule. Per-
haps this will be 'a model sum-
At any rate, the biology students
will be treading the clean sandy
beaches, the wooded shortlines and
the terraced bluffs of beautiful
Douglas lake instead of seeking di-
version in the heat of the city. No
courses are to be conducted in be-
ginning botany and zoology, the
work being limited to advanced
studies in entomology, ornithology,
icthyology, herpetology and limnol-

ogy for the zoology students, while
the biologists will be occupied with
plant anatomy, systematic botany,
plant ecology and special work.
Board at the biology camp is fur-
nished at the dining hall, and the
students will be lodged in one-room
cottages, each designed for two or
three occupants. Excellent oppr-
tunities for recreation are offerecd,
baseball, swimming, boating and
diving being numbered among them.
Tennis courts are not yet available.
Following the usual custom, stu-
dents will be allowed to work for
only eight hours of University
credit, although they may put in
unlimited time on their studies.
The geology and geography stu-
dents will do their summer work
in and about Mill Springs, Ky., a
site selected because of its succes-
sion of strata ranging from the Or-
dovician down through the Pennsyl-
vanian periods'.

New Seoond.-and, Rebil t,
imitb..-'on, Noiseless,
Pnin i boyal, R emingt = *,of . D L.-r "
I i.S State St., Ann Ajbor.
802~ Packnrd Sa.
TODA§Y 11:30 to 1:30
saIiinon Salad with Potato Chips
Chop Sney wih Riee
Fried Pech
C.ast Boef and Roast Pork
Poao Sliced Cucumbers
ruit DsIsert Cake -Ice cream
Core Mlk -Punch
B a St.iiec Lake Trout
Fried erh.,.
VeithEggs or
R of ee
R:mt !Pork iApple Suee
shed or renchi ried Potatoes
shrimp Salad
t and Lettuce salad - Peas
Ice Cream Cake
Fresh Strawbe hrry Sndaes
(~o1 c, TaMilk, Purnch
For a -
Glorious Fourth-

Political Science 65s: The course number is changed to Political Sci-
ence 165s, and graduate credit for the course will be given. The class will
meet at one o'clock instead of two o'clock in the Political Science Seminar
Room. Howard B. Calderwood
Swimming for Women Students: The swimming pool at the Michigan
Union will be open to all women students on Tuesday and Thursday eve-
nings from 7:30 to 9:30, beginning this evening. A fee of twenty-five
cents will be charged. Cotton suits must be worn.

Intramural Sports: All men students wishing to
intramural activities should call, or sign up, at the
Building sometime this week. Telephone 8109.

participate in any
Intramural Sports

Smart, New, Summer

Women's Education Club Picnic. July 4th-5:30. Meeting Place-
Michigan League, North University Avenue Entrance. Cars provided.
Reservations can be made by telephoning Miss Mahnke at the Delta Zeta
House-4918, or at the Vocational Guidance Office, University High School.
Wesley Hall. The first social meeting for. the Summer Session will be
a hike today. Meet at Wesley Hall at 5 P.M.

* ;; * *


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Excellent Quality - Reasonable Prices

with Velvet Trim
Something strikingly new and
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