THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURD [ichigan Daily Established 1890 I - rectors for the new organization. Less than a score of recalcitrant depositors yet hold up the complete victory .for this orpnization, and the comnittee has high hopes of being able to get these !few by the election time Thursday. It cer- tainly would help a lot if someone could get in to these delinquent signers, and help them to sqe the thing in the right way. The committee has done and is still doing its best, and there is little doubt as to the success of the movement if every- thing continues to go along As it has been. recent- e=nlly. "7,- _r.°-'' s - i !I p.o 1 o .tan ,.any } 0A Published every morning except Monday during the Ux11rsety year and Summer Session by the Board in 4t~Q of Student Publications. nber of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- tion And the Big Ten News Service. MEmBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS -Te Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use republieation of all news dispatches credited to it or * otbr er credited in this paper and the local news publsed herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Ti;d Assistant Postmgster General. tu1Escrption duringsummer by carrier, $1.00; by niall, ° Duing regular school year by carrier, $.00; by AnA rSiudent ublcations Bilding, Maynard Street, Ann Arbr, Michigan. Pon: 2-1214. Representatives: Littell-Murray-Rutsky, Inc., 40 East Thirty-fourth Street, New York City; 80 Boylston Street, B:ston, Mass.; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Ill. EDITORIAL STAFF Office Hours: 2-12 P.M. lal Director..................Beach Coger, Jr. ty Edit..... ................Carl $. Forsythe . tate Editor................David M. Nichol wsEitor..........................Denton Kunze W1ogp ditor..................Thomas Connellan t Edtor.............C. H. Beukema BUSINESS STAFF Office Hour: 9-12; 25 except Saturdays r 0sP.e Manager..... ..e,....Chares T. Kline ssistant Business Manager..........Norris P. Johnson C1rculation Manager...............Clinton B. Conger SATURDAY, JULY 30, 1932 Strong Medicine o Cure a Vrulent Disease Patience nAy le virtue but there are times When its recipients, by their bwn actions, prohi- bit its further practice. uch is the case with the remnants of the Bon- Sy'.,peditionary Force wh& have been driven from their Washington camps at tfie point of btaynets and whose hovels have been fired to pro- hIpIt any extension of their already over-pro- #ogd visit to the capital. Many of the sensible and, we ight add, more sincere members of the army returned to their homes some time ago wth~ the . help of a government grant. The few who rmained have shown their true caliber in the disturbances of the past few days. That some of the leaders of the army have proven iemselves extremely capble men, no one wifl deny. Had there been a few m"ore of the stamp of their commander, Waters, such rits As that which resulted in the death of one of te vest cans and in the summoning 'of troops from neighboring army bases to aid the embattled District of Columbia police, would never have ccurred. Others have also shown themselves capable but in a much. more sinister manner. In this last class, we would include the Detroit lead- er, Pace, whose entire efforts have been expended in undermining any morale which might have ex- lsted in the ranks of the marchers and in the or- ganization pf radical units to carry out such clashes as those which have marked the recent days. To the credit of the American Legion as a whole they have almost unmimously disoined any connection with the riots which concluded the "march on Wahirgton." Their official stand on the entire question was outlined at their con- vention in Detroit last fall and the Legion as a unit has held to this statement. As a, exampe, it is only necessary to point to the statement by the Ann Arbor post commander, Tappe, to the effec# that the marchers had absolutely no offi- cial connection with the Legion. Without entering into a discussion of merits aiid demerits of any general character, we would also like to point out that those who claim the president as a man of indecision and cowardice have been effectually answered.tHe has ventured to~ call down upon his head the wrath of the mliost solidly organized political entity in the Uni- ted States. True, he has placed. some faith in the intelligence of most of the Legion group;, and should probably not fear a united opposition from this quarter, merely because of his action. But the fact remains that he has dared forcibly to oust so-called Legionnaires from their Wash- ington quarters. There is still another angle, Radical demands for forceful action have been met with just that, and it has proved highly distasteful but highly efficient. Strong medicine alone will cure deeply seated disease. The example of the Washington bonus forces should prove an effectual and guid- ing example for persons who would demand mob action as opposed to legal and constitutional ef- forts to control the government. That, in itself, should be enough to quiet a few of the wolves of the prairies who insist upon yell- ing their empty heads off about bad times. It is people of that type that create and precipitate depressions. If everyone would take care of the business in hand and not go around giving advice to others on subjects of which they know noth- ing, there would be no more depressions. In glancing'over the day's papers for a few fav- orable ideas on business developments it is easy to see that a great many people have the right idea and are not trying to sit around and hold the crepe up for the world to see. The -misery is nearly over, but a bit of the moaning lingers on. Let's go at this and get it in the right way. Give a hand and we can get over the next few months in grand style, and at the same time start on an upgrade that will stay up longer than the last one on account of our supposed increased knowl- edge gained during the drop. It is claimed that no one has any money now, so there is general good feeling all around.. It is not strictly true that no one has any money, but it is true that a great many people who had quite a bit of money have not nearly so much now. The time has come, however, when the idea of ap- pearances is beginning to age the minds of those who travel in the various strata of society. Keep- in p appearances is always a prelude to some- thing financially deeper and better. The first ray of Jiope tat we see in this one paper is from ;Muscatine, Ia., where the Iowa Pearl Button company announces that its four factories -will resume capacity production August 15 at a five pe cent wage increase. This is cer- tainly not a move to be made in bad times. The company goes further to adopt a standard five- day week for all employes. Is this depression? We ask you. Try another one on the old undertaker's pan- Philadelphia proudIly announced that the J. G. Brill company claims a receipt of an order for 40 electric street cars and trolley busses for about $600,000 from the Indianapolis railways company of Indianapolis,.Ind. Surely our neighbor across the line is not in such dire straits if this action is warranted, and the Philadelphia concern should hav~e quite a little kick out of its part of the order.-- While we are on the subject of cars and so forth it is again enheartening to see that the National Tire and Rubber company plant at East Pales- tine, O., will resu e operations after a shutdown of several years. tad enough yet? Well, if you still aren't, conVinced that the movement is toward bigger and better economic conditions in the United States, look over Rand- McNalley's monthly report of bank failures and note the decrease in such items from the same time last year. The Diamond Match company plant at Springfield, M ass., also will run again after two weeks' vacation. Should be a hot time around that place for a while. Well, there is no use going through much more of this paper, but we will just list a few more of the items'that indicate a little prosperity around the much-talked-of corner, First, we note the 'Malden, Mass, Converse Rbber plant calls back its 600 operatives. again, the Monarch mills in Union, S. C., (also Monarch, Ottaway, and Lock- hart plants) cut into the industrial structure again rafter seven weeks' layoff. The lucky seven 'surely must have told that company .where and when to get their men back to work. The president of the clothiers' exchange, Max Holtz, gives a nice note on the seasonal upturn in the clothing business. He predicts that about 10,- 600 workers will have /steady employment in Rochester within two weeks. We will take Mr. Holtz' work for part of this idea. Even if his fig- ures are a little fat the improvement would be noticeable. About 150 or 200 men will get back on the Goodyear payroll August 1, according to the information put out by the company in Mid- dletown, Conn. Yesterday the Weirton Steel com- pany of Clarksburg, W. Va., placed about 900 men on a six-day week basis, which isn't so bad when one considers that the mill has beeh oper- ating on about half time for several months. Our own mine conferees have taken up the well known buzz fast again and .publicly resolve that they will not quit until some settlement has been made this time. Perhaps there is some hope for this sick industry yet. We hope that they take a 'lesson from some of the examples we have consid- ered. Surely even the most hardened calamity how- lers cannot fail to see that there is little oppor- tunity for him to ply his 'trade right at this time with 4ll the good breaks that people seem to be getting. All we can do is voice a hope. Take a look at your newspapers and find out what is go- ing on about you in the way of- business recovery Don't be a shell-back who does not even know the war is over. Get wise to yourself and peck up for your own good and that of society at large. Those days are fast waning as the horror of co- eds at seeing the obnoxious weed thus used breaks otherwise hale and hearty men of the habit. Of course we still have our corner spitters who enter- tain themselves by aiming at sidewalk cracks, but the art has been taken from the drawing room. Mayhap the social fraternity spitters will make the sport again acceptable in better society. Per- haps we can look forward to the days when Beechnut will be passed around at dances and served as a side-dish at banquets. And then, gentlemen, let the weak fall where they may! Campus "Opnion Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion *of The Daily. Anonymous commnuications will be disre- garded. The names of communicants will, how- ever, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, confining them- selves to less than 300 words if possible. MVORE ABOUT INSTRUCTORS The letter by Mr. Weiss in yesterday's Daily would encourage the conclusion that the main issue in Mr. Akers' letter was Mr. Akers' degree. Our admiration for the sarcasni of Mr. Weiss should not be dimmed by the observation that his letter was sounding brass and tinkling cym- bal. I. : . , fw The Nlark As for Mr. Akers' letter, I humbly venture the suggestion that 'any kind of knowledge if it be really such' may contribute to that 'ricier, more abundant life' which Mr. Akers regards as the aim of advanced study. There seems to me to be no valid arguglent against the contention that we should seek that kind of knowledge 'which enables us to understand and evaluate men and conduct and objects of experience.' The essential differences of opinions are likely t rise from def- inition of terms. Mr. Akers' definition becomes apparent when he. insists that a university instructor should be able. to 'show us in what respects the materials he teaches are germane to our contemporary prob- lems.' First we should ask if these contemporary problems involve issues which are constant and highly significant in the experience of the human race. The danger is that we may have our high- est concern for the individual's relation, as a poli- tical and social unit, to a volatile external world, rather than for his relation, as a spiritual entity, to the eternal verities as they have been winnow- ed by the ages through human experience. Let us agree that education should prepare one for his part in the amelioration of the ills of the world But that amelioration will not come through sociological theory and political devices, but rather through the -recognition of the indi- vidual's will as the cardinal factor in the deter-, mination of his character and circumstances. I find myself often indignant at social injustice, but when to the sessions of sweet silent thought' I refer the ultimate issues, it seems to me that all the civil\clianges imaginable are futile without a change at heart in the individual experience of every social agent. Only when all citizens are convinced that external circumstances are largely indifferent to the highest ultimate concerns of mankind, will social justice be attained. If and when everyone becomes an intelligent partisan in the 'civil war in the cave' against acquisitiveness and all the other weaknesses of human nature, there will no longer be civil dissention in our so- cial units; and the way will be open for human intelligence to attain its noblest end and for hu- man nature to realize its highest destiny. Accordingly, th ideal university instructor, it seems to me, will be little concerned with con- temporary problems in so far as they are merely contemporary. He will relate his material tomthose elements of our experience which have a peren- nial relevance to the nature and condition of our kind. Irvin Goldman A /A Washington BYTANDE R By Kirkef Simpson SENATE PROBES GIVE CAMPAIGN USUAL SETTING WASHINGTON, July 29.-(/P)-It has been a long time since a presidential election was con- ducted without some sort of a congressional ex- penditures investigating committee hovering in the background prepared to jump into the ring at any moment. ' Who does not recall the important part played in the Republican pre-convention battler of 1920 by the senatorial expenditure investigators of that year? The whole course of political history might have been different but for that committee's in- tervention. This year is no exception. A reorganized sen- ate grand jury on expenditures has been set up under the solemn and persistent Senator Robert B. Howell of Nebraska, just waiting for an op- portunity. When and where it will first be heard from is a matter of speculation, but that it will take a part in the election show nobody can rea- sonably doubt. Like a Side Show Yet the present campaign opens with this ex- penditures investigation phase as a mere side show of the'part senatorial investigators may play in what is to happen in November. There are four other senate investigations, all with a possible bearing on election results, also preparing to get under way. And with such ir- regulars as not Howell alone, but Borah of Idaho, Couzens of Michigan, and Norbeck of South Da- kota heading three of them, stalwarts of Repub- lican regularity must shudder at the possibilities. The only probe under control of a "regular" is the farm board inquiry over which McNary of Oregon will preside-and even McNary has had moments of leaning to the left. That Senator Borah's committee survey of backgrounds of the American-Canadian St. Law- rence seaway treaty can conceivably prove a very important element of the campaign goes without saying. It is possible Governor Roosevelt him- self may appear before it in the interests of New York state. The Bystander cannot recall a time when a presidential nominee had an opportun- ity for such a campaign forum as that. Senator Couzen's inquiry into Reconstruction Finance corporation loans and Senator Norbeck's further exploration of stock exchange aspects of the economic crisis offer fertile fields for more political reactions. And the established reputa- tions of both senYators for relentless pursuit of their objectives illuminate the situation. Tha Identifie a. 'uwile it's I 4 I T a ALI t 0 I t The I Mich a tg Daily is a iember of the Associated Press, receiving all late news flashes over a leased wire, Every morning you may' read the important world happenings in your Daily before you can get them from any other source. The Asso- elated Press correspondents go to the ends of the Earth to give you the iews ... they face danger and hard- 4 ship every day in order that you may read of important events in far- of countries rover your morning coffee. Read the Daily th roughly every morning,... . you'll finpleS- Ure a'iid Protit ildoiiw so.' Latest Local, Foreign, anid orning butMnday DIVIDENDS FOR CARE (Daily Iowan) The story )has been told of the man who traveled his way 'round the world, meeting All sorts of terrible dangers, and emerging from them unscathed. Then, after his arrival home, he fell down his cellar stairs and broke his neck. In some instances true cases have similarly been cited. The monthly report of Iowa's state labor commissioner, A. L. Ulrick, if expanded, mighit show several congruous instances. That re- port does show that for the month of June, falls were the chief cause of injury in industrial acci- dents. The second largest. number of injuries was also due to falls, not of persons, but of objects which fell on them. Perhaps humorous references to anger from monkey wrenches falling from air- planes might find a real counterpart in fact. In 6ny case, the central idea in combat against the cause of injury is, carefusness. Not only in industries, which are covered by the report, but in the home, which offers a similiar or greater op- portunity for such injuries. The habit of being careful is easily formed, and ust as easily kept in successful operation. A few repetitions of an act bring it into- easy remem- brance. Teaching young Johnny to pick up his roller skates, using a flashlight when descending dark stairways, remembering not to perch the hammer precariously on top of the stepladder, and scores of other little acts of carefulness pay dividends in safety. 0, Editorial Comment r1 *, 0 ....-. l / a A. , - CALAMITY HOWLERS (Daily Illini) IV-, All right, you calamity howlers. Now is the time that we pause in our monotonous routine of everyday events to blow off a little excess steam and at the same time set one on your low-geared chins. There are certain groups and individuals that still insist that the present depression is here Dalily ! tvjtle-vit Pujhl i vav; tin P%'Rj-i ild I'M a