Turns Politician
v Zl " _
(Associated Press Photo)
John Law, who led the great 1929
Notre Dame football team, plans to
run as a Democratic candidate for
Congress from the district embracing
Yonkers, N. Y.
15 Dead as Rebels
Clash With Brazil
Federals in South,
RIO DE JANEIRO, Aug. 16.--()-
Fifteen were killed and many wound-
ed in a battle between federal and
rebel troops on the southern front,
according to reports received here
from Gen. Waldomiro Lima, the fed-
eral commander.
The federal leaders claimed to have
taken 2,000 prisoners thus far in the
six weeks of the revolt. Eleven rebels
battle at Taboado, on the Parana
were reported killed Monday in a
MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay, Aug. 16.
-(P)-Press dispatches from Riviera,
on the Brazilian bordedr, said today
the Brazilian state of Rio Grande
do Sul will soon join its neighbors,
the state of Sao Paulo, in rebellion
against the federal government of
President Getulio Vargas.
Noted Mexican
Radical to Run
For President
Tejeda Placed on Ticket
By Coalition of Workers'
And Farmers' Parties
MEXICO CITY, Aug. 16--P)-The
Presidential candidacy of Col. Adal-
berto Tejeda, launched by a coali-
tion of workers and farmers' parties
in Vera Cruz has again focused the
limelight upon that noted anti-
cleric and radical.
His public acts as Governor of Vera
Cruz have disturbed Mexican Feder-
al policies several times in recent
The candidacy is for the Presiden-
tial elections two years hence. More
conservative political circles believe
that Tejeda's friends have been pre-
mature and therefore his chances
for election are not regarded as at all
Tejeda's most recent publicity came
through the Vera Cruz expropriation
law which made all private property
subject to condemnation and seizure
for "the common good." The Gov-
ernor let the law go into the code
despite protests from many quarters,
including a severe Presidential frown,
The Colonel's enemies have brand-
ed him as a Communist and he has
not denied the impeachment. Even
his friends admit that he is an ex-
treme radical.
Although Tejeda had a previous
term as Governor of Vera Cruz, it
was as Secretary of the Interior in
the Cabinet of President* Calles that
he first came to general attention.
This happened when Calles decreed
that the religious paragraphs of the
Constitution should go into effect.
Paraguay Wants Peace
But Is Ready to Fight
ASUNCION, Paraguay, Aug. 16.-
(P)-Paraguay will do everything in
her power to prevent war with Boliv-
ia, but is determined to defend her
territorial sovereignty if a peaceable
settlement is impossible, Eusebio
Ayala declared today at ceremonies
marking his inauguration as Presi-
The new President asserted that
Paraguay is and always has been
ready to submit the conflict over the
Gran Chaco to any conciliatory trib-
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