PAGE rwo TSE BUMMER MIQ8IG4AN DAILY WEDNESDAY, JtTL Y 22, 1931 PAGE TWO THE SUNMER MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1931 t zmt t Pubiteha' eery morning except Monday# during the 'niversity Summer Session by the; Board in Control of Student Publications.- The Associated Press ie exlusively entitled to .the use for republication of all news die. ptie. credited to it or not otherwise credited in .this paper and the local news published herein. All. rights of republication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. Entered at the- Ann Arbor, Michigan, post. ofice as second class matter. Subscription by carrier, $1.60; by mail, $1.75. Onffies: Press Building, Maynard Street,' Ann .Arbor, Michigan. Telephones: Edlterlal, 4925; Businss 2-1214. EDITORIAL STAFF MANAGING .EDITOR HAROLD 0. WARREN, JR- Editorial Director........... Gurney Williams ASSOCIATE EDITORS C. W. Carpenter Carl Meloy 1.. Chubb Sher M. Quraishi Barbara Hall Eleanor Rairdon Charles C. Irwin Edgar Racine Susan Manchester arion Thornton P. Cutler Showers BUSINESS STAFF BUSINESS MANAG3ER WILLIAM R. WORBOYS Assistant Business Manager .. Vernon Bishop Contracts Manager.............. Carl Marty Advertising Manager..........Jack-rBunting Acmcon s. (rcu!ation.........'Thomas Muir WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1931 Night Editor-Sher M. Quraishi Lord Bryce, giving the United States as an example, charged that democracy is not conducive to the development of leadership. Citing the condition of municipal and state governments he contended1 that men of superior abilities shirk1 public services. Such a conclusion of the failure of democracy would be justified if democracy were only a form of government and not a, way of life. Industry, which forms such an important part of man'sf life, has almost entirely remained outside of the influence of demo-; cratic tendencies. The extension of democracy to this field of hu- man endeavor is the solution of our; tangled economic life. An essential, a sine quo non, of democracy is the freedom of dis- cussion. The denial of this freedom may not be patent to all, but the inhibitions imposed on it have smothered free and clear thinking so that every suggestion looking forward to amelioration is decried as "Un-American," red, communis- tic, socialistic or what not. Denial of freedom of discussion is, in fact, a denial of democracy, whereas the cure, if there be any, lies in its extension into all fields of life. DEMOCRACY AND DEPRESSION. N OTHING could be more evi- dent than the critical plight of our citizenry. With more than six million wage earners workless, with the farmers facing a profitless market, with business and banks going bankrupt the country is in- deed, in spite of the wise-crack- ing J. P. Morgan, in a sad economic depression. If this were all, very bad as it is, it would not be so discouraging. There are ebbs and tides in life andla philosophic calm'dmight be recommended but worst of all is the fact that the mouthpieces of the federal government and leading in- dustrialists who have the ear of the people have been constantly pro- claiming that prosperity is around the corner. "Wait and these tem- porary conditions will right them- selves," has been, in effect, the bur- den of the counsel of these leaders, but more than a yar and a half of this waiting has been fruitless. The conclusion is forced upon one that there is no appreciation of the severity and extent of the privations of the people for, at best, a psychological remedy is proposed to cure economic ills. It is correct to say that no sound, bold, and whole-hearted measures have been proposed by these leaders so far. The President's Employment Com- mittee and his conference, with the industrial and financial leaders of the country early in 1930 produced no appreciable results worthy of mention either in checking the growth of depression or the return of prosperity. Democracy delegates the per- formance of certain services to its elmcted servants, called officials, basing its chase among the candi- dates for office on the promises and platforms submitted to the voters during election campaigns. Mr. Hoover in his campaign speeches predicted the initiation of an era of "The Abolition of Pover- ty" if the Republican party, and he at its head, were retained in of- fice. Certainly, there has been ret- rogression and not an advance to- wards that goal. What Others Say GREA T AIR FLIGHTS (The New York Times) In the day of swarming aviators there are naturally differences) of opinion about what have been the most memorable adventures in the air. Every nation has its favorite fliers. A selection of the best major -fights is difficult. No one would undertake to affirm who is the most distinguished pilot in-the world. He may be found in a list of perhaps half a dozen aviators of different nationalities. In the annals of aviation certain flights will certainly stand out as eminent. The performance of Post and Gatty in flying round the world in about eight days and a half may be mentioned first, because it is very recent and has been so gener- ally acclaimed a wonder of piloting and navigation. Captain Dieudonne Coste's non-stop flight across the Atlantic from Paris to New York should have a high place on the list. He succeeded brilliantly where oth- ers had failed. Kingsford-Smith's passage of the Pacific between Cal- ifornia and Australia will always be praised. Two great polar adven- tures come justly .into the picture: Sir Hubert Wilkins's crossing of the Arctic Sea from Point Barrow to an island off Spitsbergen, be- cause he flew a great distance over pack ice where no surface ship or human being had penetrated and a crash in midsea would have been certain death; and Admiral Byrd's flight from the Bay of Whales to the South Pole, a tremendous haz- ard. Of transit; of the South At- lantic, the non-stop flight of Cap- tain Ferrarin and Major Del Prete from Rome to Touros, Brazil, in July 1928, must be regarded as a really great achievement. The first passage of the Atlantic, by Alcock and Brown, in 1919, has never had the recognition it de- served as a pioneer feat. The flight of Hinkler, the Australian, in a small plane from England to his native land, should be noticed, be- cause a well-known French aero- nautical society recognized it as the outstanding feat of the year. One English girl, Amy Johnson, also flew to Australia, and deserves to be bracketed with Hinkler. Col- onel Lindbergh is the best known pilot in the world, by virtue of fly- ing alone from New York to Paris The United States is so large a flit,"'",'t and country that there is little oppor- TYPEWRITING vorite numbers," and riddle every A speciality for twenty program with red-hot shots of ad- ONE DEAD years. tunity for the ordinary radio set IN HEAT Prompt service . . . Experienced oper. to pick up programs from Other WAVE ators . . . Moderate rates. LAST TIMES TODAY countries. Thus there is small And if you don't believe it, just 0. D. MORRILL chance for radio listeners to make come up and take a look at us any B eI comparisons of broadcasting meth- ay between 3 and 3:05, while we're 314 South State St. Phone 6615 ads. In England such a birdseye writing this column. But to get view is possible, and in the New down to work: Those of you who Statesman and Nation R. W. Post- are on the alert will have seen this gate gives the result of his observa- in a prominent Detroit paper yes- A JES T I seven months in America, ill and terday: tions. Since he spent more than iVGABOND LOVER, 14 An unable to do much except lie abed NOW PLAYING and listen to radio all day long, he JILTED BY GIRL, 13 has sufficient ground for including while you're about it.L 5 the United States in his compari- sons. Maltese The various types of radio organ- ROLLS OPINION"- ization fall into four principal cat- Anonymous, in fact all, contri- egories: (1) complete State control, butions will be disregarded. Let- as in Russia; (2) State ownership ters published should not be'F a lC o n construed as expressing the edi- private enterprises, as in France; torial opinion of The Daily or - (3) allocation of wireless stations muh f nyhig ;.-a maiden in distress or a and time to specially formed so- m very clever woman - which? cieties, as in the Dutch system; and (4) purely private enterprises, as in CHALLENGE Supporting Cast To the Editor ? < ' the United States. The Russian To the Editor,< programs this writer found general- The Summer Michigan Daily, RICARDO CORTEZ ly dull and obviously colored with As one who attended the last UNA MERKEL propaganda. The Dutch broadcast- (neeting of the Drs. Whoofle, held ers are inspired by the propaganda on the fringe of Whitmore lake, out of the societies owning the stations, to just about where the seaweed such as the Workers' Radio Society, gets all wavy and tangles in your LAUREL & HARDY Liberal Protestant Radio Society, legs, I would like to challenge you with Catholic Radio Society, &c., except and your lousy newspaper and a for one independent organization. couple of other fellows about, oh, WARNER OLAND "OUR WIFE" The French stations are "individual several things. and diverse," but many of their If you could have seen that vital Brilliant CHARLIE CHAN Mr. Laurel and Mr. Hardy have most valuable hours are sold to for- little group paddling about and solves a South . matrimonial differences. eign companies. In the French getting water up its nose and sol- Seas murder. programs much time is given to ing world-wide sociological prob- advertising, "offensive and inof- lems TOO, then you would deter- - Also - B Y JONE fensive." Because advertisers must mine your damned capitalistic edi- RUTH watch budgets and "pulling power," torial policy out of the other side of -inG ourfe o i Songs the of wizard teaches cor- graphophone music is widely used, your face, you beast. t of th and there are few attempts at un- I challenge (1) Mr. Fall to get IT rect use of the usual or experimental transmis- safely into prison after seven years ccARAY "BIG I" sions. of shilly-shallying without appear- SATURD ing in another headline. CLIVE BROOK In the American system the Eng- I challenge (2) the B and G boys CHAS ROGERS THURSDAY lishman found one great advantage, to do something about that hedge RICHARD ARLEN Private enterprise has developed in front of Angell hall that is dry- "LCAyRs SerLet"A YHSBN over 600 stations, so that there is ing up so fast. WyerB S@Cret DOROTHY MACKAILL always something on the air, even I challenge (3) President Ruth- in the early morning and during ven to explain how he happened to week-ends. To an invalid or lonely be chosen to inaugurate that state farmer this is a blessing. As for insane asylum. the disadvantages, he lays these at I challenge (4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9) the door of advertising. Wishing to The Summer Michigan Daily to make the most intensive use of stop running editorials about auto- their time, advertisers pick the most mobilists. popular hours, go in almost ex- That's all I have to say to you, clusively for "popular hits" and "fa- and if you think you can get away vertising. The British ear is startled with any more headlines beginning and offended by publicity for "The REPERTORY GROUP TO PRE- Brasiere You Love to Cuddle" or a SENT, etc., you're barking up a East Liberty period of popular songs by the de- horse of another color. Just off State partment heads of a fur store. Some Y'rs S'nc'r'ly, small stations have advertised Ptsch Whoofle. themselves into oblivion, a recent * * *B g B a report indicating that several have ASTOUNDING "no listeners at all." Here we have it-the Thrill of On the whole, the Englishman Thrills-at last, Rolls is about to finds the British system, if not per- commence its MAMMOTH, SUPER- fect, at least the most nearly sat- SPECIAL FEATURE .... A GEN- isfactory. Broadcasting there is TLEMAN OF PARTS! controlled by a single corporation under license from the Government NATIONAL PRESS COMMENT which regards it as an important ON ROLLS' STUPENDOUS SE- cultural and recreational agency RIAL: and not primarily as an advertis- New York Sun: "Very interest- ing medium. Every radio set pays ing. a tax of $2.50. Part of the money New York American: "'Something goes to the Postoffice Department, different." but the rest, about $5,500,000 a year, Baltimore Sun: "Strikes a new pays for radio programs. If the Am- note." erican system were introduced, Boston Transcript: "Very inter- m o r e expensive entertainment esting." might be provided, but there would Manchester Guardian: "Some- be an unwelcome influx of adver- thing different." sinner Wilam J. Gorman in The Sum- tisng.mer Michigan Daily: "Antiphonal While the American radio aud- harmony .. . . very exciting, very ience might not be satisfied with exciting, very exciting... ..def- Including White Hats the British system entire, some ad- initely, definitely, definitely ... an- aptation of it would be welcomed tiphonal harmony." Hats made to sell up to $7.50 by many. The New Republic sug- London Daily Mail: "Strikes a gests as a compromise that "one new note." station or one chain of them, own- Washtenaw Tribune: "'More than ed and operated by the Govern- 357,924,681,000,000 prunes were ex- ment or conducted on a non-profit- ported from Australia during the making basis through an endow- fiscal year." went by private philanthropy," HERE IT IS FELLOWS! might offer broadcasts of the cal- * fibre of the British. Some such 1 scheme would also put pressure on A GENTLEMAN commercial broadcasters to cut OF PARTS down on advertising and improve (Synopsis of what has gone be- the quality of their entertainment. fore) Betty, ward to Dr. Au, is secretly in love with George Spelvin. Rod- Mrs. Hoover is planning to chris- ney Mfwyp, man about town, pos- 1 ten two new United Fruit Company ing as Rodney Mfwyp, man about 5 0 H ats at 5 ese nce ship net mothto e naed al-town, is secretly after the papers, amanca and Segovia. The mda but does not know that Aunt Em- manymust be asleep, if they've ma has secretly divined his true We advise early shopping as this offering is out of the company mstlie atfltn'epurpose. George threatens to de- left names like that floating scend secretly in his airplane and ordinary. The styles are up-to-the-miute and the hats around. wipe out the whole colony. All in are fashioned beautifully. They will go quickly! all, things look pretty bad. The first autogyro flown in Wash- The giant ape-man crouched in ington will be placed in the Smith- the crotch of a tree and crunched sonian Institute, reports say. We'll a haunch of zebra. And at that bet the fleet little "Spirit of St. moment, in the far-off city of Lon- Louis" is sneering. don, the false Lord Greystoke rose from a juicy steak and patted his clean-shaven lips with fine linen Now that Denmark has cached napery. White and Pastel Shades fuel for Lindbergh's flight, all Lind- (Read Part One in tomorrow bergh has to do is cache some mernings's Rolls) 1 i Yet, even in the absence of ex- plicit promises, which were so ef- fective during the campaign period, democracy has the right to expect constructive leadership ' from its' elected servants during a crisis. No! constructive program and no lead- may encourage te hope ha t the' in 1927. He "returned unspoiled," m~a enourge he opetha th ;as President Coolidge said in be- depression will soon be ended.Noavingdthe Distinguished Flying program has even been suggested to Cross upon him. His subsequent ser- prevent any future depressions. vices to commercial aviation have Most unthinking people, only too been great. willing to let well enough alone, I would be satisfied with the return of prosperity, even if it is no longer than a breathing spell. But if no COMPA RA TIVE steps are taken to insure that de- BROADCASTING pressions shall not recur, all the suffering of the people shall have (The New York Times) been in vain. When radio was very young, it That it is possible to avoid per- was a thrilling thing to hear a voice iodic depressions by active meas- from hundreds of miles away ures needs be the first article of speak out loud and clear, even faith for the constructive leader- though it was only to announce a ship that the country today needs hackneyed advertisement. But now and lacks. That it is one of the that radio has reached the age of functions of the servants of the reason, listeners-in are justified in people to insure this, in so far as demanding that advertising be con- itopis posilensoulet theinsond.fined within reasonable limits. it is possible, should be the second. Publicity for all sorts of products, Democracy finds its reason for from hair dyes to blue-white dia- being in its capacity to provide the monds, too often clogs the air. Dials