SATU tDAY, JULS 25 18,31 Z'HB Bt1'R MIt SIQrAN DAILY FAt B SATV~DA, JLY 5, 9.31THESlIMERMICIGANDAIY PGE BRi R\ADIO\AV ES GIDE TRICK( MVANEUJVERS OF CREWLESS HI Naval Destroyer Is Operated at High Speeds From Bridge of Control Vessel. EXPERIMENT IS UNIQUE Commander Thinks Possibilities of Method Are Unlimited, Not All Tried. SAN DIEGO, Calip., July 24.-(IP) -An unmanned destroyer maneu- vered at high speed off San Diego Thursday and among other things made a 180-degree turn,ndescribed by naval ffcers as the most start- ing trick ever performed by a crew- -less ship. The ship was the U. S. S Stod- dert, a 195-foot vessel of 1,500 tons Everything from its whistle to its rudder was operated by radio from the bridge of the control ship, the destroyer Perry, which followed in its wake. Control on Bridge. Lieutenant Commander Boyd R. Alexander, commander of the Stoddert, and Lieutenant Comman- der Earl H. Quinlan, commander of the Perry, stood on the bridge of the latter craft watching the Stoddert. Alexander turned to a sailor standing before a little box bearing eight keys, resembling those of a typewriter. "One hundred eighty degrees ,,, f" right," Alexander said. "One hundred eighty degrees right, sir," said the sailor, tap- ping the keys. At the etheral command the Stoddert veered from the straight course it had maintained for miles and swung completely about with- out slackening speed. Commander Alexander smiled. "That is the first time that every has been done," he said. "There's a lot of machinery operating itself+ over there." Every officer and man of the Stoddert was transferred to the Perry prior to the test.' Blows Whistle.' With a radio robot at her wheel, the Stoddert moved out to open sea at six knots. The Perry followed. The speed of the Stoddert was step- ped up to 15, then 20 knots. She blew her whistle and blinked her1 great searchlight at radio com- mands. Then the order "full speed ahead" was given and she moved at 26 knots, or about 30 miles an hour. The radio robot was doing the work of 60 men. For 17 miles the Perry followed its crewless leader. The Stoddert, guided by mechanical hands and electrical nerves, left a wake of green water as straight as a string, while the Perry, with an experi- enced seaman at her helm, made fiat curves with her wake across the azure blue sea 200 yards be- hind. Missionary in T raining for Hop to Alaska FOR VISITORS' DAY Doug'as Lake Camp to Present Exhibitions During Annual Event on Aug. 2. CHEBOYGAN, July 24.-The Uni- 'versity Biological station, located on Douglas lake near here, will hold its annual visitor's day from 2 to 5 o'clock, August 2, Prof. G. R. La Rue, director of the station, an- nounred today. Educational ex- hibits of the plants and animals of the region as well as exhibits of class work and of investigations in progress on various biological prob- lems will be shown. Roads from Cheboygan, Topina- bee, Brutus, and Pellston will be well posted with directions to the camp, Professor LaRue said. Park- ing space and guide service will be provided at the camp. The exhibi- tion will be free to all visitors. The Biological station, now the largest of its kind in the world, was established in 1909 and has held an eight-week summer session every summer since that time. Designed primarily for the study of plants and animals in their natural en- vironments, it offers 15 courses in various branches of natural history and conducts researches into vari- ous problems of plant and animal life. Many subjects of great economic importance are investigated at the station, according to Professor La Rue. Fourteen people are now Believes Roosevelt Bs Acceptably Wet NEW YORK, July 24.-(IP)- Mayor Anton J. Cermak of Chi- cago, by virtue of his office one of the reigning heads of Illinois Democracy, has only favorable comment to make of Gov. Frank- lin D. Roosevelt of New York as a presidential choice. "From all that I have read about Gov. Roosevelt and from all that I have learned about his views," the mayor said, "my judgement is that he is wet enough to be acceptable to our wet party in the west." Mayor Cermak made his state- ments concerning Roosevelt af- ter a private talk with former Gov. Alfred E. Smith. Sellars Will Discuss Humanism Tomorrow Services for the summer at the Unitarian church will close this Sunday with a talk by Prof. Roy Wood Sellars on "Humanism, the New Religion." Services will be re- sumed Sept. 20. Professor Sellars is head of the philosophy department of the Uni- versity. He is noted as one of the leaders of the humanist movement, and is a frequent contributor to the periodical, "The New Human ist." Jacobs Will Address Union Church Service Prof. Albert Charles Jacobs, of the Columbia university law school, will be the speaker at the outdoor union church service on the lawn of the Presbyterian church at 7 o'clock tomorrow night, it was an- nounced. Boardman, Polando Are Unable to Gain Altitude Starting Flight to Turkey. FLOYD BENNETT A I R P O R T, New York, July 24.-(IP)--Russell Boardman and John Palando fail- ed in an attempt to start on a non- stop flight to Istanbul, Turkey, to- day and were forced to dump 450 gallons of gasoline in Jamaica bay to save themselves from crashing. Their gasoline-laden monoplane, unable to rise more than 100 feet, was wallowing over the -choppy waters of the bay when they pulled the emergency valve and saved themselves from possible disaster. The airplane, lightened by the loss of almost two-thirds of its gas- oline supply, shot into the air. They turned back and landed, nine minutes after their take-off 4:52 a.m. The Boston flyers said they would decide on their next start after get- ting some much-needed sleep. They had been up all night preparing for the 5,000-mile journey. They left for their hotel soon after landing. But for the precautions of field officials in removing two electric light poles from the roadway ad- joining the airport, the heavy plane might have crashed. TYPEWRITING MIMEOGRAPHING and A speciality for twenty years. Prompt service . . . Experienced oper- ators . . . Moderate rates. 0. D. MORRILL 314 South State St. Phone 6615 I ...-.**..........Ac.. ..,.*:1 Captain Frank Hawks, left, America's fastest airman, who shattered the record for a flight from New York to Havana and return when he landed at Floyd Bennett airport, Brooklyn, Thursday night, is shownI here giving a few pointers to the Rev. George U. Feltes, flying mission-I ary. The Reverend Feltes is preparing his plane at Curtiss field, New York, for a flight to Alaska with medical supplies and religious tracts., University Students Construct Trail as Field Exercise ports Woman Last night about two dozen wom- en enjoyed the most successful of the swimming-supper parties which} the women's physical education de- partment has held this summer. ) r in Conservation. It was held at Hudson's corners w (Special to The Daily) on the Huron river which has thea CAMP FILIBERT ROTH, Munis- fastest current and clearest on the ing, July 24.-Survey and construc- river and is well equipped with tion of a trail to Third falls on diving facilities.t Wagner creek marked the fourth y week of the session here, which is Because of the evening. classes attended by prospective Michigan which are offered down at Palmer foresters. wi dh isre umer ,w t Palmen Wagner creek is a tributary to field this summer, the Women's Anna river in Alger county. The Athletic building is open every project was used as a field exer- night until 9 o'clock and all of the cise in the course in forest improve- j facilities are available for use in- 'ments which, together with forest cluding the soft water showers. mensuration, dendrology, and forestct fire control, makes up the eight weeks' program of the forestry Voluntary Reductin 'camp. in GasRateslo m The trail, which is about one-half mile long in rough country, is built according to United States Forest TOPEKA, Kan., July 24.-(P)- service specifications and opens up The prospect of voluntary reduc- a scenic area of great attractive- tions in electric power and gas ness. rates was presented customers in Log scaling and timber cruising 271 cities and towns of Kansas to-i practice on the lands of the Cleve- day. land Cliffs Iron company, have A request for permission to low- furnished an important part of the er rates was filed with the public first four weeks' work at Camp service commission late Thursday Roth. by four companies described as Aside from classes and field work, subsidiaries of the North Ameri- the students have found time for can Power & Light Co., an Insull exploring trips to Grand island, to corporation. the nearby state fire towers, and to New electric rate schedules, with the state fire headquarters at Mar- the downward revisions amounting quette. They have witnessed stand- to approximately 15 per cent and ard inspections of locomotive spark affecting 219 towns, were filed by arresters and ashpans and of mod- the Kansas Power Co., the Kansas ern road building by the local Power & Light Co., and the United United States Forest service forces. Powe: & Light Co. I'll' iorking on the study of various parasites, and two are investigating a parasitic disease of tame and wild ducks. Two hundred persons comprise the personnel of the station this year, Tempting, flaky biscuits bake perfectly in my ELECTIIOCHEF semi-sealed oven!" O MiC; G r' s -and the Bond Business Where the "DISMAL SCIENCE" sparkles with life WEALTH.. production.. distribution . . consumption. .value.. exchange.. supply and demand.. in short, the abstract terms and principles of economics .. all pulsate with life in investment banking. The man who understands and applies basic eco- nomic laws has one of the first essentials to progress in this important field of finance. A sound knowledge of economics per- mits a man in the bond business to serve his customers more intelligently.. and sug- gests opportunities for new business. For example, interest trends affect bond yields jn accordance with economic laws.. the business cycle and other economic factors are closely related to the problem of build- ing up corporation reserves . . reserve liquidity for banks is determined in part by the economic characteristics of the local- ' ity . .economic trends within a particular industry sometimes indicate the salient sales features of bonds. If the investment business appeals to you as a possible career, you will be interested in learning of its requirements and the qualifications usually found in those who succeed in it. Our booklet, The Bond Busi- ness-What It Requires-What It Offers, con- tains an interesting exposition of the invest- ment business., .its functions, organization, opportunities and requirements. Any inter- ested student may have a copy upon request. - T'S the moist faki- I ness of biscuits that make them so good to the taste, and one of the chief features of my Electrochef is its gentle, moist heat. I simply make the dough as moist as possible, and then set my Electrochef heat control at the proper temperature. The moist atmosphere of the semi-sealed Electrochef oven bakes the biscuits to a fine-textured flakiness. Mirror-like oven walls reflect the heat gently and uniformly to all parts of the oven. There is no severe drying out to burn' some of the biscuits and underbake others. In my Electrochef oven, all are delicately browned, and all rise properly to a light, tempting flakiness. " don't know what I'd do without my Electrochef electric range. For fine baking results, it's the most reliable st ve I've ever owned!" Has your kitchen stove these ELECTROCHEF features? The FASTEST OVEN you ever used.. . NE W BEAUTY to modernize your kitchen HA LS EY, STUART & CO. INCORPORATED CHICAGO, 201 South La Salle Street - NEW YORK, 3S Tall Stree AND OTHER PRINCIPAL CITIES To increase your knowledge of sound investment and of the investment business, listen to the Old Counsellor every Wednesday evening on the Halsey, Stuart & Co. radio program ... Over a Coast to Coast network of 38 stations associated with the National Broadcasting Company. THE DETROIT EDISON co. 'ft A 0