VOL. XI, NO. 19.
WEATHER: Fair Tuesday.
Repertory Group Will Present
MarivauyComedy Under
Mercier's Direction.
Eight Months of Work Required
o Pe:rfect Business,'
Mercie Saes.
'wo hundred one years ago,
"Love and Chance" was first per-
formed by the players of the house-
hold of Louis XV, according to an
announcement issued yesterday by
the Play production department.
The Marivaux comedy will be open-
ed by the Repertory players.tomor-
:°ow night for a week's run at the
Lydia Mendelssohn theatre.
Second English Presentation.
The play will be under the di-
rection of Jean Mercier, noted
young French director. The pre-
sentation here will mark the second
time it has been given in English,
M. Mercier having produced it once
before the Cornish Drama School
in Seattle, of which he is a director.
In order to preserve its essential
flavor of high French comedy, M.
Mercier has spent eight months in
working out the stage business for
the production, he stated yesterday.
The most unusual factor in the
play's mounting, he said, will be
the use of a "stage within a stage"
for the imaginary sequences while
the realistic action takes place in
European Versions Planned.
M. Mercier studied with Jacques
Copeau and other well known Euro-
pean directors. From Ann Arbor,
he will go to Europe to present
"Love and Chance" in Italian and
German versions.
G. L. Strachey, noted scholar and
commentator on French literature,
says of the play. "The beauty of
the little piece depends upon the
infinitely delicate art which pic-
tures each charmingly absurd, mi-
nute transition in the process of de-
lusion, misunderstanding, bewilder-
ment, and explanation, with all the
varietites of their interactions and
shimmering personal shades."
Balloon Cowvrs 21.5 Mles; Wins
Right to Represent U.S. in
International Contest.
AKRON, O., July 20.-(IP)-The
United States navy balloon today
won the national elimination bal-
loon race coming to earth at Maril-
la, N. Y., at 6 a. m., 25 miles farther
than the Goodyear-Zeppelin bag,
which reported it landed at 8 a. m.
at Stevensville, Ont.
Official distances gave the navy-
entry a distance of 215 miles and
the Goodyear VIII 190 miles. The
two bags thus earned the right to
represent the United States in the
international Gordon Bennett races.
By going farthest, the navy bag
won the P. W. Litchfield trophy in
the national elimination.
The navy bag was piloted by
Lieut. T. G. W. Settle. Frank Trot-
ter and Roland Blair, the novices
who raced for the first time last
year and won, piloted the Goodyear
The entry of radio station WJR
came down at 1:05 on a farm be-
tween Wesleyville and Harbor
Creek, near Erie, Pa., roughly 115
miles from the starting point. The
other three entries landed Sunday
night after drifting much shorter
The United States army balloon
No. 2 stayed aloft only 35 minutes
and covered only 12 miles before
it landed late Sunday. The "Del-
Mar-Va" of the Eastern Shore as-
sociation made only 20 miles, while
the army No. 1 landed at Custard
Pa., near Meadville, Sunday night
Approximately 75,000 persons en-
dured temperatures above 90 de-
grees at the airport to watch th
start of the race.
M!/anuel, Disonar Like
Shorts, Shirts, Spats;
JIabber T hrill's Harlem
NEW YORK, July 20.-(IP)-Man-
uel and Disonar, two coal-black
African youths f r o m Uganda
brought here by Martin Johnson,
explorer, to take care of gorillas,
had a police conservator today.
Things happened when the two
were turned loose in Harlem, New
York's Negro center.
A Harlem impresario had an idea
that members of his race might
like to hear the native tongue of
their forefathers. They did.
Thousands paid 50 cents each while I
ie boys jabbeed. Tnks boys receiv-
ud a dollaf bill and a pair of panrts
peg lecture..
'hy did this a week. Each has
sev cin pairs of pants. They spent
their money on subway rides, spats,
bnort5, hlirts and ice cream. The
impe ario made severa thousand
T'hen i nebody with idea on
capt%1 and labor chiseled into the
cae and gave tle twro Uganda cit--
izens a pep talk.
M. Johnson received demands for
union wag'e.s $ a day, hotel room
downtown, automobile and shiny
He appealed to the police, setting
fortn ne had promised a native
chief that the two would be re-
turne to Africa in good condition.
A police lieutenant agreed to see
that civilization did not spoil them.
'The boys were awed by his shiny
Early Natives of State Had No
Conception of Property
Right, He Says.
"To understand the Michigan In-
dian we must conceive of him, not
as pictured in books, but rather as
he existed before the coming of
the white man," said Prof. Wilbur
B. Hinsdale, Associate Director of
archaeology in the Great Lakes Re-
gion, at - a meeting of the Men's
Education club last night.
"The Indian had no conception
of property rights of land or real
estate. Land belonged to everyone
the same as the ocean or the air
we breathe. When he signed trea-
ties relinquishing ownership he
didn't know what they meant, and
rno one took any particular trouble
to explain," Professor Hinsdale
pointed out.
"The social cus4;oms among the
lower people we call culture, bound
the Indian down far more than the
people who live under government-
ai law," he said. "The marriage
rules and regulations among the
Algonquin Indians, for example,
were just as seveoe as among the
whites and far more rigidly en-
foreed," he stated.
State Graduates Plan
Gei Together Banquet
Graduates of Michigan State
college enrolled in the Summer
Session here will attend a banquet
at 6:15 o'clock tomorrow night at
the Union, it was announced yes-
terday, in order that they may be-
come better acquainted with one
Dean J. B. Edmonson, of the
School of Education, will give the
principal address; Prof, R. S. Lin-
ton of Michigan State, will be chair-
man; and Dean Ward Giltner, of
the East Lansing school, will be
toastmaster. President Robert S
Shaw is planning to be present.
SLeague Will Give Teas
for Visiting Faculty
The first of a series of three teas
to be given in honor of visiting
- faculty members will be given from
- 4:00 to 5:30 o'clock Thursday af-
ternoon for non-resident member
, of the literary college faculty, in
- the League building. Mrs. Juniu
- E. Beal and Mrs. Esther Cram wil
- pour. Wives of several faculty
e members will assist in - receiving
guests. .
13"ing Music Out of People, Not
to People, Dr. Zauzig
M'Donald Sees Present Moment
as Possible Turning Point
in World History.
Opened by
Calls for Pioneers to Bring
Latent Human Resources
to Expression.
"Newer tendencies toward bring-
ing music out of the people rather
than of bringing music to the peo-'
ple find an opportunity in the field
of choral music," Dr. A. D. Zanzig,,
musical director of the Recreational
association of New York city, said in'
an address on "Music in American
Life" at the Natural Science audi-.
torium yesterday. "In choral music;
one has the opportunity of striving
towards excellence and of belonging
to the noble order of craftsmen
with less preparation and effort
than is needed for any other art,"
Dr. Zanzig continued.
Brings Satisfaction. (
"Music taps the undevelop;ed re-
sources in man and brings deeper
satisfaction, for it is the most per-"
sonal and least tangible of the
arts," Dr. Zanzig said.
Arranging of music festivals and
of local civic choruses can bring
music out of the people, Dr. Zanzig
explained. Smallness of audiences,
he said, should be no discourage- '
ment to the success of civic chorus-
es because, he explained, the main.
purpose of a chorus is singing and
this can be done by providing good
music where people meet. Dr. Zan-
zig believes in taking music to the.
people in this sense.
Of Interest to Schools. '
"Developing musical ability is,
pioneering in human resources and
there has been a great development
of interest in musi in public
schools," Dr Zanzig said.
"In music there has been a dis-
placement of men by machines and'
because of the radio music has be-
come a primary factor in big busi-
ness," Dr. Zanzig said and quoted
a survey by a national broadcast-'
ing company that showed that al-
most 95 per cent of all radio pro-
grams is devoted to music of which
35 per cent may be classed as good
1 i rogre4 :v.. ri e Pratices
O®tlinel a GraLuate
"The extent to which a school of-
ficial will employ progressive prac-
tices in supervision is determined by
the degree to which he accepts a
definition of supervision that fixes
the growth of the teacher as the
chief goal," said Prof. Raleigh
Schorling of the educational school
yesterday in an address before the
first of the series of graduate con-
He stated further that the prin-
cipal or supervisor works with these
conceptions of supervision: "assists
the teacher and pupils in creating
appropriate and attractive settings
for their work; holds as an ideal
the situation in which each activity
of a classroom shall have a genuine
purpose and acceptable purpose
for the pupil; studies the kind, the
amount, and distribution of pupil
participation; provides his teachers
with a check list or some other
means to study the extent to which
they are applying basal principles
of routine; guides his teachers
through the maze of pedagogica
literature bearing on the technique
for studying the individual child;
- encourages his teachers to study in
s a systematic way the problems that
a perplex them; provides technica
s assistance on the validity and re-
l liability of appraisal techniques;
y and finally, helps his teachers t
g determine specific objectives fo
each major unity of work."
Laval Hopes for Collaboration
Between France and Reich
LONDON, July 20.-(GP)-Priine
Minister Ramsay MacDonald, who
opned the momentous session of
heads and near heads of seven of
the world's greatest countries, to-
day warned of the necessity of find-
ing a solution of the present crisis
centering in Germany.
After sitting for an hour and
three-quarters, during which the
prime ministers of France, Great
Britain, and Germany made short
addresses, the meeting was ad-
journed until tomorrow forenoon.
Sees Turning Point.
"The piresent moment may be
one of the turning points in the his-
tory of the world," Premier Mac-'
Donald said, "for good or ill. It will
cannot find a solution of the pres-
ent crisis, no one can foretell what
political and financial dangers will
He outlined the drop in commo-
dity prices and the withdrawal of
credit from Germany and explained
how the proposal of President
Hoover for a year's moratorium on
war debts and raparations pay-
ments had steadied the situation
but had been insufficient to stop
the German plunge toward eco-
nomic ruin.
Confidence Needed.
"Our position," he continued, "is
to restore the confidence of the
foreign investor in Germany.
Otherwise it wil be difficult to
stave off the flood before it has
overwhelmed the whole of central
Europe, with consequences, social
and political as well asnpurely fi-1
nancial, which no man can esti-1
Premier Laval followed Mac-
Donald. He outlined the course of
the meeting which took place in1
Paris last week and expressed hope1
for loyal collaboration between
France and Germany for the re-
storation of confidence and creditj
in the world.
Bruening Speaks.;
Chancellor Buening of Germany
then presented his country's plight,'
giving statistics to show how far'
the Reich has traveled along the,
road to financial ruin, delineating
the measures which have been tak-
en to meet the situation, and urging
the necessity of immediate assist-
He stressed the necessity for for-
eign creditors to cease withdraw-
ing credit from Germany, pleading
for a loan of $1,500,000,000 marks
(about $375,000,000), and the con-
tinuation of short-term credit
amounting approximately to an-
other $125,000,000. The Reichsbank
gold and foreign exchange cover-
age, he said, must be considerably
Some Increase in Rates Would
Bolster Railroad Credit,
Dick Maintains.
WASHINGTON, July 20.-()-
The Interstate Commerce Commis-
1 sion was told today by an invest-
ment banker that approval of some
increase in freight rates, even if
not the full fifteen per cent raise
asked by the lines, would bolster
railroad credit.
[ Fairman R. Dick, of New York,
made this statement in response to
questions by J. F. Finerty, Wash-
ington attorney.
t He had been asked if he felt rates
l should be increased on all commod-
- ities even though the commission
found that in some instances an
) increase would drive traffic frorr
r the railroads to other methods of
.-1- -- , - - - - I
Ramsay MacDonald,
English Prime Minister, address-
ing the opening conference of
world statesmen at London yester-;
.ay, described the present crisis as+
a possible turning point in the his-
tory of the world.
Government's Proposal to Aid
Reich Will Be Placed in
Stimson's Hands.
WASHINGTON, July 20.-(IP)-,
Concrete proposals by the Ameri-.
can government to relieve Ger-1
many's economic stress were ap-f
proved tonight by President Hoover
and placed in the hands of Secre-1
tary Stimson for submission to the
interested powers.
Acting Secretary Castle of the
State department said they were in
the nature of "suggestions." He de-
clined to comment further. The
proposals will be submitted to the
London ministers' conference at'
tomorrow's session.
Telephones London.
The acting secretary disclosed]
the existence of the suggestions af-
ter the chief executive talked by
transatlantic telephone with the
secretary in London. Present when'
the call occurred were Acting Sec-
retaries Castle and Mills of the
State and Treasury departments,
Ambassador Dawes, and Senator
Morow, republican, New Jersey.
The suggestions which the United
States will make are designed to re-
place the French proposals for a
$500,000,000 loan to Germany. These
proposals were rejected by America
and Great Britain. They contained
financial conditions which were
looked upon as impracticable, and
political conditions in which the
United States would not take part.
Stimson Aids.
The American suggestions were
formulated during several days of
conferences at the White House be-
tween the President and the two
acting secretaries and numerous in-
terchanges between the chief ex-
ecutive and Secretary Stimson by
cable and telephone.
In response to questions regard-
ing the chief executive's bringing
Senator Morrow back into the con-
ferences, Mr. Castle remarked that
the Senator was a banker and that
the problem at hand was essential-
ly a banking one in which his ser-
vices would be valuable.
Ruthven Will Dedicate
Hospital Near Saline
Gas Is Twice Reignited
as Workmen Fight
for Control.
Fire Fighters Attempt
to Remove Derrick
With Tractors.
MT. PLEASANT, Mich, July 20.-
(A)-The first major catastrophe
since oil was discovered in Michi-
gan cast a pall of sorrow over this
Eight victims of the greatest well
ever brought in in this field are
dead, two others in grave danger,
and a dozen more painfully burn-
ed. In the deep woods thirteen
miles east of here, a pillar of flame
continued to mount high in the air.
Since Sunday morning the plume
of fire has ebbed and flowed like
a geyser. At times the workmen,
laboring in blistering heat, believed
the flames under control. Twice
the blaze sank out of sight as steam
lines were turned on it. Each tine
it blazed forth in new fury as the
gas was re-ignited by red-hot gird-
ers that once were the derrick.
Tractors Fail.
Tractors were unable to haul the
twisted wreckage, and this after-
noon workmen with acetylene
torches were taking advantage of
every lull in the flames to dash in
and cut the beams. They hoped in
that manner to get the debris
cleared away and then snuff out
the fire for good.
The tragedy was the outgrowth
of "'bringing in" the "Struble No.
1," the latest and for a time suc-
cessful challenge of Walter L. Mc-
Clanahan, "hard luck" promoter,
to misfortunes which dogged his
operations in this field.
Indications had been good for a
paying well, and Mr. McClanahan
boasted to his friends his luck had
changed. HIe invited them to the
field to hear his pleasure and toolC
them inside the inclosure. There
gas, heavy as fog, blanketed the
Tragedy Strikes Quickly.
The well came in about 5 p.m., a
gusher. Mr. McClanahan and his
wife, overcome with joy, remained
on the grounds, surrounded by their
guests. About 8 o'clock the heavy-
hanging gas became ignited, from
a smoker's match or an automobile
backfire or some other cause as
yet undetermined. Scores of per-
sons were enveloped in the flames.
Those wise in the ways of oil
fires, including McClanahan, drop-
ped to the "ground, held their
breath, and rolled the fire out of
their clothing. Others ran, their
clothing ablaze, and that act cost
several lives. McClanahan and
others who followed the first rule
of oily fires, "drop to the ground,"
are expected to live. Others are
dead or dying, including Mrs. Mc-
Showers Bring R elief;
Cooler Weather Seen
DETROIT, July 20.-(P)-Show
ers early today brough relief to
Michigan, and broke the heat wave
under which the state sweltered
for four days. Weather bureau of-
ficials today indicated that general-
ly lower temperatures would pre-
vail for the next few days.
President Alexander G. Ruthven,
Gov, Wilber M. Brucker, and former
governor Fred W. Green will speak
+next Tuesday at the dedication of
the new Ypsilanti State hospital,
near Saline.
An all day program for the event
includes inspection of the various
buildings, a concert, and several
addresses, including the dedicatory
talk by President Ruthven.
The hospital, to be used for men-
tal patients, now includes an ad-
ministration building, a receiving
hospital,. men's and women's main
ward's, main dining hall, kitchen,
power house, and other structures.
American League
Washington 7, Detroit 3.
New York 8, St. Louis 5.
Cleveland 9, Boston 2.
Athletics 12, Chicago 7.
National League
Boston, Pittsburgh-rain.
Chicago 1, Brooklyn 0.