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June 30, 1931 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1931-06-30

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. XI, NO. 2








Comedy Paris Bound,' to Start
Series of Seven Dramas
During Summer.
Thomas Wood Stevens, Director
of Goodman Theatre,
Will Assist.
Philip Barry's brilliant comedy,
"Paris Bound," will open the third
season of the Michigan Repertory
players tomorrow night at the Lyd-
ia Mendelssohn theatre, as the first
in a series of seven plays.
"Paris Bound," which is being di-
rected by Valentine B. Windt of
Play Production, treats of modern
domestic problems. It recently fin-
ished a successful run on Broadway
and as a motion picture starring
Ann Harding.
Will Run Four Days.
The student dramatic organiza-
tion, which is sponsored by Play
production department, will present
six more plays during the Summer
Session, running from Wednesday
through Saturday of each week.
The remaining plays will be, in the
order named: Moliere's "Don Juan";
"Lilliom" by Ferenc Molnar; "Love
and Chance" by Marivaux; Susan
Glaspel's Pulitzer prize play, "Ali-.
son's House"; W. Somerset Maugh-
am's "The Circle"; and an original
play by Thomas Wood Stevens and
William Byron, "I Confess," which
will be produced on Broadway next
Staff Augmented.
Two prominent directors have
been added to the staff of the or-
ganization for the Summer Session.
Thomas Wood Stevens, one of the
three judges of plays for the Hop-
wood contests, and M. Jean Mer-
cier, of the Cornish school, in Se-
attle, will assist director Windt.
Stevens and Mercier are both
prominent in dramatic circles. Ste-
vens is the founder of the Carnegie
Institute of Technology drama
school and was head of it for more
than 10 years. For six years, he
was director of the Goodman thea-
tre, in Chicago. He is also promi-
nent as an author and playwright,
having collaborated in the writing
of one of the summer presentations
To Supervise Comedy.
Mercier came to the United
States nearly two years ago to en-
ter the staff of the Cornish school.
He was formerly connected with the
Theatre du Vieux Colombier, Paris.
He will remain here three weeks
to direct the Marivoux comedy.
Director Valentine B. Windt has
requested students who would be
interested in taking part in these
productions during the summer to
interview him.
LINCOLN, Neb., June 29-One of
the largest collection of athletes to
be assembled for sports champion-

ships outside of the Olympics will
gather here July 3 and 4 for the
National A. A. U. meet in the Ne-
braska university stadium.
Among the stellar names in mod-
ern sports annals who will lead the
trek to the Cornhusker stadium are
Frank Wykoff, sprint ace, some-
times called the "fastest human,"
and Eddie Tolan, another sprinter
of real fame. Wykoff will run un-
der the colors of the Los Angeles
A. C., while Tolan wil probably ap-
pear under a Detroit banner. Two
other stars are Peyton Glass, of the
Oklahoma Aggies, and Toppino, of
Loyola university.
The famous duel -of Graber, of
Southern California; Warnke, of
Northwestern, and McDermott, of

Secretary of Interior
Shows Surgical Skill
Colo., June 29-(P)- The surgical
skill of Dr. Ray Lyman Wilbur, se-
cretary of interior, probably saved
the life of V. M. DeLerchman, presi-
dent of a southwestern Colorado
transportation concern.
While escorting Secretaryand
Mrs. Wilbur through Mesa Verde
National park yesterday, Mr. De-
'Lerchman became ill. At the Park
hospital his illness was diagnosed
'as acute appendicitis. Dr. Wilbur
assisted by Dr. E. E. Johnson of
'Cortez, performed an emergency
Ruthven, Family Leave
for Summer Vacation
President Alexander G. Ruthven,
Mrs. Ruthven and their two sons
are spending the entire summer at
their residence in Frankfort, Michi-
gan, according to a statement given
out by Dr. Frank E. Robbins, assist-
ant to the President.
Mrs. L. C. Stuart, who was until
recently Miss Katherine Ruthven,
and her husband are in Utah, col-
lecting specimens for the Museum.
It is believed they will return in the
fall and take up permanent resi-
dence in Ann Arbor.
Socialist Club Meets


Departs for Europe
to Study Debt Plan



Ministry Wants Nations
Share in Credit From
German Payments.

Graduate School

Shows 388 Increase Over


at UnionJ

Meetings of the Michigan Social-
ist club will continue throughout
the Summer Session, beginning at
7:30 o'clock tomorrow night in the,
Union, Charles A. Orr, president of
the club, said yesterday.
The purpose of this organization
is to study the economic and po-
litical philosophy of socialism and
to discuss current problems in view;
of this philosophy, Orr explained.
Weekly meetings of the club will
be held at the same hour each Wed-
nesday night in the Union.
Water at City Parks
Found Safe to Drink
Bacteria present in the drinking
water at local sources are not.
harmful, according to a statement
made yesterday by Harold J. Bar-
num, city chemist, who made analy-
ses at the request of Eli A. Gal-
lup, superintendent of city parks.
The water at the bathing beach
fountain, fireplace spring, and at
the Island well shows no fermenta-
tion after either a 24 or 48-hour pe-
riod and has been declared perfect-
ly safe for drinking purposes.
Union Offers Facilities
to Summer Students
All facilities of the Union, with
the exception of the billiard room,
will be available during the Sum-
mer Session to men students in the
University. The Pendleton library
will be open daily from 11 o'clock
in the morning until 11 at night.
The Tap room will open only at
regular meal times.
Students may register any day
this week at the side desk in the

Other Countries in Agreement
on Hoover's Debt Plan,
Castle States.
WASHINGTON, June 29. (P) -
Two points of disagreement tonight
prevented an accord between the
United States and France on the
moratorium plan.
France insists that Germany's
proposed unconditional reparations
be made available for the use of
the Paris government at the expira-
tion of the moratorium. America
takes the position that the money
should be funded over a period of
Two Statements Issued.
The French ministry wants na-
tions other than Germany to share
in the credits for loans by the in-
ternational bank from the uncondi-
tional German payments which are
to be continued uninterrupted.
Washington is anxious that all
money paid into the international
bank by Germany in the next year
go back to Germany, if the Reich
so desires.
Two statements were issued to-
day by Acting Secretary Castle of
the State Department. He came
after a conference with President
Hoover and after reports from Se-
cretary Mellon and Ambassador
Edge at Paris. The first statement
said no agreement had been reach-
ed with the French because "some
details" remain to be settled. The
second, issued tonight, pointed to
France as the only nation which
had not agreed to President Hoo-
ver's proposal in principle.
Discussions Continue.
"It is our understanding," the
last statement said, "that all gov-
ernments have now agreed in ~in-
ciple to the President's plan except
the French government. Some dif-
ficulties have arisen in reconciling
the French position with the spirit
of the President's proposal. Dis-
cussions are still continuing be-
tween Ambassador Edge and Secre-
tary Mellon and the French minis-
A delay in negotiations was in-
dicated by Secretary Mellon in his
last report to Washington. The
French cabinet must appear tomor-
row before the Senate. Discussion
will be resumed Wednesday.
Cover 9,250 Miles in Six Days;
Now on Longest and Most
Difficult Trip.

Henry L. Stimson,
Secretary of state, who sailed for
Naples Sunday aboard the Conte
Grande to attend European confer-
ences on t]ie moratorium plan. Se-
cretary Stimson was "very optimis-
tic as to the ultimate result." It
is rumored that he will also reopen
the Franco-Italian naval question.
Polish Corridor Will Be Grave
Danger to European Peace
Within Decade.
"The League of Nations can fore-
stall possible war by virtue of her
right to reconsider treaties that im-
peril peace, according to the nine-
teenth article of the Covenant of
the League," declared Prof. James,
K. Pollock, of the history depart-
ment, as the first lecturer on the
University summer program, yes-
terday. "The peace of Europe will
be in grave danger within a decade
if the problem of the Polish corri-
dor is not solved," he said. The
unnecessarily stupid drawing up of
the boundaries of the corridor by
the terms of peace imposed upon'
Germany by the Allied and asso-
ciated powers was given as one of
the important reasons for the Po-
lish-German impasse. The Germ-
ans of East Prussia have been vir-
tually denied access to the Vistula
which has now ceased to be the
important artery of trade that it
was under German rule, Professor
Pollock said.
"The Germans feel that the Po-
lish corridor has cut the fatherland
in two," he continued. "On a rail-
way journey, German passengers
will talk rather vehemently while
passing through this corridor of the
wrong done to Germany. Accusa-
tions of racial, governmental, cul-
tural and educational discrimina-
tion are rhade by the Germans liv-
ing in the corridor against the Po-
lish government," Professor Pollock
"Poland is now a great Power, a
republic in name but with a mili-
tary dictatorship, with thirty mil-
lions of people, and is growing fast-
er than any other country in Eur-
ope. The Polish nation is becom-
ing sea-minded because of the ac-
cess to the sea and a remarkable
port only 18 mile from the free city
of Danzig is being built at Gdynia,
that may become the rival of Dan-
zig, one of the leading ports of the
Baltic since the 12th century, Pro-
fessor Pollock explained.

Last Year; Literary School Shows
Slight Decrease.
A record attendance for the University's thirty-eighth annual
Summer Session was indicated yesterday, when 3,750 students had
enrolled at the close of registration for the day. This total is an
increase of 239 over the number registered at a similar time last
summer. Since more than 40o entered after the first Monday last
year, it appears possible that the total for this summer will be well
over 4,000.
Phenomenal gains were shown in the registration for the Gradu-
ate school, which totalled 1,750. The number entered at a similar
time last year was 1,362, an increase for this summer of 388. The
College of Lterature, Science, and the Arts was second in enrollment
with 679, slightly fewer than were
DAILY REPORTERS entered last year. The engineer-
All those wishing to , try out ing school showed a considerable
for Daily editorial positions dur- gain with a total of 345.
ing the Summer Session should Three Schools Lose.
ing he ummr Sesio shuld The education school enrolled 228
report at the Press building, on and the medical school 218,losses
Maynard street, at 3 o'clock any of 156 and 39 respectively. The
afternoon this week. Positions Law School, with 161 enrolled, gain-
are open on both the men's and ed two. Eighty-eight students en-
women's staffs. Experience is tered the music school, 18 more
desirable but not absolutely nec- than last year.
essary. Registration in other schools was
as follows: architectural school, 51;
pharmacy college 24; business ad-
L 9ES ministration school, 24; forestry
and conservation school, 14; and
dental school, 7.
The Biological station at Douglas
Fin ST O TO U lake gained slightly in attendance,
with 101 entered. Ninety-four at-
tended last summer.
Trip Around Campus Scheduled Enrollments in the Geology and
for Thursday; Will Visit Geography Field station in Ken-
Ford Plant July 8. tucky, at Camp Davis, Wyoming,
FdP Jy.and in the special public health and
WILL USE PRIVATE CARS education courses to be held dur-
L UIA CR ing the summer are not included in
A tour of Ann Arbor Thursday the general total.
afternoon will open a series of nine The registration up to five o'clock
yesterday was less than 300 below,
excursions to be offered to students 3,995, the final total for the session
this season under the sponsorship last summer. If further enrollment
oSession is normal, a new high mark for
On the first tour Summer Session the Summer Session will be estab-
students will be taken around the lished.

campus mn cars furnished by local
residents, past Ferry field and Yost
field house, through the residence
and business sections of the city,
through Nichols arboretum, to Ce-
dar Bend drive and Island park. A
stop at the Michigan stadium and
a view of the new University golf
course will conclude the automo-
bile trip.
The students will also be con-
ducted through the General Libra-
ry, the Clements library, the new
Legal Research library, and the Un-
ion. At each place guides will point
out details of interest. The stu-
dents will be taken to the top of
the Union tower for a view of the
entire city.
The excursion will start at 2:30
o'clock Thursday from the steps of
the Library and will end at 4:45
o'clock. Reservations must be made
before Wednesday night in room 9,
University hall, Carlton F. Wells,
director of the tour, said yesterday.
There will be no charge for this trip.
Other excursions planned for the
session include a trip to the Ford
plant on July 8; a tour to Niagara
falls and vicinity, July 10 to 12; a
second trip to the Ford plant, July
15; an excursion through Detroit,
July 18; a trip to the Ford airport
and Greenfield village, July 22; a
tour of the General Motors proving
ground; July 25, a boat trip to Put-
in-aBy, Lake Erie, Aug. 1; and a
trip to the Michigan State prison at
Jackson, Aug. 8.
Education Assembly
Postponed One Week
The assembly of education school
faculty members and students,
which was to be held today in the
auditorium of University High
school, will be postponed until next
Tuesday, Dean Edward H. Kraus,
of the Summer Session, said yes-

Students in Good Standing May
Obtain Permits.
Summer Session students who are
engaged in professional pursuits
during the regular academic year
are not subject to restriction in the
use of automobiles during the sum-
mer, W. B. Rea, assistant to the
dean of students, said yesterday,
explaining the application of the
University automobile .regulation,
which went into effect on the first
day of the session.
The recreational use cars, Rea ex-
plained, applies only to athletics,
such as golf, tennis, and swimming,
and does not permit the use of cars
for other personal purposes. Any
student not on warning or proba-
tion -and not repeating courses or
working off conditions may obtain a
recreational permit, Rea said. This
permit allows him to take other
students with him when he is driv-
ing to lakes, golf courses, or other
recreational fields. A student with
such a permit must not drive with
a girl after 9 o'clock at night, Rea
said. This curfew hour applies on-
ly when members of both sexes are
in the car, he explained.
Rea cautioned students under the
Irestriction not to drive without first
obtaining permits, since the regu-
lation became effective yesterday.
Students who have received permit
tags should be sure to attach them
properly, he said. Further informa-
tion- may be obtained in room 2,
University hall.
Lower Michigan: mostly fair to-
day and probably tomorrow. Con-
tinued warm in south portions.
Warm in north portions.



main lobby.(By Associated Press)
Somewhere over the treacherous.
Bering Sea, provided all has gone
Architectural School well, a sturdy little plane was zoom-
Announces Art Exhibit ing northward to Nome Monday
night, bearing Wiley Post and Har-
A collection of water color paint- old Gatty on the most hazardous
ings and lithographs by Prof. Bir- leg of their globe-circling flight.
ger Sandzen, well-known Danish The daring American aviators
painter, is now on exhibition in the hopped off from Khaborovsk, Sibe-
ground floor corridor of the Archi- ria, at 4 a. m. Eastern Standard
tectural building, it has been an- time, Monday, with as dangerous a
nounced. Professor Sanzden will flight ahead as was ever attempted
teach a course in outdoor drawing by man. The projected journey of
and painting during the Summer around 2,500 miles to Nome, by way
Session. of the Kurile Islands, was the long-
est jump of their flight.
When the flyers left Khabarovsk,
Betsy Barbour Plans they had covered about 9,250 miles
'At Home' Afternoon of land and water, with an elapsed
time of six days and four minutes
Residents of Betsy Barbour dor- since they streaked their way from
mitory will be "at home" from 4 Roosevelt Field, N. Y. With good
to 5:30 o'clock this afternoon, it has fortune, they should have been out
been announced through the office over the Bering Sea by night with
of +h nDan of Wnmen. the goal almost in sight.


American League
Detroit 6, Athletics 5.
Chicago 9, Washington 7.
Boston 4, St. Louis 2.
Cleveland 15, 4; New York 6,
National League
Philadelphia 11, Chicago, 10.
St. Louis 5, New York 3.
Brooklyn 6, Cincinnati 4.
Pittsburgh .4, Boston 2.

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