THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, AUG. 9, [ichigan Daily Established 1890 vr. 3 } B. C. The Ionians passed the word on to the Lydians, who had been at war for five years with the Medes. During the sixth year of the war, the "day was turned to night," as Herodotus put it, and peace was declared at once. There is at least one allusion to an eclipse in the Scriptures; with. possibly another. In Amos 8:9 occurs "I will cause the sun to go down at noon, and will darken the earth in the clear day." Astronomical tables indicate an eclipse in 763 B:C. which was probably the one referred to. And in II Kings 20:2, there is a possibility: "And Isiah the prophet cried unto the Lord; and he brought the shadow 10 degrees backward by which it had gone down in the dial of Ahaz." A LIBERAL EDUCATION (St. Louis Post Dispatch) fshed every morning except Monday during the sity yearrand Summer Session, by the Board in l of Student Publications. ber of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- id the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use ublication of all news dispatches credited to it or herwise credited in this paper and the local news ed herein. All rights of republication of special bes are reserved. red at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Assistant Postmaster General. cription during summer by, carrier, $1.0; by mail, During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by 450. es: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, rbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. esentatives: Littell-Murray-Rutsky, Inc., 40 East -fourth Street, New York City; 80-Boylston Street, , Mass.; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Ill. EDYTORIAL STAFF Office Hours: 2-12 P.M. aal Direotor......................Beach Conger, Jr. kitor...............................Carl S. Forsythe Editor .............................David M. .Nichol ditor................................Denton Kunze tph Editor...................Thonas Connellan Editor............................C. H. Beukema nt City Editor.....................Norman F. Kraft BUSINESS STAFP- Office Hburs: 9-12; 2-5 exceptBa turdays ss Manager............. .....Charles T. Kline at Business Manager............Norris P. Johnson; tion Manager ..................Clinton B. Conger TUESDAY, AUG. 9; 1932, The Nation asks an interesting question in its fine editorial tribute to "A Great Ambassador," the late Jules J. Jusserand. During the difficult war years his discretion and dignity served France well, but throughout his entire diplomatic career in Washington his unfailing respect for the coun- try to which he was accredited not only won for him personal distinction but a high place in American esteem. The question the Nation asks it, "Was this success due in considerable part to his being a man of letters?" And by way of answer some happy citations are offered. First of all, the great Englishman, Bryce, along with such illustrious American envoys as John Lothrop Motley, James Russell Lowell and John Hay. Scholars all, "artistocrats of learning," in Ma- caulay's phrase, who looked on life from the serene vantage of a liberal education, which was the thing our universities provided before so- called practicality usurped the authority of culture. It is an interesting question, and a most prac- tical one. No one can doubt the practical results of Jusserand's management of the French embassy in the war period, and one may reasonably, if futilely, wonder how differently history might read today had Bernstorff been able to manage the personnel of the German staff with the punctilio of Jusserand. But the efficiency, the durable efficiency of a liberal education in public affairs is not restricted to the area of diplomacy. The need for its vision, for its faith in justice, is more urgent, it seems to, us, in the legislative and administrative de- partments of government. The abuses of long entrenched privilege at Washington, from which we are now suffering so grievously, could never have been established, never tolerated, indeed, if- men of liberal education had dictated public policy. To be sure, we have had our "scholar in politics" who failed badly, just as our self-taught Jacksons and Lincolns have met the challenge of crisis with a genius not to be found in books. But, by and large, a liberal education is a price- less equipment in those servants to whom we literally intrust our destiny. For it bestows on its possessor the ability to discern the rights of people and the character to defend and serve those rights. move or believe that it will be of benefit to the club. However, as in the present case and all others of similar nature, Mr. Veeck calmly fingers his nose at the multitude and pleases Mrs. Veeck's boy William. There is no doubt but that Charlie Grimm will make one whale of a good manager. He has been one of the greatest first basemen in the game and one of the most popular, men in baseball. The only sad part of this move is that Grimm will probably go the way of the others when Veeck gets tired of having someone run the club that does not chose to yell "yes" to every- thing said. Joe McCarthy got the well known gate and Hornsby succeeded him as manager of the Cubs after a brilliant record as manager of the St. Louis Cardinals and a career with the New York Giants. Grimm's record is nearly as imposing as that of Hornsby, but he has not the managerial experi- ence of the older man. If Veeck intends to be manager of the Cubs on the field he might put on a uniform and sit on the bench so that he would be more in position to do the job up right. Instead of this he waits until something has seemingly gone wrong ac- cording to his viewpoint and then tries to dictate the future policy upon the basis of past perform- ance. The Cubs were not high enough in the race to satisfy Veeck so Rajah resigned under agree- ment. We seriously doubt Veeck's ability to manage a team from the clubhouse when a manager who sits with the team knows exactly what is needed and when should be able to handle the situation adequately. However, it is not our money that Mr. Veeck is spending in changing managers so we should not protest. We do hope that Charlie Grimm is given a fair chance to run the team and make good. OF THEE I SING (Daily Illini) Perhaps the old man calamity is still with us, economically speaking. But there is no doubting that he is well upon his work of packing the good old kit bag for a trip somewhere else. The wag from New York who wired his family in Chicago that prosperity was on its way as he knew it had left the Great White Way, is not so far wrong in his little pun. Whatever else may be said and whatever favor- able trends may be denied as false fronts put up to mislead people into supporting them, there is no denying that the markets are continuing their steady rise, and, in spite of the crepe hangers, seem to be going to continue this for some time. The New York bond market has held out on a rise that was scheduled to break at any time. All along Wall street the prices are reported strong with movements in stocks and securities going on at a lively pace. In La Salle street rumors and rumors of more rumors are reported flying thick and fast as trad- ing picks up. It is the general opinion of brokers that the public is getting back into stocks. This is not exactly a laudable activity for speculation, but it is certainly a healthy sign for the market, which is the foundation of American finance of all kinds. Perhaps this reaction will be somewhat tempo- rary, but that is no reason to discredit it as a favorable indication of future strength. Of course, we take every opportunity to hop on the calamity howlers and really rub in favorable news, so this rise may be favorable news to them in that a common occurrence of such action may cut short our trades on the question. All we ask is credit where credit is due, and if there is not a favorable trend holding forth in the markets there is certainly something wrong with our vision. Just look it over and think the ques- tion out for yourself. Don't take our word for it, but we might add a word of advice instilled by our service club ancestors - it won't be long now. A Washington By Kirke Simpson IVOAn Industry's Programn That Made Front-Page News Cloth rolling off the looms;; . thousands of yards... mil- lions of yards . .. pouring into an already glutted market. Women and children working through the long night hours to produce more goods where less was needed. From competitive chaos in the textile industry order and straight thinking have suddenly emerged. Through The Cotton-Textile Institute, an agency of the industry's own creation, the end of night work for women and minors has Business men, industrialists and engi- neers-600,OOO of them-regularly read the McGraw-Hill Publications. More than 3,000,000 use McGraw-Hill books and magazines in their business. The Business Week Radio Retailing System Electronics Aviation Product Engineering been decreed. This single step projects on the horizon the following bene- fits: (1) Full time for the day worker instead of part time.for him and the night worker; (2) more orderly production; (3) better working conditions; (4) more profitable opera. tion; (5) better returns for mill and worker. No wonder textile markets are stronger! No wonder the textile industry is raising its head and its good news is making the front pages! Underneath all this new progress there will be found, as, usual, a McGraw-Hill publication. Textile World long ago urged the abolition of night work for women and minors as one step in a program to restore prosperity to textile mills and employees. It has labored side by side with the industry for the achievement of that program. So in many industries, today, you'll find a McGraw-Hill Publication sponsoring progressive thought and action. If you keep abreast of the day-by-day achievements of the field you expect to enter, read the McGraw-Hill paper covering that field. Most college libraries have, or should have, McGraw-Hill Publications. Ask your librarian. or-Emeritus 'reerick Manvile Taylor Word received from California of the death of ofessor-Emeritus Frederick M. Taylor has sad- ned the heart of many a formner student and low worker. For almost half a century Profes- r Taylor was a member of. the Michigan faculty, d. was regarded as one of the outstanding, holars and teachers on the campus,. Economics was always an abstract, theoretical bject which the average undergraduate found. hard to understand. But "Freddie" Taylor's Tinciples of Economics," a book which has been e basic textbook for elementary economic urses in the Literary college, simplified the sub- :t for the poor sophomore who had trouble ough struggling with Gresham's, Law, supply d derand curves, without' having to conquer too techncial or meaningless textbook. 'Freddie" was not known only as a teacher of ise seeking culture and information. His lievement was, perhaps, greater than that. He s able to train his students, to imbue them Lh the spirit of research and scholarly science it many of them are now prominent teachers 'oughout the United States. 3ut the memory of his understanding of the dent and his problems will forever remain at Chigan; classes. will continue to sing that tra- ional anthem: "He's gone out from Freddie's momics, safe now in the junior class," Editorial Comment Factory and Industrial Engineering and Management Mining Journal Power Engineering and Industrial Engineering Mining World coal Age Electric Railway Journal Textile World Bus Transportation Food Industries American Machinist Electrical World Engineering News- Electrical Merchandising Record Electrical West Construction Methods Chemical & Metallurgical Engineering HOW ABOUT A DECENT CHECK-ROOM? (Stanford Daily) During the early days of autumn quarter last years when returned students were gaining their first taste of college life in times of acute finan- cial stress, somebody tired of going dateless week- end after week-end hit upon the "depression dance" scheme. It was a great idea. Besides a decent evening for the small' consideration of one quarter, it offered- means of knitting the Farm into a more compact social unit. The first one was a big success. Then as these dances gained increasing popu- larity among students during the dark days of the hard winter just past, a complication de- veloped News of the cheap entertainment spread throughout the Peninsula, and the dances began to take on the aspect of informal gatherings of unemployed' from Menlo Park and vicinity. The Daily warned of what would follow if nothing was done, proposing that a fine slogan would be "Campus Dances for Campus People." But it was unheeded. The result was that the last affair, though a rousing financial success, perhaps, was a sorry failure as a social function. Saturday night there will be another "depres- sion dance" in the Woman's gym. Thanks to the foresight of its sponsor, Cap and Gown, students can go and pay their two-bit fine with- out fear of walking in to find themselves virtually alone among a gathering of "Outsiders." For the senior women's honorary society has taken the simple step that was suggested long ago. No couple will be admitted which cannot produce a student body card. Thus the affair will be as it should be, truly i "Campus Dance for Campus People." r l Mc GRAW- HILL PUBLICATIONS McGRAW.HILt PUBLISHING CO Inc New York Chcago -Phldelphia -Washingon -Deoit S touts -Clevelond -Los Angees-Son francisco-Boston Gr een lle -ondoij STEPPING ITO A -MODIERN WORLD' $700 A SECOND (Daily Iowan) Four thousand sixty-nine years ago this August two Chinese were beheaded because they got drunk. It was not- because of an early prohibition law, but because they miscalculated on two counts. The two men, Hsi, and Ho, predicted that an eclipse' of the sun would take place. It did, but they miscalculated the time. They also miscal,- culated on an advance- celebration, and- were too drunk to appear before the royalty of the day to shoot arrows- at the monster "which was de- vouring- the sun." For that they lost their heads. Sich miscalculation will not occur Wednesday, Aug. 31, when astronomers from all over the world gather to witness the total eclipse of the sun. scheduled for 3:30 p. m. Eastern Standard- time. The path of the eclipse will- cross New England, and if the present day astronomers were one second wrong in their fixing of the time of its >ccurrence, or were one mile off in determining he extent of the path of totality, they would be shamed beyond measure. Out here in the middle-west, the eclipse will approach roughly 40 per cent of totality, and will >ecur about- 2:15 p. m. The solar show will cost ;cientific observers $700 a second to watch, and t will last 100 seconds. Mighty nice profit might he made on ring-side seats with the proper pro- notion, if those prices prevailed. That figure of $700,000- comprises the expense >f more than 30 expeditions which will come from Al4 over the world to watch the phenomenon. And t is worth it, say scientists. Out of spectroscopic )bservations of the halo of fire, the corona of he sun, may come secrets of new power sources, iew energy for health, even long distance weather orecasting and solutions of problems for elim- nation of trouble in radio communication.- ABOLISHING "HELL WEEK" (Daily Tar Heel) Growing sentiment against the tradition of- "hell week" and "horseplay" in fraternities and' honorary organizations is apparent with the ef- forts of student leaders at the University and other institutions to abandon the practice, once described by Former President Chase as a "prac- tice which is scarcely a pleasant thing to see continued in fraternities." In an open letter to fraternity presidents at the University of Wis- consin, Scott H. Goodnight, dean of men, urged- the groups to remove this practice in order to establish a higher plane of fraternity life at Wisconsin. "Hell week," said Goodnight, "is hostile to every higher interest of fraternal life at the present time. Faculty members grow resentful when their students fail to appear in class, or if they do come jaded, sleepy, and unprepared. Parents are angered by what they call outrageous abuse of their sons and it raises new enemies against fraternities when we sorely need friends." Most recent steps in this direction on the Uni- versity campus are the suspension of paddling and other physical initiation by the Golden Fleece and the Order of the Grail, the two leading hon- orary organizations. Numerous campus fraterni- ties have done away with the practice of "hell week" while others are on record as contemplating such a move. Removal of this semi-barbaric cus- tom is one of the most progressive steps taken in the fraternity system since its relegation into open existence established only a few years ago on some campuses. Hazing and its attendant discomforts were outlawed on the University. campus some years ago, but the local Greeks still manage to observe it staying within the point of the law., yet violating the principle. The,- time has come for a wholesale disposal of the physical initiation system on this campus, either through WASHINGTON, Aug. 8. -(P)--- Aside from the experiences of Washington's political reporters, turned "war" correspondents in connection with army operations to evict the bonus squatters, there is not much humor about that affair. Yet the reporters did have a lively time of it getting a chance to see what was going on, once the army took hold. There is no arguing with a regular cavalrynan, swinging a saber, or with a tin-hatted dough-boy with a bayoneted rifle. They ran The Bystander around in circles as they did many of his press colleagues. CAUGHT NAPPING It develops, however, that General Douglas Mac- Arthur, chief of staff and made personally re- sponsible for execution of the eviction order by Secretary Hurley, was caught sartorially napping that day. He came in from his quarters in the crisp white mufti he favors in hot weather. About the time he ordered the troops in from the fort, he also sent for his uniform as he in- tended to lead the march. The troops got there before the uniform arrived, so they just had to wait. General MacArthur might consider the methods worked out by Under Secretary Castle at the state department for keeping at hand the garb neces- sary for all 6ccasions. Castle parks a spare high hat and tail coat in his office. When a diplomat comes along to be escorted to the White House, he just shuffles into that regalia and doffs it agaain when the formal visit is over. That is a handy arrangement. Years ago, when the United States Supreme court was more formal in procedure than it is now, no lawyer was per- mitted to address the bench in argument except when appropriately- dressed. So many legal lights came to plead cases unequipped with the long- tailed black coat decreed by custom that an an- cient garment of that type was kept in the clerk of court's office for their use in such an emer- gency. It was still in use when former President Taft became chief justice. NOT THE WAITING KIND That General MacArthur would feel it incum- bent upon him to direct the military in person, not from his war department desk, anyone fami- liar with his war record would have expected!. At the second Marne battle, MacArthur, then a colonel and chief of staff of the 42nd (Rainbow) division, discovered that the Germans were fall- ing back and dared order his division ahead with- out awaiting orders. That's military classic and I Striking a balance for a $4,OOO,OOO0,OOO industry "On a large scale" describes account- ing in the Bell System, whose properties cost more than $4,000,000,000. On the outgo side are, for example; four or five hundred million dollars annually for new construction; vast sums for keeping telephone equipment in good order; a payroll running into hundreds of millions a year. Under in- come are such diverse items as a few cents for a local telephone call, or thirty dollars and upward for a call to a city across the Atlantic. The men responsible for this phase of the telephone businesĀ§ have worked out scientific methods of control-but their effort to refine old practices and devise new ones goes on. Theopportu I tyist/iere!