The Weather F'air Thursday; Friday owers, cooler in west and uth portions. Q .IMIgM LfIe i4 gan j3aiI Edlitorial Keep Football Radio1 casts; Prohibition Is Party Issue. Official Publication of The Summer Session 0 vn4_"'shirr xr.:.'.w - YUL Njui No 4 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1932 PRICE FIVE ( I IIIIIIIMI IY+ s -1 Local School Head Speaks Before N.E. A. Geologist to Talk Haisley Tells Association Education Must Take Health Into Account Ann Arbor Work In Field Outlined Atlantic City Conference Is Told Importance of School Physician (Special to The Daily) ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., June 29.- The realization that education as a living process must take into account body, mind, nerves, emotions, social self, and hereditary tendencies will probably be the basis for the great-1 est educational progress in the1 twentieth century, Otto W. Haisley, superintendent of schools in Ann Arbor, Mich., said this afternoon in an address before the health andl physical education department ofr the National Education association, meeting here. He told of the organization of the public school health department in Ann Arbor and of the work of the school physician in Ann Arbor, who was the fist in any city in Michi- Prof. William H. Hobbs, one of the world's foremost geologists and head of the department here, will lecture at 5 o'clock this afternoon in Natural Science auditorium on "Geology of Niagara Falls and Vi- cinity." The lecture will be illustrat- ed. On July 9 and 10 Professor Hobbs will conduct a University ex- cursion to the falls. Bartlett Talks On American1 Jungle Lands Seeks Wholesome Childhood "With the employment of a full- time school physician, we are direct- ing our thought and our efforts to the development of a more whole- some childhood for the children of Ann Arbor-a childhood which is freer from the ravages of disease and illness by reason of such pre- cautions," he stated. The definite program of the Ann Arbor schools was outlined by Su- perintendent Haisley as follows: "1. Securing parental co-opera- tion as regards early correction of physical defects. 2. Devising a health examination record possess- ing the greatest health teaching pos- sibilities to children, teachers and parents. 3. Creating such environ- ments for our children as will help them normally and naturally to seek health advice and health lit- erature. 4. Developing an adequate health history and health record recording scheme. 5. Defining the functions of the school doctor and nurses." Pupil Attitude Is Barrier "One of our serious problems," he continued, "is integrating the school health service with the high school age and high school activities. The type of organization itself and the attitude of pupils of this age erect barriers around which it is difficult to wark." One of the greatest possibilities of the entire problem is that in making of a health curriculum there is a chance. offered to obtain co- operation among the teachers of various subjects and grades of a sort which can be obtained in no other way, the superintendent said. "We need to discover for all teach- ers a common denominator which will enable them to get upon a com- mon ground. There is too wide a gap in the philosophy of the kinder- garten teacher and the teacher of twelfth grade Latin and mathe- matics. All too frequently the spe- cial music teacher speaks a lan- guage which is difficult for the junior h i g h school home-room teacher to understand, and this same special music teacher all too often fails utterly in her efforts to comprehend the aims which the ele- mentary school principal has set us as worthy goals of the elementary schools. Her business is to teach children to sing. Affects Both Pupil and Teacher "Not a health curriculum, but the actual making of a health curricu- lum by a group of teachers offers more possibilities as an integrating force than any other single activity which I can name. "In all departments, in all school activities, in practically every school situation, there is a health sphere affecting both pupils and teacher. In this very thing lie the possibilities of the activity. It makes of every teacher a health teacher. It em- ploys a highly individualized pro- cedure thus emphasizing a valuable technique. It likewise emphasizes problem approach and problem so- lution. Last of all it emphasizes education as a living and growing process. Needs Mature Judgment "Adjusting health education to our new philosophy involves for most of us curriculum construction. Curriculum construction is loaded with problems of integration which shoot into every nook and crevice of public school organization, cur- riculum contest and procedure. In the final analysis this integration is synonymous with consistency in thought and action and may be ob- Tells How Certain Lands Once Peopled Now Fail to Support Population Illustrating his lecture with many photographs taken on a recent ex- pedition to Guatemala, Prof. Harley H. Bartlett, head of the botany de- partment, told a Summer Session audience yesterday that the great question facing his department was why certain lands, once densely populated, now sustained no popu- lation at all. His lecture on "Cen- tral American Jungles" was the sec- ond of the summer 5 o'clock lecture series. "The Maya civilization developed in two areas," Professor Bartlett said, "the earlier in Guatemala and the later in Yucatan. The Mayas developed a calendar and a system of hieroglyphic writing. Only six or eight of their book manuscripts re- main, however. A spanish bishop in 1500 seized all the manuscripts he could lay his hands on and destroyed them, thus doing irreparable dam- age. "In this northeastern Guatemala wilderness lie the ruins of the old- est Maya civilization. It is now dense jungle supporting no popula- tion at all. Perhaps it is due to climatic changes. To figure out questions such as this, the Carnegie expedition added zo-ologists and botanists to its archaeological staff. "For instance, if we could dis- cover from what plants or combina- tion of plants maize, or corn, came, we could find the locality of the beginning of American civilization. Corn is a purely American plant, and does not grow wild. The discovery of where it was first cultivated would furnish the solution to this problem." Fischer Defeats Bohmen to Stay in Golf Tourney HOT SPRINGS, June 29.-(AP) -Ohio State and Yale, sending two contenders into the quarter finals of the National Intercollegiate golf championship held a numerical ad- vantage today, after a pair of ex- plosive rounds which saw the hopes' of the far west shattered. Princeton, Washington and Lee, Dayton and Michigan each placed a man in tomorrow's 36 hole quarter finals as Donald Moe of Oregon, Western amateur champion; Henry Kowal of Colgate, medalist and Fred Kammer of Princeton were elimin- ated in startling upsets. Fischer,. of Michigan, won one up from James Gordon, of Princeton, at the nineteenth hole. The Wolver- ine star won his first round match from R. G. Bohmen, of Chicago, 3 and 2. Other Michigan entries did not fare so well, John Howard los- ing to John Parker, Yale star, 4 and 3, while Jack Lenfesty dropped his match to James Reston, of Illinois, 4 and 3. Kelder, Dow to Head Two Education Clubs The Men's Education Club select- ed a directorial committee composed of J. W. Kelder, chairman; G. R. Koopman and R. H. Gorsline yester- day afternoon at a combined pic- nic and organization meeting. This committee assumes the rduties n.- Accord Seen At Lausanne After Conflict Calm Follows Germany's Demand for a Revision of Versailles Treaty Reich May Agree To Small Payment Concrete Proposals for Settlement of Repara- tions Issue Drafted LAUSANNE, June 29.-(AP)--Af- ter the reparation conflict between France and Germany had reached its high point today with a forth-' right demand by Chancellor Franz von Papen that the Versailles Trea- ty be revised to eliminate all dis- criminations against Germany, there was evidence of calmer counsels and a possible eventual agreement. The French, who were greatly displeased by the declaration for treaty revision, reported that the German Chancellordmodified h i s tone in subsequent discussions. Pessimism Is Modified There even was an unconfirmed report that the Germans, who have insisted reparations must be can- celled, had agreed in principle to the payment of at least something. This development modified the pessimism of last night when the belief was general the Franco-Ger- man conflict would force adjourn- ment of the Lausanne Conference without any accomplishment what- ever. Concrete proposals to Germany to settle the reparations issue were being drafted tonight by a commit- tee composed of the representatives of six leading powers and headed by Prime Minister Ramsay Mac- Donald of Great Britain. The other powers participating were France, Germany, Italy, Belgium and Japan. Von Papen Explains Stand .One of the factors contributing to the lessening of the tension was Chancellor von Papen's explanation to the French that in calling for revision of the Versailles Treaty he did not mean it must take place be- fore the issues of reparations and economic reconstruction had been discussed. The Chancellor said that if Ger- many were to contribute her ut- most toward restoring world con- fidence such clauses as those in the Versailles Treaty which dis-; criminate against Germany must be abolished. League Plans Social Events For Summer Free tea-dancing will feature the; social activities planned by the wo- men of the campus and given under the direction of the office of the dean of women during the Summer Session. The Wednesday afternoon dances with refreshments will be open to all men and women on the campus, and will take place from 4:30 to 5 o'clock in the League. More than 40 women, represent- ing the various houses and dormi- tories on the campus, met yester- day afternoon to make arrange- ments for the summer social activi- ties. After the final program has been drawn up an executive com- mittee of five members will be put ir charge of arrangements. Jean Cowden, '33, has been named presi- dent of the League for the summer. Among the events already sched- uled is a dean's reception on July 8 in the League building. Dr. Wilson Convicted Of Reckless Driving PORTLAND, Oregon, June 29. -(AP) -Dr. Clarence True Wil- son, general secretary of the Methodist board of prohibition, temperance and public morals, was convicted in police courts heretoday of a charge of reckless driving. Judge Fred W. Stadter continued the case for sentence. Dr. Wilson was the driver of a car that last Feb. 21 collided with one driven by L. S. Welch of Portland. Police, said that Dr. Wilson left town without report- ing the accident as required by rlaw. Welch testified that Wilson failed to stop at a through street and entered the intersection at 35 to 40 miles an hour. Other witnesses corroborated the testi- mony. Dr. Wilson testified that he did stop at the intersection. He said, however, that he had difficulty with his machine. By continuing the case for sen- tence the judge saved Wilson a fine, otherwise provided for by law. Second 'Tour Is Scheduled For Saturday Motorbus to Transport Students to D e tr o i t Points of Interest Carlton F. Wells, secretary of the Summer Session, yesterday an- nounced the second University tour for 8 o'clock Saturday morning. Students will be taken by motor bus to points of interest in Detroit and vicinity, returning here late in the afternoon. Travelling in special buses, the party will visit the Detroit News, metropolitan newspaper plant; Belle Isle park in the Detroit river; the new Fisher building, a notable ex- ample of recent office building de- sign; the Detroit Institute of Arts, and the Detroit Public library. At the Detroit News,,typical pro- cesses of a newspaper plant will be observed, including the editorial and art departments, the composing rooms, and the press rooms. After, a trip through the business district] and around Belle Isle, the party will1 stop for luncheon at the Fisher1 building cafeteria. In the same building a view of Detroit from the studios of radio station WJR on the twenty-eighth story will also be included. At the; Detroit Institute of Arts a staffj member will act as guide through the various collections which in- clude modern and medieval Euro- pean art, late and early Roman and Greek art, Asiatic art, Colonial, nineteenth century, and contempor- ary American art. Total expenses will amount to ap- proximately $2, including round trip bus fare and luncheon. Reservations must be made in Room 9, Univer- sity hall before Friday at 5 o'clock. The first university tour will be made this afternoon about Ann Ar- bor and the campus. The Daily to- morrow will carry a detailed ac- count of the tour. Approximately 100 had made reservations at 5 o'clock last night when registration for the tour closed. Dean Kraus Will Speak At Meeting in Lansing Dean Edward H. Kraus, of the Summer Session, will speak today] before members of the State Phar- maceutical association at a lunch- eon in Lansing. His topic will be, "Fifty Years of Progress." The as-t sociation is celebrating its fiftieth anniversary. Will Cover Convention Readers of The Daily will read an account of tonight's Democratic Convention by David M. Nichol, state editor of The Daily. Nichol left last night for Chicago where he will cover the proceedings exclu- visely for The Daily. The above scene is from the set designed for the Michigan Repertory Players' production of "Mr. Pim Passes By" which opened last night in the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre and will continue for the remainder ol the week. Milne Comedy Opens Before Large Ho use 'Mr. Pim Passes By' Is First Presentation Scene From Repertory Production ofI Al Smith Takes Platfo To Support Acceptant Greeted by 12-Mini Denionstration Roosevelt Takes 'Hands Off' Stai immediate Modification Volstead Act Demande Platform Backs Tar For Revenue CHICAGO, June 30.-(Thursd -(AP)-A plank putting the p, on record for repeal of the El teenth amendment and for imm ate modification of the Volstead was adopted early today by Democratic N a t i o n a 1 convent The vote was 934 for repeal to against. The convention began 1 a. m. Democrats Adopt Dry Law Repeal Plank, 934 To 213 Repertory Players A large house witnessed the open- ing of "Mr. Pim Passes By" last night in the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. This is the first of a series of plays to be presented by the Michigan Repertory Players during the Summer Session, and will run tonight, tomorrow night and Satur- day night. Following "Mr. Pim Passes By," "Paolo and Francesca" will open for a four-day run on July 6. The plays are under the direction of Valentine B. Windt, director of Play Produc- tion. Performances begin promptly at 8:15 o'clock.; Included in the cast of "Mr. Pim Passes By" are Harry R. Allen, Kathryn Kratz, Herbert A. Milliken, Martha Ellen Scott, Frances Young, Lauren Gilbert and Frances Johnson. He Learns About Women For $22 By GUY M. WHIPPLE, JR. James Foster, 215 South State street, today is $22 poorer but much, the wiser. Yesterday he stepped into the Lin- coln restaurant for his evening meal. Finished, Mr. Foster arose, walked out, and continued on his way, knowing full well that he was no; longer hungry. What he didn't know was that $22 in halves, quar- ters and nickels, which he had; brought from the bank with him, was still resting just below the7 counter of the restaurant. Aha-. Enter the culprit, in the shape of the lady that's known to State street habitues as "Jerry" (not as Lou). She sits at Mr. Foster's vacated place. She sees the money,and- she takes it. Chris Christie, employee of the restaurant, remonstrated with her. In fact, he took hold of her and at- tempted to stop the flight, but "Jerry," blonde, tough and highly painted, shouted "Lemmego" at Chris, and out into the street she ran. Chris followed and yelled for Pa- trolman H. D. Suma, who unfortu- nately was at the other end of State street. Suma finally arrived but the blonde flash, the money and the scent of five-and-ten perfume had disappeared. Professor Pollock To Leave to Study German Elections Prof. James K. Pollock, of the po- litical science department, will sail for Germany July 9, on the Bremen, it was learned last night. He is making the trip specifically to observe the Germans Reichstag elections, which will take place All-A Students In Engineering School Named 39 Make Perfect Record; 15 Seniors, 6 Freshmen Are on List Thirty-nine students in the en- gineering college received a 11-A grades last semester, according to an announcement made yesterday by Louis A. Hopkins, secretary of the college. Fifteen seniors, ten juniors, eight sophomores and six freshmen made perfect records. The following students made all A's: Marshall Anderson, D e t r o i t; Maurice E. Bates, Romeo; Raymond H. Beyer, Monroe; Robert E. Black- well, Sewickley, Penna.; Erwin R. Boynton, Pontiac; Ernest F. Brater, Saginaw; Paul F. Clement, Adrian; Albert A. Conviser, Brooklyn, New York; Ronald H. Culver, Ann Ar- bor; Delmar G. Garrison, Clayton; Allen L. Goldsmith, Kalamazoo; Clyde C. Goodwin, Detroit; John J. Hamilton, Battle Creek; Auguste C. Hershey, Taylorville, Ill.; Harold P. Hesler, Kansas City, Mo.; Joel A. Jannenga, Grand Rapids; Charles T. Kirk, Toledo, Ohio. Oscar A. K n u u s i, Marquette; Wayne W. McClow, Jenison; Victor E. Matulaitis, Grand Rapids; Rob- ert W. Merritt, St. Joseph; Carl W. Nelson, Iron Mountain; Edward D. Palmer, St. Joseph; Harold V. Pet- ers Ann Arbor; Walter H. Powers, Battle Creek; Dale L. Richardson, Highland Park; Henry C. Rose, Ann Arbor; Kenneth H. Rowland, Bar- telsville, Okla.; Irvin J. Sattinger, Toledo, Ohio; John F. Schmidt, Ann Arbor; Floyd V. Schultz, Pet- ersburg. Floyd A. Staebler, Ann Arbor; Kenneth E. Stecker, Detroit; Sidney Swan, Philadelphia, Penna.; William B. Tippy, Jackson; August G. Tro- meter, Buffalo,' New York; Ame Vennema, Menominee; John V. We- hausen, Oak Park, Illinois; and Richard H. Wilcox, Rochester, New York. HOW THEY STAND To the surprise even of leaders, many delegates traditionally dry South the repeal movement, re caucus the stand they had years. Al Smith, his ey by the fire of battle, wa with a 12-minute deep demonstration when he ap ask for adoption of the re suddenly written into the in the committee late tod A dozen other speakers, Senator Walsh, of Mas author of the plank, and Ritchie, of Maryland, wer ed with applause as the that Prohibition should away with entirely and thi decide returned to the st Roosevelt Avoids ft e' Significantly or not, the Rooseve organization attitude was "hanc off." Early yesterday James A. Fai ley-head mogul here- said tha "the New York governor has no pro hibition plank" and it was "tk right of every delegate to vote as i sees fit on the prohibition issue." The plank urges "enactment o such measures by the several state as will actually promote temperanc effectively prevent the return of tt saloon and bring the liquor traffi into the open under complete su pervision and control of the states It also demands Federal super vision "to protect states against im portation of intoxicating liquors I violation of their laws," and imme diate modification of the Volstea Act to legalize "beer and other bei erages of such alcoholic content a is permissible under the Constitu tion." High Points of the Plank Other high points of the 193 Democratic piatform included: A 25 per cent cut in Federal expenditures-one billion dol- lars-and a balanced budget. A "competitive tariff for reve- nue." An international monetary conference to be called by this Government to consider reha- bilitation of silver. Endorsement of l o a n s to states for unemployment relief and public construction. Refinancing farm mortgages; extension of co-operative mar- keting; effective control of crop surpluses, and endorsement of "every Constitutional measure" to help farmers get cost of pro- duction. Regulation of interstate util- ity companies and stock ex- changes. Fullest generosity for all war veterans, but no mention of the cash bonus. Relief for depositors of closed banks. Condemnation of the Hawley- Smoot tariff act and of "extrav- agance" by the Federal Farm Board. Difficulty encountered by the Re olution Committee in getting agreement forced the Convention put off that problem until la night's session. Itmhad loaf through an hour and a half of pol tical speech-making, entertainme. and pleasantries in the early afte noon waiting vainly for the resolu tions to be perfected and broug' to the Poor. Rum Debate Barred Far from the crowded Stadium, a hot hotel room, the weary pla form builders refused to accept t. rn -- -- -- inn..a _ .. School Legislation Conference SWill Convene Here on July 19 Seeking the development of a bet- ter understanding of present state educational legislation and a con- sideration of necessary changes, the School of Education will sponsor a conference here on this subject July 19, 20, and 21. The sessions will be held at the Michigan Union. A program has been arranged with the specific purpose of bring- ing together the authorities on each subject to be considered. The pro- gram for toe first day will consist of the following addresses and dis- cussions. July 19, 9:30 A. M. (1) "The Purpose of the Confer- ence," by Dean James B. Edmonson of the School of Education; (2) 1.TArrimaf? gli+rvpvna of T r a fncn- July 19, 2 P. M. (1) "Estimating State School Ef- ficiency," by Frank Hubbard, asso- ciate director of the research divi- sion of the National Education as- sociation; (2) "A Critical Appraisal of Some Recent Trends in Educa- tional Legislation in Michigan," by C. L. Goodrich, deputy superintend- ent of public instruction; and (3) a discussion to be led by Chairman D. B. Waldo, president of Western State Teachers college. July 19, 8 P. M. (1) "A Review of the Program of Activities of the Legislative Com- mittee of the M.E.A. for 1931 and the Special Session of 1932," by E. T. Cameron, secretary of the Michi- -'3' Z/ 7.- 7- . - -r-i f nr ! .wi NATIONAL LEAGUE W L Pittsburgh.33 27 Chicago...........35 30 Boston............36 31 St. Louis.........33 32 Phillies...........36 36 BIrooklyn..........35 35 New York.........29 23 Cincinnati.........31 44 Wednesday's Results Brooklyn 7, Phillies 0. St. Louis 10, Cicinnati 9. Only games scheduled. Games Thursday St. Louis at Pittsburgh. Cincinnati at Chicago. Boston at New York. Brooklyn at Philadelphia. AMERICAN LEAGUE W L New York .......47 19 Detroit ..... .38 27 Athletics...........40 30 Washington........37 31 rw.., t. ... n n Pct. .550 .538 .537 .508 .500 .500 .468 .413 Pct. .712 .585 .571 .544 'T--A