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August 06, 1932 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1932-08-06

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Sir igzuzt

A46 Pop

Two Major Functions of The
Fourth Estate,

Official Publication of The Summer Session




Pact Foreseen,
By Educator

Chicago Professor
Military Combii
Threatens Europe


States Arms Are
Being Stored Up
Russia Is Manufacturing
War liupleunents for
Gernhans, He /Holds
WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass., Aug. 5.
--(P)-Prof. Bernadotte Schmitt, of
the University of Chicago, said at
the Institute of Politics today that
possibility of Russo-German military
combination constitutes a "most seri-
ous threat to the peace of Europe."
Leading the Institute conference
on the Versailles Treaty, Schmitt
"There is. no use blinking at the
fact that those controlling the
Reichswehr, according to evidence
which cannot be dismissed as mere
propaganda, appear to have entered
into a working arrangement with the
Soviet War Department, by which
large quantities of war materials are
being manufactured in Russia under
German supervisoin and stored there
against the day when Germany can
show her teeth."
"Europe under the Versailles treaty
presents the world with a gloomy
prospect," he said. "War may be in-
evitable unless the treaties are re-
vised, but there will also be war if
an attempt is made to revise them."
The World Court decision against
the Austro-German custom union/
Schmitt declared, was "contrary to
the principle of self-determination
and dictated by high politics."
'Award of South Tyrol to Italy is,
in Schmitt's opinion, "unnecessary
and* unfortunate," while 'Hungary
might have been treated with less
"So long as Hungary maintains
claims to all pre-war territory her
neighbors will insist on fronttiersj
strategic, rather than ethnographic,"
he added.
Through calling the Versailles set-
tlement the soundest politically, Eu-
rope has ever known, he concluded
economic recovery may be "impeded,
if not made impossible by present
Women's Golf
Tourney Goes
lto Last Lap

Cave in Palestine
Yields- 8 Skeletons
Of Missing Link'
LONDON, Aug. 5.-(,P)-Eons ago
there lived in Palestine a creature
like a man with a tremendously
heavy jaw, overhanging brows and
powerful arms acid legs. Theodore
McCown, a graduate of the Univer-
sity of California, told about him to-
day at the Congress of Prehistoric
The creature walked with a shamb-
ling gait, and if one were to see him
coming down the street today he
would seem an ugly brute, but not
too fearsome.
Mr. McCown, as 'leader of an ar-
chaeological expedition on Mt. Car-
mel in Palestine, discovered eight
fossil skeletons of the creature last
spring. Sir Arthur Keith described
the, discovery today as "one of the
most inportant' finds yet made in
this field)"
The skeletons date from the Mous-
teriate Period, and help to bridge
the gap between the Neanderthal
man and the modern Homo Sapiens.
The Mousterians, 'unlike the Nean-
derthal man, had chins.
Mr. McCown said he and his as-
sistants found the skeleton in a pre-
historic cemetery at the mouth of a
cave on the side of Mt. Carmel. They
were encased in a sort of natural
Mr. McCown is a son of Prof. C.
C. McCown, of $erkeley, Calif., and
formerly was director of the Ameri-
can School for Oriental Research at-
University to


Daily Investigators Seized

Police Open Traffic Drive


Police Start Drive on Traffic Violations

The above picture shows a plain
clothes policeman stationed yester-
day at the corner of Liberty 'and
State streets reporting to a motor-
cycle patrolman. At the right, the
officer stationed at North University
and State streets is seen talking to
a driver. (Daily Staff Photos)
Attempt) Arrest
, Of Student for
arning Drivers


Mrs. Cissel, Miss Ky
Champions for 3 Yea
Play for Title Today


Mrs. J. H. Cissel and Miss Jean
Kyer, who between them have held
the women's city golf championships
for the last three years, will meet in'
the finals of the 1932 city tourna-
ment at Huron Hills this morning.
Both won their semi-final matches
Friday afternoon, Mrs. Cissel having
settled a family argument by dis-
posing of her'daughter, Jane, 4 and
3 and Miss Kyer having easily turn-
ed back. Helen Gustine 7 and 6.
Miss Kyer captured the title in
1929, Mrs. Cissel to k it the follow-
ing year and Miss Xyer lifted again
last year. Both have played strong
golf throughout this tournament.
Miss Kyer went out in 42, a record
women's total on the Huron Hills
layout this afternoon. Her most
brilliant work was on the 570-yard
sixth hole, where she got a birdie 4
by sinking a short approach shot
from 20 yards out. i
The Cissel match Friday was en-
tirely a family affair, two of the
younger Cissels having caddied while
J. H. Cissel senior worked as referee.
Atlantic Fliers Back
After Crash in Russia
NEW YQRK, Aug. 5.-(/P)-Two
American airmen who expected to
return through the air with a globe
girdling record in their grasp came
horie today by water on a liner with
a missing anchor.
They were Capt. Bennet .Griffin
and Lieut. James J. Mattern, bronz-
ed pilots from the southwest, who

University auto regulations will be'
lifted at noon Aug. 19, Walter B. Rea,
assistant to the dean of students said
yesterday. Lawv students,^-Who will
continue their school for two weeks
more, will be exempted from 'the pro-
visions of the restrictions.
No fundamental change in the reg-
ulations is planned for the coming
regular term, Rea said. He pointed
out that none of the exemptions al-
lowed during the Summer Session
will then be in force. Students- who
have, in the year before, been engag-
ed in professional pursuits will be
under the same rules as the un'der-
graduate and graduate students. %
Rea said that a final check on
s u m m e r automobile registrations
showed that more than 1,050 stu-
dents have been operating cars un-
der the exemptions provited in the
regulations for the Summer Session.
Only about 250 undergraduate rec-
reational permits were issued.
r0e Risin
Iii ecuriies,
Buying Orders Flow In,
Many from Abroad, as
Confidence Grows
NEW YORK, Aug. 5.-(P)-Secur-
ity and commodity markets made
further progress as buying orders
continued to flow in from both for-
eign and domestic sources today, but,
on the whole, the price movement
was more conservative.
Considerable difference of opin-
ion was manifest in Wall Street
banking quarters over the proposal
to organize a large credit pool to
bolster commodities, but, in the main,
sentiment in the financial district
was decidedly hopeful that business,
under the stimulus of reconstruc-
tion measures, might achieve a sub-
stantial autumn recovery. Buying of
American securities for London and
Paris account remained impressive.
Leading bankers said that no ac-
tion had been taken as yet on the
proposal of Gov. Meyer of the Feder-
al Reserve Board that banks and the
Reconstruction Finance Corp. jointly
form a huge fund from which loans
might be made to fabricators with
which to buy raw materials. Somet
bankers insis ed that adequate credit
was already available, while others
thought the plan had merit, and
would be adopted.
American League

Bolivia Ready
To Sign Pact,
In Chaco ,War
Will Cease Hostilities with

Paraguay if
Is Declared

LA PAZ, Bolivia, Aug. 5.-(,)-
Bolivia has agreed to immediate ces-
sation of hostilities with Paraguay
in the Gran Chaco on condition that,
an armistice is declared on the basis;
of present positions in the disputed
territory instead of on the basis of
June 1.
The Bolivia position was made
known through a note to neutral na-
tions at Washington, who applied the
new doctrine to the Chaco dispute
of not recognizing territorial gains
made by'force. The neutrals suggest-
ed that an armistice be declared ac-
cording to the June 1 status.
League is Hopeful For Settlement
GENEVA, Aug. 5.-(P)=-The League
of Nations wvs hopeful today for
peaceful settlement of the Gran
Chaco dispute between Bolivia and
Paraguay, after both nations had ex-
pressed a desire for peace.
It is impossible for the Haguef
Court to arbitrate the dispute un-
less both nations appeal to the court.
Also, appeal presupposes agreement
on the form of the question to be
The Chaco dispute was considered
predominantly a question of transit
communication and not a boundary
quarrel. Bolivia demands an outlet
to the sea via the Paraguay and
Plate Rivers. It was suggested that
the League's technical organization
might co-operate with the two na-
tions in negotiating a free port and
transit facilities.
More Than 200 Leave
On Jackson Prison Trip


Officer Casper C. Michelsen of the
Anil Abor police department, ,for
two hours, yesterday asserted his
authority at the intersection of
South University avenue and State
street, attempting to arrest a Sum-
mer Session student for warning
drivers of a police trap at the cor-
Office? Michelsen was stationed at
the Union corner ,as a part of the
general police, drive against traffic;
violators. Dressed in 'plain clothes,'
he guarded the stop sign at the in-
tersection giving tickets to all mo-
torists who did not make a com-
plete stop. At 12:25 he stopped a
woman driver for this reason. An-
other motorist who had made a stop
was forced to m'ake a second stop
hurriedly to avoid hitting the wo-
man's car. Michelsen, who appar-
ently did not see him make the turn,
attempted to arrest the' driver for
alleged failure to make a stop at
the sign.
A group of Summer Session stu-
dents including R. H. Gorsline, su-
perintendent of schools at Hanover,
Michigan and Roger Zinn, school su-
perintendent at Rochester, Michigan
protested the attempted arrest at
which Michelsen burst into a torrent
of abusive and obscene language,
threatening to '"call the wagon" if
the students did not leave immedi-
Some of the students followed by
picketing cars, warning them of the'
police trap on the corner. After they
had all left excepting Bernard Kap-
lan, Summer Session student from
New Castle, Pa., Michelsen told the
latter that he was going to take him
to the station. However, Sgt. Louis
Fo'ey, acting chief, arrived at this
time and ordered the student re-
leased. yMichelsen, at this time, con-
tinued his abusive language. Later,
he attempted an 'apology to Kaplan,
insgting that he was acting oply on
the orders of his superiors. Michel-
sen was also the man who arrested
three Daily editors yesterday.
Engineers Working
On Road Problems

Plain Clothes Men Posted
To Apprehend Drivers;
Four in Campus Section,
Two in Downtown Area
Three Editors Held
For 'Investigation'
Detained Two Hours, Trio
Is Released After Com-
mnissioner Sa'ys Patrol-
man Made a Mistake
Ann Arbor police yesterday ar-
rested three editors of The Daily
staff, who were investigating traffic
law enforcement activities and tak-
ing the pictures shown in the adja-
cent columns, and held them at the
police station nearly two hours "for
Upon the arrival of police com-
missioner' W. L. Dawson, however,
they were released. He admitted that
Casper C. Michelson, the patrolman
who took the three men to the'police
station, had no right. to arrest them.
The incident occurred shortly af-
ter 'noon yesterday, when it was dis-
covered that patrolmen in plain
clothes had been stationed at six
corners to catch traffic violators.
Commissioner Dawson later admitted
that a drive had been started in all
parts of the city on violators. Yes-
terday's activities were confined to
drivers who failed to stop at stop
Between 12 and 2 o'clock, members
of the force were placed at the cor-
ners 'of North 'University z4 'State
'streets, Suth University and tte
streets, Lilberty and Stato' stkets
Packard and State streets, Pakadd
and Main streets, and Huron and
Fourth avenue. Although the drive is
not confined to student areas, four
of the six officers were located at
points which might be consideed as
coming within those areas.
An imminent shakeup in the police
department because of laxity on the
part of its force allegedly led to
the concentrated drive on minor
traffic violations during the last few
days. A statement by police com-
missioner George J. Lutz, Jr., went
quite a way in clarifying the situa-
tion, especially in regard to the tag-
ging of cars for parking without
Department Was Lax
"The police department has been
getting lax in its enforcement of
traffic ordinances," declared Lutz.
"Large trucks double-park in front
of empty spaces, and officers stand
on corners and do nothing about it.
So the police commission jumped on
them and told them to get busy."
Lutz did not believe that tagging
was restricted to students alone. It
is only possible for two scout cars
to tag a 'limited number of cars each
night, he pointed out, and although
many tags may be given in one dis-
trict one night, another district will
be covered the following night. No
tags are given before 11 o'clock at
night, he stated, because the scout
cars do not start out until that hour.
Lutz deplored the frequet infrac-
tions of traffic: codes by downtown
business men, declaring that he knew
several who often park overtime, or
double-park, in downtown areas and
escape because they( are so well
Attacking the University for not
co-operating with the traffic author-
ities, Lutz declared that the police
did not receive any incentive to show
leniency to out of town University
offenders. "The University," he al-
leged, "gives out parking and driv-
ing permits to drivers 'who use their
cars all year long without Michigan
(Continued on Page 3)


by two yards.
Lieut. Godfrey Lionel Rampling,
British star who had been expected
to give the Americans their stiffest
opposition, was eliminated by a mar-
[;in of inches by George Golding,. of
Australia, in the race for third place.
Carr was timed in 47.2 seconds for
a ne.w Olympic record although fin-
ishing under wraps. He wiped out
the former mark of' 47.6, made by
Eric Liddell, of Scotland, in 1924.
Big Ben Eastman, the blond Stan-
ford flier, romped home first in the
second 400-meter semifinal, with Bill
Walters, of South Africa, and Jimm(
Gordoni, the third American entry,
in a close battle for second place.
Eastman came around the first
-'. ,..,1 . , i,., f...J h i" nn-

With Queer Vehicle U. S. Imports Rise,

Catalogue of University
Press Publications Out
A list of the publications of the
University of Michigan Press has
been printed and distributed, Dr.
Frank E. Robbins, assistant to the,
president and managing editor of
' 'hA, fl.r. cc eaiti upo-trA n.

AMES, Iowa, Aug. 5.-(-P)-From
the operation of a machine that
looks like an automobile but runs
like a trolley engineers hope to solve
problems connected with road sur-
faces, curves and grades.
It is equipped with a dozen -elec-
trical meters and gauges and is op-
erated on Iowa's highways by R. A.
Paustian, highway engineer for the
Iowa State college engineering ex-
periment station.

Exports Drop Off
In Survey for June
WASHINGTON, Aug. 5.--(P)-Ex-
ports of the United States in June
were estimated today by the Com-
merce Department to have totalled
$114,"274,918, compared with $187,-
076,689 for the corresponding month
last year.

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