W eathier fair Thursday and much change in ORW itg an Iait r Editorials Eliminating Our Governir Luxuries. Official Publication of The Summer Session 39 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, AUG. 11, 1932 PRICE FIVE 4 I I ussians No ireat, Says Y.M'Clusky demns Revolutionary eas of Communists, ks Trade Pacts amer Session Series Is Closed rable and Adverse ints of Soviet Reign own by Speaker lemning the method of revolu- Ivocated by the Russian Com- s as prospectively disastrous fern civilization, Prof. Howard Mlusky of the Education school lay pointed out that Russia 'long way to go," and the na- f the world "have nothing to om her as long as they keep wn house in order." Professor sky's talk was the last official on the Summer Session pro- nd was attended by the larg- dience present at any of the Walker Will Face Roosevelt Rebels Seize Seville: Fail In Chief City Eight Persons Killed in Street Fights Before Government Buildings Sanjurjo Thought. Leading Revolt Rule Challenged Nazi Leader May Win Leading Post In German Re 0 III 11 Japan Hints at Repudiation of Pact SIgnature Squadron Flies to With Proclamation National Congress City from sor McClusky said, house to care for enormous task on a is so large that he territory cover- .merican continent. government has ng the number of to 25 per cent, she b ahead of her in last 25 per cent. wouldcut out the she practices for 1 the other nations ican industrialists that the st her asj ~ PH V. McKEE would drain her nergy. The method d against Kerensky to the United States. n could not survive methods they ad- on they got by in he people were so ould accept any- Three salient points were cited by McClusky in favor of the Soviet gov- ernment balanced by three adverse points. As the favorable items, Mc- Clusky pointed to the faith of the Soviet government in the capability of the masses, their thorough-going democracy for the underdog, and the enthusiasm, especially of the young Communists. This enthusiasm, he said, stood out in marked contrast to our own "jaded sophistication and super-cultured atmosphere par- ticularly in Ann Arbor, where those who are supposed to represent the1 intelligentsia find such a hard time entertaining themselves at bridge, golf, etc." Lists Unfavorable Points The unfavorable points listed by Professor McClusky included tyran- nical methods of the Soviet officials,. (everything including the teaching of psychology "going through the Marx- ian sieve"), the failure of the Com- munists to recognize individual dif- ferences, and the theory of revolu- tion. Housing Rules Bar Socialist Club Project Dean Bursley to Decide By Mail on Students' Co-operative Plan The co-operative housing project of -the Student Socialist club struck its first snag yesterday in the Dean of Students office. For University rules require that all unmarried male students shall live in houses under the direct supervision of landladies, and that all freshmen shall live in approved houses. Since the housing project, for the sake of economy, includes no land- lady in the set-up, and all students living in the houses are to take care nf thA hAuse as well as cook their. hnston Willd End Series of Speeches Today Will Talk on 'Impending Changes in Secondary School Curriculum' The 2 o'clock and 4 o'clock lecture series in the education school are brought to a close this week when Prof. Edgar G. Johnston speaks at 4 o'clock today in, the University High School auditorium on "Impend- ing Changes in-the Secondary School Curriculum." The 2 o'clock series were ended last Monday with Dr. Judd's talk on "Education and the General Social Order in the United States." Pi Lambda Theta will hold a sup- per at 6:15 o'clock tonight at the League building, to be followed by a business meeting at 7:30 o'clock. Professor Johnston is assistant professor of secondary education and principal of the University high school. Previous to 1929, when he came to the University of Michigan, he was an instructor in education at the University of Missouri, and as- sociate in education at. Columbia. university. Detroit Judge to Talk Here on Civil Liberties Judge Patrick, . O'Brien, former circuit judge for the 12th district and candidate for the Democratic nomination for governor of Michi- gah, will speak at 5 o'clock this after-. noon in Natural Science auditorium on "Civil Liberties."' Judge O'Brien, a prominent De- troit lawyer and Democrat, is run- ning against William A. Comstock, '99, of Detroit, and Claude S.° Car- ney, of Kalamazoo, for the Demo- cratic nomination. (Associated Press Photo) Mayor James J. Walker (left above) will appear today before Gov- ernor Franklin D. Roosevelt (right above) for a hearing on the removal charges against him. At the left is Joseph V. McKee, president of the board of aldermen, who will succeed to the mayor's chair in the event that Walker is removed by the Gov- ernor. Court Refuses Writ to Halt Walker's Trial Bronx Chamber of Com- merce Secretary Moves To Aid New York Mayor NEW YORK, Aug. 10.-(P)-A last minute move to halt the removal of Mayor J. Walker before Gov. Roose- velt tomorrow failed this afternoon just as the mayor set out for Aban amid cheering, shouting crowds. After a brief hearing in the Bronx, Supreme Court, Justice John E. Mc- Geehan dismissed the application for a writ of prohibition to prevent the Governor fromshearing the charges. The move was not made by the mayor, but by George Donnelly, sec- retary of the Bronx Chamber of Commerce, a "home rule" advocate. Donnelly's attorney left Albany to renew the application before the court there. A few boos and hisses were drowned in the din of applause as Walker pro- ceeded down the aisle. Friendly hands thrust between the broad shoulders of police to shake his or pat him on the back. The crowd clapped and cheered when a man on the fringe of the crowd uttered an isolated boo, a Walker supporter wheeled angrily and let fly at his nose. The dissen- ter recoiled in amazement and disap- peared. "Good luck, Jimmie!" called Joe Jacobs, manager of Max Schmeling, who lost the heavyweight title on a close decision. "Thanks," grinned the mayor. "I hope they don't hand me the same kind of decision they handed you, Joe." Mol Finds Duties. As Campaign Head Extremely Heavy MADRID, Aug. 10.-(lP)-Monarch- ist leaders of the army, who rose in rebellion today against the sixteen- months-old Republic of Spain, head- ed by Alcala Zamora, failed in an attempt to seize the principal gov- ernment offices in Madrid after street fighting in which at least eight per- sons were killed, but they captured the city of Seville. Tonight the entire nation was under what amounted to martial law. Loyal troops were being concentrated for an attack on Seville from the north, and 200 persons were under arrest for participating in the rebel- lion. Report Bombardment There was a report from Seville that Federal planes were bombarding the city. A squadron flew from Madrid to distribute over Seville copies of a proclamation from the government and from congress. The proclama- tion said: "Citizens of Seville: A movement was fully blocked in Madrid this morning, and the government au- thorities have a r r e s t e d Generals Goded and Calvalcanti and Fernan- dez Perez, who were among the lead- ers of the movement. All Spain has reported to the government that it is faithful to the present regime. The country is awaiting your answer." Alfonso Not Concerned -The principal' leader of the Royal- ist revolt appeared to be Gen. Jose Sanjurjo, commander of the Civil Guard when the monarchy was over- thrown in April, 1931, whose loyalty to the republic frequently has been suspected. It was Gen. Sanjurjo who escorted former Queen Victoria to exile when she followed the ousted Alfonso XIII out of Spain. Alfonso apparently was not asso- ciated with the movement. The for- mer king was hunting deer near Koenigswart, Czechoslovakia, while the Spanish authorities were moving against the rebels. Examining Board Will Meet Here Sept. 15-17 The Michigan State Board of Ex- aminers for the registration of archi- tects, engineers and surveyors, has announced the next examination for architects to be given at the Univer- sity of Michigan on September 15, 16, and 17. Application blanks and full infor- mation may be obtained by students by writing to the office of the board, 1043 Book building, Detroit. BASEBALL SCORES American League Detroit 6, Boston 2. Philadelphia 6, Chicago 3. New York 7, St. Louis 6. National League Pittsburgh 5-2, Boston 2-3. Brooklyn 6-10, Cincinnati 1-9 (sec- ond game 13 innings). St. Louis 11, Philadelphia 5 (11 in- nings). Ambassador .Debuchi Long Conference Secretary Stimson .Aslociated Press Photo { Alcala Zamora, head of the six-. teen-months-old Republic of Spain, against whom monarchist leaders1 yesterday rose in revolt in Seville'and Madrid. Five Authors I Protest B9EF Ouster Orders Anderson Leads Group Seekcing; Waring with President Hoover WASHINGTON, Aug. 10.-(W)-A delegation of five writers left sharply worded protests at the White House. today against the evacuation of the bonus army from Washington by federal troops but they failed to ob- tain an audience with President Hoo- ver. Theodore G. Jofiin, secretary to the President. informed the group that Mr. Hoover did not have time to see them. Speaking unofficially and as a fel- low writer, Joflin told them it was their duty to spread thehtruth and if they did so they would relate that the President did his duty in send- ing his troops against the rioters. The writers, headed by Sherwood Anderson, novelist, and organized under the auspices of the national committee for the defense of politi- cal prisoners, added a protest at the refusal of the President- to see them on their written demand for an ac- counting of his action in ordering out the troops. Edith Bader Will Talk At Education Meeting Edith Bader, assistant superin- tendent of the Ann Arbor public schools, will speak at 7:15 o'clock tonight in the League on "Glimpses of German Schools." She will speak before a meeting of the Women's Education club and Pi Lambda Theta. WASHINGTON, Aug. 10.-(AP)- The Manchurian question was the topic in a long conference today be- tween Secretary Stimson and Am- bassador Debuchi, of Japan. It was indicated they touched upon the speech of the Secretary last Monday night in which he laid strong em- phasis upon t h e Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact as a vehicle for the na- tions of the world to rally around in mobilizing opinion against aggressive warfare. The Ambassador said he had re- ceived no instructions from his Gov- ernment to seek of the Secretary in- formally his reasons for the speech but called to say goodby before sail- ing for Japan on a visit of a few months. From Tokio, however, came word of bitter criticism and an assertion by a foreign office spokesman that if the other powers approved the meanings read by Stimson into the peace treaty it might be necessary for Japan to repudiate her signature. In the speech, made at a time when a report is impending by a League of Nations Commission on its study of the Manchurian inva- sion, Stimson asserted that no agree- ment would be recognized that was brought about by violation of the Kellogg-Briand Treaty. Forty-nine other nations had voted for the adoption of a League of Nations res-' olution embodying the same princi- ple. U. S. Crew Wins In Close Race With Canadians Has with Von Papen Asks Centrist Party Opinion on Move To Make Hitler Head of German Cabinet President Returns From East Prussia .x Von Hindenburg Agrees That the Responsibility Would Render Hitler More Innocuous BERLIN, Aug. 10.-(P)-Adolf Hit- ler, former Austrian paperhanger who has made his National Social- ist Party the most powerful political organization in Germany, seemed to- night to be within striking distance of the Chancellorship. Chancellor Franz von Papen re- quested leaders of the Centrist Party to call on him tomorrow and discuss their attitude toward turning the most important post in the Govern- ment over to the fiery Nazi. Centrists May Turn The Centrists,, who are known for their political astuteness, may forget their opposition to Germany's count- erpart of Mussolini and agree to tol- erate Hitler as Chancellor, provided all power is not surrendered to the National Socialist Party. Persons in position to know assert- ed that the Centrists and President Paul von Hindenburg were agreed on one thing-that Hitler, as chief of a coalition cabinet, would be far more innocuous than he is as the leader Of a movement which has no politicl respdnsib.llty ,O.Meets Von Papen President von Hindenburg return- ed this afternoon from his summer estate at Neudeck, East Prussia. Chancellor von Papen saw him im- mediately, informing him of the lat- est political developments. The President also heard about the events of the last week from Otto Meissner, presidential secretary, who played an important behind-the- scenes part in the ousting of the Cabinet of Dr. Heinrich Bruening. Seeks Assurances It seemed apparent that the aged Field Marshal had no intention of simply turning the Government over to Hitler without assurances that legality and constitutionality would be upheld. President von Hindenburg' is not going to return to Neudeck immedi- ately. Instead, he will remain in Ber- lin until Chancellor von Papen's ne- gotiations with party leaders have been completed and the makeup o the future Government has been def- initely determined. Berlin took the prospect of a Hit. ler chancellorship with complet calmness. The expectation was thai Gen. Kurt von Schleicher would re main in command of the Army a defense minister, and he was credite with having nerve enough to kee things in hand. The upsurge in Hitler's strengtl caused newspapers to speculate o the personnel of the , Cabinet hi might head. University of California Boat Advances to Final Trials on Saturday MARINE STADIUM, Long Beach, Caal., Aug. 10.-(/)-The undefeated University of California eight-oared crew, representing the United States, scored a smashing victory over Can- ada today in the Olympic regatta trials, thereby clinching a place in the finals. The Americans won by nearly a length in 6 min., 29 secs. for the 2,000-meter course. The big California crew, intercol- legiate and national title holders, drew away from Canada in an ex- citing finish, after being separated by barely a deck length most of the way. Germany's team came strong at the finish to beat New Zealand for third place in the feature race of the day, witnessed by a cheering crowd of 20,000 spectators. The Canadians were timed in 6:33112, Germany in 6:36 4-5 and New Zealand in 3:38 1-5. Canada got a slight jump at the offset of the race but was quickly overhauled by the Americans who gained a slight lead at the half-way mark and kept it until they spurted away at the close. The time registered by Italy's sur- prise crew victory over Great Britain in the first eight-oar heat was slight- ly faster than that made by the Americans. The Italians establised themselves as a real threat by win- ning in 6:28 and 1-5. These are busy days for a cam- paign manager. At least, Martin Mol, manager for Charles. A. Sink, has found them so. Last' night, he spoke before the Detroit, Republican Club at their an- nual moonlight to Bob-lo Island, and discussed the issues of the campaign in general. Tuesday afternoon, he presented a short talk to the Wo- men's Republican Club of Detroit at a meeting at Belle Isle. Tuesday at noon, Mol was a speaker at the weekly meeting of the Detroit Kiwanis club in the Stat- ler hotel. Senator James Couzens also spoke at the meeting. Between times, Mol is directing the activities of the Detroit Sink head- quarters in the Statler. An office in Ann Arbor also takes considerable time. Mr. Sink, himself, finds the days more than strenuous. Exact plans for the next three weeks have not been announced but he has just re- E 1 Players Stage Strange Story, Of World Tour in Eighty Days r a T T , a Fisher Will Conduct Services for Taylor Burial of Prof. Emeritus Frederick Manville Taylor, formerly of the eco- nomics department, who died at his home in South Pasadena,, Calif., Sunday, will take place at the Forest Hill cemetery here at 5:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Rev. Frederick B. Fisher of the Methodist Episcopal church will read kty anrt ri R'A fnlnia ri~t7 ff1 tPR77P By G. A. S.+ Unusual is the play offered at the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre for the remaining evenings of this week. "Tour du Monde," or "Around the World in 80 Days," is whirlwind mel-' odrama from the pens of Jules Verne and Alphonse d'Ennery. The play is packed with action and there are many laughs in the heroics of the melodrama, although Director Stev- ens has wisely produced it in the mood in which it was written rather than in the common slap-stick revi- val style. Elephants on the stage, moving trains, sinking ships, all are shown in the mood of the old melo- drama. Last night's audience thor- oughly enjoyed the spectacle. rmh enetacul renery .ninna ence follows Fogg's adventures around the world. It is evident to the audience that this production could never have been presented except for the rare skill of two great directors on the summer staff. Thomas Wood Stevens, whose abilities as a director are known throughout the country, has made a new version of "Tour du Monde," permitting the change in action and the change in scenery to move rapidly along in full view of the audience; the effect is startling. Alexander Wyckoff, art director for the Players, has clearly demonstrat- ed his leadership in the field of thea- trical design. He has accomplished almost an impossible task in this production. Combining the talents of Broker on His Vacation Joins a Circus Troupe SPOKANE, Wash., Aug. 10.-(--P Harper Joy, vice president of an in- vestiment bank here, was looking and acting a bit queer today, but it was part of his vacation. He has joined a circus as a clown, intending to travel for two weeks be- fore getting back to stocks and bonds. Dean's Office Warns of Rent Non -Paymen Will Withhold Credits a Discretion Should Bill Not Be Paid Summer Session students wer urged yesterday to make all necet sary provisions for paying their roor rent before leaving Ann Arbor. new ruling, passed last year by ti Board of Regents, empowers ti Dean of Students to withhold credi of students who have not paid sue bills. The Regent's resolution is as fo lows: Resolved that whenever in ti opinion of the Dean of Students case warrants it, credit for Unive sity work shall not be given to a sti dent until all room rent proper