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August 07, 1932 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1932-08-07

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RepeaI Group
May Turn to
Dem's Choice
Politica ( ntrovery IS
Stirred Lp Over Gover-
nor Brtekers Stand
LANSING, Aug. 6.-(P)-A de-
mand that wet organizations indorse
"sled length" the Democratic nom-
inee for governor in the event Gov.
Wilber M. Brucker is renominated
today had stirred up a political con-
troversy. Brucker leaders retorted
that other important issues should
have a part in guiding the votes,
and claimed the Republicans stand
on prohibition is more sound and
William A. Comstock of Detroit,
Claude C. Carney of Kalamazoo and
Patrick H. O'Brien of Detroit, who
are completing for the Democratic
gubernatorial nomination, all have
announced they favor repeal of the
eighteenth amendment and abroga-
tion of the state dry regulations.
Gov. Brucker, in answer to a ques-
tionnaire sent him by the Crusaders,
said that while his personal views re-
main unchanged, he favors resubmis-
sion of the question in accordance
with the platform adopted by the
Republican party in its national con-
vention in Chicago.
Comstock, one of the mainsprings
in the movement that resulted in
the ;adoption of the dripping wet
planl. by the. Democrats in their na-
tional convention, declared the time
has come "to stop pussyfooting."
There are approximately 1,750
miles of wagon roads, 1,400 miles of
dog sled roads and 700 miles of flag-
ged trails in, Alaska territory.

Germany's IroA Man

Writer Says Anti-Social Group
On Campus Misses Much Ha-ch

(Associated Press Photo)
The long controversy between Paraguay and Bolivia over the
bitterly disputed Gran Chaco territory seems to have reached a climax
in the offer of Bolivia to sign peace terms on the basis of present
positions in the disputed area. The offer followed hostilities between
the two nations.
Swimnmiig xEpert Claims Sport

(Associated Press Photo)
General Kurt von Schleicher,
(above) is the power behind the
present German cabinet. In control
of the German armies, he can keep
the cabinet in office by military
New York Editor Dies;
Graduated at Michigan
YONKERS, N. Y., Aug. 6.-(P)-W.
M. Harris, former managing editor
of the New York (morning) Sun and
former night editor of the New York
Herald, died suddenly at his home
here today. He was 64 years old.
Born in Ann Arbor, Mich., he
graduated from the University of
Michigan and began his newspaper
career in Chicago. He came to New
York 30 years ago, joined the staff
of the Herald and later went to the

Editor's Note: This article has been
written from the man's viewpoint and
concerns itself with what the Univer-
sity offers in the way of social lire
during the summer.)
By G. C. F.
Lately there has been a lot of talk
bandied about by certain anti-social
dolts regarding the "dead and
buried" atmosphere of Ann Arbor in
the 'tween-semester session. People
who talk like that are in the class
of folks who shut their eyes very
tightly and then complain of not
being able to see. Getting into the
Summer Session social swim is after
all quite as easy as basking in the
summer sunshine!
Surely you remember the Deans'
Reception. Of course you do. You
were there, you and your brother and
everybody in town. And thousands
came from all over the country in
special trains, or at least that was
how it seemed. But did you feel like
a stranger in the midst of the milling
multitudes? Not for long. You just
stood around for maybe a couple
minutes, when up rushed Dr. Shar-
man or one of his social committee
people and said, "Say, Johnny,
there's a girl over here who's dying
to meet you."
You gave your name and were
trundled over to the girl involved.
"This fellow is dying to meet you,"
was the way the introduction was be-
gun. Names were mumbled, and you
went into the ballroom. You could-
n't get in there without a partner,
but you and a couple thousand other
people got partners and danced.
That's the way it has been at all
the Friday dances since then, except
that the men somewhat outnumbered
the women. If you went with a date,
you didn't have to worry. If you
went stag, you got a partner anyhow.
The best part of it was that she

wasn't bound to stick with you, nor
you with her. Consequently, you had
the chance to meet lots of people
during the evening. Not such a bad
Then there are the teas. Every
Wednesday afternoon there has been
a tea-dance, admission to which is
absolutely free. All you have to o
is acquire a well groomed ap'pearance
and attend. You are introduced to
plenty of people, drink punch (they
call it a tea-dance because of the
time of day, not because of what they
serve for refreshments) and dance.
It's all very ah-cha.
Then there have been teas of a
special nature-for the faculty, the
foreign s t u d e n ts, public health
nurses, etc. These have been right
enough, as for example that tea for
foreign students, to which everybody
foreign and domestic, was invited. It
was held in the League Garden,
which was a histrionic-no, historic
precedent, for men were present.
and from time immemorial that
garden has been the women's sane-
torum. On that occasion there was
musical entertainment, and you met
everybody from the gentlemen from
New Zealand to the people from the 1
"But," the cry goes up, "I can't
dance." Well, what do you think the
social dancing ;classes have beeni held
for? In those classes they can teach
you how to dance even if you are
confined to a wheel chair. And its
all done so painlessly. No spectators
are present to jest and guffaw; any
such are ejected promptly and per-
manently. And you do learn how to
dance correctly.
So the gentlemen on this campus
have got to hand it to those people
over at the League.


Today-25ce to 2 P. M.

I1 T A..U.1LOYU-4iK"

40c after 2
Together For The First Time

A Great Story with a Great Cast!
Extra Added

Extra Added-- MIC HIGA N
stan Laurel and Today - 25c to 2 P.M.
Oliver Hardy .® 40c after 2
The King and Queen
of the Screen
olympic Games in CHARLES FARRELL
ParamoutNews"TE E"in

A Masquers Comedy,



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* LEADING college newspapers during the past
year have carried this series of advertisements, indi-
cating how a college training might be of value
in the bond business. We sought to suggest how
diverse studies, many of them seemingly remote
from investment, help to provide the training and
background required in the financial world.
* Within the next month many seniors will decide
upon their life work. It will pay them to know as
much about the different occupations and profes-
sions as possible before they go out to find their
first position. The sprinter who stunbles at the
start, seldom wins the race.
® Some of these seniors will choose the bond
business, where there are broad opportunities for
those who are qualified. To help you decide
whether you are one of these, we have prepared a
booklet of special interest to college men, The Bond
Business --What It Requires-What It Off'rs. Any
student may have a copy on request. Should you
desire to enter the investment field and wish to dis-
cuss it with one of our representatives, we suggest
that you write for an appointment.



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