The Weather Generally fair Wednesday and 'T hur s day. Not muich chanyge in temperature. LL Official Publication of The Summer Session VOL. XHI No. 26 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1932 SeesAdvance In Limitation Of Armaments Wilson Declares Geneva Conference Was Great Forward Step ' Peace-Time Cuts Proved Feasible Reviews Foriier Parleys To Illustrate Difficulty Of Reaching Accord The last ten years have seen enor- mous progress indthe limitation of armaments, declared Prof. George Grafton Wilson, of Harvard Univer- sity in the concluding /lecture last night of-the Conference for Inter- national Law Teachers series. This has been done in spite of the fact that at the present time total dis- armament is probably impossible. "The Geneva conference, which adjourned Saturday, has accomplish- ed a great deal. It has made the contribution of ensuring the world that limitation of some kind is feasi- ble by gneral agreement. It has led nations oreal problems of disarma- ment. Will Have Definite Propositions "This conference has been the first disarmament conference, and it has shown that there is a great interest in this question. Previous confer- ences hive usually come after a war, to make peace. Next time the dele- gates will come back with concrete propositions. They have obtained an understgnding of the points of view of other countries on many ques- tions." There have been some results from the conference in the form of, reso- lutions, Professor Wilsoh pointed out. These .have favored the strengthen- ing of defensive rather than offen-1 sive measures, prohibition of chemi- cal and bacteriological warfare, and continuation of naval disarmament. Reviews Past Conferences In reviewing some of the past limi- tations conferences, Professor Wilson indicated the difficulties facing such meetings. One of the main ones lies in selection of satisfactory phraseol- ogy and definitions. In discussion f abolition of chemical warfare, he said, the question arose as to wheth- er or not manufacture of chlorine gas, for commercial purposes, was to be included. A proposition to abolish large guns depended on agreement for a definition of the word "large." "The liinitation' of arms is not so easy," he said. "The citizen has learned to depend on the state for protection he formerly found in clans or in his own strong right arm. Even though we have measures in- corporated in treaties, signed, sealed, and delivered, we have found that fact does not make them permanent unless almost self-operative. Scrapping Capital Ships "The Washington Limitation Con- ference was the first great step to- w a r d s limitation of 'armaments. Scrapping of capital ships under this convention was real limitation. The London Naval Conference then ex- tended this principle to a certain ex- tent to other classes of ships. The Qeneva conference has had a com- mission doing work in preparation for the meeting since 1925. This commission proposed limitation of total tonnage ,and also limitation of expenditures for arms, but neither proposal proved acceptable to the delegates. "Other proposals which were not accepted," he concluded, "were Rus- sia's for complete disarmament and Scene from 'The Chalk Circle' German Flyer In Montreal This exotic scefie is taken from the Repertory Players' production of "Tl Chalk Circle," ancient Chinese drama, opening tonight in the Lydia Mendelssohn ,theatre for a four day run. The play is under the direction of Thomas Wood Stevehs, visiting member of the dramatic'- staff. 'Chalk, Circle,' Chinese Play, Opens Tonight Repertory Players' Fifth Offering Is Directed by Thomas Wood Stevens As the fifth ,offering of the cur- rent dramatic season, the Michigan Repertory Players will present "The Chalk Circle," an ancient Chinese drama, opening tonight at the Lydia Mbndelssohn theatre and continuing through Saturday. Under the direc'tion of Thomas Wood Stevens, director of the Little Theatre of St. Louis and guest direc- tor this summer for the Players, "The Chalk Circle" will be given en- tirely in the Oriental nanner, with a single stage setting for the pro- logue and four acts. Chinese dra- mhtic technique and stagecraft will be rigidly adhered to, Mr. Stevens said. Heading the list of actors is Eu- genie Chapel, who in this play is naking her only appe.rance of the summer season. She is, assisted by a competent cast. The play, woven around the jeal- ousy which a first wife has for the second wife, of a wealthy Chinaman, was, translated by Ethel Van der Veer and arranged for the stage by Mr. Stevens. EXpect Large Attendance 'at Leag ue Dance Error in Map Nearly Caused Interstate War Karpinski Relates History Of Toledo Dispute; Tells Of Early Survey A cartographical error nearly pre-. cipitated a war between the states of Michigan and Ohio, Prof. Louis Kar- pinski of the mathematics depart- ment declared in a talk yesterday. The error, Professor Karpinski said, consisted in a misplacement of the southern tip of Lake Michigan and resulted in the famous boundary dispute over the possession of Toledo. In settling this dispute Congress gave to Michigan the upper penin- sula. Among other errors in the early maps Professor Karpinski noted that on some a mountain range was drpwn through, the center of Michi- gan and connected with the appala- chian chian and on dthers the pres- ence of a group of fictitious islands in Lake Sjiperior "The fi'rst map ; showing all five great lakes," Profesosr Karpinski said, "is that of the Frenchman, Samson, appearing in 1650. Lake On- tario is not well laid out for the Iro- quois Indians would not allow travel- ers to pas along its shores. A French priest whose name, unfortunately, has been lost, made an exceptionally accurate map of Lake Superior in the early eighteenth century, un- doubtedly having made astronomical observations of latitude and longi- tude on the lake."' Prdfessor Karpinski pointed out that the British Admiralty.made the first governmental survey of the Great Lakes in the early nineteenth century and that the United States topographical engineers did not make a survey until twenty years later. Tilson Resigns; Hunts More Lucrative Work WASHINGTON, July 26.-(AP)- as Rpubican floor leader-Rep. After 2'2 years in the House-six John Quillin Tilson, of New Haven, Conn., is going to resign to seek a more lucrative job. The affable lawyer-politician to- day announced his decision not to run for re-election and to resign from the present Congress as soon as it is practicable, in perhaps his last "extension of remarks" in the Congressional record. Declaring "legitimate necessary expenses" of a member of Congress require his entire salary and make it impracticable to lay aside any- thing for his family, Tilson at 66 years of age says he willseek ac- tivity in other fields where he hopes the net financial return for his la- bors "will at least be on the right side of the ledger." Plan to Unify Empire Currency Is Discussed OTTAWA, Ont., July 26.-(AP)- Mobilization of the vast credit re- sources of the British Empire arounc the rallying point of a unified syster of cuirency was discussed today a delegates to the British Inperia Economic conference turned their at- tention to the problem of monetar readjustment. Curtis Off for Maine Tn gtnrly nar.Fel.ymcs On World Hop Von Gronau Expected to, Proceed Around Lind- bergh Route to Japan Time Believed Near His Previous Mark Completes Third Flight Across Atlantic by Way Of Arctic Route , MONTREAL, July 26. + (AP) - Capt. Wolfgang von Gronau, veteran German airman, landed his flying boat in Montreal harbor tonight at 7:06 p. m. (E. S. T.), completing in four and a half days his third 5,100 mile aerial trip between Europe and America by the Arctic route. Civic and aviation delegations met the bronzed German and his three companions at the seaplane base, as he taxied up after a 10 hour and 16 minutes flight from Cartwright, La- brador. May Circle Globe In the absence of announcements, it washunderstood that Capt. von Gronau planned to proceed from Montreal around the world this year, since gasoline has arrived at Prince Rupert, B. C., for his use. This would mean he planned to take Col. Charles A. Lindbergh's route across northern Canada to Alaska and proceed down Kamchatka peninsula to Japan. Pending a check,. Capt. von Gra- nau's flying, time from List, Isle of Sylt, Germany, was not revealed, but it was believed to have compared well with his 1930 time when he reached New York in 47 hours. Made Similar Flight Last year he made a similar flight in about the same time from Ger- many to Chicago. His route in all three flights has been approximately the same. From Germany Capt. von Gronau flew, across in two hops. From Reyk- javik, Iceland, he proceeded to Ivig- tut, Greenland, in two jumps. Then came 600 miles across Davis Straits to Labrador and to Cartwright. The captain was accompanied by Gert von Roth,co-pilot, Franz Hack, mechanic, and Fritz Albrecht, wire- less operator. Wyckoff Will Lecture On Scene Design Today The third lecture of the summer dramatic season, 'ponsored by the Michigan Repertory Players, will be given at 3 o'clock this afternoon in the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre by Alexander Wyckoff, art director for the Players. A former art director of the Man- hattan Theatre Colony, Mr. Wyc- koff will speak on "Scene Design of the Renaissance and of Today." In- vitations to the lecture may be se- cured at the theatre box office. Open Tennis Tourney Will Start Next Week An open tennis tournament for the Surhinei Sessioxi students will be held at Pahiler field beginning (Tuesday, August 2. Women's singles, women's doubles, and a mixed tournament will be the various entries under which one may register. A fee of 25 cents will be charged for each entry, and registra- tion will (take place from now until August 1 at the Women's Athletic building'. Visit to Hollywood ..k Is Part of Training cardforougovito LOS ANGELES, Calif. July 26.- (Special) - Playing around Holly- wood, Will Rogers, Clark Gable, and a swajm of prezy movie satrs is just one side of the life being led here by Carl Dougovito, University f Michigan wrestler, who is in train- ing at the Olympic Village. When the Michigan star and sev- eral others from the camp of "finest humans" on earth were taken to the Fox Studios here, Will Rogers found the athletes an interesting crowd. For almost an hour he walked with them through the studio. He marvel- ed, that Dougovito was able to makb the team. "Doug, you must have bridged the referee, being a Michi- gander," he exclaimed. But back at the camp the life is altogether different. The athletes are kept under strict orders. Visitors who throng about gates with the hopes of obtaining pictures and au- tographs are not peimitted to enter the grounds. The daily training rou- tine is rigid, and the diet is strict. The village is inhabited not only by athletes from this country, but the pride of all nations in the world are to be found jabbering in their native tongues in all sections of the camp. 69 Men Lost As Cadet Ship Sinks in Gale German Training Vessel Goes Down Off Holstein; Only 37 Rescued KIEL, Germany, July 26.-(AP)- The three-masted sailing v e s s e Niobe, used as a German naval train- ing ship, was struck by a gale today and sank off the coast of Holstein. Sixty-nine of the more than 1100 per- sons aboard her were missing several hours later, and it was feared they were drowned. 4 Fifty officer cadets and 18' sub- officer cadets were on the vessel when she put out from Kiel on her cruise. Thirty-seven persons' were rescued by the steamer Therese Russ, which was no far off when the ship foundered. In the absence of definite informa- tion, naval authorities could not ex- plain the disaster, but they believed the crew, unprepared for the sudden wind, had been unable to reef the sails in time. A few minutes before the Niobe went down the giant flying boat DO-X, which visited the United States a few months ago, passed overhead en route to Kiel. The DO- X swooped down and signaled a greeting to the young cadets and then proceeded- on her way, alight- inig safely after a stormy flight. Naval officials were told that , the training ship was swept over- on her side and went to the bottom in three or four minutes. She was equipped with a 240-horsepower motor, but apparently was operating only under sail at the time of the disaste.r. Those aboard included, sixofficers and 20 or 30 members of the erew in addition to the officer cadets and sub-officer cadets. The Niobe used to be commanded by Count Felix Luckner, famdus war- time raider, who has spent much of his time in the United States re- cently and has been made an honor- ary citizen of/San Francisco. Shortly after the ship went down a seaplane reached the scene, fol- 'lowed by the cruiser Koenigsberg ahd four fast torpedo boats. Hope was held that the speed with which rescue ships gathered would result in saving many mqre lives, but late tonight that hope had waned. Next Saturday Reorganization, Repairs to Get Under Way; New Di- re'ctor Is Coming , All the food units of the League building will be closed next Saturday night for re-organization and re- pairs. They will open again about Sept. 15. At the same time, Alta B. Atkin- son, for three yeais food director ,of the Martha Cook dormitory for wo- men, wi'll take over the position of food director and business manager of the League building. She'replaces Mrs. Grace Hollister who resigned last April. Miss Atkinson is, at the present time, returning from a trip to Eng- land. Before coming to Michigan three years ago, she received her training in Oregon. Restaurant man- agement is one of her specialties. r Miss Ethel McCormick, social di- rector for women, yesterday hinted that there were to be drastic re-or- ganization moves taken in the League. She would not divulge the exact character of the action which will be taken. B6th Par-ties, 1 President Hoover's reduction." for a one-third Military Rule , Ends in Berlin; Elections Near Bracht Orders, Police to Use Force in Quelling Political Disorders BERLIN, July 26.-(AP)-Berlin and the Providence of Brandenburg were freed from martial law today, as all Germany resounded with the tumult of an election campaign which many political experts say will result in a deadlock. Franz Bracht, virtual dictator of Prussia, reassured the people that the Recihstag election would take ninn inv Qm rac-pAsiPiAta Visiting Faculty Members Will Be Honored at Tea1 Tomorrow Afternoon r With the let-up in temperature, members of the League social com- mittee expect a large number of stu-' dents to forego their daily swim and7 attend the regular Wednesday after- noon tea'dance from 4 to 5:30 o'clock today. Faculty members, as well as Sum-3 mer Session students, are cordially invited to the party this afternoon,' Miss Katherine Noble said yesterday. Members of the Southern club will be the honored guests at the tea dance' on Wednesday, Aug. 3, it was announced yesterday. Visiting faculty in the colleges of engineering, pharmacology, dentistry and architecture, and members of the Health Service staff, will be hon- ored at the last of a series of teas for visiting faculty to be held from 4 to 5:30 o'clock tomorrow. All members of the faculty who have been unable to attend previous teas are invited to the party tomor- row, Miss Ktaherine Noble said. Pro- fessors and their wives who live in Ann Arbor but are not connected with the Summer Session are cor- dially invited to attend, she added. Students are welcome -to attend these parties, Miss Noble stated, and a large number are expected to come to 'the last tea for visiting faculty. Shaw, 76, Celebrates By Concealing His Age MALVERN, England, July 26.- (AP)-George Bernard Shaw, who is 76 years old today, spent his birth- . L _4 .. « -, .. , - I' ll n Have Complete d Fall, Tic'kets v . e . E J City and County Tickets li Filled as Deadline for a Filing Petitions Passes l With the deadline for filing peti-Z tions for the September primaries past yesterday afternoon, the citya and county Republican and Demo- cratic tickets for the fall elections were complete. Horatio J. Abbott, veteran Demo- cratic national committeeman, was the only applicant for the Democra-r tic nomination for United States rep- resentative from the 2nd district. In addition to Earl C. Michener, incum-. bent, from. Adrian, the Republicant primary ticket will include three AnnX Arbor men, Law ence C. Leever,E Commander W. H. Faust, and Ruel Blake. For state senator from this dis- trict only two men have presented petitions, Lee F. Dawson, of Ypsi-t lanti, Democrat, and James E. Law-i son, Republican incumbent. Formert mayor Edward W. Staebler will be the Democratic candidate for state representative from Ann Arbor. Phil C. Pack, Republican incumbent, will also be unopposed in the primaries. For county sheriff, Jacob B. An- dres, Republican incumbent, Frank J. Keihl, Republican, former Ann Ar- bor policeman, and William K. Pom- merening, Democrat, have present- ed petitions. Albert J. Rapp, Repub- lican prosecuting attorney, will be unopposed in the primaries and his Democratic opponent will be chosen from Robert H. CavNAnaugh, of Ann Arbor Hills, and Harold D. Golds. Daniel B. Sutton, Democrat, will be unopposed for the nomination- for county drain commissioner as will the Rep. incumbent Cornelius Tuomy. University Band Opens Concert Series Tonight The first concert of the University Charles Mills Gayley, Author Of'Yellow and Blue,' is Dead BERKELEY, Cal., July 26.-(AP)- many, where he made modern his- .-Funeral services for Charles Mills tory his principal subject of research. Gayley, educator and author, who As early as 1881 he was literary wrote "The Yellow and the Blue". reviewer for the Buffalo Express and and many other University of Michi- became a frequent contributor to gan songs, will be held here Wednes- various publications, including the day. He died Monday, following a Chicago Dial. These years were oc- long illness. cupied with extensive research in For nine years, between 1880 and political science, philosophy and 1890, he was a member of the fac- modern history. ulty at the University of Michigan. In 1878 Dr. Gayley began his work It was during those years that he as an educator when .he became wrote his famous college songs to principal of Muskegon High School. which innumerable students have Two years later he joined the fac- thrilled. ulty at the University of Michigan Dr. Gayley was born in Shanghai, as instructor in Latin, becoming as- China, Feb. 22, 1858, a son of the sistant professor in Latin in 1884 and Rev. Samuel Rankin Gayley. His assistant professor of English in father came to the United States 1887. frm manct. Tr.nols unn fnlmina Holds Hima osts WASHINGTON, July 26.-(AP)- 'resident Hoover today appointed ftlee Pomerene, former Democratic enator from Ohio, as a director of he Reconstruction Finance corpora- ion. The President simultaneously an- " ounced that Pomerene, who was pecial prosecutor in the oil scan- als developed during the arding dministration, will be elcted chair- pan of the board. Three Democrats already hold 'laces on the board of seven, Porn- rene's appointment giving them a najortiy. In his brief statement, the Presi- ent said: "It is a great pleasure to an- ounce the appointment of former enator Atlee Pomerene of Ohio to he board of the Reconstruction Fi- .ance corporation. He will be elect- d as chairman of the board. Was Corporation Counsel "He has had long service as a awyer and business man and as a nember of the United States Senate, here he was a member of the bank- ng and currency committee. "His firm has been counsel for the Reconstruction corporation's work in he fourth reserve district." The President has yet to fill on iore vacancy on the corporation' oard. League Wars on Waste NEW YORK, July 26.-(AP)-Six if America's foremost men have ac- epted leadership of the National Economy League war on waste in overnment which was declared to- lay with formal sanction of Presi- lent Hoover and Franklin 'D. Roose- velt. Calvin Coolidge, Alfred E. Smith, lihu Root, Newton D. Baker, Gen. ohn J. Pershing and Admiral Wil- iam S. Sims comprise a National advisory council of the League, formed to guide its fight against al- eged excessive payments to veterans and mounting government costs. These six, the League announced, will serve in active capacity as advisers and leaders. Hoover Pleads Against Lobbies A vehement plea by President Hoover for a National group to de- fend C on gr e ss in withstanding "swarms of lobbies" was read before men from 30 states assembled to or- ganize the movement. "There is great need i'br a Nation- wide and non-partisan organization," the message read, "designed to give persistent attention to keeping down governmental expenditures. Th e subject is too complicated to be dealt with by sporadic groups in temporary emergencies. "The pressures upon governments to spend more are ceaseless,, and no intermittent protests will stem the tide." Capital Police Move to Oust Veteran Army Steam Shovels Will Drive Bonus Marchers out of Camping Area WASHINGTON, July 26.-(AP)-- Federal officials today held firmly to their intention of evacuating mem- bers of the bonus army from lots along Pennsylvania avenue, but no one seemed to know exactly how it was going to be done. Contractors hired to clear the ground for continuation of the GoV- ernment's building nrngram wr in-. i a, 1 1