ESTABLISHED 1920 3 ly 'nummgr 3Iitj MEMBER OF THE I I VOL. XI, NO. 19. FOUR PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1931 WEATHER: Fair PRICE FIVE CENTS Nation Unable to Make Further Limitation, League Told. QUESTION CALLED ONLY 'POLITICAL' Country May Increase Arms If Germany Is Given Relief. PARIS, July 21.-(P)-French armaments have been reduced to ' he lowest possible point, the gov- ernment declared in a memoran- dum on disarmament issued today in answer to the request of the, League of Nations council for infor- mation priliminary to the 1932 world disarmament conference at Geneva. Aramaments at Low Limit In the memorandum, France takes the position that disarma- ment is a political rather than a technical question. The country, it said, has reached the low limit in disarming in the present state of Europe and the world, and it re- lists any suggestion that disarma- meit can beubased either on popu- lation alone or. in relation to the, strictly limited armament imposed upon the central powers at the end' of the World war. The declaration was considered. here to indicate that France would consider it necessary to make in- creases in case any action were taken relieving Germany of the limitations imposed by the Versail- les treaty. Want Securtiy Assured. To assure the security which France continues to insist is the only basis far disarmament, the government considers that it is nec- essary first to develop a system of mutual guaranteees, such as the Rhine guarantees signed in con- nection with the Locarno pact. It also suggests a second agreement, by which the signatory powers would undertake to use their armed forces against an agressor, the agrissor to be designated by the League of Nations. The memorandum adds that F ance has reduced her forces to the present level only because she obtained the Locarno guarantee. FREIGHT RATECASE GETS IRST RECESS Adjourn Hearings Temporarily to Give Opposition Chance to Prepare Material WASHINGTON, uly 21.-(IP- The first pause in the hearings on the plea of the railroads for in- creased freight rates came today, with an adjournment designed to enable the opposition to prepare its case. The recess was announced by the Interstate Commerce commission after attorneys had spent most of the day arguing whether the hear- ings should continue uninterrupted or be adjourned until August 31 as was the original plan. Commissioner Meyer, presiding, said he and his colleagues would take under advisement a motion of the roads to resume testimony be- fore that date. - During the day there came from Chairman Brainerd a declaration that the commission would proceed to its discussion on petitions for a fifteen per cent increase undisturb- ed by outside influences. Writing to Senator Capper, re- publican, Kansas, the chairman said the commission would not be stampeded into guaranteeing the in- crease but "would continue as it has in the past to render its deci- sion based upon the record made, undisturbed by all the winds that Healthy signs of a new interest; in education and steps toward the correction of obvious faults which have grown up in our educational system were noted yesterday by Dr. Clarence S. Yoakum, vice president of the University, in an address be-. fcre the graduate conference in; education. "Progressive practices in colleges may be grouped under three gen- eral heads," Dr. Yoakum said: "the trend toward the restatement of the purposes of a general education; individualization of instruction to 100 Students to Visit Ford Airport, Village More than 100 students will take the sixth Summer Session excur-' sion today, visiting the Ford air- port and Henry Ford's Greenfield village. Features of the trip will be an inspection of the Byrd Anarctic plane at the airport and a visit to Thomas A. Edison's original Menlo Park laboratory, now located in Greenfield village. Because of the large number ap- plying for reservations for today's tour, the excursion will be repeated next week, Carlton F. Wells, secre- tary of the Session and director of the tour, said yesterday. Legalized Gambling Proposed in Mexico MEXICO CITY, July 21.-(A')-A proposal that gambling be allowed in all Mexico-especially along the border-was submitted today to President Ortiz Rubio by Senator Rodolfo T. Loaiza.- The president turned the sugges- tion over to the department of in- terior for study. Senator Loaizaj 'proposed that a commission be ap- pointed to regulate gambling places and that heavy taxes be imposed. Ann Arbor Will Hold ?argain Day Thursday, Plans for Ann Arbor's bargain day9 tomorrow are going forward rapid- ly, it was announced yesterday.; Nearly 100 merchants will co-oper-1 ate in the event.l The bargain day is being adver-, suit the needs of varying personali- ties; and a critical examination of the effects of teaching." "There are still a large body of educators who believe that a liber- al education is an important and essential foundation for all profes- sional types of work," he said, in discussing the first trend. Continuing further Dr. Yoakum pointed out that there are numer- ous varieties of techniques proposed to individualize the educational process. Chicago, Rollins and Har- vard were among the institutions he mentioned working along this line. "The third trend is in the in- creased number of investigators who are undertaking to examine critically the effects of teaching. The different methods of present- ing material have been studied and the tentative conclusions proposed have aroused a large amount of discussion, particularly respecting the validity of the results. Never- theless the few studies that have been projected have stirred the col- lege teacher to a consciousness of methods that he uses and to an ef- fort to appraise the results in his own teaching process," he said. Wisconsin Geographer Describes Three Landscapes Varieties of New England. "Abundance of precipitation and the length and stability of the oc- cupation of the land for more than 300 years are the two main reasons for the beauty of the natural and man made landscape in New Eng- land," said Prof. Vernor G. Finch, of the department of geography at the University of Wisconsin, in an illustrated lecture here yesterday. Geographically, New England has three main types of landscapes, Professor Finch explained, those of industrially developed regions, of the agricultural, and of the pastur- al types. In the industrial regions there are miles and miles of textile looms, of cotton mills. There are brass and bronze industries, paper, YOAKUM SEES INDICATIONS OF NEW INTEREST IN EDUCATION METHODS REPERTORY GROUIP TO OPEN MAR! VAUX' LOVE ANDCHANCE' Miss Todd, H. T. CoxWill Enact Leading Roles in French Comedy Tonight. MERCIER MOUNTS PLAY Eight Months of Work Required to Perfect Business;' Sets Unusual. As their third costume drama, and fourth presentation of the summer season, the Repertory play- ers will open "Love and Chance" by Marivaux at 8:15 o'clock tonight in the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. The cast was announced last night by Jean Mercier, guest director. The character Sylvia will be en- acted by Mildred Todd, who is well- known for her work in campus plays and was last seen in "Paris Bound." H. Theodore Cox will play opposite her as Dorante. Freed Has Part. The remaining players are: Ed- ward Freed as M. Orgon; Kathryn Kratz, Lizette; John C. Lee Doll, Mario; Charles McGraw, a servant; and J. Richard Purser as Harlequin. The play is in three acts. According to a statement by the Play production department, "Love and Chance" was first given in 1730 by the players attached to the household of Louis XV of France. The presentation here will mark the second time it has been given in English, M. Mercier having pro- duced it once before at the Cornish Drama school, in Seattle, of which he is director. Uses Stage Within Stage. M. Mercier has spent eight months in working out the stage business for the production, in or- der to attain the proper movement for high French comedy. The most unusual feature of the play's mounting will be the use of a "stage wthin a stage" for the imaginery se- quences while the realistic action is taking place in front. This manner of using the device was developed by M. Mercier. In Europe, M. Mercier studied un- der a number of noted directors, and was a staff member of the The- atre du Vieux Columbier in Paris. From Ann Arbor, he will return to the continent to present German' and Italian versions of "Love and Chance." Cable Ship Vanishes With Skeleton Crew SANTIAGO, Chile, July 21.--(P)-- The west coast of South America was puzzled today over a mystery- the whereabouts of the cableship Retriever. Seemingly the boat, maintained by the West Coast Telegraph Co., had disappeared with a skeleton crew after leaving Coquimbo Sun- day night to search for a cable break between LaSerena and Val- paraiso. Either she was under the waves or safe in some port, shipping men thought, for her work should have been completed yesterday after- noon. Jean Mercier, Noted young French director and head of the Cornish School of Drama, whose production of Mari- vaux's "Love and Chance" will open tonight at the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. Drillers Conquer Blazing Well With Steam, Water Jets After Three Days. MT. PLEASANT, July 21.-(/P)- Drillers succeeded in extinguishing the flames at the Struble No. 1" oil well near here at 10:15 this morning after the fire had burned since Saturday. No attempts to approach the well1 were to be made until 3 p.m. to avoid any possible danger. Jets of live steam and water were used to put out the fire. The drill-. ers decided to wet down the ground thoroughly before approaching; this afternoon.; The death list from Saturday's fire held to eight and all but two of the survivors were granted bet- ter than even chances for recovery' by their physicians. Most of them have been pronounced out of dan- ger. Thomas Lamb, a driller, and John Melvin, Midland county farmer, were reported still in critical con- ditions. Walter L. McClanahan, principal promoter of the "Struble' No. 1," was believed out of danger. Mrs. McClanahan was among the early victims. Sheriff Day of Midland county said he was convincedthe fire Sat- urday was caused by a thoughtless smoker, but experienced workers insisted no match was struck and a lighted cigaret would not have set ofthe gas. They blamed the back- fit ing of a truck. Thermometer Reaches 14 in 2 Idaho Towns SEATTLE, July 21.-(P)-Lewis- ton, Twin Falls and Boise, Ida., today had new heat records to shoot at, yesterday's baking sun having sent temperatures to 114, 104.8 and 108 respectively, while a Washington town, Reparia, reported 115 degrees. Spokane, Lind and Wapto in Washington sweltered at 106, while thermometers at Stiles climbed two degrees higher. Orofino, Ida., re- ported 114. Directs French Play STIMBON HOPES FOR SUCCESSFUL PARLEY ON lOAN Prophesies Solution to German Situation at London. PLENARY SESSION TODAY STRESSEEQ Conference Faces Huge Task in Settling Debt Crisis. LONDON, July 21.-(GP)-The sev- en power conference faced a deli- cate ituation tonight as it worked anxiously to save Germany from financial and economic collapse. The success of the conclave ap- peared to hang on the outcome of the plenary session which is sched- uled to meet at the foreign office tomorrow morning. In face of disquieting rumors Secretary of State Henry L. Stim- son of the United States continued, however, to maintain a quiet op- imism tonight. Problems Clarified "The lines of the conference," he said, "are shaping themselves; the problems are being clarified, and there is now a better prospect than there was of a successful solution." Secretary Stimson's opinion was given following the meeting this morning in which he played a lead- ing role. Reports of new proposals by the American government for solving Germany's immediate problems by stabilizing the present volume of short-term credits, estimated at $1,200,000,000, were cabled exten- sively to London and were the basis of rising hope that the conference would be able to announce an early successful conclusion. Every Hour Precious. Every hour was admitted to be precious in the race against a pos- sible calamity in Germany. The financial ministers, however, adjourned their six-hour session this afternoon, issuing only a non- committal communique to the ef- fect that the results of the deliber- ations would be placed before the plenary session tomorrow. The nature of these results re- mained a deep secret, but it was emphatically stated that the Amer- ican proposals, which congFerence circles quickly dubbed "the new Hoover plan," had not been laid be- fore the finance ministers. AMERICA HOPEFUL ON LOANPROPOSAL Plan to Provide Financial Relief for Reich Is Referred to London Parley. WASHINGTON, July 21.-(AP)-A hopeful attitude that the London conference of ministers would con- clude successfully within a few days its work for economic relief for Germany was expressed tonight by a high administrative authority. Acting Secretary Castle of the State department made public to- day the American proposal to pro- vide financial relief to the Reich. The plan was first talked over with Secretaries Stimson and Mellon by the transatlantic telephone last Friday, Mr. Castle said. The two secretaries spoke to the French and German officials about it Saturday, he said, adding that Mr. Stimson had discussed it in the ministers' meeting early today in London. The acting secretary said he did not know if the secretary had read to the delegates exactly what was made public by the Washington government, but that he had put forward the idea. In simple lan- guage, the American proposal was: that world bankers should main- tain the present volume of $1,200,- tised through a broadcast from sta- leather, shoes and other industries tion WJR, Detroit, at 12:15 o'clock concentrated in towns of sizes much each noon. Flags and pennants smaller than would be the case for have been distributed throughout towns of similar population in the the city, advertising the price re- Middle West or the West, Professor duction festival. Finch said. With the exception of Vermont Wright Receives Post and Maine, all therotherNew Eng- at Ten le niuer it land states are predominantly ur- at Temple University ban and theacities are very com- pact, many of them containing Dr. Carroll S. Wright, '18 M, for- landscapes of literary and histori- merly an instructor in dermatology cal associations which are visited in the Medical school, has been ap- pointed professor of dermatology at Temple university, it was learned here yesterday. He will also be a staff members at the Temple uni- versity hospital. Wright taught here from 1920 to 1922, when he became an associate professor in the University of Penn- sylvania medical school. He stud- ied under Prof. Udo J. Wile, of the dermatology department. State Department Complains to Canada When Nova Scotian Evades Capture. WASHINGTON, July 21.-(P)- Use of a noxious gas by an alleged Nova Scotian rum runner in evad- ing capture by a coast guard boat was the basis of a complaint for- warded to the Canadian govern- ment by the State Department. The complaint was dispatched with instructions to Minister Han- ford MacNider at Ottawa to submit it to Canadian authorities "for such action as they may find it possible to take." The gas was reported in the pro- test as having been used by the vessel Cadet of Weymouth, Nova Scotia, in eluding the CG-149 off -- __ _ _l*-tAl. ..r 4flA' by thousands of visitors Professor Finch concluded. yearly, RESULTS & American League Detroit 4, Washington 3. Boston 3, Cleveland 2 (10 innings) Philadelphia 10, Chicago 5. St. Louis, New York rain. National League St. Louis 8, New York 5. Brooklyn 4, Chicago 3. Boston, Pittsburgh, rain. Soviet Russia Hails George Bernard Shawl MOSCOW, July 21.-(IP)--George Bernard Shaw, one of the world's foremost exponents of socialism, arrived here today to survey a non- capitalistic country for the first time and remarked dryly, "After all, I was a communist before Len- in was born." The Irish author and critic spent an active day after his arrival, sur- veying what he could of the Soviet capital. Less than half an hour af- ter reaching his hotel, he set out on a sight-seeing tour which took him to Lenin's tomb and the Krem- lin, where he was photographed perched atop a Czarist cannon-ball before lunch. Afterwar s, snatching scarcel'y the Park of Rest and Culture, a recreation center for workers on, the Moscow river, and tonight he attended a special performance of' the "Beggar's Opera" given in his honor. Just as indefatigable as the noted satirist was Lady Astor, who with her husband and one of her sons was among the six making up Shaw's party. The noted lady parliamentarian several times visibly shocked mem- bers of the communist party who accompanied them on the sight- seeing tours by reiterating fre- quently, "I am a capitalist!" and critisizing the soviet system for what described as "its materialism Told that the ancient little red church which stands next to the large cathedral where the Czars worshipped was to be domolished, Shaw said: "Well, then, I think they'd better have a five-year as- thetic plan." "But," he added, "if a revolution like this had happened in America, England, 4r France, they would have looted everything. Such churches and art treasures as these in the Kremlin would no; have been left untouched as they have been here." "If you stand there soliloquizing,"' Lady Astor interrupted, "we won't cover the ground." And she led him a ires r 1. &+h na ...n ns n 4t ns n 1 n nrc ti+nci l n crrore# i-.n n.wA 7nnb n4 ti.ntitri nrti rf