[Me Weath er F IGenerally fair with moderate Thursday fair.., Wednesday temperature. L it ian CIaittj Editorials Politics anidIWar in South America. Official Publication of The Summer Session VOL. XIIINo. 32 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, AUG. 3, 1932 Sinai Traces Deve1op ment 1 Of M edicinle Science Is Closely Related To Economic and Social Structure, He Shows IndusIral Changes Influenced Growth. Hospitals Now Cost Three Billions Yearly, Doctor Points out in Talk Showing ttlat the science of medi- cal care As closely associated with the economic and social structure, Dr. Nathan Sinai, professor of hygiene and public ,health in a lecture at Natural Science auditorium yester- day described the changes in medical technique which came about through the influence of the industrial revo- lution. "In early America," Dr. Sinai said, "society was chiefly agricultural. The people. were free artisans and manu- facturing as done in and near the forests. There was no tiird party between the producer and the con- sumer. The science of medicine was embodied in the individual country doctor. Hi' 'equipment was simple and his education very informal. Social Structure Changes "The social structure, "rofessor Sinai continued," shows itself to be very fluid-like in its ability to change very rapidly. Free land in the United States disappeared and with the rise of industry came a division of labor. Instead of doing the whole job, tlie. American workman now does but one inch of the job. The chance to go into business for himself disap- peared." Concurrently with this change in labor methods, Dr. Sinai said, came a change in medicine, a tendency toward specialization- Research More Minute "Specialization," he said, "can't stop ;,as long as research becomes more and more minute. The hospital which was once.the house of death has become the house of life anda representsaa yearly investment in the United States and three billion dol- lars. Around the old country physi- cian have ariseri the trained nurse, the X-ray laboratory and the bac- teriological researcl." With all this equipment, however, Dr. Sinai found that the public still lacked the medical care it needed because of the unequal distribution, of wealth. Dr. Sinai saw hope, however, in the studies being made by a na7 tional group of fifteen men who will make their report this year on the cost of medical care. It is expected, he said, that they will present new devices to get a better type of med- ical service at a cost within the average income.s Consolidation Makes Schools Mlore Ef fective Bacunan Paints Out Gains In Combining Districts; Traces DeVelopinet "The consolidation of small units into larger 'ones for the purpose of equalizing educational opportunities, makes for the most effective school system," declared Dr. Frank Bach- man, survey director of the George Peabody college for teachers, in a l6cture yesterday. "The south has made a distinct contribution to education in develop- ing the county unit," he asserted. "New England had the town or town- ship system, but the consolidation system is most effective.. "There have been three stages in this movement of consolidation. ''he pioneering stags, 1910-1913, showed an awakening spirit on the part of educational leaders for the needs of consolidation. The second period, 1913-1924, was the period of consoli- dation when the counties became dotted with four to six room consoli- dated schools. A distinct style of school architecture was developed. "The third period was that of scientific consolidation. The leaders f fI,h c,,ith tink the nprienP of Many Difficulties Fa&e Bonus Army; Radicals Released (Associated Press) Commander Waters, B. E. F., announced legal difficulties pre- vent settlement of bonus army haven in Waterbury, Md. Advises followers at Johnstown, Pa., to disband. Washington policemen were ex- honorated by coronor's jury of blame for slaying two bonus marchers in last week's riot. Wil- liam Hushka, one of the victims, buried in Arlington cemetery. All but one of 15 alleged radicals rounded up after Washington dis- turbances released. Filrst ease~ of typhoid appears at Johnstown encampment; wholesale immunization urged. Drenching rain adds to misery of thousands in camp. Homeward drift noted. Police line tiihtened following re- ports of communist influx. Federal officers seek to recover 32 tents allegedly stolen from ha- tional guard when Veterans were driven out of Washington. John.- stown mayor wants them not td touch shelters. Johnstown they will not bonus leaders disband. say Music School Class lo Give Free Concert Pick Of Hi to Direct P Chamber M 11 Auditorium Program fusic in Prof. Hanns Pick, of the School of Music, with his class in chamber music asisted by Dalies Frantz and George Poinar, both former students in the class, will give a public recital at 8:15 o'clock tomorrow -night ina Hill auditorium. The general public is nite d. I t he chamber music class is onet of the largest and most representa- tive classes which has been assembled, in any of the School of Music Sum-K mer Sessions. Many talented musi- cians who are in the city for spe- cial coaching or advanced work are members t The .program- opensA With a move- ment of S c h u m a n's "immortal" Piano-quintet, the favorite p i e ce among all chamber music lovers. For special reasons, both musical and acoustic, the number of string play- ers will be doubled at this perfor- mance. A second quintet with a quite dif- ferent combination of instruments will follow. This will be a work by Jean Cras, scored for harp, flute,t violin, viola, and cello. Frantz and Poinar, both well known as success- ful concert soloists, will unite their musical forces in a performance of Chausson's unique and outstanding concerto for piano, violin and string-1 ensemble. This composition, better known ii} Europe than ifs this country, deserves a highly conspicuous place in the' program of first class concert organ-s ization, according to music school professors. The more intimate and most popular branch of chamber music 'will be represented by a string quartet in G major by Mozart, while the program closes with a typical septet from Saint-Saens, for piano, trumpet and the string group. , Professor Rugen Will Speak on Health Plan Prof. Mabel Iugen, of the physi- cal Education department, will ad- dress the 4 o'clock education con- ference today in the University High school auditorium on "The Health Program of the University High School." At 2 o'clock, Dr. Frank P. Bach- man will give the third of a series of four lectures, "Reorganization of High Schools." Professor Rugen was formerly di- rector of physical education for wo- men at Washburn college, and direc- tor of physical education for the public schools of Hempstead, N. Y., before coming to Michigan in.1930. She is now assistant professor of physical education, and health co- ordinator- for the University High School. Price Lectures Today On 'German Republic' With interest ii the German elec- tions at a high peak, Prof. Hereward T. Price will lecture at 5 o'clock this afternoon in the Natural Science au- ,mf ,-.vi +h n-n t hm "Whatthie Ruthven Aims At1 Developing Of U Council President Will Attempt to Smooth Out Operation Of New Organization No Major Changes Are Contemplated Head of Administration Returns to Frankfort for Jlest of Session Continuation of the work of the University Council and an attempt to smooth out some of the difficulties which have arisen from it is to be the chief administrative project of the University during the coming year, President Ruthven said yester- day. No fundamental changes in the present system are contemplated. The Council, President Ruthven stated, is principally engaged in the, study of the work and personnel of the various University committees and was formed in an effort to per- feet the organization of the Univer- sity from administrative angles. Praises Work of Body Although the Council has been in! operation for a year, much of its work remains to be done. \ "I am exceptionally pleased," the president said, "with the manner in which the Council has been working. For the first time in a number of years the faculties are concerned, with the' whole academic program." The Council was formed about a year ago to expedite the work of the' University Senate, comprising the memtbrs of all, the faculties. It is a representative body and has become, the executive organization of the University Senate..I President Ruthven, who returned to Ann Arbor Monday to attend a meeting of the University of Michi- gan Institute for Archeological Re- search, left early this morning for his summer home in Frankfort, Mich., He will probably not return to the University until about the middle of September. Former Chancellor of Austria Dies at' 58 VIENNA, Au. 2.-O"P)-Monsignor Ignaz Seipel, former chancellor of' Austria, died today at a sanitarium, near here. He was 58 years old. j Monsignor Seipel, who became chancellor in May, 1922, had been ill for several months with lung (trouble aggravated by an old bullet wound received when an attempt1 was made to assassinate hin in 1914.j A leader of the Christian Socialist party in the republic which was born of the war, he was the recognized head of the Fascist movement in the country but he neer allowed these activities to interfere with his duties as a Catholic priest. University Band Will Give Concert Tonight Many Summer Session students are expected to hear the second con- cert of the University band at 7:15 o'clock tonight on the steps in front of the Library. Under the direction of Nicholas Falcone the organiza- tion will play a series of numbers, solos, and special arrangements. Stu- dents will direct several of the num- bers. Circus Draws Faculty7 Members; Grand Show Bands blared, barkers barkdd, and Ann. Arbor society, students and fac- ulty turned out in full force, first to, sizzle in the heat under the big top, and then to soak under the leaky roof. It was a grand show. Wandering around, ooking at the elephants and tigers, with that in- tense fervor that only he can eman- ate, was our o~'n Robert Henderson, director of numerous dramatic festi- vals, taking it all in. And when the ticket salesmen for the after-show, the wild West rodeo, camne around, those automobile-haters, Bud Rea and Kirk Fisher, were among the buyers. Our wandering r ep o rt er also noticed \Doctors Brace, Bunting, Loree and Myers, taking health hints on the care and feeding of ani- mals. Louis Dunham, of the history department, was more interested in chaperoning his party, and didn't really seem to take the whole affair to heart. But the person who probably got the most good out of the circus was' Horatio J. Abott, whose congressional campaign was started with a big bang. Thie clowns were also Demo- crats, and called on him repeatedly? for speeches. Horatio took off his coat, rolled up his shirtsleeves, and was promptly drowned out by the band. And what we enjoyed most of all was the gentleman with the flat tire who made three trips with an um- brella to get all his family safely in the shelter of his automobile. And with the loading of the seventy or what have you wagons on the train, the circus left, and the show is overl until next summer. Oie Opponent Is Still in Race Against Sink rfhoiipo Throws Sup- port to University Man as Hc Dr'ops- fromt field The withdrawal of Theodore A. Thompson, of Wiliamston, from the race. for R-epulican nomination asi lieutenant governor leaves only two canhdidates battling for the post.' These are Charles A. Sink, head of the School of Music, and Luren D. Dickinson, the 'present incumbent.' Thompson, Wiliamston publisher, made the following statement in withdrawing anti throwing his sup- port to Dr. Sink: "I am most appreciative of the ef- forts which have been made in my behalf throughout the state, and' naturally, especially appreciative of the fine response in my own county. My friends need not feel, however, that their efforts have been in vain, for I can assure them that Mi. Sink' will stand firmly fo' all the principles for which I have stood, and that I shall continue, whether in public of- fice or not, to exert all my influence to the furtherance of those princi- ples." Mr. Sink opened his campaign, during which he intends to visit every county in the state, at Char- lotte on Sunday, where he spoke in his opponent's home county before an audience of 5,000 people. Today he is scheduled, to address the Jack- son Rotary club, and he will start on a tour of the Upper Peninsula next week, according to a statement by his manager, Martin Mol.' Mr. Sink is well known in state and local politics. He has long been active in Ann Arbor city circles and is a former state senator and repre- sentative. Briton Breaks World Record In 800 Meters Tolan Equals Metcalf e's New Time in 200-Meter Quarter-Finals Women Smash Two More World Marks Lillian Copeland Throws Discus -132 feet and 2 Inches for Record OLYMPIC STADIUM, Los Angeles, Aug. 2.-(I)-Featured by a thrilling world record 800-meters by long Tom Hampson of Great Britain in 1:49.8, another barrage of superlative per- formances were turned in by the world's foremost field and track ath- letes in the third day of the Olym- pic championships. The 24-year-old British s c h o o 1 teacher, who is winding up his com- petive career in the 1932 Olympics, ran a great international field dizzy, with the fastest 800 meters of all time. Beats Walters Ralph Metcalfe won the first ;00 meter quarter final. Metcalfe was clocked in 21.5 sec- onds, breaking another record that has stood since 1924 at 21.6. The American negro was not extending himself, even so, as he beat Walters of South Africa by a close margin. Eddie Tolan came right back in the second 200-meter quarter final to equal Metalfe's new Olympic mar of 21.5 seconds as he beat Pearson of Canada and Genta' of Argentina handily. The two American negroes, only inches apart in the 100-meter final yesterday, were on even terms for the day. Turner Places r / Hampson came like a race horse in the stretch to beat Alex Wilson of, Canadla who has run for Notre Dame, by a foot in the pulse-thrilling finish, meanwhile outracing Phil Edwards, Canadian negro, and the American trio of Eddie Genung, Ned Turner and Charles Hornbostel, who finish- ed in that order. Meanwhile the feminine conting- ent, which has been making an un- broken record breaking pace, sur passed two more world records and George Faling, Iowa hurdler tied the world record by racing over the 110- meter high timbers in 14.4 seconds. The women's world record in the discus throw twice was surpassed be- fore Lillian Copeland, American girl from Los Angeles, got off the decisive throw of 132 feet, 2 inches. This en- abled her to beat Ruth Osburne of Shelbyville, Mis., who had previously set a record of 131 feet, 8 inches.' Party Credos Will Be Aired At Club IForum Representatives to Explain Platforms at Socialist Meeting Here Tonight Local politicians and backers of particular political platforms will speak at 8 o'clock tonight in Natural Science auditorium at a special sym- posium of party platforms which is being sponsored by the Michigan So- cialist club. Each speaker will be permitted 20 minutes to present' the position or platform of his party. Prof. H. B. Calderwood, of the political science department, will act as chairman of the 'meeting. The Democratic view will be up- held by Jpmes H. Baker, delegate to, the recent convention; B. Reynolds, candidate for the governorship of Michigan on the Communist ticket, will present his views; Neil Staebler, prominent local business man and Socialist, will back the Socialist plat- form, and Mayor H. 'Wirt Newkirk will be the speaker for the Republi- can party. Fire Razes Monastery At Villanova College VILLANOVA, Pa., Aug. 2.-QP)- The Monastery at Villanova College was virtually destroyed today by fire which caused a loss that college au- thnr,.itsic imntpi ms ,.tan, 4.1511 - Senator Willian E. Borah, of Ida- ' ho, who will begin a campaign to take his proposal for a conference to consider war debts and revision of the Versailles treaty to the country when he speaks at Minneapolis to- night. g United States c, Will Attend p .WorldParley p c t Accepts Invitation to Con- P ference; Debts, Repara- w ,tions Barreda WASHINGTON, Aug. 2.-('P)-The f United States today announced its w willingness to take part in a world i economicconference withdthe under- standing that silver would be one of w the subjects discussbd and that re- parations, international debts and specific tariff rates would be barred. The meeting, an outgrowth of the o recent Lausanne Conference, differs s from that proposed by Senator Borah q of Idaho in that he called for a con- e sideration of revision of war debts in a return for European disarmament and reparations cancellation. The Senator will speak in Min- neapolis tomorrow night in the first of a series of addresses in which he will take his proposal to the Country. i The note of acceptance was de- t livered late today to the British Em- n bassy. It briefly outlined American w acceptance of the British invitation S and said the three representatives of this Country would be named C later for preliminary negotiations. The main questions to .be dealt C with are monetary and credit poli- c cies, exchange difficulties, the level h of prices, and the movement of capi-a tal. The economic phases will centerw largely upon the problems of im- proving conditions of production Andn trade interchanges, with particular attentiontto tariff policies. Similar representation to that of the United States will be had int the preliminary conferences by Ger-° many, Belgium, France, Great Brit-g ain, Italy and Japan. Curtis casts Absentee Vote at Dodge City° DODGE CITY, Kas., Aug. 2.-(P)--i Vice President Charles Curtis cast his ballop in the Kansas primaryF here today as an absentee voter..Thes Vice, President voted during a brief stop on the train on which he is re- turning East from Los Angeles, whereI he opened the Olympic Games ilastc Saturday. An absentee ballot was necessary because Mr. Curtis found2 he could not reach his home at To- peka until after the polls close this evening. Walker Will Not Run To Succeed Roosevelt NEW YORK, Aug. 2.-(iP)-Mayor Walker today spiked a report he planned to run for Governor to suc- ceed Franklin D. Roosevelt, if the Democratic standard bearer removed him from his city office. Delta Zeta Will Show New Roof to Freshmen The Delta Zeta sorority girls at 826 Tappan will have a new rushing talk when they return in the fall. Coy freshmen will be told about. the new roof which came about as the result'of a fire'at the 826 Tappan street address at noon yesterday. The local fire department got con- trol of the fire only after a large hole had been burned in the roof. Begins Campaign PRICE FIVE CENTS Mobilization Iminent as Bolivia Asks Chaco Action Threatens Resort to War When Paraguay Sends Troops to Heart of Dis- puted Territory League Presidelt Asks Peace Moves Eight Hundred Men from Uruguay Send Offer to Aid; Women Seek En- listment in Army LA PAZ, Bolivia, Aug. 2.-(P)--A eneral mobilization of Bolivian for- es at any moment was said in re- ponsible Bolivian quarters to be a ossibility following similar action by Paraguay. The foreign office announced re- eipt of a message from Jqse Matos, resident of the League of Nation ouncil, urging a peaceful solution of he Chaco boundary dispute with Paraguay. It declined to say what replies would be forwarded to Geneva, but high official told the Associated Press that the Bolivian answer would e the same as that given to the note rom neutrals at Washington, in which Bolivia flatly declared for an mmediate settlement of the funda- nentals of Chaco territory, elsp it would resort to war. Bolivia Responds News of the general mobilization f troops by Paraguay brought a re- ponse from responsible Bolivian uarters that while Paraguay retain- d a bellicose attitude, Bolivia would adopt- a similar stand. Paraguay Acts ASUNCION, Paraguay, Aug. 2.-(P) A-The Government today ordered a lattalion of !newly recruited troops nto the heart of the disputed Chaco erritory. (Neutral governments were notified recently t h a t Paraguay would not .be responsible for "repri- als against Bolivian aggression.") The battalion was recruited at Concepcion by Marshal Lopez, and received orders to proceed to the Casado sector of the disputed jungle country. It was there that Paraguay has charged Bolivian soldiers had attacked several Paraguayanx forts or outposts. The ,Mennonite colony, which protested against fighting in their vicinity, is also in the Sasado region. Restore Order of Merit The government today proposed to restore the orderof merit, a dec- oration of valor, dormant since Para- guay was at war with Uruguay, Ar- gentina and Brazil in 1815. Eight hundred Uruguayans sent Paraguay an offer to serve., Patriotic fervor mounted. A group of women at Concepcion asked per- mission to enlist and receive military instruction. College professors start- ed financing an ambulance corps. Recruiting officers refused to take scores of minors. The government heard through unofficial channels that four wealthy Argentines with interests in this country were planning to donate 30 military airplanes to the Paraguyan army. Many. Physics Experts Here In TenYears Heisenber Breit Give Lectures This Year; Others Do "Research Twenty-four outstanding physicists from American and foreign univeri- ties have, been brought 'to the V~ni- versity of Michigan for the summer lecture courses in the past ten years. Among the outstanding men is Dr. Werner Heisenberg, from the Uni- versity of Leipsic, Germany, who is at the University this summer. He is generally recognized, Prof. H. M. Randall, director of the physics lab- oratory said yesterday, as the founder of the modern quantum theory. His Von Hoffman Runs Down Wierd Legend of Formosa's Savages A wierd legend of white savages in Formosa is brought back to Amer- ica by Capt. Carl von Hoffman, fa- mous explorer, ethnologist and lec- turer. The report was one of the, factors 'that aroused his interest in Formosa and brought on the negotiations which, eventually, persuaded the Japanese government to accord him the unprecedented distinction-to an alien-of penetrating the mountain reaches of the mysterious island. Capt. von Hoffman readily dis- posed of the suggestion that a white tribe existed among the savages of Malay or Polynesian origin. But, startling as it may seem, he actually did happen upon light individuals, one blonde, the other quite white. fore the advent of the Chin'ese con- querors. Formosa is a land of head collec- tors. Their plumage has suggested the thought they pnay have been re- lated, in time of yore, to the Ameri- can Indian. He relates, an interesting story of the origin of head hunting practise. It goes back to the time of Chinese conquest, the retreat of the fisher- men of the coast to the mountains and, their eventual overpopulation. The -chief of the tribe decided to split his people into two divisions. He was in a quandary, however, as to how to make an equal division, for neither he himself nor any of his subjects could count above ten. He settled upon the happy thought