trns rvaax + v n u .g 'I'tTESDAY, JULY 21, 1931. rm THE SUMER.MICHGAN DAI TUESaY. ...JY. 1931. t t ## r luMShbe e q m'ruw oxcept Monday Sniwrsity u nmmer Session by the !~ a Ceatrel.fs! tudent Publications. The Aseciated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news disn toles credited to it or not otherwise credited this paper and the laoal news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. aEntered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, post oficas usecond lass nmatter.I 1ubscription by carrier, $1.60; by mail, offices: Press Building, Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan. Telephense: Editrlal, 4923; Business !3114. EDITORIAL STAFF MANAING EDITOR ' HAROLD 0.WARREN, JR. Editorial DirectorG...........urney Wlliam. ASSOCIATE EDITORS C. W. arpeter Carl Meoy L. R. Chubb Sher M. Quraishi Sabara Hall Eleanor Rairdo C:harles C. Irwin Edgar Racine Susan Mancheester Marion Thornton P. utler Showers BUSINESS STAFF BUSINESS MANAGER WILLIAM R. WORBOY Assistant Business Manager .. Vernon Bishop Contracts Manager.......... .G.Carl Marty Advertising Manager ......... Jack Bunting A:lCtc s Ciculation........ Thomas Muir TUESDAY, JULY 21, 1931 _ Night Editor-Gurney Williams CONCEITED DRIVERS At a recent meeting of the Mid- West Safety Congress Dr. Paul Schroeder, State criminologist of Illinois, asserted that conceited persons are bad automobile driv- ers and are the most numerous in the "repeater" group of those re- sponsible for accidents. His theory is that consideration for the rights of others on the highway is a more important fac- tor in safe driving than keen intel- ligence. A kindly moron is apt to be a safer driver than a puffed-up individual who goes is own self- centered way, letting others look out for themselves. A study of drivers who have land- ed in the Illinois State peniten- tiary on manslaughter charges re- veal that most of them were not handicapped mentally by low in- telligence or physically by being crippled. Their prevailing defect was a tendency to be conceited and disregard the rights of others. Somehow the word conceited does not seem to us to cover the whole category of bad drivers. Conceit, in the strict sense of the word, means vanity or "an overweening opinion of oneself." That at least requires some ;conscious thought process. We have seen persons who1 apparently drive without thinking at all; their control of the car is an automatic process that pre- cludes any kind of consideration, either for themselves or others. A great majority of bad drivers are, however, conceited. Witness the sneer the driver of a big car gives the driver of a small car; take for example the impatient horn-toot- ing of the unreasonable individual, delayed one second too long In traf- fic; and observe the glare of out- raged dignity a woman driver gives' you when you inform her she very' nearly caused a wreck at the last' corner by failing to hold out her hand. In Connecticut, the Comrissioner. of Motor Vehicles has introduced a questionnaire for applicants for licenses,_ designed to show theirt character, intelligence and judg- ment. Perhaps he may add ques-1 tions to indicate whether or notI they are conceited. At any rate, the inconsiderate driver should be refused a license until he proves. that he knows what it's all about; and the dreamy person who hogs1 the road and sails past stop lights in self-absorbed oblivion should be punished quite as drastictally as the I drunken driver. quate apprenticeship behind the, wheel, are only passively investi- gated, or overlooked entirely. Con- ceit, we maintain, explains com- paratively few accidents. Campus Opinion Contributors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than 300 words if possible. Anonymous com- municationss will be disregarded.wThe namies of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential, upon re- quest. Letters published should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. CHALLENGE To The Editor: As one who attended the last meeting of the Michigan Socialist Club I would like to challenge the Michigan student body. This challenge is adressed pri- marily to those student who realize the enormous extent to which the events of the last two years have brought fear, and appalling misery to millions of American citizens. To those as yet comfortably ignorant I would- suggest that they make ;ome other survey of the situation than the too prevalent shrug of the shoulders which is a flagrant de- nial of citizenship. Since, as far as I am aware, the Michigan Socialist Club is the only group actively interested in the po- litical, social, and economic ques- tions of so vital significance to both American and world-wide well-be- ing, I challenge (1) those students who believe that the present econ- omic structure unmodified can alone bring cultural advances and increase material well-being, to use this forum actively to defend and discuss their views. I challenge (2) that large group cf liberals who believe that the 9resent economic structure some- what modified by legislation can alone bring both cultural develop- ment and increased material well- being, to use this forum to defend their views in discussion. I challenge (3) all professors, in- structors, and assistants well in- formed on cultural, political, social, and economic topics to bring their knowledge as a spear to their sin- cere discussions. I challenge (4) all those experi- enced socialists who are skeptical of college socialist clubs to come ' around some Wednesday evening and meet other experienced social- ists. I might add that when a group can unite from 60 to 70 people on a hot midsummer evening as the Michigan Socialist Club did last Wednesday evening, one can hardly doubt its vitality. M.E. OASTED ROLL ONE DEAD IHEAT Gurpftcsh Whoofie, our nephew and fourth assistant editor, died last night. ' Glurpftcsh went out to Portage lake for a swim. He ran down thel dock and leaped off. Meanwhile, the lake had receded several yards.t Glurpftcsh came to the top, dashed a bucket full of mud off his face,1 and pathetically, yet withal a bitf ironically, he askedfor a cigarette. He tapped the cigarette lovingly against the dock. "Lucky Strike," he said 'softly. "Funny little fellow. I dropped one down a manhole once and never saw it again." Then he lay back in the water, and with one supreme effort he cried: "The University, long may it rave." Four bricks hit him simultan- eously. The spectators had misin- terpreted his statement. We went home and wept a little over a few old graham crackers tid m blue ribbon, but we soon recover- ed our equanimity. After all, a bird in the hand is worth a gift horse in the mouth. * * * We attended the meetings of the British and American Stu- dents Conference on Inter- national Affairs last week. Af- ter considerable deliberation, we have arrived at the conclusion that the Grand Rapids room of the League building is no place to hold a conference. Anyone is certain to feel pac- ifistic at 100 degrees. * * * The Tribune, a ti-weekly news- paper devoted to the best interests of Ann Arbor and Washtenaw county (adv.), states in a headline that "149 less criminal cases for 6 mos. over year ago." We always thought that something like that was the case. * * * NEWS STORY NEW YORK-The marriage on July 8 of Miss Catherine Harriet Kresge, daughter of the five-and- ten cent store magnate, to Carlson Wijk, naturalized British citizen, has been anounced. The daughter of Kresge, the dime store magnate, Has married a Briton, the newspapers state We'll bet Mr. Kresge feels awfully sick Concerning the union of Kresge and Wijk. Music Drama BEETHOVEN: The Hammer- klavier Sonata, Op. 106: arranged for orchestra and conducted by Fe- ix Weingartner with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra: Columbia Masterworks Series. No. 153. The term:"Hanmerklavier" is a little misleading. Usually, in con- nection with the Beethoven Son- atas, it refers to the present work in B flat major. But this only means that Beethoven happened to use German for the Italian, "piano- forte." The distinction between piano-forte, or Hammerklavier, and harpsicord is fundamentally in the manner of producing the tone: in the harpsichord this is accom- plished by plucking the string, in the piano-forte by hitting it with a hammer-whence its German name, "Hammerklavier." Of the works which we consider now to have been written for the piano, Beethoven wrote, up to and includ- ing opus 31, for either harpsichord or piano-forte, and some explicitly for the piano-forte. From then on he wrote only for the piano-forte. His use of the term: Hammerklav- ier, for two of the sonatas of the last period (including the present one) is difficult to explain. There were not radical improvements in the instruments at the time of their composition. Grove ascribes it to a "German fit,"' but possibly the German word suggested more the grand style of these later sonatas. At any rate the introduction of "Hammerklavier" coincides with the introduction of the last period in the sonatas (opus 101)-although Beethoven, with characteristic in- consistency, drops the German for the Italian in opera 109-111. The present sonata is divided in- to the usual four movements: Al- legro, Scherzo, Adagio and Allegro. (The last movement is a fugue ex- cept for the introductory five meas- ures). There were doubtless many technical difficulties in the way of recording this sonata for the piano. For one thing, it would be hard to imagine anything approaching ade- quate clarity in the piano repro- duction of the fugue, and there are many fortissimo parts which would suffer either from being too soft (to permit recording) or from blur- ring if mechanical restrictions were ignored. And so, from the stand- pint of the phonograph at least, the orchestral transcription was justified. Ernest Newman was very much impressed by it as a piece of or- chestration in its own right, and it is undeniable that Mr. Weingart- ner has caught the Beethovenian orchestral idiom. But it is very questionable whether the tran- scription is justified except as a recording expedient. The coher- ence and unity in many places de- pend on the homogeneous medium of the piano; there are places, not- ably the introductory chords, which are almost meaningless in any oth- er medium, and throughout there is demanded a characteristic hard- ness of concision which only the piano affords. Needless to say there is much that the transcription communicates, and a better performance might more nearly approximate the piano quality too. Mr. Newman was judg- ing from the score of the transcrip- tion which I could not find. Indeed the performance is so weak that it is hard to judge the music. The first movement is too fast. Mr. Weingartner apparently followed the von Bulow tradition in regard to the tempo, but that is doubtful for the piano and certainly much too rapid for an orchestra. The Scherzo is more than half again faster than von Bulow's indication with the result that all subtlety is sacrificed for the big lines. The rhythm of the whole performance is remarkably uneven and unpre- cise for a professional organization, and where it is regular it is me- chanical. Entirely too many details are lost. But with .' that the album is well worth having as the best avail- able means of learning the music. Few professional pianists can do a decent job of it, and amateurs do not dare approach it. These rec- ords, for all their faults, present the music in an assimilable man- ner. That is enough to be thank- ful for. Besides the recording is exceptionally good. H.S.S. FACULTY CONCERT Prof. Wassily Besekihsky, violin- .st, Mr. Joseph Brinkman, pianist, Hanns Pick, cellist, and Thelma Lewis, soprano, will present a mis- cellaneous program in the fourth faculty ^oncert to be given this evenirng at 8:15 o'clock in Hill audi- torium. Un "The altese -a maiden in distress or a very clever woman - which? Supporting Cast RICARDO CORTEZ UNA MERKEL LAUREL & HARDY in "OUR WIFE" Mr. Laurel and Mr. Hardy have matrimonial differences. BOBBY JONES the golf wizard teaches cor- rect use of the "BIG IRONS" PARAMOUNT NEWS MAJE STIC LAST TIMES TODAY ..4 . I with Victor McLaglen Jeanette MacDonald Roland Young Merry farce of a wayward maid -. , who didn't often know her mind but always knew her man. E.' WEDNESDAY "THE BLACK CAMEL" - 'I I Half of you men in college havy ATULETE'S FOT e screen Reflections "The Maltese Falcon," with Bebe Daniels and Ricardo Cortez at the Michigan. We've always hated these detec- tive stories in which some friend of the detective told us that he know the hero was making mental notes, and picking up this or that in the corner, but not telling us what it was all about. We knew that some- thing stupendous was going on in- side the detective's brain, but that was all. "The Maltese Falcon" is a de- tective picture. But none of these tricky ruses of the usual writer, ex- cept once or twice. In fact the only place we can remember is where the detective speaks a few rapid sentences of Chinese, but the rest of the time he seemed to be just as puzzled as we were. And that helped us to enjoy the picture all the more. Because the main character was always asking "what the game was," but never really, getting a satisfactory answer., When, however, he did. find out, we found out too. Needless to say, the picture held The bridegroom will probob- ly cost him some money, And good Mr. Kresge will feel pretty funny When he has to pay cash for a son, and will fidg- Et concerning the marriage of Kresge and Wijk. But that's all to good, be- cause Kresge and co. Have plenty of money and don't need any more. So let us sing praises to Her- bert the Fish And the heavenly union of Kresge and Wijk. The following bit of startling in- formation about camp Grayling is supplied by one of Ann Arbor's leading afternoon papers: "Down the company street for the best part of a mile 4,500,00 men in similar companies were drawn up, waiting under the slowly climbing sun that shown down on this most picturesque military camp." Well, anyway, there, were at least 400. *C * * DAILY POEM See the big, ambitious swimmer iT ~ E4dTbjrhA-h-N4f OU may call it toe itch, golf this fu itch-the e doc 'may call it reinfec ringworm-millions of people time th who catch it, call it "Athlete's damp f Foot"-but all of them are the same. A ringworm parasite, Abst tinea trichophyton by name, causes that redness between the toes with i-t-c-h-i-n-g. Tiny blisters or a thick, moist skin Tests i condition may be another symp- "lab " tom. Again dryness, with little Absorb scales, is a signal. like ti "eAt least half of all adults wherev suffer from it at some timne," th.n says the U. S. Public Health l mi Service. In universities as far examin apart as Pennsylvania and Cali- the firs fornia 50% of the men have it. menRio And the co-eds are not immune Absoi L either. handy. It lurks in the very places ventiv( where we all go for cleanliness exposu and health-on the edges of floors. swimming pools and showers- W.IF. Y in gymnasiums-on locker- and Massacl dressing-room floors. It spite of modern sanitation (you have to boil socks 15 minutes to kill it) Absorbine FOR YEARS HAS RELIEVED SORE MUSCLES, MUSCULAR ACHES, BRUISES, BURNS, CUTS, SPRAINS, ABRASIONS ngus parasite infects and ts bare feet aL ;o:t any Bey come i "i t3ac: with loors. rbine Jr. kills the germ ( f' CHLETE'S FOOT" in a famous New York liacve revealed that ine Jr. penetrates flesh- ssues deeply and that erit penetrates,iLT.ILLS gworm germ. ght not be a bad idea to e your feet tonight. At st sign of the symptoms ned here, douse on Jr. And keep a bottle in your locker as a pre- e. Use it after every rie of bare feet on damp At all druggists-$1.25. Young, Inc., Springfield. husetts. Aside from the question of con-; our interest to the very end. It ceit, the practice of granting licen- 'causes one to wonder every minute ses to anyone who can answer a just what is going to happen, and few simple questions is continua- even after it is all over, one is still ly to be flayed. The Connecticut, rather puzzled, but that enables commissioner has the right idea, each spectator to finish the plot as and his decision to tighten up the he sees fit. Richardo Cortez and requirements for applicants is a Bebe Daniels lead a competent cast step that should have been taken through this rather too-mysterious years ago, and in every state in the mystery, Mr. Cortez as the private union. We have never been able detective, and Miss Daniels as the to understond why intelligent ve- adventuress in search of some two hide commissioners are content to millions of dollars. The plot is grant licenses to persons without very similar to any of the many requiring a very thorough driving fanciful inventions of J. S. Fletcher examination, in addition to the -valuable jewels from the middle simple questionnaire that is at ages, and all that sort of thing. present deemed sufficient in most, Nevertheless, we enjoyed it im- states to indicate the applicant's mensely. And you'll split your sides driving ability. watching Laurel and Hardy at- Anyone with half a brain can tempting to enter an Austin in the memorize a few simple rules and re- comedy. tain them until the so-called "ex- Elmer. amination" is safely passed. The important quaifications such as This week's High-Pressure Prize good judgment, knowledge of ve- goes to the salesman who sold a hide to be controlled, and an ade- snowplow in Illinois the other day. Doing the Australian crawl. Someday he will get a cramp, so It's a fine world after all. r * * * ANNOUNCEMENTt Whee! Astounding. Colossal. Stu- pendous. Stark. Gorgeous. As-t tounding. Colossal. Stupendous.r Astounding.f You've never seen anything like it, ..,... T'."morrow, or maybe the next day ... A GENTLEMAN OF PARTS ......A Rolls serial, com-i posed by the Doctors Whoofie. A1 GENTLEMAN OF PARTS ... Part. One coming to this column soon.' Watch for it. Don't miss it. As-f tounding. QUDGQP WHOOFLE. ' 't a : Jr Subscribe to The Summer Michigan Daily