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July 30, 1932 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1932-07-30

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The Weather
Generally fair today; prob-
ably little changfe in tempera-

QL g

Slit igant


Strong Medicine To Cure a
V'irulent Disease.

Official Publication of The Summer Session,




Explorer Will
Describe Head
Takers in Talk
Capt. Carl yon Hoffman
To Discuss Tribes of.
Formosa, August 8
Is Last Lecture
In Summer Series

U. S. Troops Use

Tear Gas, Fire Shacks

in Riots

Britain Finds
Trade Parley
Unity Ideal May Give Way
To a Series of Private
Commercial Treaties

Flames,. Gas Drive'
Veteran Remnants
FromCamp Sites


Free State

Reassures America


Ethnologist Gets
Permission to
Primitive Rites'


Balk at Authopity
No Provision Is Planned
For Protective Duties
Against Other Nations

Infantry, Cavalry Forces
Withdrawn as Leaders
Say Order Definitely Re-
stored in City
Hoover Commends
Action by Troops
Says Riotous Challenge to
Government Met 'Swiftly

Japan, for many years reluctant
to permit the alien eye to observe the
legendary and hideous customs of
mysterious Formosa, has relented in
a recent instance to permit the not-.
ed ethnologist and lecturer, Capt.
Carl von Hoffman, to. make a scien-
tifIc survey,.
For twenty centuries and longer
this strange island of the Orient has
been a world unto itself, shpinking
from the outsider, working frequent-
ly a vicious 1unishient on the alien
who managed to transgress. For
this is the land of the.head hunter
-and a foreigner's head is no less
a prize than a native's.
Eighteen.. ears as Explorer
Capt. von Hoffman is to lecture
here Aug.'8 in Hillmauditorium, the,
third and final lecture on the series
arranged for the Summer Session
term. His lecture, "The Head Tak-I
ers of Formosa," follows a special
dispensation granted by Japanese
authorities that permitted him to
make observations hitherto unknown
to the Caucasian, and to supplement
and substantiate them with motion'
pictures and sound records that com-
bine romantic thrill with scientifici
Capt. von Hoffman has been .an
explorer for .18 years. Much of his
expeditionary work has been alone.
A great deal of his adventuring has
been in Africa. His more recent en-
terprises, however, have taken him
,into untraced wilds of the Orient.l
Penetrates Center of Island
Formosa, or, ip nativ tongue, Tai-
wan, is a forbidden reach of the
world. Its ports are modern. Itsl
surface is attainable. But the in-e
terior, in which savage aborigines
abide, is virtually virgin to the for-
eigner. Capt. von Hoffian's pene-
tration to -the centrlmountains,
8,000 feet above sea level, was an
achievement and more remarkable
since he was the first permitted by
these barbarians to emerge with a
record of their customs and mode of
living. For six months he ate and
slept and breathed with the abori-
gines in the thick cliff-rotted cam-c
phor jungles.
It was as guest of the Japanese
government, which established a
precedent in according this privilege,
that Capt. von Hoffman went into
the forbidden zone. The origin of
this people is in doubt-possibly
Polynesian or Malay, compelled to
seek refuge in themountain fast-
nesses by the Chinese invasion. It
is a land of singing lizards and sugar-
eating bats, of the head-taking Tai-
yal, Paiwan, Tsou, Bunun, -Ami and
Saisett tribes.
Portrays Goddess of Orao
Capt. von Hoffman's motion pic-
ture and sound records portray the
ritual dances on the topic shores of
hake Condido and the incantations
of the sun-worshipping women. He
has, too, the unprecedent motion pic-
tures of the legendary Goddessof1
Orao, an idol i thertrees,.adorned
with three skulls, her arms broken
off, a heroine of Chinese literature.
Tickets for Ehe lecture have been
placed on sale at the box office of
the Lydia Mendessohn theatre in
the League. On the dgy of the lec-
ture they will be on sale at the Hill
auditrii m box office.
Transfers Indicate Drop
In Enrollment for Fall
enrollment in the literary college
by students entering with advanced
credits from other institutions would
indicate a decrease from last year's
enrollment, it was asserted in the
office of the dean,of the college yes-
terday.' Only about 155 have been
admitted on advance credit.
Fresh Air Camp Will
Have Visitors' Week
Next week will be visitor's week at
the University Fresh Air camp, it

(Associated Press Photo)
This Associated Press telephoto shows troops using tear gas bombs on Bonus Veterans during the riot in

Washington. A burning shack, formerly occupied by veterans, is shown in the background.

Secret Service
To Aid in Hunt
For Racketeer
Officers Sprea'd Dragnet
For Principals in Plot to
Start Bank Runs ,
DETROIT, July 29.-(A')-4'wenty-
five secret service agents from other
points have been brought into Michi-.
igan to assist state police in search-
ing for George Roa d and others
charged with the circulation of false
rumors about banks in'this state.
Roland was made the .object of a
police search throughout the Mid-
dle West earlier in the week when
Capt. Ira H. Harmon of the State
police said letters and telegrams
found in his deserted room in Pon-
tiac linked him with a plot to cause
runs on large financial institutions in
Pontiac, Cleveland, Chicago, and
elsewhere. Roland is charged in
warrants issued in Oakland countyi
with circulating falsereports against;
the First National bank in Pontiac.
Bert C. Brown, head of the Michi-
gan district of the secret service, said
inspection of documents and litera-;
ture found in Roland's room made it
"very apparent that Roland is con-i
nected with a group of CommunistsI
which is directly dr indirectly re-'
sponsible for runs on banks in Chi-
cago and other cities in the Middle
Marshall Will
Address Health
Session Today
Wessinger Will Preside At
Concluding Meeting Of
Institute Here
Dr. William H. Marshall, of Flint,
will address today's concluding ses-
sion of the Summer Public Health
Institutes at 9 o'clock on "The Rela-
tionship between Private Practioners
and Public Health" in the west am-
phitheatre of, the West Medical
buliding. Dr. John A. Wessinger,
health officer of Ann Arbor, will pre-
side over the meeting.
At 10 o'clock Miss Pearl McIver,
supervisor of public health nursing
of' the Missouri State Board of
Health, will talk on "Special Train-
ing for Rural Public Health Nurs-
ing." Dr. Henry F. Vaughan, com-
missioner of Health of Detroit, will
speak at 11 o'clock on "Public Health
"Experiments in Providing Medical
Care" will be the topic discussed by
Dr. Nathan Sinai, of the department
of hygiene and public health of the
University at 2 o'clock. Miss Marion
G. Howell, director of the University
Public Health Nursing District of
Western Reserve University, Cleve-
land, will Oinclude the meeting at 3
o'clock with a paper on "Current
Problems in Public Health Nursing."
Today's meeting of the fifth insti-
tute marks the conclusion of the

Reeves Will Attend
Law Meetings 'at Oslo
NEW YORK, July 29.-'(Special)-
Prof. Jesse S. Reeves, head of the
University- of Michigan political
science department, and his son, Ar-
thur, sailed today for Antwerp to
attend the meetings of the Institute
of International Law at Oslo next
Professor -Reeves will enjoy an ex-
tended vacation in Norway.
'Nowack Drops
Out of State,
'rimar eld


Against Governor
Split. as Deadline

LANSING, July 29.-(/)-The lid
slammed down on the field of can-
didates for the September primary
election today with the opposition to
Gov. Wilbur M. Brucker still widely
A hectic day of maneuvering by
anti-administration fprces failed to
weaken materially the strategic posq
ition occupied by Brucker. In the
race against him are George W.
Welsh, city manager of Grand Ra-.
pids and Mayor W. H. McKeighan,
of Flint, flanked by James C. Quin-
lan, of Grand Rapids and Orla A.
Bailey Shiawassee county farmer.
The only candidate for the Repub-
lican' gubernatorial nomination to
leave the contest was Ed. A. Now8gck,
of Lansing.
Whe the time limit for candidates
to withdraw ended at 5 o'clock Friday
afternoon, Frank B. Fitzgerald, 'sec-
retary of state, announced that the
.names of all who had not filed no-
tices with him will go on the pri-
mary ballot. Brucker managers
were elated. Don Smith, secretary
to the Governor and others were in
the secretary of states office await-
ing the deadline. They figure thgt
McKeighan and Welsh will split the
entire Brucker strength wide-open,
with Quillan and Bailey walking
away with segments.

Dictatorship Is
Only Way Out,
Batt Declares
U. S. Needs Fundamental
Change in Government,
He Tells Socialists
"The only thing that will strike
out the present situation is a dicta-
torship in the United States," assert-
ed Dennis Batt in a -lecture before
the Socialist club yesterday. "Either
a fascist of proletariat dictatorship
is inevitable.
"Such a, dictatorship, in a show-
down, would of course reflect the in-
terests of .the class controlling itt As
United States citizens, we have yet
to distinguish between the state and
the nation. Weneed a drasticmand
fundamental change in government,
and the' mere elcetion 'of officials will
not accomplish this change and solve
the problem."
Batt pointed out that the solution
for the present economic problem
could be effected by a reorganization
by the capitalistic classes to effect a
balance between production and
consumption. "This, however, can-
not be done," he declared, "except at
the expense of reducing the rate of
profit drastically, and that means
centralized control, or a dictatorship.
"Democracy ,as we understand de-
mocracy, has outlived its usefulness.
If we mean government of the peo-
ple, by the people, and for the peo-
ple, we are just moving into the
period of real democracy."
'att asserted that nothing would
happen this year, that there would
be a great deal of 'hurrah' between
now and November, but that when
the shouting was all over, one of the
same old groups would be in control.
"It makes no difference whether
President Hoover or Governor Roose-
velt is elected," he said. Some of
the left parties, however, may poll
a larger vote than ever before. But
as far as doing anything for the
great mass of the common people is
concerned, both Hoover and Roose-
velt are inhibited from accomplish-
ing anything."

OTTAWA, July 29.-(M)-Observ-
ers at the Imperial Economic Con-
ference are beginning, to think that
the broad program of Empire prefer-
ence, so widely discussed before the
Conference began, may give place
to a series of independent trade
agreements among the Dominions.
Those who think so cited these
three 'developments:
1-Stanley Baldwin's statement
yesterday in which he asked the Do-
minions to remember their favorable
trade balance with the United King-
dom when they asked for further ad-
vantages, and in which he said that
Great Britain expects to keep her
tariffs low enough so her industries
can compete on a fair basis with
those of the Dominions.'
2-The revelation of strong Nation-
alist feeling by India, South Africa
and the Irish Free State, none of
which will permit the Conference to
forget that they consider themselves
not integral parts of the British Em-.
pire, but independent nations affili-
ated with it.
3-The continuing progress of ne-
gotiations looking toward bi-lateral
trade agreements, as contrasted with
official silence on the status of the
Empire unity project.
'Britain Keeps Open Mind
Malcolm MacDonald, son of the
British Premier, who is +here as .a
spokesman to the British press, said
today the United Kingdom has made
no decision on any Dominion request
for preference.
The work of. the Conference ap-
parently has been toward private
trade treaties between various dele-
gations, since the delegates were in-
fornied that Great Britain can offer
little assistance to agriculture com-
modities, of which the Empire pro-
du es a surplus.Y
These negotiations have been of
such character that they would be
amenable to subsequent Empire uni-
ty, but they are not considered to
fit in with any wqrkable scheme of
inter-imperial trade.
The agreements thus far do not
suggest protective tariffs against
goods coming from other countries
of the Commonwealth.
Canada already has trade agree-
ments with Australia and New Zea-
land and is expected to compete ne-
gotiations with South Africa within
two weeks.
Sink to Beoin ,
Campaign Tour
4At Charlotte
Candidate for Lieutenant
Governorship to Talk At
Open Forum
Former Senator Charles A. Sink,
president of the University School of
Music, and candidate for the Repub-
lican nomination for lieutenant gov-
ernor of the state, will fire the open-
ing gun of his intensive campaign
when he speakes at an open forum
program tomorrow morning in Char-
lotte, Mich., the home of Luren D.
Dickenson, present lieutenant gover-
nor and candidate for re-nomina-
Mr. Sink said last night that this
was to be the first of a series of
speeches which would take him to
all parts of the state. Monday, he
is to speak before the Howell Rotary
club on "Glimpses of Lansing Poli-
tical Life," and Wednesday, in Jack-
son, he will talk on "Reminiscences
of Celebrities I Have Met-Musical
and Political."
At the end of the week, Mr. Sink
is to leave on an automobile tour of
the upper peninsula where he will
speak before a number of groups
and confer with political leaders
throughout the district.

German Leader
Denies Seeking
A Dictatorship

and Sternly;'


Grand Jury
WASHINGTON, -uly 29.--()-In
one final gas and fire attack Federal
troops late today swept away the
last vestiges of the Bonus Army en-
campment in downtown Washington
and' heard their job pronounced
well-done by their commander-in-
chief, President Hoover.
Confident that order had at last
been restored after light clashes and
hand to hand battles between police
and4 veterans, the cavalry was re-
turned to Fort Myer, Virginia, and
the infantry taken in trucks to the
Washington quartermaster's depot,
a temporary war structure several
blocks from the White House, where
it was quartered for the night.
Fire Shanties
Just as the tear gas and torch
bearing troopers and doughboys were
firing the last veteran shanty and
scattering the few straggling bonus
seekers in all directions, President
loover announced to the nation that
the riotious challenge to government
authorities had been "met swiftly
and sternly.'
Major General V. H. Moseley, de-
puty chief of staff, said the military
phases of the troubles were over.
Campers Leave Washington
"It is now .a job for the District of
Columbia police force," he added. "Of
course, the troops will continue to
lend a hand where the police need
assistance. But the task is to keep
the campers from drifting back in-
to the city and to prevent crowds
from congregating. The campers are
leaving Washington, in large num-
bers and a part of our troops have'
been withdrawn as there will be no
longer a need for large patrols of
Like Secretary Hurley and Major
General Douglas MacArthur, chief
of staff, General Moseley emphasized
that after the army took charge of
the situation yesterday not a civilian
nor a soldier was injured so far as
the War department had been able
to learn.
Arrest Thirty-Six
'"Government cannot be coerced by
mob rule," the President said em-
phatically. He had ordered a Grand
Jury investigation to bring to book
the instigators of yesterday's clashes.
Thirty-six radical members of the
"bonus expeditionary force" had
been arrested by police as they left
a meeting in an abandoned church
in southeast Washington, about 75
more of their number were escorted
out of the city, and a general exodus
of hundreds of veterans made head-
way through the day and evening.
Ann Arbor Legion Chief

Von Papen Allays'
Of U. S. in Radio'
Assails Versailles


BERLIN, - July 29.-(IP)-Chancel-
bor Franz von Papen, whose cabinet
is made up of men powerful in the
Junker and military caste of the Im-
perial government, assured the Uni-
ted States in a trans-Atlantic broad-
cast tonight that neither he nor his
ministers were maneuvering for a
German dictatorship. /
His address, in which he assailed
the Versailles treaty,, took on added
significance because of two factors.
At home, Germany is embroiled in.
the campaign for the Reichstag elec-
tions Sunday, and abroad she is in-
volved in a new difference with
A few hours before the Chancellor
went on the air, his foreign minis-
ter, Baron Konstantin von Neurath,
told the French ambassador that
when the French minister Kurt von
Scheicher threatened the other day
to arm Germany if the other nations
did not disarm, he spoke for every
member of tpe German cabinet and
for the whole German nation.
The treaty or Versailles limited
Germany's armed force to the num-
ber needed to preserve interior or-
The von Papen radio speech, spon-
sored by the International Radio
Forum founded by Ira Nelson Mor-
ris, American diplomat, was in Eng-
lish, a lainguage the Chancellor
learned the American way when he
served the old Imperial government
at Washington. .
Ann Arbor to Choose
Her 'Prettiest' for =Fair
Ann Arbor, is to select her most
beautiful daughter and enter her in a
contest for the title of "Miss Michi-
gan" at the Michigan State Fair,
Sept. 6 to .10, in Detroit, Mayor H.
Wirt Newkirk said yesterday. The
Mayor stated that he had made no
plans as to the date or manner of
selection in the local contest.
The announcement was made in
responseto an invitation, sent out by
Fred A. Chapman, manager of the


Sunuiner Session Students Play,
'Follow the Leader' at Put-in-Bay


Would you like to. take a walk?
Members of the Universiti of
Michigan expedition to Put-in-Bay
did precisely that yesterday - and
plenty of it. Arriving at Put-in-Bay
at about 12:45 o'clock after a four-
hour water trip, Prof. William Hobbs
of the geology department imme-
diately led his charges to the famous
caves. The Professor, despite his
years, kept up a walking pace that
proved practically killing to some of
the younger and less sturdymembers
of his party. But wherever Hobbs
led, the mob, charging along like a
herd of buffaloes, was sure to follow.
Proceeding from the caverns the
group headed for the south shore of
the island to study shore formations.
Then began a six-mile hike along the

ment erected in honor of Oliver Haz-
ard Perry.
Certain members of the party who
couldn't stand the gaff deserted and
spent the day riding around in taxis
visiting the various points of interest.
The press was well represented .on
the excursion, correspondents of the
Detroit Free Press and Detroit Times
as well as The Daily being present.
On the return trip the boat arrived
at the island half an hour late. One
member /of the party insisted that
he had to get back in Ypsi at 11
o'clock for a date and went to set
the captain about making the boat
go a little faster. The evening was
spent in dancing to the tunes pro-
vided by a tin-pan orchestra. Others
who couldn't dance went down in the
"hole" and told stories to the en-


Blames Riot on 'Reds'
Confident that the "B. E. F." riots
of the last two days were the result
of agitation entirely foreign to the
American Legion and, in many cases,
communistic in origin, L. A. Tappe,
commander of the Ann Arbor post,
asserted last night that the Legion
had no official connection with the
Washington disturbances.
"The Legion," Tappe said, "went
on record at their, national conven-
tion in Detroit as opposing any im-
mediate demands for bonus payment
during the depression. Hoover's per-
sonal appeal to the delegates won
them to this stand."
Pace, thrice-arrested leader of the
radical wing of the Bonus army, and
an admitted Communist agitator, is
a typical example of the influences
"masquerading" as Legionaires in
Washington, Tappe saidn. He aded
that _i m d e ...Pn t.tnr,.whn

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