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August 07, 1932 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1932-08-07

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The Weather
Partly cloudy Sunday, prob,-
ably showers in southeast por-
tion; fair Monday.


joit igaIWt


Signs Of Reviving
And Business.


Official Publication of The Summer Session

VOL. XII No. 36



Fisher Warns
Against Trade
Points to Difficulties at
Ottawa Resulting from
Present Conference
Went to Session
For Information
Claims China Is a Great
Open Labor Field; Out-
let Needed in U. S.
A warning that the establishment
of a trade barrier by Canada as a re-
sult of the Imperial conference in
Ottawa would make the Dominion a
"trade bootlegger" was voiced last
night by Dr. Frederick B. Fisher,
pastor of the Methodist church, who
returned from Ottawa yesterday af-
Such a barrier against the United
States would probably concentrate
attention on the development of the
Chinese market by American manu-
facturers, Dr Fisher said, for they
would turn to China for a source of
cheap labor. Manufacturing, under
the direction of capital from the
United States, would be carried out
in the Orient, he predicted.
A New Market
"The United States must find some
outlet in countries not under the Eu-
ropean flags. China is the great open
market for labor," he stated.
Canada has proved the great prob-
lem of the entire conference, he
said. She must find a gompromise
that will bring her the trade prefer-
ences of the Empire and yet at the
same time keep on friendly terms
with the United States, Dr. Fisher
Intimating that a high tariff would
be a benefit to the United States, he
said that the passage of any trade
barriers by Canada against the Unit-
ed States would probably bring a re-
ciprocal tariff. It would also bring
a number of American factories in
Canada back to the United States,
he stated.
Unrest Prevails
A general feeling of unrest pre-
vades the entire atmosphere of Que-
bec, the pastor continued. Labor un-
ions, watchful of the interests of
Canadian labor, have put up deter-
mined opposition to any compromise
which will be a loss to them. The
dispersion by police of a mass meet-
ing was followed by tense feelings all
through the city, he stated.
"Some jealousy," Dr. Fisher con-
tinued, "was to be detected among
the various dominions and colonies.
There is also a real feeling of respect
for England but it is not sufficient to
bring concessions at a loss to the
dominions. The delegates want a
practical solution of the entire mat-
ter but there is much evidence of
confused thinking."
Verne Drama
Ends Summer'
Play Season
Handley, Scott, Showers
In Stevens' Production
Of 'Tour du Monde'
The summer dramatic season of
the Michigan Repertory Players will
close this week with the presentation,

beginning Wednesday and continu-
ing through Saturday, of the famous
French melodrama, "Tour du Mon-
de," by Jules Verne and Alphonse
"Tourdu Monde" is the seventh
production of the players and follows
the successful performances in the
Lydia Mendelssohn theatre last week
of "Once in a Lifetime." It will be
directed by Thomas Wood Stevens,
who is using his own stage adapta-
tion for this production.
Given more than 3,000 times in the
Theatre Chatelet, "Tourdu Monde"
will have in the cast such actors as
Alan Handley, Martha Ellen Scott,
Paul Showers, Jauren Gilbert, and
Dorothy Fritz.
Ernie McCoy, Former
'M' Athlete, Will Marry
Miss Elizabeth Mae Hemenger, '30,
will marry Ernest B. McCoy, '29,
Michigan's brilliant three-letter ath-
1n ...iu.c 117n+ +the nme of her

Is Noted Explorer

Hoffman Talk
Scheduled for
Noted European Explorer
Lectures Here on Head
Takers of Formosa
Received Education
In St. Petersburg

To M

Was Authorized

Nake Pictures


U. S. Navy Work

Capt. Carl von Hoffman who
speaks in Hill auditorium tomorrow
night will illustrate his lecture with
the latest sound recordings and mo-
tion pictures. Captain Hoffman be-
came an expert cinema photogra-
pher following the war, and has done
special work for the United States
World Record
For 400,1600
Meters Beaten
Runners Go Extra Lapc in
3,000-Meter; McCluskey
Shows Sportsmanship
Aug. 6.-(P)-World records for both
the Olympic 400 and 1600 meter re-1
lays were knocked loose today by the
United States team, in the trials,
after Bolmari Iso-Hollo won the '
steeplechase for Finland in a race
that was run an extra lap over the
3000-meter distance by mistake.
The track American sprint quar-'
tette consisting of Bob Kinsel, Em-
mett Toppino, Hector Dyer, and
Frank Wykoff sped the 400-meters
in 40.6 sees., clipping two-tenths off
the world mark, after which the
1600-meter team, despite the com-
paratively slow anchor leg by the
Olympic 400-meter champion, Billt
Carr, broke the tape in 3:11.8 toR
knock eight-tenths of a second off i
the previous world standard.
Carr, who sped to a world record
of 46.2 for the 400 in beating Ben
Eastman yesterday, had set a tre-
mendous lead over Italy and Ger-
many in the first 1600-meter trial1
that he simply breezed his lap in 49
Carr's teammates, however, Fuqua,t
Ablowich and Warner, paved the
way for the record performancehby
beating 48 seconds for each of their
laps. Warner turned in the best
time, 47.4 secs.
Italyhand Germany qualified be-
hind the U. S. A. for the 1600-meter
relay finals tomorrow, after which,
Japan's quartette reeled off the sec-
ond trial in 3:16.8, leading Great
Britain and Canada, the other qual-
ifiers. Mexico was eliminated.
The American 400-meter team ad-
vanced to the semi-finals, along with
Italy and Canada in the second trial
heat. The German team led Japan
and Great Britain, all qualifiers, in
the first 400-meter relay in 41.2 secs.
The outcome in the steeplechase,
after long deliberation and with the
consent of all the competitors, was
officially accepted, although the field
ran an extra lap over the jump for
a total of 3,450 meters.
This meant that the American star,
Joe McCluskey, was good enough
sportsman to accept the third place
medal, although he was running next
to Ios-Hollo and in front of Even-
son, the Englishman, at the end of
the regulation 300-meter called for.
The athletes had the option of de-
manding a re-run of the race, since
the mistake effected the entire clos-
ing stages.
The officials of the I. A. A. F. ex-
plained that at the start of the
steeplechase the regular lap checker
was absent.
Clubs to Hold Joint
Banquet Monday Night
Climaxing the activities of the
Education clubs for the summer, a
joint banquet of the Men's Education
club and the Women's Education
club will be held at 6:30 o'clock to-
morrow night at the Union.
Dr. Charles H. Judd, director of
the school of education at the Uni-
versity of Chicago, will address the
banquet, for which tickets are now
on sale..

Captain Carl von Hoffman, noted
European explorer and lecturer, will
speak at 8:15 o'clock tomorrow night
in Hill auditorium on "The Head
Takers of Formosa." Among other
institutions, Captain von Hoffman
has lectured before the National
Geographic society, the Field Muse-
um of Natural History, and the Car-
negie Museum.
Born in Riga, in the Baltic pro-
vinces of Russia, he was educated at
the Military Academy of St. Peters-
b u rg. The Russo-Japanese war
broke out when he was but 15 years
old, and eager for his first adven-
ture, he ran away to fight in the war.
He was wounded, promoted, decorat-
ed for gallantry, and made a Knight
of St. George. So it began.
Went to Mexico
After the war, Captain von Hoff-
man came to America where he be-
came an expert cinema photogra-
pher. In 1912, he was authorized by
the United States government to
make the first complete motion pic-
ture record of the navy at work.
When Pancho Villa, Mexican bandit
and patriot, stirred the world in 1913,
the Captain was in Mexico with him.
He entered the United States army
in 1917 in the aviation section of
the signal corps, and after the war
was off to Russia to fight as a cap-
tain in the army of the White Rus-
sian commander, Admiral Kolchak.
Roamed Africa
Because of his interest in ethnol-
ogy, Captain von Hoffman began
roaming Africa. He was the first to
make the trip from Cairo to the
Cape. He roamed throughout Moroc-
co, Rhodesia, Zululand, Cape Colony.
Then, in 1931, he crossed the Pacific
to become the first white man to
penetrate forbidden Formosa, to
make motion pictures ofthehead
taker savages, as they call them-
selves, and to make recordings of
their primitive music.
These latest sound recordings and
motion pictures will be a feature part
of the lecture tomorrow night.
Mrs. Cissel Defeats
Jean Kyer in Fiials
Mrs. J. H. Cissel regained her title
as women's city golf champion by
downing Miss Jean Kyer, defending
title-holder, in a match that went
up to the final hole at Huron Hills
Saturday. The score was 2 and 1.
Each one a single hole and seven
were halved in the first nine, but
Mrs. Cissel went out in front by tak-
ing the 14th hole. Miss Kyer had an
opportunity to square the match on
the 16th, but was forced to take three
putts for an even break. Mrs. Cis-
sel completed her win by taking the
Mrs. L. C. Andrews won the consol-
ation by defeating Miss Marion Wil-
liams, University statistician, 2 up.

League Cuts
Food Prices;
Miss Alta Atkinson Takes
Over Managership; Will
Select New Staff
Dormitory Opened
To Women Students
To Be Remodeled for Oc-
cupancy by Co-ed Group
Of Trained Assistants
The appointment of new managers
of the food department, provision for
a new housing unit, and lowering of
food prices will feature the reorgan-
ization of the League under Miss
Alta Atkinson, the new manager, it
was learned yesterday.
Twenty women students will have
an opportunity to live at the League
next year. Most of them will be em-
ployed throughout the building, and
will be given training courses for the
various positions this fall when
school opens.
The dormitory, which in the past
has been open to transient guests,
will be remodeled for occupancy by
this group. Miss Ethel McCormick
will be in charge of it as a social unit
as is done in other organized houses,
it was announced. The Cave, on the
fourth floor, will be set aside as a
lounge for these students.
Miss Marcella Schneider will take
over the management of the food
department, Miss Atkinson announc-
ed. Miss Schneider has had cafe-
teria and dining room would be re-
duced next fall, when these depart-
ments are re-opened.
Carr to Open
Lecture Series
For This Week
Talks on Changing Negro
Status Monday; Moore
Is Speaker Tuesday
The final week of University lec-
tures will open tomorrow when Prof.
Lowell J. Carr, of the sociology de-
partment, speaks at 5 o'clock in Na-
tural Science auditorium on "The
Changing Status of the Negro."
Prof. Earl V. Moore, of the School
of Music, will present the Tuesday
lecture on the topic "Carillons and
Bell Music. Professor Moore has
traveled extensively in Europe study-
ing various mechanically methods of
producing bell music, and is an au-
thority in this field.
The Wednesday lecture, the last
official Summer Session 5 o'clock
presentation, will be given by Prof.
Howard Y. McClusky, of the edu-
cational psychology department. He
will discuss "An Interpretation of
Soviet Russia."
Ekman Is Forced Out
By Kreuger Collapse
STOCKHOLM, Aug. 6.-(/P)-Carl
Gustav Ekman, prime minister of
Sweden since June, 1930 resigned
today, another victim of the collapse
of Ivar Kreuger's far-flung empire.
F. T. Hamzin, finance minister, was
appointed his successor.


Why The Daily Crusades
NOT to fight the Ann Arbor police. NOT to make news.
NOT to seek abuses from the local department. But to bring courtesy
to 3,800 students who are guests of the University and the city of
Ann Arbor during the Summer Session. Further to warn the
students that they must not violate the city ordinances, and to assist
them in avoiding the necessity of paying cash for fines.
The issue was opened by The Daily as a friendly means of
calling to the attention of the students that a drive had been opened.
Early the next day, however, the first rift was made when the police
picketed the campus area with four plain-clothes officers besides
the regular allotment of bluecoats. The other special police officers
carried on the campaign for the whole city area.
Friday there were added developments:
1. A student was held because he gave information to a motorist
concerning the police activities.
2. Editors of The Daily were held because they "dared" to
take a picture of an officer at the distance of 30 feet and without
even speaking to the officer.
3. Obscene language was directed towards several high school
superintendents who are enrolled in the Summer Session.
Last night a Daily reporter was told in profane language by
Sergeant Fohey to leave the police station, and no further questions
would be. answered.
Despite the overwhelming abuses The Daily does not wish to
"fight" the department. We WANT courtesy for the students.
We WANT the civil rights of citizens regarded in the making of
These we want because we do not feel that the citizens of Ann
Arbor desire to harbor an arrogant police system. The police are
the servants of organized society. They are at the disposal of
orderly citizens. And The Daily feels that Ann Arbor honestly
desires friendliness from these visitors who come for two months
each summer with thousands of dollars to deposit in local coffers.
it is not the custom to abuse one's benefactors.
Finally, The Daily does not favor a "nuisance" ordinance. Laws
should be enforced or they should not be enforced. Courtesy plus
Co-operation plus Understanding is what we ask of the police for
the students. We can only hope that practices of the past few days
will be brought to an end.

Two D aily Reporters A
Profanely Ordered
Leave Police Station I
Sergeant Foheiy
'Courtesy Drive'
To Be Continu
Chief of Police Thom
O'Brien Returns fro
Vacation Today; to Gra

Police Refuse

To Release





Officers Recalle(

Refusing to divulge any informa
tion concerning the "holding for i
vestigation" of three Daily Editor
Friday,CSergeant Louis W. Fohe
acting Chief of Police of Ann Arbc
yesterday profanely dismissed tw
Daily reporters from the Police St
tion before they had any opportuni
to investigate further arrests of tra
fic violators.
Sergeant Fohey, who complaine
about some of the words used in a
ticles that appeared in The Dail
pertaining to enforcement of aut
mobile regulations, was asked exac
ly what terms he thought objection
"I'm not answerin' any questions
he shouted. "Get the hell of here
Can Arrest Anyone
When requested to give the reaso
for the arrest of the Editors, he rE
plied that the Police could arre
anyone that they wanted and cou
hold them 48 hours for investigatic
He told The Daily reporters th
he could arrest them, if he desire
on a charge of murder.
When asked, "What murder?"
replied, "Oh, any murder. There a
lots of them."
Sergeant Fohey branded The Dai
articles as "Lies" and demanded
know what right The Daily had
print such statements.
Traffic Violations Mount



Speaks Here Today

200 Special Term Students View
Convicts at Jackson Institution

The grim gray walls of Jackson1
prison yesterday closed upon more
than 200 University of Michigan stu-
Under the direction "of Assistant7
Deputy Warden M. S. Hatch, the
Michigan invaders watched the con-;
victs engaged in the manufacture
of heavy winter woolens, took a look
at the prison school where Detroit
gangsters and bad check men are
taught their ABC's, and finished up
watching the prisoners take their
bread and gravy in the big cafeteria.
The convicts put on their best smiles
when they saw they had company
although some of them displayed a
little self-consciousness especially
while they were being watched in the
process of eating.
The first place visited by the group
was a cell-block. The name of each
convict with his number was in-
scribed above his cell and the mem-

boys leave home and a piece of rare
entertainment was offered by a con-
vict organist.
Leaving the hall, Capt. Hatch led
his charges up to the dining hall,
where they smelled of good things
such as convicts eat. The soup, it
seemed especially had a very tantal-
izing odor and the members of the
party began to rememmberthat it
was almost dinner time. Some of
them would almost have traded
places with the convicts just then.
The visit to the school reminded the
students of home-but not quite.
Copies of the School News, the Mich-
igan Daily of the prison, were passed
out. The News proved that the fig-
ures didn't lie when they said that
there were no newspapermen at
The students went away feeling
that they had really been some place
and, although they had no particular

Rev. Frederick C. Eiselen, head of
the board of education of Methodist
colleges and universities throughout
the country, will speak to Summer
Session students and townspeople at
6 o'clock this afternoon in Wesley
hall. Dr. Eiselen prepared at the
University of Berlin, New York uni-
versity, and Columbia. For many
years he has been dean of religion
at Northwestern.
Cross-Garbo Love
Tangle Is Denied;
on Same Steamer
Persistent rumors that Prof. Ar-
thur L. Cross, of the history depart-
ment, had become involved with
none other than the Great Garbo,
have been denied by members of the
Apostle's club, faculty bachelor or-
ganization, of which Professor Cross
is a member.
About a week ago, he sailed for
Europe on the same boat as the
widely-known film actress. Rumor
had it that some of the Apostle's
had devised the scheme of sending a

Kin, Medical
Missionary, to
Speak Today'
Appears at First Baptist
Church; Fisher to Talk
On Behavior Standards
Dr. Judson C. King, recently re-
turned medical missionary from the;
Belgian Congo, will speak this morn-
ing at the First Baptist church on
"Civilization's Impact on the Bantu
Doctor King has spent 19 years in
this part of Africa and has encount-
ered large numbers of unusual ex-
periences. His medical work has
brought him in particularly close
contact with the primitive tribes
of the region.,
At the Methodist church, Dr. Fred-
erick B. Fisher will continue his ser-
ies of sermons on "Living in the
Twentieth Century." His topic to-
day will be "Standards of Behavior."
Doctor Fisher's series will be con-
eluded next Sunday with the topic
"Finding Personal Victory." Folow-
ing the conclusion of the series, he
has planned a short tour of Europe.
Dr. Frederick C. Eiselen, corres-
ponding secretary of the Board of
Education of the Methodist Episcopal
church, is to be the guest at an in-
formal reception at the Wesley
foundation from 5 to 7 o'clock today.
He will give a short address at the
"Back to What?" is to be the topic
for the sermon by the Rev. Merle
H. Anderson, of the First Presbyter-
ian church. This will conclude the
series of sermons on the "Best Short
Stories in the World." This is the
summer communion service.
At 6 o'clock tonight, there will be
an informal social hour at the Pres-
byterian church house on Washte-
naw Ave.
The Rev. Theodore R. Schmale,
of the Bethlehem Evangelical church,
will speak today on "Steps Toward
God." At 11 o'clock there will be the
special service in German.

men were being held.
can arrest you for a
ferent charges."
The Editors were
hours later, after they

Chief of Police Thomas O'Brien,
long known as the "friend of the
students" returned from his vacation
yesterday and will be interviewed
this morning. He stated last night
that he had nothing to do with the
Police force at this time, that the
squad during his vacation was under
the direction of Sergeant Fohey and
the commissioners alone.
Tomapson Swings
Political Support
to Charles A. Sink

He replied, "I
thousand dif-
released two
had been "in-

The number of arrests for traffic
violations mountecl yesterday and,
although the picket of plain-clothes
spotters that had been stationed
at street intersections in the Uni-
versity area was removed, regular of-
ficers continued to hand out tickets.
Momentarily checked by the refus-
al of the Sergeant to give out the
necessary information, the drive
which was started by The Daily
Thursday to warn students to ob-
serve automobile regulations and to
seek for them courtesy from the local
Police, continued in full swing last
The drive was climaxed Friday by
the arrest of the three Editors for
taking photographs of the plain-
clothes men planted in inconspicu-
ous places at intersections.
Michelson Questioned
Casper Michelson, the officer who
made the arrest, was asked at that
time the charges for which the three

Politics make strange bedfellows!
Charles A. Sink, president of the
University School of Music, returned
last night from a two-day tour of the
western part of the state with his
former opponent, but present co-
partner, Theodore A. Thompson,
Williamston publisher.
Thompson, who filed petitions to
place him in nomination for the Re-
publican candidacy for lieutenant-
governor. dronned from the race and


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