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August 11, 1932 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1932-08-11

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that is usually expected but the oboe section and
first clarinet were surprisingly above average.
Mr. Kuersteiner, the violin soloist, offered the
Vieuxtemps "Concerto No. 4 for Violin." Although
he was not particularly adapted to the piece, he
interpreted the slow movement beautifully. His
purity tone and sensitive lyricism were qualities
to be admired as was his easy manner of executing
highly difficult technical passages.
"The Little Sandman" and "Evening Prayer"
from Humperdinck's "Hansel and Gretel" were
next included on the program and proved to be
light, graceful movements.
Miss Helen Bentley's interpretation of the first
movement of Beethoven's fifth concerto for piano
possessed intelligence, strength and a well de-
veloped technique. She had a firm hold on the
concerto from the beginning and kept it well
under control throughout. Without the technique

kidnaping of Col. Lindbergh's child. Lindbergh,
despairing of aid from legal resources, sought
the aid of the outlaw element. Obviously this is
a failure of democracy. and we suspect that he
has no very immediate hope of the public at
large accepting his or anyone's recommendation
as to the particular person who could and woulld
assume the dictatorship.

Shed every morning except Monday during the
ty year and Summer Session by the Board in
of Student Publications.


dember of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
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siness Manager.... ....... ....Charles T. Sline
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rciulation Manager........ .....Clinton B. Conger
THURSDAY, AUG. 11, 1932

she could never have attempted it and without
the strength the technique would have been of
little use. These elements combined with the in-
telligence made her performance truly worth
The concluding selection was the "Venusberg
Scene from 'Tannhauser'." The interpretation,
was forceful and the violins shone prominently.
The orchestra interpreted an unusual variety of
composers this evening and Mr. Mattern is to
be congratulated for his fine direction.
Editorial Comment



vermnrent Luxuries...,

George Welsh, gubernatorial candidate, is right
When he says governmental expenses such as
gold-plated badges for conservation officers must
be 'eliminated. There are many luxuries of politics
which can easily be done away with. But we do
not feel it is quite fair to blame Governor Brucker
for them.
It has probably been customary for the depart-
ment to furnish such badges for years even as
it has been customary to expend the peoples
morey for many other ornamental purposes. Per-
haps Governor Brucker should have seen to it,
that they were eliminated. But, fundamentally,
such expenditures are the result of American poli-
ties, and Mr. Welsh will find out, if he gets into
office, that because of the nature of politics and
government, it is more difficult to trade these
luxuriesdand get rid of them than he had an-
Yet today is a time when we are going without
the luxuries of every day life; why can't we
el'iminate the luxuries of government? The state
is not alone at fault; recent newspaper and
magazine articles have exposed the numerous
small ways in which the Washington officeholder
receives added compensation or services at little
added trouble or expense. The recent trip Senator
Brookhart made to Ann Arbor at government ex-
pense is a good example. Congressmen and their
wives may travel on navy transports for the mere
cost of their food. What cheaper way to enjoy
a vacation at the cost of the people?
Mr. Welsh would have trouble rooting out all
superfluous expenditures at Lansing, or Colum-
bus, or Springfield, or Albany or any other capitol.
But from the trend of public opinion, it becomes
'alparent that the American public becomes in-
'easingly hostile to luxury in government, both
for itself and for the officeholder; and it is this
opinion that should soon cause a paring of ex-
penditures to a minimum. While the $61,0OO,000
tax levy limitation amendment in Detroit might
have stifled government in that city, at least it
served notice on officeholders that the taxpayer
is not going to tolerate now what he ignored
before October, 1929.

(Daily Illini)
Another of democracy's internal battles will be
called by the bell Thursday. This combat between
two of the greatest contemporary leaders the
Democratic party has even known will echo not
only in the city and state of its consequence, but
all over the entire nation in political reverbera-
tions that will be of great force on the major
campaign of the year to take place this fall.
Whether .or not this investigation of the fitness
of Jimmy Walker as mhayor of New York City was
precipitated and promulgated by a Republican
investigating committee is a matter of pure alle-
gation, as the Seabury committee claims only
civic duty and aims of the higher sort. Of course,
we do not question this in the least. We merely
question the wisdom of the Democratic party in
allowing another of these characteristic brawls to
enter its ranks at such a critical time. The only
thing that keeps this fight from being a complete
brawl is Jimmy's complete. domination of the sit-
uation in every department where official pre-
cedence does not hold him down.
We expect from Jimmy's performance Thurs-
day one of the most brilliant cross examinations
ever conducted before an administrative or judi-
cial tribunal in the whole history of the United
States. With 267 years behind him in the history
of tlie mayors of New York City, Jimmy plans an
offensive that will really bring facts to light.
While it is merely upon the authority of his state-
ments in public since the announcement Saturday
that the candidate Franklin D. Roosevelt would
"try" the flashy metropolitan chief executive, we
are inclined to believe that Jimmy took the first
proceedings somewhat lightly as he did not believe
the erstwhile leader indiscrete enough to allow the
party washing to be aired in public.
Now that he sees they really want a fight,
Jimmy will give it to them. Regardless of his pub-
lic statements in support of Jimmy, Governor
Roosevelt to all intents seems steadfast in his de-
sires to depose the New York mayor and bring
that much ruin upon his party. There was little
brought out in the farcial Seabury testimony that
Walker did not factually refute in his rebuttal.
The only ground upon which the Governor is jus-
tified in staging his little drama is that of cutting
short the seemingly endless rebuttals and sur-
rebuttals being ground out tireless by Seabury in
his farcial continuation of a baseless contention.
In the reports of the "requested" appearance
of the New York Mayor, Governor Roosevelt is
said to have barred politics from the proceedings.
Of course politics will be barred, this is merely
a little brawl within a party that gotstoo big for
the calibre of the men that were handling it. The
situation is now in a stage too far gone to do
much about, but there may be some hope, if the
Governor is more of a man than he shows him-
self to be of his action 'in this case.
Samuel Seabury charges bribery over the grant-
ing of certain franchises distributed by Mayor
Walker, but his evidence submitted to the Gov-
ernor in the proceedings of his farcial investi-.
gating committee is a little weak on the only
point of connection in his whole article. Jimmy
Walker, the man, is a big personality who loves
and fights with equal sincerity. He either is thor-
oughly a friend to a person or he thoroughly
hates him. Being a friend even included going
as far as possible in his official capacity to help
a friend. There is nothing wrong with that, and
the misrepresented evidence on this point present-
ed by Seabury comes as near perjury on the part
of the various witnesses as anything could without
being taken into the cognizance of even a friendly
We wait Jimmy's battle with more than a pass-
ing interest and feel that, although his opponents
are not worthy of him in the combat and will
probably use many questionablectactics for this
reason, he will come out at least even with them
in the end.

iToledo News Bee)
Complaints from American business men against
the killing off of Russian trade in this country are
becoming more bitter.
They point out that soviet purchases here, after
reaching a peak of $149,000,000 in 1930, dropped
to $51,000,000 in 1931 and have now fallen away to
a negligible $5,500,000 for the first six months of
this year.
Typical of those complaining is a New York
manufacturer of crushing, mining and cement
machinery, whose factory has been closed because
of the loss of soviet purchases.
This firm, in a letter to a prominent United
States senator, reported by our Washington cor-
respondent, charges that while the federal gov-
ernment refuses to aid in retrieving lost business
the department of commerce is issuing unsub-
stantiated warnings to American business against
engaging in trade with Russian agencies.
The complaining firm declares in its letter that
Russia prefers American manufacturers and if
given fair treatment would expand its buying here
to astounding figures.
This view is based on the impressive fact that
the soviet last year was our heaviest buyer of in-
dustrial machinery.
But if the Russian purchases were now but at
their 1930 peak of $149,000,000 the business would
be a god-send.
The Hoover administration has recently allowed
inklings of a changed viewpoint to get abroad,
If plain common sense and justice is not enough
the desperation of the growing army of the work-
less ought speedily to turn the scale toward a
practical trade arrangement with Russia.
(Toledo News Bee)
The bureau that is about to die salutes America
by reissuing its last annual report.
The prohibition bureau is distributing more de-
tails of its work which prove how tremendous is
the federal government's police work. In the last
fiscal year prohibition law violators paid fines of
over $5,000,000; in the last two fiscal years federal
fines have totaled more than $12,000,000; in a
single year, the one before the last, property
worth more than $21,000,000 was seized in en-
forcement of the federal constitutional police or-
dinance, the 18th amendment.
Legalization of beer and wine, and repeal of the
18th amendment would have saved these sums
and added much more government revenue from
legitimate taxation; would have cut short the hu-
man distress these penalties indicate; and would
have saved the large amounts spent by the pro-
hibition bureau in attempting to enforce the law
which most of the nation holds in contempt.
The bureau, as a matter of fact, is now being
conducted in a more sensible manner than ever
before in its history. Public protest has outlawed
some of the violent methods. More humane meth-
ods, and less of the Anti-Saloon league tactics,
are being employed under the gentlemanly Col.
Amos Woodcock.
But Col. Woodcock's bureau is about to die.
Both political parties have come out for repeal
-or revision-the Democratic honestly and flatly,
the Republican in a pussy-footing way. Primary
votes of the last few weeks show clearly that the
sentiment for repeal has become a"mighty wave.
It will finally engulf the prohibition bureau;
and it will remove from the Constitution a police
ordinance that never had any place there.
A Washington
By Kirke Simpson
WASHINGTON, Aug. 10.-(P)-When Secretary
Kellogg countered Premier Briand's suggestion
for a Franco-American perpetual peace pact with
a proposal for a universal anti-war covenant, no-
body could have had any idea of just how far
the thing was going.
Look at the situation today: Washington, in
the so-called better Hoover doctrine asserted by
Secretary Stimson in the Sino-Japanese clash in
Manchuria, has "put teeth" in the anti-war pledge
by informing both nations that the United States
will not recognize any territorial or other change
in Manchuria procured by force.
Other western powers, through the League of
Nations, have backed that up. What will ulti-
mately happen remains to be seen, but a new
diplomatic force for peace clearly has been set
to work.

Now the same doctrine, although not hinged
specifically to the anti-war pact or any other
treaty, has been brought into play by 19 Pan-
American nations to prevent a territorial war
between Bolivia and Paraguay. Assistant Secre-
tary Francis White of the state department, who
signed for this country and who is well informed
with regard to Latin-American affairs, hails it
as "a new policy in the new world" showing the
American nations united "against armed. force
in their own international relations."
Just who suggested thetapplication of this non-
recognition doctrine to the effort to stem the
war tide in the Gran Chaco is not entirely clear.
Mr. White makes no claims about it, although
he probably looked on that moment when he
wrote his name for the United States on the note
as the cap-stone of his highly specialized career.
The Bystander has seen a report that it was
Foreign Minister Saavedra of Argentina who first
glimpsed the possibilities of adapting the Hoover-
Stimson doctrine to the peace needs of the
Bolivia-Paraguay dispute.
It was added that Washington ,through Mr.
White, promptly offered to stand aside in order
that Argentina might lead the way to such action.

Aost 70





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Music and Drama



A Review by M. A. S.
The University Symphony Orchestra took its
first public bow of the season Tuesday evening
in the Hill Auditorium, as did Miss Helen Bentley,
pianist, and Mr. Kuersteiner, violinist.
The first number of the program was Wolf-
Ferrari's "Overture to 'The Secret of Susanne'"
which was rendered effectively. In this opening
number, as in the remaining numbers, the general
attitude of the student performers was one of
complete earnestness and careful concentration.'
The orchestra was clearly composed of the serious,
sincere type of student-composed of students
who made no effort to be other than themselves
and who consequently retained a refreshing
amount of youthful zest in their playing. Yet
students who had evidently worked hard and,
..,- -.. ane w...hs al a maaf weul rirrnri li


(The Daily Trojan)
Dr. von kleinSmid yesterday commented in-
formally that he would be quite willing to see
a dictatorship established, provided he could name
the dictator.
Dr. von KleinSmid has a sense of humor. Simi-
larly every intelligent person in this our supposed
democracy would be quite willing to declare a dic-
tatorship provided he could name the dictator.
The catch in the whole situation is simply that
dictatorships, in the experience of history, are
not declared by intelligence. If dictatorships have
been intelligent, it was not their intelligence that
directly established them. It was their appeal to
popular sentiment. In other words, the dictator-
ships to date have been outgrowths of popular
government crystallized on a given individual out
of a cross between sentiment and a glorified con-
ception of objective efficiency.
Yes, indeed, a benevolent dictatorship establish-
ed under the direction of an intelligent and bene-
volent person would be something akin to Utopia,
relatively speaking. We would probably approve
of a dictatorship appointed by Dr. KleinSmid,
but when has Dr. von KleinSmid or any other
person interested primarily in intelligence and
benevolence with strict elimination of the desire
for personal power and glory been in a position
to establish a dictatorship? We submit that there


They Bring. Results
M ichigan OnIFl


In any event, White clearly looks upon this
evidence of peace solidarity among the American
republics as a triumph of statesmanship big
enough to do honor to all concerned. And he
has been at the business of conciliation in Latin-

W W -

Stdent Pnhlicatiorts Bbiilding,

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