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August 10, 1932 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1932-08-10

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The Weather
Fair and moderately warm;
little change in temperature.




New Causes For Optimism

Official Publication of The Summer Session

VOL. XIII No. 38


________________________________________________ a a - a

WeIsh Scores

Professor Plans New Balloon Trip

'Gold Plated'
State Economy
Gubernatorial Candidate
Promises Real Reduction
In Expenditures
Charges Brucker
Put State in Debt
Organization Must Be Re-.
built to Operate Within
Budget, He Declares
George Welsh, prominent candi-
date for the Republican gubernator-
ial nomination and former city man-
ager of Grand Rapids, heavily scored
the Brucker administration's "gold-
plated economy" before several hun-
dred persons in front of the city hall
last night.
He outlined the policies he in-
tended to put into practice "not in
January-but immediately on being
notified of election."
"I intend to slash expenditures and
establish a policy of economy where-
by the stat~e government can avoid
voting extra appropriations to meet
its expenditures," he said. "We must
reorganize so that we can operate
within our budget, not millions above
it." .
Assails Waste
Welsh charged that the Brucker
administration, lacking c o h e r e n t
leadership of any kind, had run
Michigan seven or eight million dol-
lars into the red during the past two
years. He pointed out an instance
where $14 apiece had been spent on
gold badges for conservation officers
while 100,000 people were dependent
on the state or virtually starving in
"The governor," h continued," has
not only failed utterly to develop a,'
definite unemployment relief pro-
gram, but has allowed the state to
plunge into greater hopelessness that
it was in two years ago."
During his career as city manager
of Grand Rapids, Welsh said, he
wiped out a deficit of $1,300,000 and
at the end of his first year showed a
favorable balance of $100,000, at the
same time that the state was going
deeper and deeper into debt because
of an ill-advised and ill-timed pro-
gram of expansion.
Sounds Keynote'
"The keynote in my campaign for
readjustment of state finances," he'
stated, "is the release of the people
and of business from their heavy
burdens not only by the reduction of
taxes but by an actual cutting-out
of waste. The ledger must show
black ink once' more."~
He cited the case of an employee
of Grand Rapids, a utility expert on
a $5,000 yearly salary, whom he fired
because his services were not needed.
The expert went to Lansing as an
employee of the state and earned
more than $18,000 a year in fees for
services rendered to the Bell Tele-
phone company. The company raised
its rates, Welsh said, and the people
of the state were the ones who fi-
nally paid the efficiency expert his
high salary.
Northwestern Approves
Broadcasts of Football
EVANSTON, Ill., Aug. 9.-V)-
Northwestern university will permit
broadcasting of all its home football
games again next season, director of
athletics, Kenneth "Tug" Wilson said
"While we know that broadcasting
does cut down attendance at football
games, we feel we should continue
broadcasting for those loyal fans
who can not afford to come out in
these times," he said.

Director Wilson said he was as-
sured of large crowds for the Minn-
esota-Northwestern game at Minn-
eapolis and the Michigan-Northwest-
ern game at Ann Arbor by the ath-
letic directors at both universities.
Sink Opens His Detroit
Campaign Headquarters
Dr. Charles A. Sink, president of
the School of Music and candidate
for the Republican nomination for
lieutenant-governor, yesterday opened
his Detroit campaign headquarters at
the Hotel Statler.
Dr. Sink will continue his speaking
tour of the staate, covering the upper
peninsula the latter part of this
week. He will still maintain his Ann
Arbor headquarters in the Ann Arbor
Press building on Maynard street.

Stimson S t i r s
Ire of Japan
By Statement
Eastern Power Indignant,
Sees Attack on Manchur-
ian Operations
Reversal of Policy
Hailed by League
Washington Views Speech
As Biff for Support of
U. S. Doctrines
(By The Associated Press)
Secretary Stimson's i m p o r t a n t
pronouncement on American foreign
policy Monday night in New York
had these results:
Japan was indignant, interpreting
the address as an attack on her
course in Manchuria. Formal protest
to Washington was under consider-
League of Nations commentators
at Geneva hailed the Secretary's
"reversal of the doctrine of neutral-
ity" and considered the speech of
special importance in connection
with the forthcoming reports of the
League Commission of Inquiry into
the Manchurian conflict.
In Washington the Secretary's
speech was interpreted as a definite
bid for continued support of the
American policy in the Far East by
the little nataions of Europe.

Assailed by Japan






Michelsen Charge

(Associated Press Photo)
Prof. Auguste Piccard, who rose nearly 10 miles into the strato-
sphere last year in a balloon, is preparing for another ascent at Zurich,
Switzerland. He is shown here in Belgium as he tested a new globular
gondola which was built for the latest flight.

Summer Final
Start Aug. 18

Band to Give
Third Concert
Here Tonight
Will PreCent Pro ram in

Schedule for Term
lined; Tests Will
for Two Days


The complete examination schedule
was announced yesterday for students
in the Summer Session who wish to
obtain credit for the work done on
the eight-week schedule.,
Based on the hour of recitation,
students who have classes at 8 o'clock1
will have their examination from 8
to 10 o'clock Thursday morning, Au-
gust 18. Nine o'clock recitations will
be examined from 8 to 10 o'clock,
Friday, August 19, and 10 o'clocks"
from 2 to 4 o'clock Thursday after-
Eleven o'clocks will be examined:
from 2 to 4 Friday; 1 o'clocks from
4 to 6 o'clock Thursday; 2 o'clocks,
from' 10 until 12 o'clock, Thursday;
3 o'clocks 10 to 12 o'clock, Friday;
and all other courses not meeting
during these hours will be examined+
from 4 to 6 o'clock, Friday..
Verne's 'Tour
Du Monde' Will
Repertory Production of
Famous Story Directed
By T. W. Stevens
Jules Verne's "Tour du Monde,"
more familiarly known to those of
another generation as "Around the
World in Eighty Days," will be given
tonight, Thursday, Friday and Sat-
urday nights in the Lydia Mendel-
ssohn theatre, bringing to a close a
summer dramatic season which has
seen the presentation here by the
Michigan Repertory Players of seven
outstanding productions.
A whirlwind melodrama, "Tour du
Monde" is directed by Thomas Wood
Stevens, who has provided this fa-
mous play with a new version which,
when produced at the Goodman
theatre in Chicago by Mr. Stevens,
promptly broke all house records in
its first week, holding the stage for
the longest run in the six years of
the repertory company.
The mad chase during the 14 epi-
sodes of the play which has its set-
ting in the Club of the Eccentrics in
London, moves steadily, with scenery
flying past. The action was retimed
by Mr. Stevens, and where necessary
the dialogue was rewritten.
The scenery, which pictures on the
stage the Suez canal, a railroad train,
Rocky mountains, an elephant and
an ocean liner, is being designed by
Alexander Wyckoff and constructed
by Fred Rebman.
Prominent in the cast are Lauren
Gilbert, Frederick Crandall, George
Totten, Lawrence Levy, Paul Show-
ers, Alan Handley, ,Martha Ellen
Scott and Dorothy Fritz.
Superintendents Defeat
Teachers ; Tie for 2nd

Front of Main Library Tokio Plans Protest
TOKIO, Aug. 9.-WP)-Indignant
A 7:15 o'Clock at Secretary of State Stimson's ref-
erences to Japan's line of action in
The Summer Session band will Manchuria, the Foreign Office today
make its third appearance on the cabled for a detailed report of his
campus at 7:15 o'clock tonight in Monday night address in New York
front of the main Library under the with a view of protesting to Wash-
direction of Nicholas Falcone. Owen ington.
Reed; cornet soloist, will also be with The Japanese embassy in the
the band. American capital was instructed to
make clear exactly what the Secre-
The program is as follows: tary said. The Foreign Office may
Victor March ................. Elbel make "suitable representations" in
Conducted by Ralph Fulghum the event that the official version
Overture to "Ruy Blas"........ ..bears out press accounts of the
.............. ... Mendelssohn address.
Conducted by William Champion The chief point of Col. Stimson's
Morning from "Peer Gynt .speech was that the Briand-Kellogg
Suite" fro " r .t . .....Grieg treaty outlawing war implicity pro-
Suit"...............Giegvides for4 consultation among the
Conducted by Kenneth W. Mathews I1signers to mobilize moral disapproval
Serenade Roccoco ........ Helmund acts of aggression.
Conducted by Lewis D. Evans Tokio officials said they especially
Cornet solo, "Stars in a Velvety disliked what they described as an
Sky" .................... L. Clark unmistakable implication that Japan
Played by Owen Reed was the aggressor in Manchuria
InaChnesyemy lenGren. against whom the whole world or-
In a Chinese Temple Garden. .. I ganized and mobilized as never be-
. Ketelbey fore.
Conducted by Robert B. Huber_____
Prelude in C Sharp Minor. League Welcomes Move
. . ..... Rachmaninoff GENEVA, Aug. 9.-(IP)-Secretary
Conducted by"Glen A.Stepeton Stimson's New York speech was in-
L'Arlesienne Suite No. 1 ......Bizet terpreted by League of Nations com-
Minlude mentators today as a solid basis for
Minuet cordial-although independent-co-
Le Carillon operation with the League by the
Conducted by Earl Slocum United States.
Yellow and Blue I T

Reich Sets Up
Death Penalty
For Terrorism
Government Takes Three
Measures to Preventf
More Rioting
BERLIN, Aug. 9.-4()-The gov-..
ernment tonight invoked extraordi-
nary powers, including the death
penalty, in an effort to put a stop to
outbursts of political violence which
have resulted in the killing of at
least 140 persons and serious injuries
to more than 1,000 since June 1.
With the approval of President
Paul von Hindenburg, three emer-
gency decrees were issued by Chan-
cellor von Papen. One of these ex-
tended the political truce to Sept. 1.
Another set up heavy penalties, in-
cluding sentence of hteath, for acts
of terrorism. The third instituted
special "speed" courts to deal sum-
marily with offenders.
The situation was considered so
critical that the government did not
wait for President von Hindenburg
to return from his country estate atE
Neudeck in East Prussia before cloth-:
ing itself with emergency authority.
Meanwhile Adolf Hitler, whose
Nazi storm troopers are held ac-
countable for much of the violence,
took steps to check the political pas-
sions of his followers.
70 Candidates
From Literary
College Named
Will Receive Degrees If
They Complete Require.-
ments This Summer
More than 70 persons will be rec-
ommended for degrees from the lit-
erary college should they complete
their requirements at the end of the
Summer Session.
In addition to failure to complete
the requisite hours and to meet the
scholastic requirements, degrees will
be withheld in the event of non-pay-
ment of diploma fees, it was stated
yesterday. The fees may be paid in
the registrar's office in University
The tentative list includes:
Basil D. Aonagnost, Irving H. Apis-
dorf, May H. Ashley, Arthur L. Bene-
dict, Jr., Lois R. Benson, Hotzell H.
Bode, Frederic Brandeis, Jasper L.
Brown, Bable A. Brown, Max F.
Brown, Vivien N. Bulloch, James H.
Burns, Jean F. Carpenter, Gerald Q.
Chesley, Ruth L. Cooper.
George J. Danneffel, Carl R. Dar-
nall, Harold J. Egloff, Esther Emery,
Boniface C. Fell, Edward D. Finch,
George C. French, Philip J. Glennie,
Virginia L. Haight, Lee C. Hammond,
James W. Harris, Mary V. Hayden,
Morton Helper, James C. Hendley,
William M. Heston, Katherine K.
Holtsclaw, John D. Hubly, Ida M.
Huotari, George F. Jackson, Vartan-
ouche B. Jamgotchian, Samuel H.
Kaplan, Arden H. Killinger, Jack J.
Lande, Nellie D. La Rue, Elwood Lit-
tle, Lawrence Louis, Robert M. Mc-
Craith, Archie L. McNaughton, Doro-
thy Magee, Marvy V. Manuel, Carl
R. Meloy, Almerene Montgomery
Walter R. Morris, Helen E. Neel
Michael T. Palen, Frank R. Palmer
Marion G. Rose, Charles B. Rueg-
nitz, Irvin J. Scheer, Leonard H
Schoenherr, Louis C. Scovill, Hober

Youthfi Attorneysy
Who Convicted Al
Capone Rewarded
George E. Q. Johnson, United States
attorney at Chicago, and his young
assistant Dwight H. Green, both
leading actors in the court room dra-
ma that climaxed in the clicking of
prison doors behind Al Capone-
were promoted by President Hoover
today, Johnson to be'a district judge
and Green to the district attorney-
Johnson was named judge for the
northern district of Illinois. Both
are recess appointments and must
be confirmed by the next senate.
Elevation of the two federal prose-
cutors marks the third promotion
awarded by the president for those
who were active in sending the no-
torious Chicago gangster to the peni-
Last March Mr. Hoover nominated
Judge James H. Wilkerson, who sen-
tenced Capone, to the circuit court
bench, but the appointment never
got out of the senate judiciary com-
mittee and died with adjournment.
Carillon Bells
Still Included
In Local Plans

Carillons and Other
Are Described by
Moore in Lecture



Norman F. Kraft Files
Formal Complaint for
Abusive Language
Editors Ask Civil
Rights for Public
No Statement Is Issued
At End of Three -Hour
Closed Session
Police commissioners of Ann Arbor
were closeted with Mayor H. Wirt
Newkirk, editors of The Daily, two
students, and two complaining school
superintendents last night in a three
hour session during which Patrol-
man Casper C. Michelsen was under
fire for his alleged mistreatment of
complaining witnesses.
A formal protest was made by Nor-
man Kraft, a student, who claimed
that he had been grossly insulted and
spoken to in profane language. Com-
missioners r e f u s e d following the
meeting to make a statement, but
said that within a few days a report
might be made. In the meantime
Michelsen was serving his turn at
the police desk.
Civil Rights Asked
Editors of The Daily did not ask
the dismissal of any officers, but urg-
ed the commissioners to ask officers
to observe "civil rights of citizens."
During the session William Dawson,
one of the commissioners, stated that
Michelsen had no right to arrest the
editors. However, he said, their com-
plaint would not be taken into con-
sideration since they had not been
made formally.
Bernard Kaplan, a summer student
from New Castle, Pa., also told the
commissioners that he had been in-
sulted by the officers.
Michelsen, when called before the
commission, denied the charges, and
stated that he had not used pro-
fane language.
A crowd of citizens and students
gathered at the police station early
in the evening in the hopes that they
would be given an open hearing. In
the crowd were many who had state-
ments to make against the depart-
ment because of. the recent campaign
to decrease the number of no-light,
stop street, and speed violators.
The hearing was called by Mayor
Called by Mayor
Newkirk after The Daily had printed
stories in which students claimed
they had been treated unfairly by the
No indication was made at the ses-
sion that there would be a let-up in
the campaign which has been con-
tinued since the latter part of last
week, and The Daily takes this op-
portunity to advise the students that
there is an ordinance against driv-
ing over 20 miles per hour in the
residential districts of Ann Arbor,
15 miles per hour in the business dis-
tricts, and 7 miles per hour in al-
Several students have been arrest-
ed recently while attempting to make
early morning classes for violation of
the speed ordinance.

Alleged Swindler Taken
To Jackson for Probe
After an alleged attempt to swindle
a local chain of gas stations yester-
day, Henry Kelly, 30, of 814 Dakin
street, Chicago, was taken to Jackson
for investigation.
Kelly went into the office of John
Cox, president of the Michigamme
Oil company, yesterday and present-
ed a cleverly forged renewal slip for
an advertisement in the non-existent
"Interstate Police Magazine." He
had several months previous obtain-
ed $100 from Mr. Cox for this adver-
tisement and now wanted $25 for a
Police believe that Kelly is one of
the gang which has been operating
a similar racket throughout the Mid-
dle West, but were unable to get in-
fqmation from Kelly.

League commentators especially
emphasized what they declared was
a reversal of doctrine of neutrality,
as well as realization by the Ameri-
can secretary that consultation by
the United States on world prob-
lems is inevitable.
Lewis and Householder
Win in Tennis Doubles
Charles Lewis, Grad., and F. C.
Householder, Grad., won the annual
summer intramural tennis doubles
tournament yesterday, defeating T.
J. Sisco, Grad., and H. G. Archer,
Grad., 6-4, 7-5, 7-3.- Thirty contest-
ants took part in the series of hard-
fought matches.
In the semi-finals of the upper
bracket, Sisco and Archer had de-
feated Shanks and Coleman. In the
lower bracket, Lewis and Householder
won to the finals by turning back
Thebaud and James.

Plans made eight years ago for the
erection here of a tower to contain
a set of carillon bells were described
by Prof. Earl V. Moore of the music
school in a lecture at Natural Science
auditorium yesterday.
"This tower," Prof. Moore said,
"was one of the projects nearest to
the late President Burton's heart.
Eight years have passed and there is
not one pound of metal for the bells
:n the campus and no place selected
for the campanile tower. This was a
result of conditions beyond the con-
:rol of the commission appointed to
Russia Is Topic
Prof. Howard Y. McClusky, of
the educational psychology de-
partment, will give the final 5
o'clock University lecture today in
Natural Science auditorium. His
topic will be "An Interpretation
of Soviet Russia," and it will be
carry it out. Appeals for funds were
made out in 1929 but the depression
came and they were never sent out.
Some day, however, you will come
back to hear the first concert on the
campus carillon."
Bells, Professor Moore pointed out,
are one of the most ancient of mu-
sical instruments, being first used
widely in England and Holland. Eng-
land, he said, was not interested in
carillons but the English are great
lovers of bells. Bell-ringing in Eng-
land, he said, was even considered a
form of exercise.
"Any group of bells," Moore said,
"which has less than 24 changes is
known as a set of chimes while one
having more than 24 is known as a
carillon. The largest carillon in the
world is in this country but the
amount of bell material in a tower
doesn't make the best carillon."
Walling Captures First
Place in Diving Events
First place in'the closely contested
diving events of the summer intra-
mural swimming program yesterday
went to Robert Walling, who carrie(
off 34.9 points for a victory over R.
Philleo, A. Gentz, and W. R. Jag-
gers. The diving contest brought the
summer tank program to a close.
Contestants in the diving trial;
were required to do a swan dive and
a front jack-knife, and were given

Former Ink-Splashed Offices
Of Daily Become Home of Music


Socialist Club
To Try Co-Op
Housing Plan
Will Rent Houses, Supply
Living Quarters to Stu-
dents at Cost
A new housing project, sponsored
by the Student Socialist club, was
announced yesterday. The club in-
tends to rent several rooming houses
next fall, which they will re-rent to
students who will take care of the
places themselves, and also prepare
their own meals.
The houses will be rented as cheap-
ly as possible, officers of the club
stated, and will be re-rented at cost,
as the project is a non-profit one.
Other. projects for next year in-
clude staging of campus activities in
order to raise money to subsidize
students and possibly provide for sev-
eral small loan funds for the Univer-
sity. Plans for this activity are not

Where printer's ink once stained
the walls and desks, where the noise'
of embryo journalists' typing drown-
ed out even Choral Union rehearsals
next door, soon the melodious sounds
of Beethoven's "Unfinished Sym-
phony" will resound.
That is, as soon as the carpenters
cease pounding for alterations have
been started in the former student
publication offices in the Ann Arbor
Press building on Maynard street

room, and all orchestra activities will
be transferred from Morris hall,
which will then be left free for band
and broadcasting facilities.
A total of seven large class rooms
are available besides the orchestra
room, as well as offices for consulta-
tion and a new storage room for in-
struments and music files.
The new partition walls which have
been built in the former Daily edi-
torial rooms have made the rooms
soundproof to a large degree. They

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