House Clerk May Rlae 11 U. . C iIata Pu~bcafioit Is Mandatory Under R elief Laws, He Declares its Statement WASHINGTON, Aug. 17.-(/P)- The clerk of the house is ready to over-rule President Hoover and make public the details of loans by the $3,800,000,000 Reconstruction Finance Corporation since July 21. The corporation's first report on the loans is due to be submitted to congress this week. South Trimble, house clerk, has written an eight- page brief giving his reasons for in- terpreting the relief law as making publicity mandatory. Trimble feels, as do speaker Garner and Representative Rainey, Demo- cratic leader, that he has no choice. He disagrees that further congres- sional action is necessary. The publicity provision got the re- lief bill into a snarl that threatened to prevent adjournment. At the in- sistence of Garner and Rainey, the measure included instructions that monthly reports of loans should be transmitted to the clerk of the house and the secretary of the senate. President Hoover summoned lead- ers of botha'parties to the White House to ask that the publicity phase be omitted. A statement from the executive mansion explained the President favored 'fullest publicity to all government activities" but that the then directors of the relief cor- poration "advised the President of the danger that would result to the credit structure if this (publicity pro- viso) were insisted upon." "The responsibility in the last an-' alysis for whatever might happen must necessarily rest upon congress," the statement said. Garner renewed his fight for the provision. Rainey said it "must be included or there will be no relief bill." The completed law contained the phraseology, in outline at least, demanded by Garner. President Hoover then said in a statement announcing he would sign the bill that "the obnoxious features which had been injected into the legislation from time to time by members of the house of representa- tives and had so long delayed action, have been eliminated." Shreveport, La., uses daily 30,- 000,000 cubic feet of gas.t CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING_ TYPEWRITERS, all makes, bought, sold, rented, exchanged, repaired. O. D. MORRILL, 314 So. State. -c TYPEWRITING AND M I M E O- GRAPHING promptly and neatly done. O. D. MORRILL, 314 So. State St. -c LOST AND FOUND LOST-Tau Beta Pi and Mu Pi Sig- ma keys. Please return to R. W. Drier, 192 E. Geddes. Phone 8717. Reward. WANTED RIDE-For two, to Upper Peninsula or Frankfort. Will share expenses. Call Olson, 8657. -0 FOR SALE CLOSING OUT-All camp and tour- ing equipment, folding cots, blank- ets, duffel bags, breeches, etc.. at. Surplus Supplies store, 217 N. 4th Ave. -0 FOR SALE-New 1932 and 1933 fur: and fur coats at lowest prices in our history. Zwerdling Fur Shop, Ann Arbor, since 1904. -c FOR RENT FOR RENT-Second floor, light and clean, four rooms, bath, electric re- frigerator, gas stove, tubs, garage, heated. 514 Pauline St. -0 ROOMS FOR RENT for next year. These are not cheap rooms but quality rooms for quality men. 928 Church. -0 WASHING AND IRONING WANT- ED-Will call for and deliver. Soft water used; washing done separate. Phone 2-3478. -c WANTED-Laundry. S o f t water. 21044. Towels free, socks darned. -c WANTED--Young woman, university graduate, to share apartment in Detroit for coming school year. Call 2-2266 between 5:30 and 8. -0 WANTED - Students for part-time work. Apply at American Hotel be- tween 5 and 6 p. m. -0 WANTED - Student wants ride to Des Moines this week end. Share expenses. Phone 9568. -0 WANTED-Two men passengers to Washington, D. C., leaving Satur- day, share expenses. Call 4333. --0 FOR RENT-Four-bedroom, modern seven-room house, across Hoover from Intramural building. Good decorations, just painted, large lawn. Rent very reasonable to University people. A. E. Gibson, phone 7683. -0 FOR RENT-Modern seven room house, four bedrooms across Hoo- ver from Intramural Bldg. Good decorations, just painted, large lawn, rent very reasonable to Uni- versity people. --0 Want Seabury to Probe Pennsylvania Affairs HARRISBURG, Pa., Aug. 17.-(/P) -Samuel Seabury, of New York; was suggested today as counsel for the projected Public Service Commission investigating committee. The probe was approved by a senate committee. Senate Williarimo D. Mansfield, of Allegheny County, said Seabury's em- ployment would be a guarantee of the inquiry's completeness. - ILJIJUUW.JhUI FOX THEATRE BUILDING Second Floor DETROIT Phone CAdillac 2070 NOW, AT LAST, ANY MAN OR WOMAN MAY HAVE COMFORT- ABLE SHOES AND RELIEF FROM FOOT TROUBLES. YOU DO NOT NEED TO WASTE ANY MORE MONEY LOOKING FOR FOOT COMFORT for I have the correct last and shoe con- struction for your particular type or condition of foot. The NEW LASTS I have finished perfecting and the NEW SPECIAL CON- STRUCTION FEATURES I have added to my shoes the past two years .make them THE MOST WONDERFUL SHOES IN THE WORLD for any foot to wear. THERE ARE NO OTHER SHOES LIKE MINE IN CONSTRUC- TION AND MEASUREMENTS and they are the only shoes you can really afford to wear if you consider your health, comfort and cost by the year (For Sale no other place). FOOT SPECIALIST MORE THAN 30 YEARS I will be at my residence in Ann Arbor, 1120 Lincoln Ave.. Saturday, Aug. 20 to 27, for Evening Appointments. Phone 5862. i' dr BALLOON ASCENSION and PARACHUTE DROP EVERY SUNDAY Newport Bothing Beach Portage Lake q _ _ i J~- prin Deicious and Nfreshing 'd