THE MICHIGAN DAILY Daily Established 1890 I . - - ' - N NA}& o n + . ..m.. .u~ ,:JO .a rv : -bhed 'every morning except Monday during the U ii s'sity yearrand Summer session by the Hoard in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- lion and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dlpatches are reserved. Eittered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4,.i~ .fttees: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann ArbOr, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. Representatives: Littell-Murray-Rutsky, Inc., 40 East thirty-fourth Street. New York City; 80 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass.; 812 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Ill. EDITORIAL STAFF Offce Ihours: 2-12 P.M. Editorial Director......................Beach Conger, Jr. City Editor...............................Carl S. Forsythe State Editor .............................David M. Nichol ;W1b IEditor.....................Denton Kunze e1g~p~fi Editor..................Thomas Connhellan 8jrts Editor........................... H. Beuema Assistant City Editor.....................Norman F. Kraft BUShINESS S'rAF Office Hours: 9-12; 2-5 except Saturdays usiness Manager .......................Charles T. Iline Assistant Business Manager.........Nors P. Johnson V'i latiOn Manager ..................Clinton3 B. Conger FRIDAY, AUG. 12, 1932 She University and Student Finances . . Moet a University owe its students financial siuptOt? Does it have the responsibility of pro- viding indigent students with funds so that they may complete their educations? Questions of this nature are presented in an editorial from The Daily Iowan in the adjacent columns, and have received national attention recently because of an article by Christian Gauss, well known Saturday Evening Post writer. A University, especially a state institution, has many duties to fulfil, but providing financial sup- port for its students can hardly be one of them. The most such colleges are able to accomplish is to bring tuition and other costs down to an abso- lute minimum, and offer to every qualified person an education which is the closest he can get to free instruction. Universities should assist students in every pos- sible way, to be sure. Michigan maintains a stu- dent employment bureau and has had ample funds at its disposal for loans to upperclass stu- .dents who have been considered deserving. But it is obvious that when 10,000 students live in a town which has a population of not more than 27,000 inhabitants, the chances for outside employment are very slim. Yet it is remarkable how many pospfective freshmen come to college expecting the authorities to obtain employment for them so that they may work their way through. In small cities, the University or college is the main and usually only industry, and no other enterprise can Absorb as much labor as is supplied. The function of the University becomes more diversified every day. From the strictly theological institutions of many decades ago it has grown until it embraces professional schools, graduate schools, alumni services, instruction courses in other cities, printing establishments, and many other modern features. Advanced students are employed as teaching or reading assistants in many . departments; the Building and Grounds department employs many students in its activi- ties. Yet obviously the University for that reason does not feel itself responsible for the financial outlook of every student. very convincing shipwreck to the extent of some1 few drowning.s This stage adaptation of Jules Verne's storyi covers a great deal, if one is willing to concedel that the world is a great deal. The first com- ment of any sort belongs with the settings. They1 were splendid and helped not a little by clever! lighting effects. Not only were they good in them-1 selves but they were efficiently changed with the necessary rapidity. Mr. Stevens had an undertak-I ing in achieving the effect of constant speed as the numerous changes could have easily slowed the tempo of the play. The acting honors are equally shared by Mr. Alan Handley as Phileas Fogg and Mr. Lauren Gilbert as Passepartout. Handley played with subtlety, quickening and lengthening his action to good effect, and Mr. Gilbert made a vivacious, excitable Frenchman. Incidentally his accenting was very well done. These two players contribut- ed much to the movement of the play. Miss Fritz and Miss Scott were the feminine leads, the lat- ter being much the better of the two but having a somewhat smaller part. Fairness is no excuse for insipidity. But could I have possibly forgotten Mr. Fix of the thousand disguises? Frederic Cran- dall's obviousness is greatly appreciated in this role. He was particularly good in India when he hid himself under a thick black beard. George Totten's Archibald Corsican could have been freer and more boisterous. Then there was Blandina Foster's Elaborate Lady and Paul Shower's Mag- istrate. James Doll also deserves mention as being the most interesting eccentric. In addition the costuming on the whole was good, and very good when one considers Mr. Fix's check suit and the Chicago repo'ter's derby hats, not to mention the sailors. This play at the Lydia Mendelssohn is great fun. Those who are cynical in a hearthy sort of way will enjoy it immensely, those who are en- dowed with pure humour untouched by cynicism will be greatly amused, and those who approach it in an earnest, believing frame of mind will- well, they can believe. WORKING THROUGH COLLEGE (Daily Iowan) There are too many students working their way through college, according to Albert B. Crawford, director of personnel department at Yale. Unless he is of exceptional scholastic ability, he adds, a student should not be encouraged to enter college if he must support himself while there. If that suggestion were carried out, the Univer- sity of Iowa campus would be deserted by at least one-third its student population. Mr. Crawford called attention to one duty long neglected by colleges, that of "debunking impres- sions regarding how little college costs and how easy it is to earn that little." What Mr. Crawford does not know, however, is that rather than "impressions" of low costs, "realities" would suit the situation more ade- quately. Perhaps he is not familiar with Univer- sity of Iowa personnel department experiences, of a case in which four students lived co-operatively for a year on an outlay of 15 cents a day apiece; or in which a girl who had worked her way en- tirely through the university emerged with a 3.8 average; or inswhich hundreds of students worked for their meals and room, made enough extra to pay tuition and book costs, and came out at the end of four years showing a profit. In encouraging students to come to college despite the fact that they can barely afford to, is to lead them away from idleness and, more than that; to turn what otherwise would be wasted years into years of most development. Being "on their own" for most students means develop- ing independence and self-reliance, virtues rarely 'developed by the luxury of idleness. The experience here has been that being forced to work through college, all or part way, has re- sulted in better scholastic activity, more effort made to get the most out of college because it was dieing obtained at a sacrifice. And even at that, few students working their way through have been forced to give up completely the social life and extra-curricular activities that add immeas- urably to a rounded, well-balanced education. Without drawing on records and statistics for proof, this writer is certain that Mr. Crawford can be convinced of his misinformation regarding working students. Every year brings a greater number to this campus, and every year 'sees a greater number of graduates who are ready to go out in the world after four years of experience developing themselves into citizens who can appre- ciate the problems of "after college" and know how to cope with them. There is something, however, to drawing the line somewhere, discouraging some few students who have a misconception about college life and who think it is the easiest way in the world of getting out of work. The university is willing to meet halfway a student who wants to learn, but must of necessity refuse aid to those who come to college for a four-year "whee." Fortunately, and significantly, the latter type is fast disappearing under the pressure of circumstances-reduced in- comes and tightening of credit-and a noticeable change in students' aims and ambitions has re- sulted. That change has certainly been for the better, and provides the greatest argument against such a suggestion as comes from Yale's personnel director. Willingness of students to revamp all previous notions of college life has brought about a similar willingness on the part of educators to revamp curricula to meet the changing needs. Especially in the field of required subjects a decided change is taking place, while provisions for more liberal education and more effective training for practical living are turning the educational world of a decade ago topsy-turvy. Under these circumstances no one is qualified to say that a really bad situation has occurred, that too many students are being wrongfully encour- aged to work their way through school. There can never be too many educated persons in the world, nor too many people who appreciate all' that life affords. leaf in their thinking. The parties of the Left made enormous gains. A man of the Left became prime minister. At Lausanne, to the surprise of a large part of the world, he threw over the French claim to enormous, unpayable German indemni- ties, and coming home, he secured immediate in- dorsemertit of his act not only by a majority of the Chamber, but by a large number of news- papers that only a few months befoe had refused to give up the "sacred claims of France" for repa- rations, and the full penalties exacted by the Treaty of Versailles. So now the spokesman of France, her President, can talk about the war as a "great human folly." He has achieved perspective. It would have been better to have foresight-such foresight as Sena- tor Robert M. LaFollette had when, opposing our entrance to the war in 1917, he foretold all the disastrous consequences to our people, while "pa- triotic" senators righteously left the chamber. His predictions were verified even beyond his antici- pation. We have paid, are paying, and will long continue to pay for that interference in European affairs against which Senator LaFollette, the stu- dent of history, protested. And he himself paid the penalty of a Cassandra. He was ostracized; he was abused; and when he continued to fight the lost battle, he was investigated by the body to which he had been elected. Before his death came complete vindication in the ruin of Europe, a panic in America, huge war bills yet unpaid, and such dislocation of all that was known and familiar that the world is still dreadily trying to put the pieces back into order. The war was indeed a great human folly. It did not require the President of France to tell us so. But it is good to see that France's spokesman has been able to publish to the world the fact that France has emerged from that post-war psychol- ogy which has kept Europe in turmoil for nearly 14 years, and has stood in the way of vital steps toward reconstruction which all the other great nations have been willing to take. A LEATHER MEDAL (The Daily Illini) Good old South America! What would the world do without the spice and variety afforded by South American wars? Germany may have her political riots, Chicago may have her gang wars, and Ire- land her governmental skirmishes, but when the South American continent gets down to the busi- ness of having a few neat-sized wars, there is no touching the locality for freshness, vigor, and con- sistency. Both contending armies in the war that Brazil is staging at present for the visiting firemen and whatever other saps they can catch to watch it claim that the progress is "very satisfactory." Boy, what a lazy bunch of bushwhackers must be fighting that war. If all wars were like that one, we would have no disarmament problem. The federal troops stay in the mountains and make the rebels afraid that they might shoot if an advance were made, while the rebels hold the continual threat of a march upon the capital which never materializes. This has been the condition for the past five weeks, while shipping, especially in coffee and other tropical produce, piles up at Santos, the great coffee port of Sao Paulo. The blockade maintained by the federal troops to effectively starve out the Sao Paulo civil war forces against the Vargas government has been so nearly perfect that a real economic problem is cropping up. Turning from this lethargic activity on the bat- tlefields to a gas attack raging bepween Bolivia and Paraguay-words have been flying thick and fast in that region during the past few days. Each government claims that the other is wrong. The presumptuous little Bolivian republic claims the right to an Atlantic outlet via the Paraguayan river, while Paraguay holds the Chaco territory to be her richest source of income from any of her territory. Bolivia claims that Paraguay is being too emotional and traditional about the battle and should sit around and give her a seaport when she already has one on the east. Paraguay holds to her ancient and honorable rights, and invokes the aid of mediation from the world's powers on the question, while cocky little Bolivia will have none of this. Bolivia really believes that outside inter- ference is not to be trusted, so she will either fight or do without. Perhaps we have a rubber medal in our collec- tion that we could solve this dispute over honor with, but we would have to have two of them, so in the absence of the necessary makings of a medal presentation, we will merely award the war medal to South America as a whole for the most original and most unusually consistent wars in contemporary history. A Washington BYSTANDER_ By Kirke Simpson WASHINGTON, Aug. 1l.-(/P)-The Bystander regrets not having heard, or seen in full text Sen- ator Hattie Caraway's maiden political speech at El Dorado, Arkansas, in the launching of her cam- paign to succeed herself in the senate for a full six-year term. And Mrs. Caraway had unusual surroundings for that speech, since her ally, Senator Huey Long of Louisiana, had brought along with him the loudspeaker-equipped truck he had used in his own gubernatorial and senatorial campaigning. The accounts of the opening of the Caraway campaign for the senatorial nomination-equiva- lent to election in Arkansas-which The Bystand- er saw were more taken up with Long's remarks and campaign methods than with Mrs. Caraway's own exposition of her political philosophy. CUE FROM THE SPHYNX It is an odd circumstance that any senator should have served as long as Mrs. Caraway has in that wordy body, both by appointnent to suc- ceed her husband and as the first woman to be elected to the senate, without having ever con- tributed a few well chosen remarks to the long- suffering Congressional Record. Dressed in the invariable black of her widow- hood, Mrs. Caraway made always a rather strik- ing picture at her back row seat in the senate. She seemed so small and frail, huddled in the huge senatorial chair, and by comparison with the many robust and hearty looking, not to say plump, masculine senators all about her. There are a lot of big men physically in the senate-like Hiram Bingham of Connecticut and Henry Ashurst of Arizona, both of whom tower well over two yards above the floor level when in action. Or there is the former amateur heavy- weight boxing champion, W. Warren Barbour of New Jersey. m illion41 a day Users of Bell System service ask "Informa- each operator to reach quickly the listings of tion" more than 1,000,000 questions every some 15, 500,000 telephones. They developed day. Providing facilities for answering them apparatus which automatically routes calls to promptly, correctly, was one problem put up operators not busy-and should all operators to engineers of the Bell System. be busy at once, it stores up calls and releases So effective was their solution that this prodigious task is now a matter of smooth routine. They designed desks which enable them in the order received ! Efficient telephone service depends working out interesting problems like upon this. BELL SYSTEM SYSTEM OF INTER-CONNECTING A NATION-WI)D1 TELEPHONIES - -ti ...i ,,y __ y., ..; _ a ,... ..... -._. -- C ,,... . -- "^... , "°~- .,, ..fi_ d ^- _.. ti =. r ' .. -. -. ...,,.., .. .. w,,., , "W.v. . ......, ,. ___ .,____. x_ 6) jr...N ~~144 HeGot the Facts ~Behind* the News! Stretching its huge bulk across the San Francisquito Canyon, the St. Francis dam cupped a deep blue lake of water against the hills. Peacefully, fruitfully tilling the soil in the valley below were the water-hungry farmers of Santa Clara. Then, something happened ! Without warning, the great man-built barrier crumbled. A vast flood reared its bulk into a ferocious torrent-smashed every- thing that stood in its path. Another unwarranted disaster. Lives lost! Property destroyed! Why? An Engineering News-Record editor in San Francisco jumped a fast train: Rapidly he surveyed the scene; investigated and photographed the remaining traceS of structural fault; wired his papery Fast news? Yes, but what of his story? Nothing sen- sational in the story he wired-no wrath-stirring adjectives calculated to arouse public sentiment. This editor tersely related the reasons for the disaster- scientifically pieced together the causes of founda- tion failure-gave construction engineers the facts which they could not get from newspaper stories. Cs.,# . Perhaps students are coming to lean too heavily on the college or university for support. Many come expecting to find a job, room and board awaiting them. And then they find the university failing them. We are inclined to agree with writ- ers who advise students not to come to college unless they have enough money to finance them- selves at least half way. All of us have the utmost respect for the student who has worked his way through. But it is placing too great a burden on the University of today to expect it to carry all the needy students who expect or deserve assist- ance from it. Music and Drama "TOUR DU MONDE," A Review by Mary A. Spalding "Tour Du Monde" or "Around The World In 80 Days" is one of the wittiest bits of idiocy to be' shown in Ann Arbor for quite some time. Of THE WAR WAS INDEED A GREAT HUMAN FOLLY. (The Detroit News) Dedicating the ossuary at Douaumont, which holds the bones of 320,000 Frenchmen killed in the war, principally in the fighting around Verdun, President Albert Lebrun said: "This monument will remain as testimony to a great human folly." One may see in these words the indication of a great change in French mentality; a change not sudden, but nevertheless recently revealed. Before the victory of the Left in the elections to the Chamber a few months ago, no representative of France would have dared include hisrown country in the "folly" of the great war: or. had he so Business men, industrialists and engi- neers-600,000 of them-regularly read the McGraw-Hill Publications. More than 3,000,000 use McGraw-Hill books and magazines in their business. The Business Week Radio Retailing system Electronics Aviation Product Engineering Factory and Industrial Engineering and Management Mining Journal Power Engineering and Industrial Engineering , Mining World Coal Age Electric Railway Journal Textile World Bus Transportation Food Industries American Machinist Electrical World Engineering News. Many weeks later an official investigating commission confirmed, almost to a word, that first telegraphic flash of the McGraw-Hill editor. Meantimes, editors of metropolitan dailies used the McGraw-Hill story to reassure their readers that similar disasters were not likely to occur in other places. Each McGraw-Hill Publication has built a splendid reputation among leaders of industry and business for truth, leadership, constructive foresight. From the publication which covers your chosen field, you will get a close-up of what your future employers