The Wea Friday fair and pr irday with moderal uire. itler robably Sat- te tempera-, L ianF lIaij Editorials The University and Stud4 Finances. Official Publication of The Summer Session L. XIII No. .40 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUG. 12, 1932 PRICE FIVE CI Y itler Rule Hindenburg, Hitler Center of German Strife Conceded by Hindenburg President Attaches Four Conditions to Offer to Nazi Leader Wants Full Power To Name Cabinet Constitution Day Fete Car- ried Out in Critical Ber- lin Atmosphere BERLIN, Aug. 11.-(P)-President Paul von Hindenburg, confronted with a rising tide of fascism and the menace of Adolph Hitler's mobiliz- ing "storm troops," will grant an au- dience to Hitler tomorrow to offer him the Chancellorship of Germany. The rapid developments of the last few days have brought the fascist leader at last to his goal. Von Hin- d'enburg, however, was expected to attach four conditions to his offer, and it was doubted if Hitler would accept the terms. The conditions are: 1-The constitution must be re- spected. 2-The fascist militia must not be employed as auxiliary police. 3-There must be no equality be- tween the fascist militia and the Reichswehr, or regular army. 4-There must be no party gov- ernment relying on the "storm" de- tachments for support. Constitution Day Observed Great s spense prevailed over the outcome O the audience. Von Hin- denburg will first do his utmost to persuade Hitler to renounce his claim to the Chancellorship, and' agree merely to Nazi participation in the cabinet. Hitler was not expected to agree. Meanwhile, the thirteenth anni- versary of the proclamation of the1 German constitution was observed officially today under strange cir- cumstances.; While 10,000 people surged in the open space fronting the Reichstag, Constitution Day was celebrated in the Reichstag chamber in the pres-1 ence of Von Hindenburg, the 'cabi- net, other prominent persons andI foreign diplomats.- They heard Chancellor Franz von Papen and Baron Wilhelm von Gayl,, interior minister, make speeches acknowledging the fundamental as- pects of the constitution, but empha- sizing that it must be changed radi- cally. Approach More Like Burial There was striking irony in the monarchist-minded government com- memorating the republic's birth at the moment when Hitler-avowedly] a deadly enemy of Democracy-was about to be offered the chancellor- ship. It was a question whether the gov- ernment was celebrating the repub- lic's birthday or officiating at the burial of the Democratic Weimar constitution.] Co-Op Housing Proj+ect Gets Landlady Aid{ Unknown Woman Offers To Take Care of House If Sanction Is Refused A technicality in the University ruling will not bar the co-operative housing project of the Student So- cialist club as a result of an offer yesterday by a woman, whose identi- ty was not revealed, to take over the management of the projected living quarters. The women, it is understood, has offered to provide a large house with room and board for two dollars a week. She will personally super- vise the management of the estab- lishment. Her offer will only be ef- fective if the University rules against the original plan for a co-operative house where members would do their own cooking and share in the cost. Club members continued to protest against such a ruling by the Univer- sity. One member stated that the project would draw only those stu- dents who were unable to return to school otherwise and would conse- quently produce "no delicate disturb- ance in the room and board situation as it now stands in Ann Arbor." Pending a decision through the Adolf Hitler (above), German Nazi, and President Paul von Hindenburg, are the center of the fight for con- trol of the cabinet. Most recent dis- patches indicate that Hitler will be offered the chancellorship of the country.- Walker Takes Stand A(,ainst His .Accusers Denies Bribe of $26,000 From Taxicab Interests; Attacks Seabury ALBANY, N. Y., Aug. 11.-(I)- Fighting for his political life, Mayor James J. Walker, of New York City, today brushed aside the advice of counsel and dramatically defended his administration at an ouster hear- ing before Gov. Roosevelt.7 This and the Governor's announce- ment he would give "due consider- ation" to calling any witness eitherl side wished to have testify were the two most striking developments ofI the first day's hearing.1 Jumping to his feet as John J. Curtin, his attorney, sought the rightI to cross-examine Walker's accusers, the Mayor took the stand to explain what Samuel Seabury, investigator for the Hofstadter Legislative Com- mittee, claims was misconduct. < He denied he was -given $26,000 int bonds in return for his support ofE legislation favorable to the Parma-j lee taxicab interests. Roosevelt, leaning across the broad1 desk at which he sat, questioned the Mayor. Walker, earnest and with never a semblance of the witticism that has made him famous, replied in a husky voice that sometimest quavered with emotion. "I haven't had the right to cross- examine witnesses," said Walker. "If I don't have it here-" He paused, his arms fell to his side, and his eyes for a second reached those of his wife, who, across the chamber, twist- ed a wilted handkerchief in her hands-"it means the end of amcareer to which I have given my life." "There must be some place for me," he cried, hunched across his counsel table and looking directly at Roosevelt. "I can't be driven out this way without a chance to look into the face of my accusers. If this is to continue, out goes reputation, out goes past and future." Seabury, who had calmly looked around the chamber during Walker's testimony, interrupted, to ask about one of-the Mayor's bank accounts. When the Mayor said the account was his wife's, although in his name, Seabury asked if he had not trans-. ferred $3,000 from it to another ac- count. "Of course I did," Walker replied impatiently. Rites for Mrs. Hildner Will Be Held Saturday Funeral services for Mrs. J. A. C. Hildner, 2307 Vinewood boulevard, who died suddenly at her home yes- terday morning, will be held at 2 o'clock Saturday afternono at the Muehlig Chapel. Burial will be made at Forest Hill cemetery. Mrs. Hildner, the wife of Professor Hildner of the German department, was stricken while working in the garden and succumbed shortly after- ward when she returned to the house. She was found there by her son, Her- man. A nost-mortem examination at * ,navxcu 'es z Michigan Grid Team to Face Hard Schedule Michigan State and North- western Games to Open Suicide CGard This Fall Michigan's football schedule, which, will open October 1 this year with] Michigan State, promises to be one of the toughest a Wolverine team has faced in a long time. The following week, October 8, the Maize and Blue will have to face I Northwestern, also at Ann Arbor.; This means two hard games in a row, for Coach Harry Kipke, for the; Lansing boys have held Michigan to a scoreless tie for two years now. Ohio State will play host to the Wolverine squad at Columbus on October 15, while Illinois will come to Ann Arbor the following week- end. October 29 will see the annual intersectional battle, Princeton and Michigan representing the East and Middlewest this time. Kipke will travel with his charges for the second time on November 5 when he visits Indiana at Blooming- ton. The one apparently soft spot on the whole schedule where the grid- ders may get some sort of a layoff is on November 12 when Chicago comes here to play. Minnesota will conclude the season for the Wolver- ines, who will play away from home the week-end of November 19. The schedule is as follows: Oct. 1-M. S. C. Oct. 8-Northwestern. Oct. 15-Ohio, there. Oct. 22-Illinois. Oct. 29-Princeton. Nov. 5-Indiana, there. Nov. 12-Chicago. Nov. 19-Minnesota, there. Last Dance of Summer to Be Held_ Tonight Large Crowd Expected at End of Social Season For Students The official Summer Session social season will be drawn to a close to- night when the last of the League dances, a gala affair, will be held. Then, it is hoped, students will turn to thoughts of final examinations which begin Thursday morning. As usual, twenty-five cents per per- son will be charged and only students will be admitted after showing some sort of identification. Pete Blomquist and his Michigan Vagabonds will make their last ap- pearance in Ann Arbor for the sum- mer. Next week they will go to Kala- mazoo for an engagement at the Gull Lake Country club and then to Ocean Pier at Clarke's Lake for the remain- Christy Takes First in 1500 Meter Trials 14-Year-Old Japanese Boy Defeats Clarence Crabbe In Preliminary Heat Kitamura 15 Yards In Lead at Finish1 United States Qualifies All Three of Entrants; Helene Madison Wins LOS ANGELES, Aug. 11.-(/P')-The Japanese threat of the swimming events of the Tenth Olympiad bobbed1 up again today as Knsoa Kitamura, 14-year-old Nipponese swimmer, de- feated Clarence Crabbe, United States and Jean Taris, France, in the first preliminary heat of the 1,500-meter free-syle for men. James Cristy, of Michigan Univer- sity, won the second heat by a wide margin over Andrew Charlton, 1924 champion from Australia, and Sunao Ishibarada, Japan. Another Record Falls' Swimming high out of the water, Kitamura was third at the half-way mark, with Crabbe first and Taris second, but at the 1,000-meter mark he pulled into the lead and was 15 yards ahead at the finish. Crabbe, who won the 400-meter free style finals from Taris yester- day in Olympic record time, staged1 a terrific race with the Frenchman1 for secondd and third place today,t with Crabbe second by inches. Kit- amura's time was 19 minutes 55.2t seconds. Some eight thousand persons wit- nessed the morning event, which saw1 the Olympic record for the 400-metert free-style for women fall as Lenore Kight, Homestead (Pa.) high school girl, won the third heat of the pre-1 liminaries in 5 minutes 40.9 seconds, compared with Martha Morelius' mark of 5:42.8 set in 1928 for the United States. United States qualified all three of its entrants, with Miss Helene Madi- son, holder of the world's record for the distance at 5:31; winning her heat in 5:44.5. Norene Forbes, Los2 Angeles, was second in the first heat.k Miss Kight's time indicated shet will be the swimmer Miss Madisont must beat in the finals.c Leads to Last Lap Crabbe and Taris appeared tiredi after their stirring race yesterday, while Kitamura, without the handi- cap of previous competition, finished strong. Crabbe led his French opponent by two yards from the 1,000 meter mark: on until the last lap, when Taris came with a rousing finish, which fell short of beating Crabbe only by inches as the United States swimmer1 answered the challenge. t Ellmann Lauds Mayor Murphy ForLiberality Socialist Speaker Tells of Long Fight for .Free Speech and Assembly Arrangements for a radio talk at 5:30 o'clock yesterday prevented the appearance of Judge Patrick O'Brien, candidate for the Democratic nomin- ation for governor, at the open for- um of the Socialist club. James Ell- mann, Detroit, member of the Amer- ican Civil Liberties Union, spoke, in- stead, on "Civil Liberties." Ellmann praised the Supreme Court bench for its present composition. The fight which Judges Holmes and Brandeis carried on as only a min- ority for years now has the backing a majority of five, he said. He described the work of the Un- ion in Detroit and its efforts to pro- vide open forums and freedom of press and speech through a long pro- cess of education of police commis- sioners and officials. The case of the forum in Grand Circus park and an- other case of a prohibited parade by Hindus in protest of the actions of the British government were cited. "Mayor Murphy, of Detroit, has demonstrated to the country that the rights of freedom of the press, speech and assembly are important rights which must be preserved at all costs," The Civil Liberties Union, he said, is called upon for all kinds of deci- sink Campaign Tour of Upper Peninsula Senator Charles A. Sink, candidate for the Republican nomination for lieutenant-governor, left at 7 o'clock this morning for an extensive cam- paign tour. He expects to return a week from today. James H. Inglis, '33, one of a host of active supporters and a member of The Daily staff, will accompany him. Senator Sink will first visit Flint, Saginaw and Bay City, then continu- ing on to Mackinaw City, Sault Ste. Marie. From that point he will circle the whole Upper Peninsula, speaking at Ishpeming, Marquette, Hancock, Houghton, Newberry, Escanaba, Mun- ising, IronMountain,Iron River and other cities. After his return to Ann Arbor for a rest, Mr. Sink will address a rally of the Young Republican club at Jackson, Saturday, August 20, and an open forum at Coldwater the follow- ing day. Socialist Is to Talk on Party Aims Tonigfht. James Maurer to Lecture In High School Audi- toriumn 'James H. Maurer, Socialist candi- date for vice-president, will speak at 8 o'clock tonight in the Ann Arbor High School auditorium on "The Practical Program of the Socialist Party." The lecture is sponsored by the Student Socialist club. Maurer has been an ardent fighter for social reforms not only in his own state but in the country at large. At sixteen he joined the Knights of La- bor and began his active role in union and labor politics. He became a member of the Socialist party two years after its formation by Eugene V. Debs, and servedtsix years in the Pennsylvanialegislature as a repre- sentative of that group. In 1927 h'e was elected finance commissioner of Reading. Maurer is best known as the first ardent advocate of old age pensions and he was named president of the first Old Age Pensions Commission. In 1929, he was chairman of the American Labor Commission to the Soviet Union, the first organized trade-union visit to that country. He was also a candiodate for vice-presi- dent on the Socialist ticket in 1928. Leaes for Out for Change; No Repec~r 4,___________ Views of Hoover And Roosevelt on Prohibition Issue (By Associated Press) Here is a condensed summary of the prohibition utterances of the riv- al presidential candidates, President Hoover and Governor Roosevelt. Mr. Hoover, in his acceptance speech last night, said: "It is my belief that in order to remedy present evils a change is necessary by which we resummon a proper share of initiative and re- sponsibility which the very essence of our government demands shall rest upon the states and local au- thorities. That change must avoid the return of the saloons. "It is my conviction that the na- ture of this change is that each state shall be given the right to deal with the problem as it may determine but subject to guarantee in the constitu- tion of the United States to protect each state from interference and in- vasion by its neighbors, and that in no part of the United States shall there be a return of the saloon sys- tem with its inevitable political and social corruption and its organized interference with other states. "I do not favor the repeal of the 18th amendment. I stand for effi- cient enforcement of the laws en- acted there under." "Our country has deliberately un- dertaken a great social and economic experiment, noble in motive and far- reaching in purpose. It must be worked out constructively." "Common sense compels us to real- ize that grave abuses have occurred -abuses which must be remedied. An organized searching investigation of fact and causes can alone deter- mine the wise method of determin- ing them. What Mr. Hoover said in transmit- ting the Wickersham commission prohibition report to Congress: "The commission by a large major- ity does not favor the repeal of the 18th amendment as a method of cure for the inherent abuses of the liquor traffic. I am in accord with this view. "I am in unity with the spirit of the report in seeking constructive steps to advance the national ideal of eradication of the social, economic and political abuses of this traffic, to preserve the gain which has 'been made and to eliminate the abuses which exist, at the same time facing with an open mind the difficulties which have arisen under the experi- ment.I What Franklin D. Roosevelt said in accepting the Democratic presi- dential nomination. "This convention wants repeal. Your candidate wants repeal. And I am confident that the United States of America wants repeal. "I say to you now that from this date on the 18th amendment is doomed. When that happens, we as Democrats must and will rightly and morally enable the states to protect themselves against the importation of intoxicating liquors where such importation may violate their laws. We must rightly and morally prevent the return of the saloon." Subsequently, Mr. Roosevelt in a speech said: "If the present Con- gress takes no action, I shall urge the new Congress to carry out these pro- visions." Nationally-Known Figures Throng Constitution Hall To Hear His Acceptance Of Nomination He Opposes War Debt Cancellation Insists on Balancing of Federal Budget; Favors Farm Relief by Adjust- iment of Taxation WASHINGTON, Aug. 11.-(P)-A throng dotted with many national and internationally known figures to- night packed Constitutional Hall nearly to its high domed ceiling fully fifteen minutes before President Hoo- ver appeared to deliver his long- awaited speech accepting re-nomin- ation. The selected 4,000, who received tickets, took no chances on losing their seats. While the chief execu- tive was still at the White House sev- eral blocks away, only a few vacant chairs dotted the big hall. Many Arrive Early In Continental Hall, 100 yards away and connected by a long corri- dor, a similar "come early" policy prevailed. The smaller auditorium, seating only 2,000, was the scene of Calvin Coolidge's acceptance address in 1924. The over-flow audience in Contin- ental Hall listened to proceedings through loud speakers. Well before 9 o'clock when a group of the principals in the ceremony walked onto the stage of Constitu- tional Hall, a mild round of ap- plause greeted them. An ovation was given Mrs. Edith Kermit Roosevelt, widow of the for- mer president, as she walked to the stage.1 Snell Gives Speech Bertrand Snell, Republican repre- sentative from New York, delivered the speech informing President Hoo- ver of his nomination by the Repub- lican convention. Tersely told, here is the position of President Hoover on national and in- ternational questions as outlined in his acceptance speech last night: Favors a change in prohibition laws "to remedy present evils." Oppose cancellation of war debts, Favors a protective tariff. Insists on an army and navy strong enough to prevent invasion but ask "every armed reduction," above that strength. Recommends federal regulation o interstate power, but opposes feder- al operation of power plants. Insists on a balanced federal bud- get along with reduction in national state and local governmental expen- ditures. Favors farm relief by adjusting and co-ordinating all taxation anc opposes subsidies to farmers an stabilization operations in "norma times." Demands sound currency. Pledges consultation with other na tions under the Kellogg-Briand pac to promote world peace and prom ises: "We shall enter into no agree ments committing us to any futur course of action or which calls fo use of force to preserve peace." Favors restricted immigration. Asks for conservation of nationa resources. Recommends revision of railwa transportation laws. Wants reform of banking laws. Wants reorganization of law en forcement agencies, courts and thei procedures. Favorsdevelopment of rivers, har bors, and highways. President Comes Dry- Lan Spanish Taken; Rebel Leader Republicans Riot (See Story on Page 3) MADRID, Aug., 11.--(P)-Mobs in Seville today took their vengeance on monarchist sympathizers for yester- day's short-lived revolt against the Republic, which collapsed when its leader, Gen. Jose Sanjurjo, fled the City and was captured while trying to reach the border. While the rioters were burning buildings and bombing homes in Se- ville, the Government proceeded with "mopping up" operations against the Frevolutionaries, the rest of Spain gave itself over to public celebrations in honor of the young Republic's hardihood in its first great test. Gen. Sanjurjo, who complained that "everybody abandoned me and my undertaking," was on his way to Madrid from Huelva, where he was arrested early today after he asked a guard to show him the best, way to Portugal. President Niceto Alcala Zamora presided over a Cabinet session at which the punishment for the rebel general was discussed. Sells Sees Hitler as Possible William J. Bryan of Germany That Adolf Hitler, leader of the German Nazis, might prove to be the William Jennings Bryan of Germany was the forecast yesterday of Prof. Roger Wells, professor of German government from Bryn Mawr. "Hitler should be given his day in court," Professor Wells said, "and there will probably be no more favor- able occasion than now when this may be accomplished by constitu- tional means. Perhaps he may prove to be a real statesman, but he may show himself to the people as an ex- cellent campaigner who is of little use, in the chancellorship." A constant danger exists, he con- tinued, that some of the "wild men" of the Hitlerites may break from the rule of their leader, and he suggest- army to the National Socialists with simply a wave of the hand nor can I believe that the present government as a group will turn over everything to the Hitlerites." Hitler will- be offered, Professor Wells said, the chancellorship and some minor posts. He may be satis- fied with this, or he may be given in addition more freedom in Prussia. "The Prussian situation," he point- ed out, "would bring Hitler into di- rect opposition with the national minister of the interior and prob- ably with the national defense min- istry. The outcome of such a con- flict is unpredictable." Although Hitler has the largest party in the German Reich at the present time, he has no right to claim l l t i RENO APES WALL STREET RENO, Nev., Aug. 11.--IP)-Rc was happy today over encouragi signs that the New York stock ma ket will stimulate the faltering vorce industry. Divorces, it was pointed out, u ally keep pace with the market, pro ably because new fortunes via t speculation route often result in vorces-sometimes several per f tune. "Should the market advance on average of 10 points," one divo lawyer said, "it would mean a sim; increase in local divorces."