TWfE MICHIGAN DAILY r Chicago Court f ecomes Nursery League Report On Manchuria Nearly Ended Japan Expected to Recommendations ceptable Find Unac- (Associated Press Photo) Judge Edward B. Casey (righit) of Chicago's "renters' court" has turned his chambers into somethi. Igof a nursery, providing free milk for children of evicted families wi o appear with their parents. He is shown with three of his juvenile "'customers." Broker Takes Time Out to Be Clown with Ioming of Circus SPOKANE, Wash., Aug. 12.-(R')- technical reactions and drives by the -It's circus time in the northwest bulls and bears, their vice-president again, and a large investment house was under the big top. here is worrying along without Har Dressed in a grotesque costume per Joy, the vice-president. He's ou t that suggests a well-known mouse- clowning again, like character known to comic strip But it happens every year, some- and movie fans, Joy was doing his times twice or three times a sum twice-daily "walk-around" with a mer, and each time he comes bacx; dozen or so professionals. to his desk and picks up with stocky "Why not?" Joy demanded when and bonds and such where he left asked to explain why he followed this them. unusual hobby. "Anyone likes to turn About the time the advance agents clown once in a while. Some people for a circus start plastering thf spend their vacations rocking back countryside with, "24-sheets" adver - and forth on some summer hotel tising their show, Joy begins to fret. porch. He gets out a chest full of bizarre "But not that for me. I'd rather clown costumes, tries each on, an I be out going places, doing things and frets some more, so his wife says. seeing people in a big way-and giv- By the time the show reaches towii ing the kids a laugh. There's not his lifelong ambiiton to be a clown enough laughing these days." triumphs over things like building: Circus managers w e 1 c o m e this up a fortune for Mrs. Joy and three banker-clown to their troupes, while young Joys. Sometimes he holds off requests from many other amateurs until after the show plays here, ancd are refused. catches it in the next town, as he did this year. But he usually joins it foi: Wilber J. Teeters of the University a week or two. of Iowa's pharmacy college is "dean So, while his colleagues in the of-- of deans" at that university, starting fice were being harassed expecting: his 29th year in that position. sermon by the Reverend Edward M.. Duff. Harris Hall, Tea will be served in Harris Hall from four to six for summer school students Sunday after- noon. Wesley Hall: The Student Guild will unite with the Community Serv- ice in Burns Park at 6:30 p. m. First Methodist Church: Dr. Fisher will preach on "Finding Personal Victory" Sunday at 10:45 a. m. This will be the last sermon in the series "Living in the Twentieth Century. TOKIO, Aug. 12.--(P)-Recogni- tion of Henry Pu-Yi's government in Manchuria by Japan was declared today by the foreign office spokesman to be nearer because the government learned that the report of the League of Nations inquiry commission will contain findings and recommenda- tions utterly unacceptable to the Japanse. The report is now being completed by the commission at Peiping. As a result of its character, the spokesman said, the government feels strongly that early recognition of the, Pu-Yi regime is necessary to show the world that Japan is de- termined to maintain her stand in Manchuria. He added, however, that the rec- ognition is not likely to be announced before the commission's report is re- ceived and published at Geneva, which probably will be late in Sep- tember. According to the government's in- formation, the report will recommend that the Chinese government at Nan- king appoint a viceroy in Manchuria, thus restoring at least the form of Chinese sovereignty. This conflicts fundamentally with Japan's determination to eradicate Chinese control. The report also will deny, it was learned, that China's trespasses upon Japan's vested interests in Man- churia were serious enough to justify the Japanese Military campaign and also that the Manchukuo regime is a product of the will of the Manchu- rian people. Michigan Repertory Players' FINAL PERFORMANCE "Tour du Monde I Have you a manufacturing protizis using a small amount of Phone 6300 IL-- _ 9 Drin R Di~licious anid Refreshing n Such jolz can often be done cheaper with electric heat because it can be confined nearly 100 per cent to its job-just as in large electric melting and heat treating furnaces. It isn't the heat youpayfor buttheefficiencyof use that determines comparative economy. With electric heat there is no waste in heating up the surrounding atmos- phere and it doesn't go "up the flue." The cost of small electric industrial heating units is low. For example a small cartridge supplying a "spot" of heat costs only $2. A "strip" heater which has a multitude of uses may be purchased for $1.50. A liquid-heating unit that is adaptable to any number of jobs is priced at $10. And these are only some of the more common de- vices. There are countless electric heating units designed exactly to suit your own particular needs. It will pay you to investigate this sub- ject. Our engineers will gladly discuss with you any heating problem you may have (no matter how small) and sub. mit recommendations. There is no obligation-we do not sell this equip- ment. Simply call the nearest Detroit Edison office. Your good deed for today II