T'ITE MICHIGAN DAIIY Shriners Stage Huge Parade in San Francisco Attend District AlumniMeeting Dean of Forestry School Is Principal Speaker at ,IshpemningParley Studies Camp Sites Permanent Locations Are Offered to Department For Sunum er Station CAMP FILIBERT ROTH, July 29. --(Specil)-Dean Samuel T. Dana has left the camp here after spend- ing some time with the staff and 17 forestry students who are doing work in the Hiawatha National fores . Dean Dana left with Director Rober Craig, Jr., for Ishpeming to attend the ''Eleventh District Alumni -asso- ciation meeting. He was the princi- pal speaker. While in the Upper Peninsula, Dean Dana also attended a meeting of timberland owners at Escanaba, who are studying the timberland tax situation. He further examined a number' of, tracts which are being offered as permanent locations for the forestry summer camp. Uains Hold Up Work Although field activities at Camp Roth have been interfered with con S iderably by rain during the las week, the foresters have improves the time with visits to local wood u ing industries and fire control projects. Recently the entire camp went to -Marquette to exanlne forest fire pre- vention devices on locomotives ofthe Puluth South shore and Atant d railrod. M. R. Drescher, locomotive inspector for the state conservation department, explained new types of sparks arresters and safety ash pans which are cutting down the number of fires set by railroad equipment.- Study Weather Apparatus The afternoon of the same day was spent at the selective logging area of the Lake States Forest Experi- ment station, operated by the U. S. Forest service. Here opportunity was given to observe electrically con- trPlled weather recording 'apparatus and soil temperature measuring de- vices. Selectively logged areas w th varying percentages of the' vol e removed, were viewed by the stu- dents. Rain one day drove the foresters indoors from a trial survey job for a visit to the plant of the Munising Woodenware company. Here a fine example of close utilization is avail- able. The company manufactures chopping bowls, rolling pins, -butter molds, pickle spoons, and clothes pins out of native hardwoods. Most of the sawdust and finer waste is rsed for fuel at the plant.and other wood waste' is sod locally for fuel. The students are busy in off hours repainting the good ship "Samuel Hall" which will be launched on Six- teen Mile lake within a few days. Mushrooms, an important product in Czechoslovakia, are given an in- ternational m a r k-e t through air transportation to merlin, Paris, Am- sterdam and London. As a "national dmonistration of optimism" 15,000 Nobles of the Mystic Shrine paraded in San Fran- cisco during their national convention. Part of the parade is shown parching down a street lined with spec- tators. (Associated Press Photo) ,., Germans Back Threat to Arm DespiteTreaty Entire Cabinet and Nation Support Stand; French Ambassador Is Told BERLIN, July 29.-(iP)-Every man in the German Cabinet stands be- hind Gen. Kurt von Schleicher's threat to arm Germany in spite of the Versailles treaty, Foreign Min-4 ister Von--Neurath told Andre Fran- cois-Poncet, the French ambassador, today. Further than that said yon Neu- rath, the general's viewpoint repre- sents that of the whole German na- tion. These assertions were in reply to the ambassador's protest against a radio speech by Gen. Von Schleicher, German minister of dkfense who said that if the other nations in Eu- rope did not disarm, Germany would reorganize her defenses to obtain the security and equality which she de- manded. Herriot Protests In Paris, Premier Herriot called in Ambassador Von Hoesch, of Ger- many, Thursday to file a second pro- test against the general's speech, which he described as tactless and inopportune, particularly those parts of it which referred to the French disarmament attitude as "hypocriti- The opposition opened a smashing last-minute drive today against Adolf Hitler after the Nazi leadre had sud- denly refused to make a widely ad- vertised campaign address over the radio Thursday night. Hitler's action caused much sur- prise and-no explanation was offered. Hitler Statement Jeered "Hitler's afraid of the micro- phone!" tauted the Socialist press. "He's afraid he'll flop when deprived of his soldiers, his rooting sections, his bands, music, salutes and dra- matic entrances." The opposition also jumped upon what it called an admission by Hit- ler that his party might not win in the elections Sunday. The incident occurred at Cologne, where Hitler told a crowd of 80,000: "National Socialism will continue the fight undaunted ,even if July 31 does not give a final decision." Addressing a crowd of 60,000 Thursday night, Ernst Thaelmann, Communist leader, said capitalism in Germany was "at it's rope's end." Tatmmany Goes TO ooS evelt; Laids Platform Casts Unanimous Vote to Back Deniocratie Ticket In Fall Electiolis NEW YORK, July 29.-(L)-Tam- mahy Hall unanimously indorsed the Democratic national ticket Thursday night and called upon all "progres- sives" to work for the electioh of Franklin D. Roosevelt and John N. Garner. The meeting of the New York County Democratic committee, held in Tammany Hall, lasted only 20 minutes and went off like clockwork. There was 'not a dissenting voice to the resolution offered by John F. Curry, Tammany Hall leader. 1 The Democratic platform was praised for the "clarity of its 'decla- rations, the directness of its state- ments and the assurances of relief to a nation in distress." Roosevelt and Garner, said the resolution, were "seasoned and ex- perienced leaders who are nationally recognized as capable of carrying out the platform, and who merit in every respect the confidence and ap- proval of the people;" Republican campaign forces will launch on Aug. 11 an "agressive, ac- tive and energetic, campaign," which Everett Sanders, national chairman, is "very confident" will sweep Presi- den Hoover to victory. Calvin Coolidge, who in the last three years has rarely appeared in the political spotlight, may take some active part in the drive to re- elect his White House successor. SWIM at F S wport each PortageLe Boys, Rescuers Die in Effort To Glimnp'sMoonDuring Day MINTO, N. B., July 29.-(,P)-Three d6ys who had been told that they could see the moon in broad day-[ light if they climbed to the bottomf of and old mine shaft, and two min- ers who, tried to rescue them, are dead. Pour youngsters made the experi- ment, clambering down a rickety ladder in an abandoned shaft not far from town Thursday. The first one down choked as, gas seeping from the worked-out vein overcame him. He lost his hold on the ladder and. Pocket Veto Kills- Senate Bill Giving Loans to Farmers. WASHINGTON, July 29. - (P) - President Hoover has given a pocket veto to a Senate bill intended to broaden the base of Reconstruction Finance corporation loans to farr- ers. This was made known today at the White fHouse after the time limit for signing the measure had expired at midnight. In the absence of the President's signature, the bill auto- matically diedl. It was said in an official Whit? House quarter that Mr. Hoover felt the measure had been passed in the confusion of the last moments of the recent session, and that every- thing the bill provided already was available under the Reconstruction Finance Corporation act. dropped 40 feet into a pool of water at the bottom. Two of the others had started right behind him. They, too, lost consciousness and fell. Six-year-old Joe O'Leary had lin- gered a little. He saw his friends drop, became terrified, *and fled, com- ing back with his father and several other men. Two of the men started down the ladder. Both succumbed to the gas and fell. By this time a crowd had gathered about the head of the shaft and a hundred men had been mobil- ized for the rescue. One of them was lowered by a rope and stayed down long enough to tie a line about one of the bodies. It was hauled to the surface,- but the rescuer also was unconscious when he was lifted out. While a doctor revived him, other men went down and by evening all the bodies had been recovered. - They were Awyn Gaudine, 9 years old; Cyril Strack, 13; his brother, Vernon Strack, 10; Bernon Betts; 37, father of Five children; and Thomas Gallant, 48; father of nine. f MAJESTIC W A+ES/TC Now Showing! a I [-- RIDE at MULLISON SADDLE STABLES OUT WEST HURON ST. PHONE 7418 A-A - ® l .. 1i I t FIRST METHODIST- EPISCOPAL CHURCH State and Washington Streets Ministers Frederick B. Fisher, Peter F. Stair 10:45- Moruing Worship "TOLERANCE IN RELIGION" Dr. Fisher (Continuing a series of scrmons on "Living in the 20th Century.") Other themes will be: August 7-Standards of Behavior August 14-Finding Personal Victory, THE WESLEY FOUNDATION State and Huron Streets Edward W. Blakeman, Director 6:30 P.M.-Mr. W. G. Robinson wil speak on "Recregtion and Relig- ion." Fellowship hour witl follow. 9:30 A.M.-Bible clais with Prof. Clifford Woody, of the- Education School, teacher. ' FIRST1 PRESBYTERIAN CN "URCH Huron and Division Streets Merle Hi. Anderson, Minister Alfred Lee 1elacr, Associate Minister 10:45 A.M.--Morning Worship Dr. Anderson will preach on "Do- ing vs. Waiting," fifth in the series on "The Best Short Story in the World." 6:00 P.M.--Social Hour and Fellow- ship Meeting for Young People at the Church House, 1432 Washte- naw Avenue.a URGENT, MR. WEATHERMAN! What's Today's empidity? WHEN the thermometer shows only 80 degrees and the day is collar. wilting and energy-sapping, don't blame the heat. What causes all the discomfort is TEMPIDITY .. .; temperture plus the humidity.And now there is an easy way to enjoy delightfully cooled and dehumidified air-in your, store, your office, or a single room of your home. Comfort cooling has been proved to be a profitable investment that no business man can overlok. Equipment is available in two types: one in which ice is used for cooling and the other in which the cQOling is done mechanically. Room coolers of cah. inet size may be placed anywhere in the room. (A cooling unit of the ice-cabinet type is shown below) The equipment refrigerates the air, removes the ex- cess moisture, and makes the atmosphere cool and comfortable. Detroit Edison engineers will gladly give you information regarding different types of cooling equipment available for your store, office or home, their method of operation, and some idea of cost. We do not sell nor rent this equipment, and there is no obligation on -vou'r nart. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL Allion Ray IHcaps, Minister SUNDAY, JULY 24 - 10:45 Service of Worship with ser- r ry BETHILEHEM EVANGELiCAL CII IRCL[ s3outm 1"odrih Avnue Theodore U. Schimale, Pastor 9:00 A.M.-Bible School. 10:00 A.M.-Morning Worship. THE FIRST BAPTIST CIURCH on Eaut Huro below S:itn Rev. R. Edward Sayles, Minlister- Howard R. Chapman., University rastor 9:30- Church School. Dr. Logan, Superintendent 10:45-Worship and Sermon Rev. Sayles' sermon will be I 11