THE MICHIGAN DAILVY WEDNESDAY Daily lag, I , Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Hoard in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- tion and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by inail, $4.50. Offices: Student Publications Building, MaynarA sftre t, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. doctrine has been accepted by all the nations of the world on a recent critical occasion, and within the last few days has been accepted again by all the nations of the Western Hemisphere. Doubts may exist of separate accounts coming piece-meal from different points in the Far East, but enough is repeated from various sources show- ing continuing warfare in Manchuria itself and a massing of Japanese armies along or below the Chinese Great Wall-the border between Man- churia and China proper. An expanded Japanese plan of annexations of North China to Manchuria, as well as the full absorption of the latter under a puppet pro-Japanese government, is being openly discussed. One wedge of Japanese extending miles south of the Great Wall appears to threaten the former Chinese capital itself, Peiping. Against these aggressions old and new, the mor- al disapproval of the world is massed as never before. No other than this restraint is to be ex- pected. In time, it is certain to prove sufficient. Horrible to contemplate, war and the booty of war in the past were held legal under international law. That repulsive theory now stands specifi- cially rejected. There never was a doubt upon the attitude of peoples; the trouble has been with governments and their fatal and misrepresenta- tive involvements, not least among which were their commitals to false doctrine. Fortified by the promulgation of another, a higher and truer in- ternational law-reinforced by the new pledges' specifically binding the governments in the pres- ent set of circumstances-the united force of world opinion must wield a pressure which cannot fail to triumph. An opponent confronts Senator Watson again with the fact that he gave prosperity 30 days to return after enactment of the Smoot Tariff. How did this ever turn out? HOOVER'S SPEECH (Toledo News Bee) Representatives: Littell-Murray-Rutsky, Inc., 40 East Thirty-fourth Street, New York City; 80 Boylston Swreet, Boston, Mass.; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Ill. EDITORIAL STAFF Office Hours: 2-12 P.M. Editorial Director......................Beach Conger, Jr. City Edtor........................... Carl S. Forsythe State ditor.........................DavidA. Nicho ,1Nws Editor................................Denton Kune Telegraph Editor..................Thomas Con ellan O)ortO Editor ............................0. H. Bukena Assistant City Editor.....................Norman F. Kraft BUSINESS STAFF Ofice Hours: 9-12; 2-5 except Saturdays Eisiiess Manager.......................Charles T. Kline Assistant Business Manager........Norrs P. Johnson Circulation lManager...............Clinton B. Conger WEDNESDAY, AUG. 17, 1932 Ma ingr an Example of M tnicipal Officials .. . Governor Roosevelt, Mayor Walker, Judge Sea- nury, Albany and New York-what a perfect set. Ling for the inauguration of a Democratic presi- dential campaign. Unfortunately for the gover- nor, however, the trial of the Mayor involves more than that one position in its outcome, and the issue is clouded by these additional factors. So that no matter what his action, the Democratic nominee will have to face trouble. Ta'1 many has became a legend all over the cniatry as a representative or prototype of boss t ntrolled politics. To the average citizen, be he ruIral or urban, Tammany is something he thanks God does not exist in his town under that name, ad because it does not have that name, he fools itf into believing it does not exist. Neverthe- ds, he is anti-Tammany. In this particular case, not only Walker but all of Tammany is on trial. And the main question which puzzles the nation at large acting as jury s the source of the many hundreds of thousands of dollars received by public officials drawing a 1'ary approximately one tenth their total income. The investigation just completed by Judge Sea- bury and his committee has revealed that money apparently has been received by public officials for giving favors, protection, contracts and split- igng fees. And arguments have been advanced to show that the cases which have been brought up re typical of all municipal departments of the city of New York. Governor Roosevelt has already removed one New York officer, Sheriff Farley. And in order to be consistent in his judgment he should re- move Mayor Walker too. The Mayor's removal will not only show that the Empire state is in- terested in her municipal government but will give citizens all over the country confidence in their attacks against graft and corruption in city politics. The question still is, however, whether Gov- ernor Roosevelt will, so far alienate Tammany's support by removing Mayor Walker as to make his chances for carrying his home state danger- ous, or whether he will take no action on the case and gain Tammany support while losing a great deal more in the middle west. Whichever course 4e takes is froUght with political difficulties. His ultimate choice will reveal a great deal more of his strength of character than has anything to date. Editorial Comment MARSHALED AND ARRAYED, THE WORLD'S OPINION (Detroit News) Secretary Stimson eloquently enunciated the applications, President Hoover forcibly sustains him and the civilized world through the League of Nations with the single exception of Japan again espouses the doctrine outlawing war as means of acquiring additions to a nation's terri- Cory. In one short week in the United States, a sharp and solemn comment is made upon that news rom the. Orient which indicates an expansion of the Jananese aggressions against China. On last President Hoover's acceptance speech impressed us as an exceedingly well-written and, on the whole, frank statement of his conservative posi- tion. For the first time he makes clear his attitude toward prohibition. He lines up with the moder- ate drys, by favoring revision rather than repeal. He is willing to submit to the states the question of his brand of revision; but he is not willing to submit the question of outright repeal. He does not definitely pledge himself or his party to do anything to achieve or even hasten revision of the 18th amendment. And, of course, he does not pledge himself to any modification of the dry laws pending change of the amendment. This is a consistent position for a dry who, as he says, has "always sympathized with the high purpose of the 18th amendment" and who now wishes to cling to as much of it as public opinion will permit. It would block legislation and taxa- tion of beer and wines for several or perhaps for many years, and it would postpone indefinitely a vote on outright repeal. The Democratic platform puts liquor control squarely up to the states, and urges the states to prevent the return of the saloon. The Republican platform--and President Hoo- ver's speech of acceptance-also puts liquor con- trol up to the sttes, subject, however, to the Con- stitution of the United States retaining provisions that will protect each state from interference and invasion by its neighbors, and from the re- turn of the saloon. Both parties therefore oppose the saloon. The objection to the Republican method is that it won't work. That fact has been demonstrated for 12 years. If the states can't control the liquor problem within their own borders, the federal government can't. Retention in the constitution of anything that throws part of the responsibil- ity for enforcement aon the federal government divides the responsibility ,and divided responsi- bility contains within it the germ of its own failure. The fundamental reason why federal enforce- ment has failed is that a police regulation has no place in the constitution of the United States. In so far as the federal government acts as between states to prevent "invasion" by neigh- boring states it is performing a proper federal function--which was performed before the eight- eenth amendment and which would be continued after prohibition repeal. But, in so far as the federal government itself invades a state and takes a hand in the state's enforcement affairs, it is engaging in an endeavor the utter failure of which is the reason why both great political parties now admit that there must be a change. This operation of getting rid of prohibition and back to a system in which the responsibility for control rests where it should rest-a system in which real temperance may once again have a chance to thrive-must be clear-cut. Inch at a time amputation only prolongs the agony. We believe that the people ,through specially elected state conventions, have a right to vote on the flat question of repeal, which Hoover would deny them. Pending that decision of the people on the amendment, we favor speedy Volstead modification by Congress. In short, we favor the Democratic plank. The President is frank in defending the high tariff. We believe it has provoked a disastrous international trade war, and that business de- stroyed by it cannot be prosperous again until the tariff is lowered. Unfortunately, the President-like his oppo- nent Mr. Roosevelt-is less frank regaring the debts-armament problem which is retarding busi- ness recovery. In one sentence he seems to favor conditional debt cancellation in trade for Euro- pean markets, but in the next sentence he seems to oppose any form of cancellation. The Scripps- Howard and Borah proposal for joint reduction of debts and armaments, which has received such wide support in this country, is ignored by the President. He appears unaware of the Russian recognition problem, or that better relations with that coun- try would help to check a Japanese war and would open a rich market for our depressed industries; or that present federal unemployment relief is inadequate. Throughout his long discussion of the depres- sion there is no suggestion that basic changes are needed in our economic system. Reading the President's appeal for re-election we get the impression of a sincere conservative, sobered by past mistakes and by vast responsi- bility. SENIORS AND SOPHOMORES FACE A GRAVE PROBLEM IN ENFORCING HAZING PROHIBITION (Daily Californian) peculiar to this University, for the practice has been forgotten in the majority of colleges. Cali- fornia, as a seat of higher learning, should like- wise be able to brush aside this high-school cus- tom that conflicts with orientation. But with the sophomore class half indignant over this recent insult, both the Senior Peace committee and the Vigilantes will have to co- operate effectively if violations of the hazing edict are to be prevented. For without 100 per cent enforcement next Monday, the prohibition of hazing will prove impossible and the rule will be another "scrap of paper." CEYLON (Ceylon Daily News, Colombo) Ceylon had a network of schools in days when she was free. Pansala schools in Singalese Dis- tricts and "pial" schools in Tamil Districts were there in every village. The Portuguese closed down the existing schools and started a few Chris- tian schools. The Dutch at the start encouraged education by establishing more schools and gave scholarships to promising students to complete their studies in the Leyden University. Since the British occupation of Ceylon educa- tion is going on at a snail's pace and much has yet to be done to make the tomorrow's "hundred per cent electorate" literate, if not to reach the standard reached by many free countries. It took over a hundred years for the British government to introduce a system of partially free and compulsory elementary education into Ceylon. Ordinance No. 5 of 1906 made primary education compulsory and free in urban areas, and Ordinance No. 8 of 1907 in rural areas. Since the year 1900 the pace of progress quick- ened a bit and the Ordinance No. 1 of 1920 made the taxpayer meet the entire cost of primary education and made primary education free and compulsory. Primary education is compulsory in law from 1907 in Ceylon. Yet one sad fact remains. By the end of 1930 over 400,000 children were growing to citizenship without any education whatever, as against 600,- 000 who were taught. The schools are either State or aided and man- aged by religious or educaational bodies and pri- vate individuals. There are a good number of un- aided schools. The education of a child costs the Government far more in a State school than in an aided school. Denominational and educataion- al organizations and other managers are render- ing a great service to the country by running schools at considerable sacrifice. REMEMBER WHEN? (Detroit Times) Henry Ford yesterday endorsed the policies of President Hoover as contained in his, acceptance speech. Mr. Ford's endorsement, a formal state- ment, included a refreshing allusion toi the Presi- dent's changed attitude on prohibition. Mr. Ford is a staunch dry and he insists Presi- dent Hoover's attitude on prohibition has not changed at all. He says: "His (Hoover's) stand on prohibition' shows no change in fundamental principle. He is still on he side of decency and sobriety in the family and the nation and against any encroachment by liquor.. "Any one hearing or reading his speech must feel that, with the world trembling under the menace of imminent collapse, it is mere twidd- ling with straws to regard prohibition as a major question." Detroiters still recall with a chuckle the acad- emic difference of opinion between Mr. Ford and Senator James Couzens back in 1924. Senator Couzens had issued a statement deploring condi- tions under prohibition and advocating the return of beer of not more than 5 per cent alcohol. Eight years ago that was a pretty radical state- ment from a United States senator. Newspaper- men asked Mr. Ford to comment on it. The automobile manufacturer said merely: Jim knows better that." It would be preposterous, of course, to think that when Henry Ford discussed Mr. Hoover and prohibition yesterday he really meant to say: "Herbert knows better than that." A Washington BYSTANDER By Kirke Simpson WASHINGTON, Aug. 16.-(/P)-Now that a vice-presidential nomination at the age of 64, maybe sturdy, hard-hitting Bert Snell of Potts- dam, N. Y., has notions about what destiny might hold in store for him four years from now. He will be 66 then, being two years the junior of Speaker John Nance Garner. And as Republi- can leader of the house in the present Congress Snell has absorbed virtually all of the leadership functions once shared by Longworth, Tilson and Snell in the days of Republican house majorities. * * * SNELL FIRES A SHOT While waiting for Hoover notification day to roll around give him a chance in doing his bit as notifier Snell found time to supply the Re- publican national committee with considerable campaign ammunition. About once a week he broke out with a state- ment levelled at his Democratic foes. He took ironic shots at Governor Roosevelt's tree-planting suggestions and voiced the notion that the August upswing in the stock market might be due to the fact that Garner had retired to Texas to fish. That last was designed to rub-in on Garner the "pork-barrel" label attached to him by Presi- dent Hoover's remarks about the Garner bill during the session just ended. Garner resentment of the pork-barrel term is felt by some to have had a lot to do with his decision to accept the Democratic vice-presiden- tial nomination. That he will fire back at Snell in kind is to be expected. During the session it was no unusual thing to see Snell and Garner seated side by side on the floor, talking out some detail of house business in most amicable fashion. They never allowed their political rivalries to interfere with personal good relations any more than did Garner and the late Nicholas Longworth, who were warm friends off the political stage. As Garner prepared for his conference with Governor Roosevelt at Albany, observers, specu- Sa+in at c. +i m x IP rpirr-s+ h anh ie --.+ .fl +isp 5 T EP E 1 N G I NTO A MODERN W ORLD , / I -.7 .5 'I7 4' - l S Salesman, THE MODERN PARTNERSHIP Like every other modern industry, the Bell System requires the combined effort of scien- tist and salesman. The commercial man has again and again shown the public how to use new products of the telephone laboratory, and how to make new uses of existing apparatus. Transmitting pictures and typewritten mes- sages over telephone wires are services right now being actively promoted. Scientific selling by long distance is among many ideas origi- nated to increase the telephone's usefulness. In short telephony is a business, with prob- lems that stimulate commercially minded men and a breadth of opportunity in step with the fast moving world of industry today. BELL SYSTEM qe lATED A NATION-WIDE SYSTEM QF MORE THAN 20,000.000 INTER.GONNEC T ING T ELEPIONE S An Industry's Program That Made Front-Page News Cloth rolling off the looms ;; thousands of yards;;; mil- lions of yards . :; pouring into an already glutted market. Women and children working through the long night hours to produce more goods where less was needed. From competitive chaos in the textile industry order and straight thinking have suddenly emerged. Through The Cotton-Textile Institute, an agency of the industry's own creation, the end of night work for women and minors has been decreed. This single step projects on the horizon the following bene- fits: (1) Full time for the day worker instead of part time for him and the night worker; (2) more orderly production; (3) better working conditions; (4) more profitable opera- tion; (5) better returns for mill and worker. No wonder textile markets are stronger! No wonder the textile industry is raising its head and its good news is making the front pages! Underneath all this new progress there will be found, as usual, a McGraw-Hill publication. Textile World long ago urged the abolition of night work for women and minors as one step in a program to restore prosperity to textile mills and employees. It has labored side by side with the industry for the achievement of that program. Business men, industrialists and engi- neers-600,00 of them-regularly read the McGraw-Hill Publications. More than 3,000,000 use McGraw-Hill books and magazines in their business. The Business Week Radio Retailing System Electronics Aviation Product Engineering Factory and Industrial Engineering and Management Mining journal Power Engineering and Industrial Engineering Mining World foal Age Electric Railway Journal Textile WrdA B Tr.ansrt,,;tin I Sn in manv inc*4nctrp.._tn.A av_ vxux'I I find a Mfcraw,'-M il