TTTE MICHIGAN DAILY . x ichiganD ily Established 1890 >r . .,..y ^ '' r } ,I q . Il t(1 -s'4 1 7n', ;=:. ", ,_YifiCNGt 7 AN17iv4.BDR ro mrpe.,o..ixxm+«+.uorn >lished every morning except Monday during the rsity year and Summer Session by the Board in ol of Student Publicatins. nber of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS eAssociated Press is exclusively entitled to the use publication of all news dispatches credited to it or therwise credited in this paper and the local news zhed herein. All rights of republication of special ,tches are reserved. ered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as d class matter. Special rate of postage granted by l Assistant Postmaster General. >scription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by $4.50. ices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Arbor, Michigan. Phonxe: 2-1214. presentatives: Littell-Murray-Rutsky, Inc., 40 East y-fourth Street, New York City; 80 Boylston sreet, n, Mass.; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Ill. EDITORIAL STAFF Office Hours: 2-12 P.. dal Director......................Beach, Conger, Jr. Editor...............................Carl S." FJbsythe Editor .......................David gINchol Editor..........................Denton Kunze raph Editor....................Thomas Connellan s Editor...... ...... C H.Beukema tant City Editor............ ......Norman F.I': f BUfSINESS STAFF Office Hours: 9-12; 2-5 except Saturday tess Manager..............Charles T. Elne tant Business Manager............Norris P. Johnason lation Manager .................Clinton B. Conger SATURDAY, AUG. 6, 1932 Two Major Functions of TIe FurthQ Estate ... The press has two major functions. Tlhe first is the gathering and presentation to the public of the news as it happens. This must be done with only the bias of which it is impossi- ble for human agencies to rid themselves and an attempt is made to present the facts with all faimness. This is a public duty. The public is entitled to and demands the information a it occurs and as the reporter can, to the extent of his capabilities, discover it. The legitimate press is very jealous of its efforts in this field. Upon accuracy and fairness depends the entire reputa- tion of a newspaper. The second, but no less important, phase is that of intelligent criticism of events with the aid of the information gathered. This is the chief raison d'etre of the fourth estate and it is for this tfat newspaper men have fought, along wih the right of freedom of speech, since time immemorial.,: It'is this function which is in many cases re- sponsible for the proper operation of public and governmental agencies. We have only to look at any number of examples. An Indianapolis paper, for instance, saved the citizens of the state some $6,000,000 in taxes in the course of a siigle year. For its work it was awarded the Pulitzer prize. In a number of other cases, the information and criticism of occurrences by the press has been respgnsible for the removal of corrupt public officials and for the alleviation of district civil grievances. Exeutive and administrative abuses have often been removed entirely. The benefit to the public, however, depends upoA, the co-operatoin of the civil agencies. Oc- casionally, a lethargic and' straddling press will produce such an attitud of "divine right" among civil of icers that their resentment wil\ flare high when they are finally criticized by other news- papers. In a game this would be called "poor sportsmanship" or "hotheadedness." It is a sad commentary on any official agency when it cannot stand criticism. If its activities ar above any reproach, it has nqthing to fear. Should there be questionable activities, then these should be immediately abandoned and the cause of the criticism removed. \ It is much worse, however, when criticism brings resentment, often accompanied by incorrect and abusive acts. Editorial Comment WHY THEY DD GOOD BU$SINESS (Detroit Free Press) 4 Within eight days recently two large circuses, came to Detroit and offered 10 performances, all told. Each one of the 10 was well attended. InI some instances the big tent was packed and it was necessary to close the ticket booths and put up the chains. Crowds were turned away because there was no room for more people under the 'canvas if the performance was to go on. Plainly there are many folk livilg in this City who have money to spend where the goods offered are sufficiently attractive to induce them to part, with it, and are properly advertised so that the public is aware that they are available. The circus managers succeeded because the made certain everybody would know they were heading this way, when. they would be here, and where they would set up their etablishments. They also advertised things that people wanted to se. Then they delivered what they promised, and sent their first audiences away satisfied to drum] 11n nam3.ii nrmnfi nr mthnm something they really want, and they try to make sure in advance that they will get value received. To go back to the circuses. Tens of thousands in Detroit are eager for entertainment. They need it. A person without diversion grows dull, just as a person without food becomes weak. These tens of thousands were satisfied that the circuses really had what they longed for and they went out and handed over their money for tickets in big rolls. Now people who will spend money to enjoy two hours under a "big top" will do the same to obtain other things they desire if they are properly im- pressed with the fact that those things are to be had and at reasonable prices. This has been true all along in Detroit in the general field of commercial and industrial activity] as well as in the field of entertainment. The fact has been tested out repeatedly. But business has had difficulty in believing and understanding it. We repeat: Set things they truly want before, them and people with money will buy. The mer- chant (using-the word in a broad sense) who realizes this and acts acordingly accomplishes several things. He helps himself; he helps busi- ness locally; and he gives the entire Country. a boost by assisting it to gt off the "dead benter." The circuses that made money here by being "go-getters" and delivering according to specifica- tions were able in consequence to pay wages and railroad transportation charges; , and those with whom they spent and whom they paid have be- come in turn more able to spend than they would have been otherwise. Is it necessary to carry the idea further? The point should be easy to get. RSING WINDS OJF PROTEST (Toledo News Bee) ! Another veterans' organization has served nio- tLice on the country that it accepts no part of the responsibility *for retaining the enormous bounties now being paid to ex-soldiers whose disability was not incurred in war. First, the American Legion denied all responsi-. bility for the disability pensions, by which some 400,000 men are receiving in the neighborhood of $100,000,000 a year. Now, the Disabled American Veterans have announced that they will Goncen- trate their efforts only on legislation designed to help men with service-connected disabilities. What these two powerful veterans' organiza- tions do, for all practical purposes, is deny both the equity and the soundness of the type of vet- erans' leislation represented by the disability act Congress has been less timorous of late regarding legislation affe6ting veterans. If the American Legion and the Disabled American Veterans suc- ceed, by their stand on this legislation, in stiffen- ing congress to the point of repealing or radically modifying the abuses of the veterans' relief legis- lation, these two organizations will indeed have done a great public service. That is a public service that could well be emu- lated by all ex-soldiers regardless of their organi- zation affiliations. It is public service no less im- portant and patriotic than their original response to the call to arms. One of the most important jobs confronting the next session of congress is this whole subject of reform of veterans' relief. Abuses contained in certain types of legislation affecting veterans are familiar to everyone. The murmur of a rising wind of protest has been heard whispering thru the corridors and around the pillars of the na- tional Capitol. Congress has cocked a receptive ear. A joint committee from the house and the senate has been authorized and appointed to in- vestigate the whole system of veterans' relief. This committee consists of 10 men, five from the senate. If the work of the committee - which is to start this fall -is to be more than a rubber stamp, its members must be courageous, clear- thinking men with keen understanding of the ob- ligations that lie between a demobilized army and the bulk of the nation's citizenry. The committee should waste no time on trimmers or demagogs. A Wash ingo BSTA ND E R By Kirke Simpson WASHINGTON, Aug. 5 --(.P)- The success of "Big Jim" Farley as a political diplomat having been indicated by the Roosevelt-Hague and Roose- velt-Ely rapprochements, another field immediate- ly opened for him. What is he going to do about Mayor Jimmie Walker's alleged intention to run for the demo- Cratic nomination for governor if he should be osted as mayor by Governor Roosevelt under the Sabitry charges? With Roosevelt and former Governor Smith supporting the 'claims of Lieutenant Governor Lehman to the nomination, it has been clear all along that the Roosevelt strategists were counting on a virtual complete healing of the convention break between Roosevelt and Smith factions by this means. Lehman himself was the peace envoy to Smith in that case, Farley taking on the task of getting Hague in New Jersey and Ely in Massachusetts onto the Roosevelt band-wagon. * * * \ A BROW-WRINKLER It is reasonable to assume that Farley has no more inkling of what the governor is going to do about the Walker case than has anybody else.. Yet the statemeift that Walker, if ousted, plans to run for governor, is a matter that would give "Big Jim" natural concern. In addition to being general manager of the Roosevelt national campaign, Farley is state chairmn in New York. A row over the nomina- tion for governor, splitting Tammany and the up-state swing of the -party, could have serious effect not alone on the Roosevelt hopes of carry- ing his home state for the presidency, but upon the success of the gubernatorial ticket as well. Coming bapk to the Roosevelt-Ely get-together, there is one rather mystifying paragraph in Ely's announcement of his support of the Roosevelt- Garner ticket and his readiness to run again for governor of Massachusetts to aid that ticket. "The needs of the times . . make it imperative that the (presidential) cabinet be composed of the ablest public servants, even regardless of strict party affiliation," Governor Ely said.... "The best w.ill be none too good for these times and the Democratic President will have the best." BETWEEN THE LINES That clearly suggests that Roosevelt and Ely talked cabinet possibilities in their conference. But to whom does the "even regardless of strict nartv affliatinn" nint9 That conild hardlv cnver BOOKS UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PLAYS: Book II, Edited by Kenneth T. Rowe, Introduction by Lennox Robinson; $L75. Ann Arbor: George Wahr. A Review by Robert Wetzel The new volume of "University of Michigan Plays" furnishes considerable variety of interest, ranging all the way from polite comedy to melo- drama, to folk-comedy, folk-tragedy, domestic pathos and fantasy. Indeed, the reviewer's cata- logue reads a little like Polonius's, with his "pas- toral-comical, historical-pastoral, tragical-histori- cal, tragical-comical, historical-pastoral"; and its variety is an evident tribute to the range of Pro- fessor Rowe's sympathies as a teacher of play- writing. Taking it as a whole, I think the volume offers a more various and playable collection of pieces for the theatre than either of the volumes in the series so far. The critic can scarcely attempt to discuss ade- quately each of the plays in the space that fol- lows: nor can he even guarantee that ,the follow- ing appraisals might not be subject to change. The ultimate test of any play (the plaitude is too often forgotten) is production in the theatre. I have seen only six of the plays on the stage, not all of which were given scruplous production; were I to see all the plays carefully brought to life, I should very likely revise a number of opin- ions. The rule of the theatre is ultimately empiri- cal: that is good which gets across; and reading, even by a person theatrically trained, never proves conclusively what will get across. If anyone were an infalible judge of the merits of a play on the basis of a simple reading-knowledge of it, Holly- wood and Broadway would endow him very com- fortably for life. As yet, I believe, they are still searching for such a person. Hence the reader must remember that I offer this critical appraisal tentatively, quite willing to admit that it is the most slippery sort of impressionism on my part. The plays which seemed to me to possess, the closest parallel between reach and grasp were Mr. Pogue's "Translated" and Mr. Sissman's "A Doctor to Be." The first is capital rural fun, just skirting the borderline of caricature. Its homely humors are in the rich tradition of Lowell's "Bigelow Papers"--whether Mr. Pogue has read them or not - and I am reminded, too, of the Abbey Theatre folk-comedies. Mr. Pogue's spinsters and deacons are full-blooded rustics; not the rubber- stamped zanies of "Way Down East" nor the egregious Jonesport Neighbors of Mr. Seth Parker. Mr. Sissman's "A Doctor to Be" is a substantial genre study of a Jewish family revolving around the professional ambitions of the son, whom his mother feels destined to become a doctor. Each member of the family is vital, easily distinguish- able from the others - no little triumph for any playwright, beginner or old hand. The pathetic note of the denouement is genuine and unforced; what one may call, in general, the Fannie Hurst Nte, is happily absent. I do not know Mr. Siss- man's milieu-but I feel perfectly convinced of its truth to actuality. His reportorial 'sharpness and sympathy suggest the similar virtues of Mr. Elmer Rice.- "Half-a-Stick," by Mr. Rosenthal, I found more interesting than satisfactory. It falls - if I may be pardoned ahother calssification - between the stools of Dreiserian sociology ("The Hand of the Potter," etc.), and sheer Grand-Guignol thriller. I nmention this because in production, the very undertainty of emphasis seemed to inhibit the audience's response to the piece. Were we to take the lovers, with their somehow rather casual mur- ders, as two pitiable products of Zolaesque en- vironment forces - or were we being requested to forget ethics in response to the mere thrill of a shocking situation? I am not sure-nor, I suspect, is Mr. Rosenthal. On the other side of the ledger, I enter to the author's credit his Mr. Weeks, an amazingly malevolent creation -reminiscent, in fact, of the noble line of Old Fagin and the dwarf Quilp. To skip through the volume to another melo- drama, I confess I could wish for a bit less action in Mr. Nestle's "Between Winds" - or perhaps the same action better arranged, with less confusing technical jargon. The cinematic climax in which the girl pulls the lever is almost too easy to bother with; in its place I should prefer a distincter characterization of the girl, and a bit more dia- logue to emphasize the setting -- to give us a sense of the lookout station and its isolation - something, really, of the poetry of the scene, call it what you will. Save for the practical references to "cables" and "No. 4," we might be in some prosaic flat. A setting so unusual deserves to be exploited in dialogue as well as on canvas. Both Mr. Levy's "Go Down Moses", and Miss Price's "The Eyes of the Old" are vivid sketches of negro life, which wisely refuse to rely on mere strangeness and vitality. The theme of "Go Down Moses," the inevitable frustration of the Negro's vague but powerful aspirations, runs contrapun- tally through "The Eyes of the Old," also. Miss Price's "The Bright Medallion," in its extraordi- narily rapid succession of major climaxes, has something ,of the naive charm of "Green Pastures" -a charm, perhaps less calculated and conscious than that of Connelly's play. Mr. Compton's "The Provider" presents a situa- tion of considerable pathos against a well-dehined farm-background. His heroine's competence and stability might have been better demonstrated than by the final stoicism, I think - as a demon- stration of character, it is dubious in much the same way as the familiar instance of Hemingway's hero simply walking home in the rain after his sweetheart's death, is dubious in "Farewell to Arms." "Masquerade," by Mr. Tobin, is a pretty fairy tale of the Hans Christian Anderson order. To become more than a pleasant fancy, it would need far greater distinction of style than the author brings to it, a jewelled sort of writing more near- ly in keeping with the perilously delicate theme. In my last analysis, I must first remind the reader of my indubitable limitations of taste - and then proceed to say that, to me, Miss Symon's "Beer Garden" is a very fragile anecdote indeed. It concerns a little group of determined bright youngsters, who seem to find themselves a great deal more amusing than I did. The mariner in This Side of College Humor, with more than a dash of Philip Barry; and the people are the sort of people who say "Never be a grown-up" (p. 12), -and indeed manage to continue in their desired state of bouncing infantilism almost without effort. (See "Holiday"; see also Mr. Wyndham Lewis on The Cult of Childishness.) I do not care for the manner, although I grant it is well sustained. But perhaps I am what Miss Symon's characters would undoubtedly call an Qld Meany. But enough of critical categories and pigeon- holes: the reader must buy the book for himself. The Antioch Press has made it a handsome vol- umn: -- the- nlavs will rn, the lihrrv aagree- Clipping a\second would save 25, * EE STEPPING INTO A MIODERN WORLD A second saved here- 'an unnecessary step cut out there -on such, close atten- tion to detail rests the success of modern industry. Nowhere is this more strikingly shown than in the telephone business. In accounting work for i (stance, an improved method that clips just one second from the time required to handle one toll ticket would haye great results. ' )OO -,hours Applied throughout the System----hand- ling an average of more than 90,000,000 toll tickets each month--it wouhd effect a monthly saving of 25,000 hours Such "little" things often are tremen- dously important in so vast an industry. That is one reason why men find Bell System work so fascinating. ' 'e opportunity is there! 'A BELL YSTE ">411,te A NATION-WIDE S Y ST Ei M OF INTRR-CONNEC ': N(, T El. L I1 ON F PQ GAS FOR HEAT WHEREVER HEAT IS NEE DE, l to the use of gas heatfor core and mold drying. They know gas isj quicker, more thorough, more dependable-and best of all, less expen. m