) THE MICHIGAN DAII.Y T Daily _.. - .. i MMr'LGPN N AAgdq 1 M+erorwnlfD gar~uii nrY Published every morning except Monday during the Un i4rsity year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MeAzber of the Western Conference Editorial Assocla- iofi and the Big Ten News Service. M1EMnER OF TE ASSOCIATED P!ESS 4he Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatchea are reserved. Eir~e~d at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Tlird Assistant Postmaster General. Subscription during summer by carier, $1.00; by mal, $1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ai Arbo, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. Representatives: Littell-Murray-Rutsky, Inc., 40 East Thirty-fourth Street, New York City; 80 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass.; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Ill EXATONIAL STA'F Office Hours: 2-12 P.M. editrial I1tector. ..................Heach Conger, Jr. City Editor........................Carl S. Forsythd State Editor...........................David M. Nichol NewE'ditor............ ...............Denton Kunze TeTV rn Editor...................Thomu Connellan Spt Editor......................C. . Beukema Assistant City Editor.................Norman F. Kraft Otffce fours 9-12; 24exept aturdays BduiistssManager...............Cni4 T: #ihie Assistant Business Manudi............. ori f. Johnsn Circulation Manager................linton B. Conger THURSDAY, AUG. 18, 1932 Taking The Final Stitkune h1veontor.. . tiier tSsion is, fr all practical put'poss, o#.' And once more it is our duty and paurH to #ite a hail and farewel editorial. 'or the end of this period is cetaily a moment when every student attending the Summer Session shbuld pause for a moment and take stock of what has been accomplished. What has been acconplihed by the Sum mer Sess1n? Although enrollrent figures fell slightly below last year's record-bra*ing attendance, *liigan still maintained a higher percentage, as compared with last year, than any other of the larger summer institution. An ambitious series of lectures has been presented with overwhelming Wubees. Thusands of students have listened to e Srts speak on topics raning from the cur- rency system to excavations in Egypt. Students n&W to the campus and new to this section of the country have been privileged to take part in ex- cursIons to many points of interest in ad near Ann Arbor. Scoatcall y, the University has been able to present not only the Michigan faculty, but also ptominent profeSsors fromh other institutions, who have lectured and taught in many fields. It has been a privilege and an unusual opportunity to learn of the viewpoints of other sections, and the interchange of ideas has been mutually profitable. Ih the recreational field, the Sunimmer Repertory P1yirs haVe enj-oyed another successful season in presenting productions of all different types for our ehtertainment. The Intranural depart-' ment has carried out a sports program covering all fields of summer activity which has -met with enthusiastic acclaim, particularly the baseball le gui. Socially, this summer has been one of the *Iist successful the Session hs ever witnessed. And, in conclusion, we should like to express our gratitude to all those who have taken part In making this summe's Daily the succss we hope it has been. In particular the assistance of Dean Edward H. Kraus and Carlton Wells has been invaluable and we are indebted to them for their advice in organizing this first of professional S ri br publications. May -their next summer be in all ways as much of a success. Edto.a Comn WHERE WILL.DRYS GO? (Cleveland Plain Dealer) Republican candidates for Congress, Senate or House, may expect to be asked this question: D'o you stand on your party platform, or do you support President Hoover on the issue of prohibi-' Eighteenth Amendment in the four years since his first acceptance. In 1928 he praised the "experi- ment" as one "noble in motive and far-reaching in purpose;" he was outspokenly opposed to repeal. When he transmitted the Wickersham report in 1931 he indicated no change in sentiment. When he dictated the terms of the Chicago prohibition plank in June this year and "sold" it to a con- vention that preferred something wetter he was willing to go no further than to advocate resub- mission of the amendment, leaving the country to wonder whether he and his party favored or op- posed the amendment's repeal. Somehow between mid-June and mid-August the executive thinking on the subject received a new and unexpected itpulse. He was for resub- mission only in June; in 'August he throws the moot amendment overboard. "A change is nec- essary." It is a fair assumption that since the Chicago convention the president has been hearing from the country. Practically all the congressional nominations hav.e now been made. A procession of these candidates have been dropping into Washington. State and district party leaders have had ears to the ground, and been convinced that the Chicago wet-dry, dry-wet straddle has left a bad impression in the public hind. Mr. Hoover's speech has been generally received as a competent and manly discussion of the whole economic situation as it appeals to the man who for three years has been at the center of the mael- strom. And not least among the reasons for prais- ing the address is the fact that the president strikes out boldly on prohibition and is not averse to saying that his own party platform is out of harmony with prevailing sentiment in the country. As Gov. Roosevelt said at Chicago: "The Eight- eenth Amendment is doomed." Mr. Hoover con- firms the judgment. GOOD SIGNS (Toledo News Bee) Seasons of stress call for boldness, decisiveness, clarity, frankness, directness. Often, during the' last four years, we have critized President Hoover for indecision. We have criticized Gov. Roosevelt on the same ground. While disagreeing with President Hoover on many of the policies enumerated in his speech of acceptance, we are glad to note a quality of posi- tiveness in that sppeech-a quality that is now, refreshing and reassuring. On the same day, Gov. Roosevelt stepped into the opening of the Walker trial with quite the same decisiveness as that which characterized the Hoover speech. We sincerely trust that Roosevelt will demonstrate the same trait in his campaign utterances and that Hoover will continue as he has started. The times cry out against the side- stepper and the pussyfooter. In no part of his speech did Hoover more strik- ingly display that tendency away from the nega- tive and into the positive than in his discussion of prohibition. Four years ago what he had to say was only weasel words about "a great social and economic experiment, noble in motive and far- reaching in purpose"; about "searching investi- gation" into something, the failure of which al- ready was so obvious as to require no investiga- tion. But now in 1932, Hoover comes outfo a change. And some of his words are no less drastic than might have been employed on the same sub- ject by Alfred E. Smith. We do not believe in Hoover's program for a change. We do not believe that even the slighest trace of prohibition should remain in the Consti- tution of the United States. We do not believe that police regulations belong there. Complete repeal is the only final answer. But, apart frpm the method of the change, there can be no mistaking the fact that Herbert Hoover is now clear in his conclusion on the larger question of whether prohibition is a failure. He says: "An increasing number of states and munici- palities are *Yroving themselves unwilling to en- gage in such enforcement. Due to these forces there is in large sections an increasing illegal traf- fic in liquor. But worse than this there has been in those areas a spread of disrespect not only for this law but for all laws, grave dangers of practi- cal nullification of the Constitution, a degenera- tion in municipal government and an increase in subsidized crime. "That-coming from Hoover-sounds like the death knell to the domination of politics by the Scott MBrides, the Dinwiddies, the Bishop Can- nons, , the Clarence True Wilsons, the Anti- Saloon league. No matter what plan may be adopted, the Re- publican plan of revision, or the Democratic plan of outright repeal, national prohibition as we now know it is being placed in the casket. EARLI'EST AMERICAN ART (The Detroit Times) Week after next the Indians on Walpole Island will hold their annual fair. This is an event worth visiting from historic motives as well as because of its picturesque aspect. The Indians, mostly Ojibways, Ottawas and Pottawatomes, live less than 60 miles distant. Their community on the island in the St. Clair River is the nearest Indian settlement to Detroit. A generation ago it was fairly familiar to Detroit- ers. Today it is singularly remote. That is a result of this motor age which has dimmed the pleasure of water travel between here and Lake Huron. You should know about those Walpole Indians. Their ancestors, or a majority of them, were Mich- igan Indians. In the early days of the last century they were accorded treaty rights to attractive land in central Michigan. The soil was rich, the hunt- ing and fishing were good. They were happy. Then sturdy, church-going Christians from New England colonized this state. The Christian whites saw that the Indian land was valuable and that the Indians were not orthodox Christians in the New England sense of that word. So they plied the Indians with whisky and cheated them and drew up new treaties and eventually ran them out of Michigan. The Canadian government gave them sanctuary, settled them at Walpole and has taken excellent care of them since. By all means go to their fair if you have not already attended it. Go and see the Indian games and races, examine their handicraft. Visit and mingle with the descendants of people who lived here in Michigan before your great-grandparents ever had heard of it. questions is a direct one. Clearly it would mean a long step backward. Constables, deputy sheriffs, sheriffs, city police, state police and state wardens; post office inspec- tors, prohibition enforcers, narcotics agents, in- ternal revenue officers, U. S. marshals and Secret Service! Without counting private police, the armies of township, village, town, city, county, state and federal police indeed have multiplied. Each new arm added, few old ones were dispensed with. Which are the more e sential in this era of fast automobiles and airplanes, the state police or constables and sheriffs? We think Mr. Welsh's devotion to economy is hampiered by a respect for what he believes to be the immediate political expediencies. Those 83 county sheriffs swing more votes than the state police. Schemes radically reducing the n4mbers of policing jobs controlled by local politics strike at the heart of state politics as now organized. Yet, independent investigation agrees, that is the method by which both economy and efficiency are to be effectively served. That local political up- heavals froth time to time get results and that signal cases of good sheriffs and effective county policing arise, are circumstances not touching either the narrow authority or the average unfit- ness of men whose local political strength puts them on the public payrolls. The admission that our American needs and opinion always have and always will require local policing does not admit that the extent of the localization must remain the same under entirely new coiditions. We predict that sooner than the politicians thus far seem to realize, it will become politically feasible to revise the government sys- tem--provide fo' about 40 counties in Michigan instead of 83. The support of a change as sweep- ing as that would be strong enough to provide also for local policing which, though much reduced in the nuimbers of men dmiployed, would rest on an efficiency basis and be in large part removed from politics. Such local policing still would need the help of an equally efficient and non-political body of state police. "GET ME A JOB," SAYS THE BOY. (The Detroit News) A Detroit social worker calls attention to the fact that at the close of school for the vacation period every social agency is beset by clamoring youths for aid to get employment. "Get me a job," says the boy. "Get him a job," plead the parents. "And," says this expert in youth guid- ance, "agencies that will show the boy how to work in this choreless age and that will give him a taste of the discipline of work, are few and far between." There is something pathetic, if not ominous, in this evident lack in the organization of our mod- ern social system. Unfortunately, the lack is not peculiarly that of abnormal times when jobs are too few for the mature workers. It is innate in the system that the discipline of work is lacking in the surroundings of millions of young people of this generation. What were the chores of former years? Ask the statesmen of the old school, the successful men of the group that laid the foundation of our present economic, commercial and industrial structure. SHow few of those remain who can tell of the chores about the farm, of the little necessary du- ties that could be performed by boys and girls even in the city homes a generation ago. Only to mention a list of such chores is sufficiert to indi- cate the striking contrast of life under modern conditions. It is a matter of serious consideration on the part of educators, social workers, legislators and all who have responsibility for social welfare. For work has not been abolished. In the life of every individual must come a meeting of obligations and an assuming of duties. And what if there has been no preparation in discipline such as was given to the youth of other days? TWO IN AGREEMENT (Detroit Free Press) If the testimony of one experienced statesman on an important point is good, the harmonious testimony of two experienced statesmen is still better. On July 23, former President Calvin Coolidge concluded an article in Collier's with these words: "There is always a temptation in time of adver- sity to think anything would be better than that which we have. Naturally we ask ourselves why, if our system is sound, it does not work better. The answer is that our system has worked better and is now working better than any other system ever devised. Under it, we have more progress and more comfort than ever came to any other people, Even in our present distress, we are better taken care of than we would be under any other sys- tem. We are wise enough to know that there is no system of property rights that is good against human greed and folly. We cannot expect per- fection. We do expect improvement. But that is no reason why we should agree with those who would persuade us that all our hard earned vic- tories were mistakes which we ought now to aban- don. Our greatest hope of success, materially and spiritually, lies in the continued support of those political and economic institutions which were established by the Constitution of the United States." On Thursday evening, Aug. 11, President Hoover in accepting a renomination at the hands of the Republican National Convention approached the same theme that had previously been taken up by his predecessor in office, doing so, however, in his own words and from his own mental viewpoint. In doing so he said: "The solution of our many problems which arise from the shifting scene of National life is not to be found in haphazard experimentation or by revolution. It must be through organic develop- ment of our National life under these ideals (the ideals of the American system). It must secure that co-operative action which builds initiative and strength outside of government. 'I"It does not follow because our difficulties are stupendous, because there are some souls timorous enough to doubt the validity and effectiveness of our ideals and our system, that we musi turn to a state controlled or state directed social or eco- nomic system in order to cure our troubles. "That is not liberalism; it is tyranny. It is the regimentation of men under autocratic bureau- cracy with all its extinction of liberty, of hope and of opportunity. Of course no man of understand- ing says that our system works perfectly. It does not. The human race is not perfect. Oft= times the tendency of democracy in presence of National danger is to strike blindly and to. listen to demagagues and slogans, all of which would destroy and would not save. We have refused to be stampeded into such courses. Mr. Coolidge speaks as a philosopher intensely interested in the welfare and fate of his Country, but able to discuss his theme with the relative detachment that comes to a person in retirement and out of the political and administrative arenas. I mom WIN Eno om I N 1h " ass I -i 'I 1k I 0@" " " With. this last issue of the Summer Ses- sion The Daily wishes you an enjoyable respite b)efore school resumes in the Fall We hope that your summer here has been both fruitful and enjoyable and, in direct line with this thought, hope also that The Michigan Daily has lelped accomplish this end. If you have enjoyed The Daily this summer under its new plan of management we would appreciate hearing about it. If you have any suggestions or criticisms to offer which would improve The D aily in1 your estimationi we should like to hecar of themr. We wish you the best of lutick and .hope *{ to see you again next summer. ..The .If a candidate is merely for resubmission of the Eighteenth Amendment without being willing to say whether he favors repeal he goes with the platform, but leaves the president part way. If the candidate believes a "change is necessary," h'e supports the president but 6ondemnhs the platform on which both he and the president are supposed 9* ;icuous result of the Hoover accept- s6 far as prohibition is concern'ed, is 'econcilable dry is caught out in the t an umhbrella. Roosevelt is for out- ; Mr. Hoover is for conditional repeal. ratic platform promises repeal; the platform proposes resubmission but TWICE TOO MANY SHERIFFS (The Detroit News) When the candidates ior the foremost offices now specify economies they would undertake if nominated and elected, they can have no doubt of a keen public interest. Each suggested cost-cut deserves examination; in a case containing the huge expansions of government expenses, many ii'Iicliagan I 'aiy Student Publications Building