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July 01, 1932 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1932-07-01

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The Weather
Partly cloudy, cooler in west
and south, preceded by show-
ers in extreme southeast por-
tion Friday.





Reorganizing Our F
Service; Artificial Enthu
Among the Democrats.

Official Publication of The Summer Session

Compared By
Prof. Wilson



~- U ~

Famous Democrat Trio at Chicago Convention


M o s t Likeable
of the East,

)t Comparable
To United States

eal, Economic,


eit is not in any way inti-
hat a civilization is to be
by the road mileage of the
automobiles to the popula-
is evident that a population
inder seventeenth century
is will find difficulty in
twentieth century require-
stated Prof.. George Grafton
visiting professor at the
ce for Teachers of Interna-
Lw. His lecture on "The Far
as the second of a series of
talks open to the public.
Japan Modern
i," he said, "has to a con-
degree adapted itself to the
trends. In Manchuria the
100 Chinese largely under
direction are prospering to
that draws many more from
The Chinese are the most
us and most likeable of the
f the East, but their great
>hilosopher has himself said,
hinese) have resisted all
for reform and moderniza-
d that it is "time for re-
iparing the two neighbors of
nt, Professor Wilson said,
r Eastern states are only in
degree comparable to such
the United States and Can-
pan has long been.; highly
ed and unified. -China has
ries been loosely bound and
ices often hostile to one an-

Associated Press Photo
These three widely known Democrats are shown on the floor of
the Democratic national convention in Chicago. At the left is John
E. Mack, who placed the name of Franklin D. Roosevelt in nomina-
tion. In the center is Max D. Steuer, noted lawyer; and at the right
is John W. Davis, Democratic presidential nominee in 1924.


Political Differences
"There is a great dissimilarity in
the physical and economic conditions
as well as in the political. In prac-
tice these dissimilarities must be
reckoned with as well as the politi-
cal differences. It is, however, very
common to think of and to speak of
China as of a European state so far
as international relations are con-1
cerned. International responsibility'
in a highly centralized constitutional
monarchy like Japan is not the same
as in a nominal but disorganized
republic like China."
Quoting some gomparative statis-
tics, Professor Wilson said that the
road mileage of Michigan, which has
an area of one seventy-fifth of
China, has bearly 600 miles of road{
to one mile in China.
State's Cs e
In Curtis Trial
e a r s 11nis
Defense Attack Will Open
Today; Court Refuses
Mistrial Motion
FLEMINGTON, N. J., June 30.-
(AP)-With a stocky, booming-
voiced policeman, Capt. John J.
Lamb, on the stand most of the
court day, the State hammered
away today at John Hughes Curtis,
Norfolk shipbuilder, on the fourth
day of his trial for obstructing jus-
tice in the Lindbergh case.
Their case was nearly complete
when court adjourned, and prosecu-
tion lawyers seemed certain they
had built a tight case, whatever tack
the defense might take.
All they must prove-have proved
in their contention-is that police
activities in the search for the kid-
napers were hindered by Curtis'
part in the tragedy, and that he led
them astray with false statements.
But the defense was not down-
cast, despite defeat today of a hotly
argued motion for withdrawal of a
juror ,and declaration of a mistrial.
They asked it because of the quoted
statement of Prosecutor Anthony M.
Hauck, Jr., in a local paper that
Curtis was "as good as convicted al-

Carr t o en
Wesley Hall's
Forum Series'
Will Discuss Function of
Religion Sunday; Week-
ly Meetings Planned
An attractive series of religious
education events will be sponsored)
this summer by the Wesley founda-
tion of the University of Michigan,]
according to Rev. Edward W. Blake-
man, director, who last night an-'
nounced a complete program which
will open Sunday when Prof. Lowell
J. Carr, of the sociology department,
speaks to Summer Session students
at Wesley hall on "The Function of
Religion in Modern Society."
Rev. Frederick B. Fisher, lecturer,
for 25 years a missionary, and Bishop
in the Far East, will lecture and
conduct a forum at 4 o'clock eacht
Thursday afternoon at Wesley hall
upon "Statesmen of The Living
East." Reverend Fisher said yester-
day that all students interested in
asking questions about movementsa
in the Far East, the religious life<
of India, or the present social trendsf
among Eastern peoples are welcome.
His schedule follows:
July 7, Kemal Pasha, "Recon-
structor of the Near East Through,
Christian Principles;" July-14, To-
yohiko Kagawa, "Japan in Manchu-]
ria;" July 21, Rabindranath Tagore,
"Cultural Exponent of Modern Ori-
ental Idealism;" and July 28, Ma-
hatma Gandhi, "Prophetic States-
man of Organized Love."
A religious education conference
will also be held each Tuesday after-
noon at 4 o'clock at the hall. The
topics will be:
(1) Church Union and Religious
Education on a Community Basis.
(2) Church Union and Religious
Education on a Community Basis
(2) The Christian View of Person-
ality. (3) The Relation o f the
Church to Public Schools, and its
Implications to American Morals.
(4) Religious Education and Social
Strain or the Power of Religion in
Both faculty and students of the
Summer Session will participate in
these programs. Dr. Blakeman, who
has had experience at the Univer-
sities of Wisconsin and California
and who has been active in, the
Week-Day School of Religion in
America, will speak at the initial
meeting and will preside over the
others. Miss Mildred Sweet, secre-
tary, will have charge of an exhibi-
tion of curriculum materials.
Many Women Register
For Athletic Courses


Of Concerts
Noted Musicians Will En-
tertain Students Tues-
day Evening
The first of a series of. summer
concerts to be given by the faculty
of the School of Music will take
place in Hill auditorium at 8 o'clock
Tuesday night, July 5, when stu-
dents and faculty members will have
the opportunity of hearing without
charge the School of Music trio,
consisting of Wassily Besekirsky,
violinist; Hanns Pick, violoncellist;
Joseph Brinkman, pianist; and
Thelma Lewis, soprano, with piano
accompaniments by Ava Comm
These musicians are known na-
tionally, having appeared either as
soloists or in ensemble groups be-
fore many of the most critical au-
dience throughout the country. The
School of Music trio was organized
last season, and on several occasions
appeared before out-of-town audi-
The complete program follows:
Sonate for Piano and Violin .....
Cesar Franck
Allegretto ben moderato
Allegretto poco mosso
Mr. Besekirsky and Mr. Brinkman
The Cloths of Heaven ......Dunhill
Dawn ..................... Clokey
Alte Liebe ... Brahms
In Mezo al Mar ...... Sadero
Aria, "Le Cid" "Pleurez, Pleurez
mes Yeux".......... Massenet
Thelma Lewis
Theme and Variations ...... Turina
Trio Op. No. 3.........Beethoven
Allegro con brio
Andante cantabile con Variazioni

Music School


Seek Control
Over Growth,
Olson States
Educator Tells Conferees
Of Elementary School'>
Research Program
Health of Pupils
Subject to Study
Right and Left Handed-
ness Cited as Important
Field of Investigation
Prof. Willard C. Olson, director of
research in child development, told
the School of Education conference
group yesterday that "the objects
of the research program of the Uni-
versity Elementary School are con-
tributions to knowledge concerning
the prediction and control of growth
and behavior." The subjecot of Pro-
fessor Olson's address was "The Re-
search Program of the University
Elementary School."
Machinery and organization for
the attainment of hese objectives
consist of a nursery and elementary
school with instructional staff, with
service units and specialists for the
maintenance of cumulative records,
Professor Olson'said. Research facil-
ities for the use of members of the
University faculty and graduate stu-
dents are also provided.
"A general setting for one type of
study occurs in the first grade, where
one half of the children have a noon
lunch followed by rest on cots at
the school, while the other half go
home," Professor Olson stated. "A
graduate student is now attempting-
to determine whether this difference
in the program has any effect on
the health of the children involved,
or any observable effect on their
conduct in school."
Another important field for re-
search mentioned by Professor Ol-
son was the determination of the
problem of right-and left-handed-
ness. Another graduate student is
studying the speech phase of this
question, to prove or disprove the
claim that serious emotional distur-
bances may result from faulty
handling of the individual case.
"Racial attitudes have commonly
been sudied at mature levels," Pro-
fessor Olson said, "but one student,
by using a nursery school in Detroit,
is attempting to learn whether ob-
servation of overt conduct of young
children will yield information con-
cerning the development of such at-
Fischer Beats Florio
To Go to Semi-Finals
HOT SPRINGS, Va., June 30-
(AP)--Billy Howell, of Washington
and Lee, easily defeated Moffett, of
Princeton, 8 and 6, today to advance
to the semi-finals of the National
intercollegiate golf championship
John Fischer, of Michigan, won,
4 and 2, from John Florio, of Ohio
State. They were all even at the
end of the morning 18. Sidney
Noyes, of Yale, beat Robert Kep-
ler, of Ohio State, one up.

KADOKA, S. D., June 30.-(Spe-
cial)-Remains of the three-toed
horse, mesohippus, the small run-
ning rhinocerous, hyracodon, and a
turtle with all limbs complete are
among the specimens obtained by a
University o1 Michigan expedition
working in the Bad Lands near here
under the direction of Prof. E. C.
The expedition party, sent out
from the Michigan museum of pa-
leontology, consists of Professor
Case, W. H. Buettner, L. A. White
and M. L. Bobeng.
Encouraged by the discoveries,
especially on the turtle, which was
described as an exceptional find, the
party expects to continue investiga-
tions in the eastern section of the
Big Bad Lands for a few weeks be-
fore going on to Wyoming.
The members of the expedition are
camping on the ranch of H. A.
Granger, '06L, on the Pine Ridge
agency near Kadoka
Flays Hoover
For Economy
Bill's Failure
Robinson Asserts Adnin-
istration Is Responsible
For Its Shortcomings
-A Democratic charge that Presi-
den Hoover and his aides were re-
sponsible for shortcomings in the
national economy bill was voiced in
the Senate today soon after the
chief executive had signed the meas-
ure into law "with limited satisfac-
A statement by Senator Robinson,
Democratic leader, came as a large
portion of the Federal government
faced the prospect of awaking pen-
niless to the dawn of a- new fiscal
year. Six of the annual appropria-
tions bills remained unpassed as
Congress quit for the day.
Referring to a statement by Presi-
dent Hoover that the economy bill
"falls far short of the economy pro-
posed by the cabinet and other ex-
ecutive officers of the government,"
Senator Robinson asserted that the
chief executive had failed to comply
with a Senate resolution asking him
for ., specific recommendations for
reducing expenditures.
Lausanne Delegations
Again Face Deadlock
LAUSANNE, Switzerland, June 30.
(AP)-The question whether Amer-
icans will forgive and forget re-
mained pre-eminent tonight as dele-
gates to the Lausanne conference
again found themselves face to face
with a deadlock.
An official French spokesman said
Premier Edouard Herriot had de-
cided that interdependence of rep-
arations and war debts must be
maintained and he would accept no
settlement unless it contained a
clause safeguarding France that the
United States might refuse to re-
consider the war debt isue.

Case Expedition
Finds New Fossils
In South Dakot

Noted Scientist Tells
ogical History to
mner Group



Associaea t ress

Hobbs Praises
Niagara Falls'
Scenic Beauty


"For scenic grandeur and absorb-
ing interest, Niagara Falls is one of
the greatest places in the country to
visit," Prof. William H. Hobbs said
yesterday in a lecture before Sum-
mer School students in the Natural
Science auditorium.
The lecture was particularly di-
rected to those who will make the
trip to Niagara Falls on the Univer-
sity tour which leaves here July 9.
This will make the 28th year that
the University has sponsored this
The Falls are of great interest
from.a geological point of view also,
Professor Hobbs said. The gorge
below the falls is one of the only
means in telling time with regard
to recent geological history.
The Canadian, or Horseshoe, falls
are cutting back at the rate of 4.2
feet per year, he stated, while the
rate of recession of the American
falls, in comparison, is almost nil.
Water has succeeded in eating
back into the rock below the Ameri-
can falls, however, with the result
that large blocks of rocks have been
broken off.
Four distinct sections have been
made in the gorge below the falls
by the subsequent rising and falling
of the earth's surface east of what
is now Lake Huron, Professor Hobbs
stated. By opening and closing out-
lets for the surplus water of the
Great Lakes region, the rising and
falling of the land has increased
and decreased the amount of water
flowing over the Niagara falls. The
result is the four distinct sections
of the gorge.
The cause of the falls is the gla-
ciers that once covered this coun-
try. Water was stored up behind
these glaciers and as they receded
the water cut its way through the
Professor Hobbs illustrated his
lecture by the use of slides.
Pioninent Doctors
Will Lecture at

Given Ovation

Forces Block
Ballot; Smilthlt
Wins Ovation
New York Governor Still
Strongest; Michigan to
Vote 5 Times, for Him
Without Caucusing
Nominating Goes
On Till Morning
Garner Is Mentioned as
Vice-Presidential Possi-
bility on Roosevelt Tick-
et; May Refuse
(Special)-The early nomination of
Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt still
seemed imminent this morning as
colorful demonstrations for new
candidates proceeded. The names of
Roosevelt, Smith, Garner, B y r d,
Traylor, Ritchie and Reed had al-
ready been given to the convention.
As nominations proceeded,ithabe-
came, increasingly apparent that to-
night's session would be long, with
a distinct possibility that a presi-
dent might be nominated before ad-
journment. Anti-Roosevelt forces
were attempting to delay the hold-
ing of a first ballot as long as pos-
sible in order to force it over an-
other day. Leaders stated that they
had 426 votes which would "stay
until Christmas"; these claims would
give them 40 more votes than neces-
sary to prevent a Roosevelt victory.
The most colorfulof events of the
day came when galleries rose to
cheer the nomination of Al Smith,
a demonstration which lasted more
than an hour "The demonstration's
packed;," explained: a Pennsylvania
delegate wearing t h e Roosevelt
badge. Still it seemed the most
spontaneous outburst of the day.
Loud cheers at the mention of Rit-
chie's nomination showed the Mary-
land governor's popularity but dele-
gates were still waiting to see gov-
ernor Murray's band of girls which
marched to the stadium tonight.
During the Smith parade, the
Michigan standard appeared in the
aisles, but Horatio J. Abbott, Demo-
cratic national committeeman, ex-
plained it had been stolen. "Michi-
gan votes five times for Roosevelt
before we men caucus," he stated.
All afternoon whispered confer-
ences took place around the base of
the New York standard. Jimmy
Walker and Al Smith were most
prominent in these discussions.
.The Roosevelt demonstration, the
first after the adoption of the plat-
form with a lone amendment, lasted
45 minutes; most state banners were
to be seen in the parade, but it was

100 Summer Session Students
See Ann Arbor on First Tour

New York ........
Detroit ............
Athletics ..........
Cleveland .......
St. Louis ...........
Chicago ...........
Thursday's R
Cleveland 7, Detroi1


48 19
38 28
40 30
37 31
37 32
35 32
23 43
12 55


Editor's Note; The following ac-
count of the first University tour was
written by Guy M. Whipple, Jr., a
reporter on the Daily. This is the
first articleof a series on the various
University excursions.
A caravan of 26 cars, driven by
as many faculty men and transport-
ing approximately 100 Summer
Session students to points of inter-
est in and around Ann Arbor, yes-
terday afternoon aided the students
in getting their bearings and learn-
ing many facts about the city they
have chosen for their brief stay.
It was indeed a most representa-
tive group. The five of us in Prof.
Daniel Rich's car represented no
less than four states, widely scat-
tered. Mr. B. M. Gatke, Carnegie
student here to attend the Interna-
tional Law Conference, hails from
Salem, Ore.; Mr. J. W. W. Daniel,
also in attendance at the Law con-
ference, is from Macon, Ga., and
Mr. A. F. Cefay, who is taking workj
in the medical school, is from De-

Arbor water?"
The air was charged with suspense.
"That," Professor Rich offered, "is
iron and manganese." (Professor
Rich is a physicist. Manganese is
just one more thing that helps stain
the bathtub.)
"Well," Mr. Gatke returned. "We
don't appreciate our blessings until
we leave them. Boy, that home
town water will be good!"
"Speaking of water," Mr. Daniel
countered, "just what is this, a river
here? That the Huron?"
We explained it was. -
"Humph," he said. (Or was it
Mr. Gatke that sai dit?) "Back
home there's a 60-foot stream near
my back yard and the volume is
double that, but we call it a creek."
All this time Mr. Cefay was silent,
possibly thinking over tomorrow's
physiology assignment. Or maybe
in Detroit they call rivers like the
Huron mill-runs. Who knows?
After the river drive, we went out


Health InstituteI

A series of five special Public
Health Institutes have been planned
for the summer under the auspices
of the department of public health
administration. The second will take
place this week-end. All Summer
Session students will be admitted
upon showing their treasurer's re-
ceipt. Others attending will be
charged a fee of $3 for each insti-
Many prominent lectures have
been obtained to address these insti-
tutes. Among them are Miss Anne
Whitney, director, division of health
education, American Child Health
association, New York City; Miss
Marion G. Howell, director, univer-
sity public health nursing district,
Western Reserve university, Cleve-
land; Dr. Mazyck P. Ravenel, pro-
fessor of preventive medicine, Uni-

Given Over to Oratory
CHICAGO, June 30.-(AP)-Hon-
oring each of the candidates in turn
as its faithful vote, the Democratic
convention gave itself over to more
nomination oratory tonight after
the three I e a d i n g delegates in
strength - Roosevelt, Smith, and
Garner--had been given tumultuous
ovations at the afternoon session.
Whether developments would be
reached before another meeting to-
m o r r o w remained uncertain, al-
though some of the officials wanted
to stay at it even if it went to the
early morning hours.
Roused to a fever heretofore un-
reached, the delegates and thous-
ands on thousands of watchers made
this huge, beflagged hall resound
with bedlam in separate welcomes
to the speeches nominating Frank-
lin D. Roosevelt, Alfred E. Smith,
and John N. Garner.
So pronounced was the confusion
as the one-hour demonstration for
Smith ended that Senator Walsh
banged his gavel, adjourning the
meeting from 6 to 9 o'clock, al-
though it had been planned to sit
Tammany Split Heard
That a 11 o w e d opportunity for
more conferences among the leaders,
rumor being rife as usual but noth-
ing definite. Recurring talk men-
tioned Garner for the vice-presiden-
tial end, should Roosevelt win out,
but close friends repeated their
doubt that he would take that posi-

it 4.

Many women students have al-
ready taken advantage of the nu-
merous activities scheduled by the
physical education department, ac-
cording to Dr. Margaret Bell, direc-
tor, who yesterday stated that the

New York 15, Boston 4.
- St. Louis 7, Chicago 6.
Only games scheduled.






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