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July 28, 1932 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1932-07-28

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The Weather
Cloudines4 and warmer Thurs-
day. Possibly thundershowers Shy
ini extreme western portion.
Of ficial Publication of The Summer Session

aplifying Class Schedules.

Law Parleys
ArPe .Success
Students, Faculty Praise
Conferences Sponsored
By Carnegie Endowment
May Be Repeated
Here Next Summer
Seminars,, Concluded Yes-
terday, Draw Approval
Of Famous Professors
The first Conference for Teachers
of International Law, which conclud-
ed a five-week session yesterday, was
a marked sUccess, in the opinion of
most of the students and faculty at-
tending. The Conference was the
first of its kind ever held in the
world, and was sponsored by the
Carnegie Endowment for Intern"-
tional Peace."
Dr. James Brown Scott, director of
the division of international law of
the Endowment, held the conference
to be an unqualified success, and
hoped it would be held here again
' next year. The likelihood of the Con-
ferenc'e's being held here after that
depends on its equal success next
Wilson Explains Method
Prof. George Grafton Wilson, of
Harvard university, declared that the
experiment seemed to have justified
the generosity of the Endowment
and the hospitality of the University.
"This seminar," he stated, "which has
been conducted under the Division'

Heisenberg Tells Why Politics
"nterest t"'ent" 1n" v-e"m"

" ,v

Watson Says
Europe Must

Ex-Enemies Plan Atlantic Flight


S a- s w ... v tv .., .' tw t', - W W vs '* v,' vir t'* U ui


"The Summer Session is very
happy that the first Conference
for teachers of International Law,
sponsored by the Carnegie Endow-'
ment for International Peace, was
conducted at the 'University of
Michigan. The faculty and ystu-
dents of the session, as also the
citizens of Ann Arbor, have fol-
lowed with utmost interest the
progress of the Conference. They
have appreciated especially the
opportunity of attending the var-
ious public lectures given by the
distinguished leaders of the Con-
ference. We have been made more
conscious of the gravity of some
of our world problems and of the
urgent need for international
peace. We sincerely hope that the
Conference may become an annu-
al feature of the summer activities
of the University."
Dean Edward H. Kraus

An 'intense interest in politics on
the part of German students is due
to two factors, German tradition and
changed conditions in Germany, ac-
cording to Dr. Werner. Heisenberg,
of the University of Leipzig. In these
two reasons he accounts for the dif-
ferent views - on politics held by
American and German university
"Politics are much more import-
ant to us," he said. "In many cases
it rests with the government wheth-
er we live or not. Some students
have only $10 a month to live on,
so you can see how vital government
is, to them. When times are bad, as
at present, our very existence de-
pends ,on the politics of the nation.
"There has also been a tradition
since 1870 among students. At that
time they were all enthusiastic about
Bismarck and the New Germany in
the nationalistic sense. That tradi-
tion has continued. The interest has
been centered in the nationalistic
side of politics because most stu-
dents come from families of that
side. They are sons of middle class'
families, all of whom have strong
nationalist tendencies. There are us-
ually nosons of the working or la-
boring classes, wvao belong to the
left wing of politics."1
Dr. Heisenberg minimized t h e
Doumer Slayer
Is Condemned
T o Guillotinef
Spectators Cheer Verdict;'
Dr. Gorguloff Has Three
Days to Appeal Case
PARIS, July 27.-(AP)-The
strange Dr. Paul Gorguloff, who as-
sassinated President Paul Doumer, of
France,'nearly three months ago to
promote a nebulous Franco-Russian
war, was convicted 'of murder today
and sentenced to the guillotine.
Spectators cheered the verdict of
a jury that found the Russian had
slain the beloved Pere of France
and that his act was premeditated.
The jury was out 35 minutes and
its vote was' 10 to 2. Unanimity is
not required under French law. The
prisoner was given three days to
The final scenes of the trial whichl
had lasted most of this week, were1
dramatic, with Dr. Gorguloff scream-
ing in rage at intervals.
"Take my life," he shouted, when
the Court ruled against the defense
in one instance. "Lay me on thel
guillotine!, The French Government
has killed my ideal and my party.
I am a living corpse. I do not want
to live!"
'then as the verdict was read:l
"Shoot me -with a gun like a sol-
dier," he cried. "Do not guillotine}
His wife was among the witnesses
today. Nearing childbirth, she wasE
too weak to go to the stand alone.E
She told how she and her husbandt
had attended a movie a few dayst
before he left Monaco for Paris. Dr.
Gurguloff applauded a news reel ofa
President Doumer, and told her he
admired him.,
American League
Philadelphia 13-4,LDetroit 8-0.
Cleveland 2-12, New York 1-10.
Boston 15, Chicago 5.
Washington 9, St. Louis 3.
National League
Pittsburgh 9-4, New York 8-2.
Brooklyn 5, St. Louis 4.1
Boston 2-1, Chicago 1-4.
Cincinnati 4, Philadelphia 3.

trouble resulting from statements of
political beliefs by professors differ-
ing from those held by students.
"The students being so strongly na-
tionalistic," he declared, "they na-
turally go to Hitler as the center of
this group. But there is no trouble
if the professors do, not boast too
freely of their opinions. Seventy to
eighty per cent of the students are
Hitlerites, and the faculty are usu-
ally more conservative. One example
of an extreme case was at Halle,
where a professor of theology, who
was of course a pacifist, said that
war was murder. The students riot-
ed. They are very sensitive, and the
great danger lis in the fact that
they dislike facts or books about war
as it is. They prefer to think of it
in an atmosphere of glamorous brav-
ery. But when one has seen some-
thing of war, as older people have,
things look -different."
Dr. Heisenberg then commented on
t h e German Reichstag elections
which will take place Sunday. "Dur-
ing the past five years," he said,
"conditions have grown worse, so
that the parties representing the rich
have lost ground. Now we really
have two .groups-the nationalists
and the socialists. Hitler organized
the poor nationalists. Now the na-
tionalists have control of the govern-t
ment, but not Hitler. Th'e cabinet is1
connected with the agricultural Jun-
ker class, and differs from Hitler so
that I cannot see how the average
Hitlerite can stand for this govern-
ment. It is quite possible that Hit-i
ler will lose this election if his sup-1
porters do not approve of the gov-.
ernment, as he apparently does. Itt
will be interesting to note the reac-
tion of hishfollowers to Von Papen.
There is the possibility of a dicta-
torship being established," he con-c
cluded, "if Hitler loses the election
to the Von Papen elements."
Xerxep' Harem
Is Excavated by
Ch1"icago Party,
Expedition Uncovers HallE
Of a Hundred Columns
Built by Artaxerxes
CHICAGO, July 27.-(AP)-The
harem queens of Xerxes, were they1
living, would be a blessing.I
For in the six golden apartments;
of the favorites of the ancient Per-I
sian ruler in the palace of PersepolisI
now are quartered members of theI
Persian expedition of the Oriental
institute of the University of Chi-
The excavators, besides unearthinga
the home of Xerxes and various
Da'iruses, before him, have uncover-I
ed the hall of a hundred columns,
build by Artaxerxes I, son of Xer-
They also found beeath the har-
em of the palace an old Persian cun-
eiform inscription of forty lines, re-
cording the life, ancestry ai'd profes-
sion of Xerxes.
Deemed of highest importance in
reconstructing the Persia of old, the
discoveries were announced by Dr.
James Breasted, director of tiie, In-
Hundreds Hear Opening
Summer Band Concert'
The campus in front of the Library
was thronged last night with stu-
dents who assembled to hear the first
program presented by the University
summer band, ,under the direction
of Nicholas Falcone.

Reduce Armis
Indiana Senator Demands
Cut as Preliminary to
Conference on Debts
Fears Money Would'
Go for Armaments
Edge Tells Herriot Basis
Of U. S. Debt Reduction
Lies on Limitation
WASHINGTON, July 27.-(AP)--
Actual disarmament by Europe was
demanded today by Senator Watson,
of Indiana, the Republican leader.
as a preliminary to any world eco-
nomic conference on war debts and
reparations such as proposed by Sen-
ator Borah, of Idaho.
"It is unthinkable," said Watson
in a formal statement, "that we
should permit them (the European
nations) to keep the money they
owe us to enable them to build up
larger military establishments on the
Continent and, as far, as we can see'
that is their plan and purpose."
Herriot, Told U. S. Demand
Coincidentally, Ambassador Edge
in Paris today informed Premier
Herriot that the basis of co-opera-
tion between the countries lies in
It was evident tonight at the Cap-
itol that the Administration is not
going to take the initiative for
downward revision of the war' debts
owed the United States and will de-
mand drastic European disarma-
ment as its price. However, Admin-
istration interest in the international
situation and Borah's proposal for a
world economic parley was mani-
fested by a conference last night be-
tween Secretary Stimson and Borah.
Both declined to comment today on
the talk.
Senator Watson said he had not
talked with President Hoover on
the Borah plan, but his stand was
expected to put a chock under the
wheels of the world conference move-
ment pending fresh disarmament
moves abroad.
Mellon Reports on Lausanne
Meanwhile, Secretary M e 11 o n
reached the White House from his
London post. He emphasized that
an international confe ence would
be almost impossible be ore autumn
because of the British Imperial Par-
ley now in progress at Ottawa. He
declined to comment on the proposal
The former Treasury head deliv-
ered a first hand report to the Presi-
dent and Secretary' Stimson on the
European situation, including the re-
cent Lausanne conference which
reached an agreement for the vir-
tual elimination of reparations.
Says Scene, Design
Is Little Improved
Over Renaissance
Alexander Wyckoff, art director
for the Repertory Players and for-
merly art director for the Manhat-
tan Theatre colony, told an invited
group of students and theatregoers
yesterday that the improvement in
scene design has been slight since
the Renaissance.
The concentration of everything
on the scenery was the thing during
the Renaissance. Today, he said, our
scenery is around the set in relation
to the actor. During the early per-
iod scenery was first moved, thus
bringing it before the audience. That
is something we should do, he said.
Mr. Wyckoff believes that we need
more scene changing during the con-
tinuance of the show, instead of
turning on lights, dropping curtains

and holding intermissions.
During the Renaissance they must
have gone on ;with the show with-
out stopping, he said, since no cur-
tain was used, and the sets, number-
ing 15 or 16 for a play, were moved
before the eyes of the audience.
The necessity of learning to do
better scene painting was stressed.

(Associated Press Photo)
Plans to make a westward air crossing of the Atlantic have been
announced by Baron Von Schleich (left), "black knight" of the German
flying corps during the World war, and Major Christopher Draper
(right), known as the "mad major" of the wartime British royal flying



rrlrw r r i

Hobbs Leads Excursion a
To Put-in-Bay Friday
Students who are planning to go
on the Put-in-Bay trip will have
their last opportunity to sign up for
the trip -at room 9, University hall,
this afternoon. The party will leave
for Put-in-Bay .at 7:30 tomorrow
morning from the North University
entrance of Natural Science building.
In an interview yesterday Prof.
William Hobbs, of the geology de-
partment, who willslead the party,
characterized the island as one of
the most interesting places for tour-
ists in this part of the country be-
cause of the shoreline formations
and the famous caves. The celestite
formations in Crystal , cave, Prof.
Hobbs said, are among the most in-
teresting phenomena to be found.
anywhere. The Battle of Lake Erie,
he revealed, was fought off Victory
point on the island. The trip, he
said, will require four hours of water
travel each way.
Badger to Discuss Salt
Making in Middle Ages
Prof. Walter L. Badger, of the en-
gineering school, will lecture at 5
o'clock this afternoon in Natural
Science auditorium on the topic "Salt
Manufacturing in the Middle Ages."
An extensive study has been made
by Professor Badger of the organiza-
tion of the early salt industries. He
has collected numerous papers and
books concerning its, manufacture
which have revealed advanced pro-
duction methods used as early as the
year 1300 A. D.
Professor Badger will tell of the
rigid production methods used by the
industry, the profit sharing schemes,
and many other items of interest
concerning one of 'the world's earliest
Local Youth, 17, Held
Under Robbery Charge
Charged with robbery armed, Ran-
som S. Hawley, Jr., 17, son of Prof.
Ransom S. Hawley, of the mechani-
cal engineering department, is await-
ing a hearing in circuit court fol-
lowing his arraignment yesterday af-
ternoon before 'Justice Jay H. Payne.
He waived examination and is being
held in default of $10,000 bond.
Police said the youth had confes-
sed to the robbery of two gas sta-
tions in Saline and Milan after be-
ing positively identified by the at-
tendants. He is also charged with
the theft of two cars.

Brucker Talks
At Ypsilanti
Hospital Unit
Capacity of State Institu-

tion Raised to
Green Program


of International Law of the Carnegie
Endowment has not been a seminar
in the ordinary sense. It has been
an opportunity for teachers of inter-
national law and related subjects to
consider with the leaders of the sem-
inars their problems and to discuss
the treatment of certain specific sub-
jects which were before the seminars
as illustrative of topics which might
arise in class work and as furnish-
ing a background for an enrichment
of courses.
"The teachers have been left free
to determine for themselves what
application they will make of the
tiethods and materials which they
have been furnished. They have
gained much from five weeks of con-
tact with one another in an atmos-
phere of intensive consideration of
widely divergent fields of interna-
tional law presented from various
points of view."
Prof. Jesse S. Reeves, head of the
political science department and dean
of the conference, pointed out that
the meeting had drawn the attention
of other academic institutions to
Michigan for studies in the interna-
tional field. "The meeting," he as-
seited, "hgas altogether an experi-
ment and I think generally it was
a success."
D-. Franklin C. Sewell, of George-
town university, expressed the view-
point of those who attended the
seminars. "The. summer semester
for teachers of International Law,"
he declared, "has proved to be a com-
plete success for the attending guests.
It has provided an opportunity for
40 instructors in international law
from representative u n i v e r s i t i e s
throughout the United States to
come together and discuss outstand-
ing problems under the leadership of
five of the foremost authorities on
international, law in the United
"The University of Michigan, with
its beautiful campus and buildings
has proved an ideal center for a con-
ference of those who, through higher

An additional unit of the new
Ypsilanti State hospital, which will
bring the institution's capacity to
1,500, was dedicated Wednesday. Inf
making the dedicatory address, Gov-
ernor Wilber M. Brucker said that,
further additions to the hospital and
to the institutigns at Traverse City,
Kalamazoo and Pontiac would have.'
to wait until tax collections improve,t
but announced that $500,000 would
be spent on a 300-bel receiving hos-
pital to be constructed at Newberry
and on a 250-bed boys' unit to the
hospital at Lapeer.l
Governor Brucker declared that
state expenditures had been $5,000,-
000 less in the last fiscal year than
during the preceding 12 months and
that savings at every point possibleE
had accomplished this end. He com-
plimented the hospital group wlicht
played a considerable part in this
saving despite the fact that their ire-
sources were taxed more) severely
than ever before. He also paid
tribute to the foresight of former
Governor Fred Green and previous
legislatures in inaugurating the pres-
ent state hospital program. 1
Cost of the Ypsilanti hospital to
date was reported as $4,054,946; the
new unit having cost $357,942. Work;
on the institution was begun in June,
1930. The first unit was dedicated
one year ago today and the second
unit started last October.
The institution will have a capa-
city of 3,000 patients when completed,
according to the provisions' of the
legislative act authorizing it.
Auto Permits Revoked
To Punish Violations
Several permits have been revoked
and a number of less severe disci-
plinary measures have been meted
out to Summer Session students for
violation of the University auto reg-
ulations, it was learned yesterday.
Penalties for several other cases will
be withheld until the opening of

Its Graduation
Revision of Examination
System Also Incorporat-
ed Into New Catalogue
Course Grouping
Plan Is Altered
18 Different Sections to
Have Test Periods Same
Time Each Semester

Two distinct changes, both pre-.
viously annpunced but never before
printed 'into the catalogue of the
University, mark the appearance of
the 1932-33 announcement for the
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts. The announcements are
now being distributed in room 4,
University hall.
A change in graduation require-
nents, involving many of the ideas
behind' the University college plan,
forms the principal difference in this
year's announcement. The other
change is in the examination meth-
ods and includes a grouping of the
courses under 18 different heads.
All classes in each group will be ex-
amined at the same time during the
regular examination period at the
end of the semester.
Must Have C Average
Graduation requirements include
the admission of the student as. a
andidate for a degree at the time
df hisdcompletion of 60 hours of
work. The work must be done with
an average grade of C or better.
Although the first two years of
work will be general in nature, at
the beginning of the third year the
student must select a department or
division of specialization. To obtain
a degree, the student' must have
passed 60 more hours at a grade of
C or better. Thirty of these must be
in the chosen department of special-
ization or 60 hours in the division of
Examination changes include the
grouping of all the courses under 18
heads, designated from A to R in the
announcement, with a 19th special
group designated as X. During the
semester a schedule will be prepared
showing the time of examination for
each of the 18 groups. "A studerit
should not elect more than one
course from any one of the 18 regu-
lar groups," Prof. Daniel L. Rich, di-
rector of classification, stated.yester-
Provide For Special Tests
Examinations for the X group
courses will be given at any time
convenient for the linstructor and
the members of the class. Only in
the. case of unavoidable conflicts
and with the consent of the Exam-
inations Schedule committee will
special examinations be given.
The announcement includes a list
of all the courses which will be given
in the literary college next year. A
number of, graduate courses and
courses which may be taken for
graduate credit are also listed. Spe-
cial graduate school catalogues are
also now available, it was learned.
Bonus Army Still
In Capital; Eviction
Order Is Withheld
WASHINGTON, July 27.-(AP)-
The expected eviction of 1,800 bonus
army veterans from Government
buildings near the Capitol failed to
materialize today when Police Su,
perintendent Pelham D. Glassford
said he was without orders to clear
the grourids. Glassford permitted
the men to remain in their billets..
Wrecking contractors, scheduled to
begin razing the buildings after they
had been emptied of the veterans,
abandoned plans to proceed immedi-
ately with the work.
Glassford explained his action by
saying he, had no specific orders to
evict the veterans if they did not
depart voluntarily in compliance
with the Treasury Department's or-
der of evacuation.
The inconclusive climax to the
Government's attempts to get the
veterans out of the ramshackle build-
ings left the next move up to the
Treasury, which thus far has been
unsuccessful in finding an agency to
enforce its decrees.
Glassford appeared on the scene at
the time when police had been ex-
pected, to begin clearing out the
buildings and arresting all who re-
"I have no orders to clear these

' :

Excursionists Go from Stases
To Aeroplanes in Three Hours

Fries Recommends New Oxford
Dictionary to Definition Hunters

From stage coaches to trimotor
planes in three hours.
That was the record-breaking pace
set by University of Michigan excur-
sionists on their visit to Henry Ford's
curiosity shops in Dearborn yester-
day. Under the guidance of the fa-
mous rubberneck guide team of Wells
and Hornberger, the boys and girls
took a peek at Uncle Henry's collec-
tion, of Americana or something in
Greenfield village, took a ride in the
vehicles that grandpa and grandma
knew, and finished up loafing around
the lobby of the Dearborn Inn, Ford's
new and exclusive hotel. Some of
the "gang" even went so far as to
treat themselves to an aeroplane ride
to the tpne of.one and a half shekels

clan also was given the opportunity
to see the actual construction work
on the new plane which Admiral
Byrd will use in his next South Pole
As the concluding feature of the
trip one section of the party (those
who could afford it and weren't
scared) took a 15-mile ride in one
of the Ford airport trimotors while
the rest spent the time exploring the
Dearborn Inn much to the discom-
fort of the guests, one of whom
knocked 'over a card table through
sheer nervousness from the rubber-
neck gazes. A young hireling of
Ford conducted the party through
the rooms of the hotel, explaining
how much each room cost and keep-

Carr to

Discuss School
Legislation Today

Do you rush to Webster when you1
are in doubt about the meaning of
a word?£
Well, if you do you are on the right
track, according to Prof. Charles E.
Fries, but there is another source
which is more authentic and more
complete than either Webster's dic-
tionary or the standard dictionary.
It is the new Oxford dictionary com-
pleted in 1928.
At a cost of $2,000,000 and with
the gratuitous aid of. 1,000 workers,
the Oxford dictionary includes twelve
volumes, or 15,000 pages with three
columns on a page. It took over
seven years to edit the volumes, and

by a Scotchman, he added.
The four men who have contribut-
ed most to the work are Sir WilliamE
Craigie, Dr. Henry Bradley, Sir
James Murray and Dr. C. T. Onions.,
The first real dictionary to be pub-
lished, in the opinion of Professor
Fries, cane out in 1604, as the re-
sult of much time and labor by Ed-
ward Weaver. On the first page was
"for ladies, gentlewomen and other
unskillful persons," which shows the
function of the early dictionaries,
Professor Fries said.
The Oxford dictionary is essential-
ly different from all others, continued
Professor Fries. It is an attempt to
use historical principles in language.

William G. Carr, director of the
research division of the National
Education Association, will lecture at
2 o'clock today in the University
High School auditorium on "Recent
Legislation for School Revenue."

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