oignally ailiociated to the' snkigWNE fud will not be covered by cur-°a il-be saveds through curtailment WANTEl Student laundry, of expenditures.. ye a rs experience. I~a The huge deficit was accumulat- prices. Phone 23365. Will c Government Ready per cent in expenditure.EDSIlAlD IRNd Tog nd Yer it Internal revenue receipts amount Soft water used; washing t o ind T E'ir Wih sparte.Phone 2-3478. r-} a of business June 25 as compared Two 1nd uou .I]£°('L di with $2,414,991462item last.'Year. Mak- onWANTED-r Halfm.time busi nges Ali f upthisite wer e txes with business and Universi o$1543350aast$,3,6,-WASHIINGTON, June 29. -(AP) - 792 and miscellaneous internal rev- cation. Thorough expereni One day more, and the cosing entry enue of $49560%,31 against $56,- No. 1 onof the darkest financial chapter of 526,670. rciusrnk$700-FORL RENT er;thi, o an oter eac-tie ntio, C000toms32r,0eiptsshilek receipt, l - ? t i ,o an ot e pe c -i e n t o ,(0 0 t $3 50 04 2 whl re e pswill be w ritten-in red, of $187,816,731 in the last fiscal FO R R ENT --A cool room When the clock strikes 12 Thurs- year on account of principal and in- garden. Garage available. clay night the United States will terest on foreign obligations were 2140. AP) close its fiscal year, wipe its slate entirely lost. FOR RENT--6 room apartme' rgton clean and embark on ac brand new Church St. Phone 7831 'or 4 and- period with additional revenue-pro-I 'ey, auxiay co nomic ogtamwih C AS IF EDWANTED-Two persons to sh oll uiir cnmcporm hc der- promises to produce sufficient. in- ~ TN~E~r-T1E penses to Madison, Wis., come to keep the treasury in order. ADJVERTI~ISEIG Sat urdUa y, returning T sen- The books for the year will be __________________ Phone 21405.. olu- closed with about $2,000,000,000 on rhich the Wrong side of the ledger. Today WANTED LIGHTHOUSEKEEPING-Co lre- the deictwa 2,837,644,914 aso iable. Two rooms $5 pe )lice, June 2; last year it was $902,716,- WANTED-Laundry. S of t water. Gnraural Bd. 97Mr- ,lc,000. The year before a $183,000,000 21044. Towels free, socks darned. IntramualBdg pro- surplus was established and then -- 'ans ended eleven consecutive years of WANTED- Family and- Student FOR R ENT-Completely fu 'ash- profitable operations. laundry. Called for and delivered apartment with private ba iza To efsa er193wl edf Phone 4863. shower for three or four iiza Th ficalyea 193 Wii ~ di- ____________________ Also furnished apartment f ferent, however, government ofl- WANTED-Graduate women pre- Shower, continuous hot call- vials aver. With the new revenue ferred. Board $4.50. Two meals Garage, Dial 8544, 422 E. e if bill of 1932 as the spearhead, there a day, Tel. 21017. -0- ington. Oeis expected to accrue $3,261,000,000 ____ ~Oe in taxs, a sun sufficient, says Pres- 0 r O > o o )rtnr oO i~ lec- o-- ident Hoover, ~impregnably to es- Cn of tablish the credit of the federal me Sre sS.ei, government."urr am- to revenue by the new tax provi- Tusa rdyStra ting sions which will supplement $2,- Tusa rdyStra orge 143,000,000 accruing from the 1928 With summer barerly started we offer you this unusua measure. 'The government's original )osal program of spending amounted to opportunity to make substantial savings in the purchas cted, $4,113,000,000, or $851,500,000 more ( of your warm weather wardrobe All crepe de chines sd up than the revenues now believed pos- uV and summer wash silks - every wnted color - sizes once sle.- rougd To bridge this gap, $426,000,000 14 to22. Priced in two LrLP.$ in---. Values to $7.95 Values to $67 d be in the summer term, and a deposit NowNo nrsa- of 50 cents for towels is also requir-. UNoNw ed. However, the towel deposit is X returned at the time the towels are rt$4095 $9.95 turned in at the end of the Su- mErdSeson.XX T eu l 'utw Dr. May's course in "Physical Euainfr uno an Sirr Of High School Boys" is scheduled to The cRu leyr Shop an- meet on Fridays and Saturdays from ~NcesAcd the 8 to 10 o'clock.r o C o so c os:o s I f :SC, 1..,.. a" " i , For Glriu Fot h.SIT 1 Lightweight woolens deftly That's the chief recommendation of this group fashio ned and tailored into of dainty frocks -they're washable. But, in trig-fitting skirts. White or addition, you'll find them refreshingly chic BLOUSES $1.95 up and youthful as to style. Silks, crinkly or Cool cottons, novelty weaves, lacy effects, stripes . . . these chalk crepes, linens, cottons, sheer eyelet are some of the things you'll batistes and a host of lovely fabrics -all find domfnatirig this intrigu- washble.ing collection of blouses. MESH GLOVES $1 't~fw)#; i,99 r )* 1 A% 5 0Truly, Summer's answer to $2.9 $1 .50the glove question ,. these .l III 11