THE Ii~CxAN I DAILY PDAULi is TheMcg Established 18941 hed every morning except Monday during the ty year and Summer Session by the Board in of Student Publications. er of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- i the Big Ten News Service. T THE THEATRE ti MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use tpublioation of all news dispatches credited to it or therwise credited in this paper and the local news shed herein. All rights of republication of special tches are reserved. ered at the Pcst Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as d class matter. Special rate of postage granted by 3 Assistant Postmaster General. bscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by $4.50. Lces: Student Pu-blications Building, Maynard Street, Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. presentatives: Littell-Murray-Rutsky, Inc., 40 East y-fourth Street, New York City; 80 Boylston Street, n, Mass.; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Ill. EDITORIAL STAFF Office Hours: 2-12 P.M. ial Director-.................Beach~ Conger, Jr. Editor ...........................Carl S. Forsythe Editor .... ................David M. Nichol Editor................Denton Kunze raph Editor... ........Thomas Connellan tant City Editor.............Guy M. Whipple, Jr. BUSINESS STAFF Ofice Hours: 912; 2-5 except Saturdays ness Manager ...........Charles T. Kline tant BusinessManager ..... . .Norris P. Johnson FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1932 organizing Our reign Service.... ien Senator Vandenberg recently made ishing discovery that the United States the was aintaining four separate staffs under four partments in Mexico City, the economy move- ent towards consolidation received another iost. Long advocated by President Hoover, mngress declined to give him the necessary au- iorization, preferring to take the matter up rough the cumbersome committee route. The foreign service of the United States, how- rer, under the Department of State, should Dntinue to receive adequate support from Con- 'ess. The Rogers act, passed in 1924, was the est step towards making the foreign service, hick, now includes both consular and diploma- 0 positions, a career service. Foreign countries, uropean ones especially, have managed to make heir diplomatic services professional ones, with lrvice and thus constitute another forward lghly-trained and skilled men in most of the ssitions. In order to meet the foreign offices I these countries on an equal footing, the Uni- d States will soon have to discontinue making Atred manufacturers or campaign contributors ,nbassadors and ministers. n .order to do this, salaries will have to be Oised. The only reason it has been necessary p give such posts to campaign contributors has een the large amount of expenditures which all upon an ambassador, coupled with the rela- vely inadequate salary. As soon as the compen- ation equals the expenses an ambassador in- urs, the United States will be able to build up real career class of foreign service men. The onsolidation of the state, agriculture, commerce, rmy and navy department offices maintaining epresentatives abroad should place more funds t the disposal of the state department foreign ep towards an efficient diplomatic and consular ervice. rtificial Enthusiasm %mong the Democrats. After the delightful entertainment offered at iednesday's sessions of the Democratic conven- on, the artificiality of yesterday's meeting was iarked in contrast. Surely, even the nomina- ons could not surpass the previous bill of fare f Will Rogers and a harmony quartet. It is surprising, however, that the radio an- ouncers, who are supposed to be used to con- ention tactics, should tell of the "marvelous" emonstration, the "enthusiastic" uproar, as if ey were entirely spontaneous. With the hun- reds of people hired to stage parades, the Dem- eratic rivals even had to share the same organ hen the "demonstrations" cut loose yesterday. Perhaps the lack of so-called enthusiasm at ie Republican convention indicates a little less rtificial pep and a little more constructive work, han at the present gathering. In this respect, the experts who attend the onventions and give the blow-by-blow decrip- ons as well as the summaries could do a great eal to educate the voters as to what really goes n. But instead they seem to enjoy telling of ie unimportant superficial occurrences. Yester- ay each cheerleader, or stage manager, permit- d his cohorts to cheer for some forty minutes i order not to be outdone by rival nominees, and ien let the parades, music and cheering lapse. All of which leads us to -eiieve that for the ost penetrating insight into politics, Will ogers is the best statesman we have today. After listening to the description of the Shar- y-Schmelling fight for the first three rounds, e were afraid the boys were going to freeze to Bath. fBy canceling his $100,000 loan to the party's ational committee, Raskob must figure on sav- ig $6,000 a year just in uncollectable interest. "MR. PIM PASSES BY"b A Review, By Robert Wetzelt Play Production opened its Summer SessionP Vednesday night with a very agreeable revivala >f A. A. Milne's "Mr. Pim Passes By." Like Mr.t :enderson's Spring Festival, Mr. Windt's Re- ertory Players have become something of ann nstitution; they too have achieved both a publicr nd a sense of easy intimacy with ih. The first- lighters were pleasantly receptive; the players erformed smoothly for the first-nighters. The play is good diversion fr summertime- i happy example of Milne's earlier manner, be-t fore he began to write fantastic cream-puffs like "The Ivory Door," before the stickiness oft 'Winnie-the-Pooh" and those highly sophisti- eatecd nursery rhymes which so many people ook as a true image of childhood. Unlike these, Mr. Pim" is a tart light comedy in the manner )f the old Milne contributions to "Punch"-the tone is approximately that of a short story by "Saki," with something of the broader drollery of P. G. Wodehouse. As in "The Truth About Blayds," the playwright toys 'delicately with thej theme of conventional people faced with an un-' copventional situation; he smiles gently at the conventions, but he has no Shavian contempt for them. This sort of urbane impishness is not native to America; it involves a certain dryness which our playwrights do not achieve. One has only to remember Philip Barry's recent "Animal King- dom" and "Holiday," to realize how bitter the author is about his smug and pompous fathers. Milne, on the other hand, takes his smug and pompous father, George Marden, very easily, quite without anger; and one wonders if Barry might not learn something from him. But to get back to the impishness itself, it is a quality not native to our actors, either. The attainment of it is the chief problem in producing Milne. Mr. Windt's cast was generally satisfactory; they made their points, and the audience liked them, But the precarious Milne tone, the urbane drollery, was, I felt, consistently maintained only by Miss Scott and Mr. Gilbert as the lively youngsters. Mr. Milliken's Pim was good, but er- red on the side of prim seriousness; Dinah tells him that he inspires confidence, which surely suggests a Pickwickian kindiness-in fact, a sort of beaming incompetence whose good intentions should make his blunders much more amusing. Mr. Allen's Marden was funny, but not, I think, in Milne's way. His quality of dowdy bookish- ness, his eccentric clothes, amusing enough in themselves, do not fit the author's ultra-conven- tional, anti-progressive c o u n t r y gentleman. Milne's George is supposed to be aghast when he hears that his wife is a bigamist; I can somehow imagine Mr. Allen's George capping this news with some droll statistics from Westermarck on Marriage. Eccentricity has no place in Marden's cosmos; hence it should have less place in his dress and carriage. Miss Kratz looked charming as Olivia, al- though she moved rather briskly for a woman old enough to be Dinah's mother. In the first two acts, she lacked that calm irony so neatly symbolized in Olivia's returning to the sewing of the curtains after she hears she's a bigamist. In the last act, Miss Kratz had more of this edge, this feeling of seeing completely through her pompous husband and yet not minding his pom- posity very much, either. As the Aunt, Miss Johnson did not keep in command of things as the awesome Lady Marden should; she dominat- ed only now and then. But these are all matters of nuance and shad- ing; this raising of questions of interpertation and technique must not be misconstrued by the read- er. The actors tell their story most pleasantly; it's a good story, and the reader ought to go to the Mendelssohn to hear it. Editorial Comment ANOTHER GAG (Daily Illini) Editor Wilford %ttacks right"y, ill Lr O ili, the oligarchial tendencies in the Cuban govern- ment. There seems little excuse for this monar- chial demonstration of power by one person, even though his name is Muchado. The Cubans are intelligent enough to know their rights and be able to carry out their own government, but they lack the force necessary to overthrow the present military oligarchy. It is pitiful to see such a country rapidly being looted and legally or ex- tra-leg ally pillaged by a man who chooses tihe Lime to take advantage ofatemporary govern- ment to make it a permanent scourge upon a people. In Editor Wilford's deportation the Cuban sit- uation may again calm down to a peaceful rob- bing of the common people by the all-powerful military dictator. We sincerely hope that some- thing will come along that is powerful enough to combat this influence that is so firmly e- trenched in that insular country. 1932 ANACHRONISM: COMPULSORY MILITARY DRILL (Minnesota Daily) To Colonel Moorman of the Omaha area today it is part of the routine of an army officer's life; to Major Hester it is a test of the efficiency of his unit of the R.O.T.C., and to an advanced drill student it is an opportunity to show his mettle before his superiors and some spectators as well. These men, however, are only a fraction of those upon the field. What are the reactions to the parade of the two thousand who carry the rifles and obey the commands? An overwhelming majority of these freshman and sophomore men are entirely unimpressed by the white gloves, the war-like sounds. prodduced by the band, and the Colonel himself. At least 90 per cent of them are unalterably 'opposed to compulsory drill, with or without music, and a majority of the student body and faculty is on their side. We oppose compulsory military drill simply be- cause it is completely out of date at the Univer- sity of Minnesota. Its existence in the curricu- lum forces the engineering student to learn the best method of destroying the bridges and build- ings he hopes to build. Military science, with its accompanying refinements of chemical warfare teaches the premedic how to blot out the lives whose protection he studies. Even more striking is the incompatibility of military drill with the course of study of a cadet in the Arts College. In economics he learns the terrific cost of warfare as well as the fact that from an economic standpoint there can never be any victory in any war. In history he finds out that the Fourth of July orators didn't bother to explain everything about the mean and trivial origins of some of our glorious struggles, and he begins to understand the folly and futility of -re- course to arms. In the study of a foreign langu- age he learns to respect the culture and civiliza- tion of other nations. But for every five hours he spends in this broadening curriculum, he must put in an hour in the Armory training himself for an occupation which he has come to view as useless, destructive, and virtually criminal. He has come to the university seeking culture or preparation for his chosen profession and he is required to spend two years learning about 20 standardized movements of the hands and feet. As the two thousand march past today, there will be some old-timers and several hundred ur- chins of the neighborhood full of admiration for Old Glory, the handsome uniforms, .and the big battalions. There will be a few serious spectators talking very earnestly about cannon fodder and military propaganda. But most of the men who execute "eyes right" are simply wondering how much longer this drudgery can last in a Twen- tieth Century American university. MORE QUESTIONNAIRES (The Stanford Daily) Amusement-Drinking, 71; movies, 45; sleep- ing, 43 . . . beverage-whiskey, 101; beer, 98; milk, 65 . . . are you in favor of prohibition?-- yes, 34; no, 440 . . . is your future occupation decided?-yes, 218; no, 229. . Take those extracts from the annual senior questionnaire of Princeton. You take them, one to you conscientious criticisers of college men. Take the whole list of several hundred questions and cluck over it for a while, and what do you have? Nothing-at least nothing in the way of an indictment against college men or Princeton men. Filling out those questionnaires must have given the Princeton seniors a lot of fun. Such an inclusive vote would undoubtedly be fun for quite a few Stanford seniors, but, fortunately, nobody has conceived the idea. The results would probably be about the sarhe as at Prince- ton anyway. Gin might poll a higher vote, for what senior knows where to buy good whiskey? l l I .; , . r M' 1 ? ; l 2 t .; i :+rl 'i i . i v 'r 'ic am--m IIIII I ii li II! 'i l;l ;I , i i. ', 'iil ! I t O e A. A. ilnfe's* Deightful Comedy Season Tickets $4.00 Curtain 8:15 Single Admissions 75c Phone 6300 MENA= k Wei g 20,05M, & r W - ichigan Repertory Players LYDIA MENDELSSOHN THEATRE ih e Military rule has again been used as a gag to the press. John T. Wilford, editor of the Havana American, Cuban journal of great importance, has been ordered immediately deported to United States. There is always a question of freedom fof the press that arises in circumstances like these. If the allegations of Mr. Wilford are in the slighest degree correct there is no doubt that he is being unjustly handled and the entire press will have to make an attempt to fight this gag. It is remarkable that in peace times or when a government is relatively above reproach how much leeway the press is allowed. When the al- legations come too close to hitting home on the governmental officials concerned there is always something done to quiet the affair so that it does not get out. In this case Mr. Wilford published an editorial under the heading "Nothing Less Than Tyran- ny." In this article he claimed that martial law was undermining the whole country of Cuba. He cited the closing of the Cuban university, the closing of high schools and normal schools, the imprisonment of citizens without formal charges, the denial of the right of habeas corpus, the government by military instead of civil authori- ties, the suppression of free speech, free press and the right of peaceful assembly, the creation of illegal and pernicious bands of vigilantes, the almost complete stoppage of tourist travel from the United States, and the creation of an espion- age system that has forced many respectable Cu- bans to flee from their country. Shese things were guaranteed to the Cubans under their constitution, and have been, accord- ing to Editor Wilford, completely withheld by President Muchado. It is against this "suspen- sion in Cuba of constitutional guarantees," as Editor Wilford calls it, that the Havana Ameri- can has been working. This newspaperman has, like others of his kind who favored ideas and promulgated principles that did not agree with those in power, been de- ported before a similar offense. He was allow- ed to return last January when he is said to have promised to let the president and his govern- ment alone. Wilford vigorously and almost continuously has fought against the president for his alleged use of dictatorship tactics and what the editor is pleased to call an unconstitutional govern- This book will give yo the name, department, home town, local ad- dress, and telephone number of every st1ient in the summer ses- Sion, as well, as naes, rank, ad- dress and telephone number of faculty members. This price is only i 9 t i a 9 S 1 1 7 1 1 i r S"CREEN LIFE In Hollywood By HUBBARD KEAVY HOLLYWOOD-W. S. Van Dyke has again quit Hollywood, to stay away a year or more to film a picture. This time he is headed for Point Barrow, Alaska, and from there will go as far north as possible to put Peter Freuchen's story "Eskimo" on celluloid. Two years ago Van Dyke headed an expedition to South Africa to make "Trader Horn." A year before that he was in the south seas, where he directed "The Pagan," a place he had previously visited to film "White Shadows of the South Seas." All were successful pictures, but "Van" is equally capable of "faking" them on the back lot. Witness the current "Tarzan," made almost entirely in a synthetic jungle in Culver City, and Lawrence Tibbett's "Cuban Love Song," taken in the same lv. G. M. studio. Van Dyke's ability to handle men under the most adverse conditions and in the most trying circumstances is said to be remarkable. He is a rare combination of artist and disciplinarian. To Alaska Van Dyke took a crew of 17, but no actors (as they will be eskimos recruited in Point Barrow), 50 tons of food supplies, medical stores, thousands of pounds of raw filn and equipment and a carload of artificial snow. The corn flakes, from which studio snow is made, are necessary to drape over the actors in the closeups. The real stuff isn't heavy enough