THE MICHIGAN DAIL PAGE New Gift Form Would Reduce 'Restrictions' Donations to University Often Lie Idle Because Of Givers' Conditions One of the recent policies of the University in printing its catalogues and bulletins has been the inclusion of the proper form for making be- quests and gifts to the University. But Michigan is not so well off that it expects hundreds of dollars to roll into the treasury. These nev sug- gested forms have been drawn up to protect the donors of funds from having their gifts lie idle. Herbert P. Wagner, chief account- ant of the University, explained it all yesterday. Thousands of dollars lie idle, or are not used as fully as they might be, because of restrictions placed upon their use by the donors. And since many of the gifts come through wills after the deaths of donors, there is no method of remov- ing the restrictions. "The principal group of funds," he declared, "in this category is student loan funds which have been given for loans to certain students and are restricted as to locality,stown, or county from which the recipient is to come, or to a class of students." Mr. Wagner, presenting a list of loan funds, showed that while many are given for use of "needy stu- dents" in general, others are so re- stricted as to minimize their use. One fund, for instance, is available only to senior students in journalism, another only to seniors in medicine, others only to students in the depart- ment of geodesy and surveying, to members of the Hindustan club, to students living in Helen Newberry residence, to student nurses, to women, to women students in the Graduate school, to students in the school of pharmacy. The Medical school and -Law school are particu- larly short of loan funds. One fund originally was limited to women students in .the colleges of ehgineering and architecture,{but the donor later waived the restrictions, making the conditions that prefer- ence should be given to such stu- dents. The new suggested forms of bequest adopted by the University provide that when the Regents believe the use for the fund to have passed out of existence, or that better use may be made of a fund, the Regents shall hAve power to change the conditions limiting the 'use of such gifts subject to the approval of the donor, if liv- ing, or without it if deceased. For Farmers' Holiday Choral Union Recital Series Is Announced Paderewski, Tibbett to Ap- pear; Boston Symphony Is Booked A brilliant galaxy of soloists, in- strumental groups and symphony or- chestras has been booked for the Fifth-Fourth annual Choral Union concert series, Charles A. Sink, presi- dent of the University Musical so- ciety, announced yesterday morning. Among the more familiar names are: Lawrence Tibbett, baritone of stage and cinema fame; Ignatz Pad-, erewski, Polish pianist; and the De- troit and Boston symphonies. The concerts will be as follows: Oct. 25, the Boston Symphony or- "chestra, conducted by Serge Kousse- vitzky; Nov. 2, Lawrence Tibbett, baritone; Nov. 30, the Detroit Sym- phony orchestra, with Ossip Gabriio- witsch conducting; Dec. 8, Efrem Zimbaltst, violinist; Jan. 16, Nathan Milstein, well-known Russian violin- ist; Jan. 27, Myra Hess, eminent British pianist; Feb. 8, the Budapest String quartet;, Feb. 15, Sigrid One- gine, opera and concert star; March 8, Vladimir Horowitz, Russian pian- ist; and March 15, Ignatz Jan Ped- erewski. Sink also announced tentative plans for the thirty-ninth annual May Festival, for a four-day pro- gram about the middle of May. Six concerts are being planned and an attempt is being made to secure a number of distinguished artists and organizations. More than 2,000 species of wild flowers, from 100 separate families, have been found to flourish in Nevada. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TYPEWRITERS, all makes, bought, sold, rented, exchanged, repaired. O. D. MORRILL, 314 So. State. TYPEWRITING AND M I M E 0- GRAPHING promptly and neatly done. 0. D. MORRILL, 314 So. State St. -C LOST -Fountain pen-pencil and man's silver school ring at Intra- mural building. Reward. Phone 3498. -2 LOST-Not if your furs are stored here. Our policy protects your furs completely 12 months. Zwerdling's Fur Shop. Complete fur service since 1904. -e WANTED WASHING AND IRONING WANT- ED-Will call for and deliver. Soft water used; washing done separate. Phone 2-3478. -c WANTED-Laundry. S o f t water. 21044. Towels free, socks darned.' WOMAN driving to Laramie, Wyom- ing after Summer School wishes passenger. Call 22203. -0 WANTED-Half - time or full - time business position. toung woman with business and Univ. training, thorough experience in academic routine. --0 WANTED-A lady desires the com- panionship of a graduate student in her home for the coming school year. All home privileges. Room and breakfast. One block from campus. Phone 7758. -1 FOR SALE-Scotch Terrier pedi- greed puppies. Prices reasonable. Call Mrs. Inch, Ypsilanti 3040. (Associated Press Photo) Milo Rene, former president of the Iowa Farmers' union, heads the new Farmers' Holiday association, which set Aug. 15 as the start of a 30-day farmers' "strike" for prices equal to cost of production. " tay at home- sell nothing" is tIle movement's slogan. Womewto Play Off Semi-Finals Today In City Golf Meet Miss Jean Kyer, defending cham- pion, will meet Miss Helen Gustine, and Mrs. J. H. Cissel and Miss Cis- sel will settle a 'family argument in the semi-finals of the women's city golf tournament at the Huron Hills Golf club today. All gained their places by wins in Thursday's quar- ter final matches. Miss Kyer defeated Mrs. Forest Stauffer, 6 and 4; Miss Gustine won from Mrs. B. Cushing, 5 and 4; Mrs. Cissel won from Mrs. Harold Scarth, 4 and 2; and Miss Cissel defeated Miss Nadine Schmidt, 6 and 5, Thursday. In the consolation tiatches of the championship flight Thursday Miss Marion Willians won from Mrs. W. S. Housel, 2 and 1; ,Mrs. R. T. Dobs'on won from Mrs. Victor Lane by default; Mrs. R. Nesbit defeated Miss Fritzie Waldron, 2 and 1; and Mrs. L. ,C. Andrews won from Mrs. M. Allmendinger, 3 and 2. HERTZ DRIVURSELF SYSTEMf RENTS CARS for Business or Pleasure. , Low Rates. NEW EQUIPMENT. Phone 3714 -2 *1 Here's our Winre List or Ealy Fall... c"IW ine , colored hat, a wine dress and just the right accessories to bring out the best i this smart fall shade.., these essentials should be the founda- tion of your autumn wardrobe. We are showing some of the most attractive fall dresses which have appeared so far-done in a deep- toned wine and accented here and there with a contrasting shade. Why not be first with this charming fall fashion? .L CodyIC IGAN "Ship Ahooey" Today and Saturday HELEN TWELVETREES Paramount LEWIS STONE " News --in I VUNASHAMED' SWIM at Newport Beath Portage Lake WNW1 "nink East Liberty at Maynard 11 j , : : "" College-trained engineers revisit the athletic field Delicious and Refreshin And dull care withers on the vin o{ . I-. .. .:....r i\'A i lk f u IL ...,.1%- 'I..' _ r rr.J f 5 ' j " . ^2 o 4~ a iuj .: i: s I a ey Uwo k 0o Night photograph of Temple Stadium, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, college-trained engineers foodlighted with G-E projectors young men personally familiar with the lighting and floodlighting projects, or in needs of college and school. They are the electrical equipment of industries and dedicating the 'technic'al experience mines or of immense power stations; some gained in the General Electric Test De- are designing and applying electric partment to the practical service of under- apparatus to propel ocean liners and graduate athletics -designing and instal- locomotives. All are engaged in the ling floodlighting equipment for virtually planning, production, or distribution of every sport-football, baseball, hockey, G-E products are performing a tennis, and track. work of national betterment and creat- _..: . ., _. ..... x Don't be always taking your work orlove affairs too seriously. It will only end by proving you'know less and less of more and more. The neatest triek you can pull iK'to slip into the nearest soda fountain or refresh- ment stand -around the corner from anywhere-and invite your soul to the pause that refreshes. There and' then, [ l *IIT I