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July 19, 1931 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1931-07-19

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UNSDAY, d L LY 29, 1932


WIj, tummtr
P'auiee... miing aecept Monda
ng te o atrsity Summer Session b1 the
Dord isCoentrol of Student Publications.
T.e Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use*for republication of all news di"
to'.e credited to it or not otherwise credited
inhisaperand the local news publiahed
herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Ann Arbor, ichigan. post.
ofice as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier, #1.50; by mal.
Ofices: Press Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Mihigan.

est asset is his uniform and unless
he looks "snappy" he hasn't a
chance of being respected.
IWhat Others Say

about Books-



Tesephnee: Edltbrial, 4925; Buefsnse
Editorial Director ............Gurney Wiliams
C. W. Carpenter Carl Meloy
. R. Chubb Sher M. Quraishi
Barbara Hall Eleanor Rairdon
Charles C. Irwin Edgar Racine
Susan Mtanchester Marion Thornton
P. Cutler Showers
Assistant Business Manager .. Vernon Bishop
Contracts Manager ..............Carl Marty
Advertising Manager.........J ack Bunting
Aicounis. Circulationk........Tomas Muir
SUNDAY, JULY 19, 1931
Night Editor-C. W. CARPENTER


(New York Herald Tribune)
For the State Department to ob-'
ject to a pageant depicting the sur-
render of Lord Cornwallis is almost'
too precious an item of news to be
believed. Such a pageant had been'
planned for the Washington bicen-
tennial celebration at Yorktown. On
the ground that it might offend
British sensibilities, the scene is to
be canceled and replaced by "'a
very beautiful parade" of ladies in
Colonial costume.
This sort of fatuity is a perfect
example of what makes the normal
citizen snort with impatience at
publicized pacifism. The notion
that any Britisher in his right mind
would today object to a frank cele-
bration of Lord Cornwallis's sur-
render is too absurd to be enter-
tained seriously. Fortunately Am-
erican-British relations do not rest
cn so fanful a basis. They would
otherwise not have endured the
many rude buffetings to which they
have been subjected.
When the State Department's
action results in the substitution!
of a parade of beautiful ladies, the
laugh grows. Have we not enough
beauty contests and is this an ap-
propriate way of observing the
200th anniversary of George Wash-'
ington's birth? The whole incident'
is instinct with a ludicrous lack of'
judgment and even greater lack of
taste. The surrender of Lord Corn-
wallis is a simple historical fact
which excites no international feel-
ing. Clearly the silly season is
again upon us, and some light-
headed individual in Washington
has fired the opening gun.
Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to be brief,

The "Hound and Horn", the
American magazine which the 'Cri-
terion", the best critical magazine
in the world, calls "the best criti-
cal magazine in America", has just
issued its summer number. The is-
sue is very necessary. One needs it;
and that is proof that the Hound
and Horn is progressing towards
solidity, towards a magazine one
can't avoid.
The issue opens with a translation
of a long essay 'Meditations 'on the
Life of Baudelaire" by Charles Du-
Bos. If you remember T. S. Eliot's
essay "Baudelaire in Our Time" in
his volume "For Launcelot An-
drews," DuBos is the critic of Bau-
delaire whom Eliot quoted and
agreed with so often. Eliot called
DuBos' essay "the finest study of
Baudelaire that has been made."
It was Mr. DuBos who first per-
ceived the significance of the nu-
merous references to religion in
Baudelaire's Journals. Now the
Hound and Horn has fortunately
made his essay available to Ameri-
can readers.
Another important essay in the
isue is part II of Hester Pickman's
long essay on Rainer Marie Rilke,
the German poet whose autobiogra-
phy was translated last year. Miss'
.Pickman also adds to her essay a'
translantion of three of the Ten
Elegies which are Rilke's greatest
work. There are two excellent
short stories by newcomers, Moe
Bragin and Caroline Gordon (Mrs.
Allen Tate). The poetry is contri-
buted by Yvor Winters, Dudley
Fitts, and by E. E. Cummings, whose
return to poetry is something en-
joyable. Cummings has retained
his unique cadence as the first two
lines of one of his poems will indi-
"somewhere i have never travel-
led, gladly beyond
any experience, your eyes have
their silence."

Tomorrow in London a confer-
ence of European Cabinet members
will open an all-important parley
which will be attended by Secretary
Stmson in "exactly the same stat-
us as that of the Prime Minister's
there." This means that for the
first time since the Versailles peac
conference, America will be official-
ly represented in a major discussion
p. probems which, originating in
:urope, are of immediate Impor-
bance to our national welfare.
Mr. Raymond B. Fosdick may
have exaggerated the situation
when he said that "the threatened
collapse of Germany would reduce
Europe to economic chaos, and Eu-
rope cannot go to pieces without
involving America in an industria
and social earthquake," but hi
statement is by no means falling
on deaf ears. The logic of his pre-
diction is certainly enhanced by hi
remark that "our machine civili-
zation has wired the world to
gether in a vast, intricate circuit;
the electric spark that starts any-
where on the line will travel to the
end." Less metaphoric is his re-
flection that "there are no good
times that can be confined to one
country and no bad times that can
be permanently isolated."
President Hoover's decision to
send Secretary Stimson to the Lon-
don conference in an official cap-
acity may put an end to the dilly-
dallyings of the American "unof-
ficial observer." There is no ques-
tion that America is definitely link-
ed with present European difficul-
ties and it is high time we looked
facts in the face and did our share
to bring a speedy end to the cur-
rent mess.
Germany acted quickly in her re-
cent emergency and undoubtedly
did much to win over public confi-
uence, for Thursday's financial re-
ports all over the world showed a
marked improvement. The change
in international sentiment will
count heavily in the proceeding
of the London meeting and it is
to be hoped that the red tape of
nations which, as we have remark-
ed before, was torn up in last week's
melee, wil be permanently swept
There are those who obect stren-
uusly to the official participation
of the United States in European
affairs but in the series of crises
which have recently arisen, the
voice of the alarmist has unfor-
tunately been drowned out by the
busy discussions of statesmen and
bankers who are not afraid to step
out and stop a potentially danger-
ous runaway, whether or not it
threatens their own fortunes.
-0 -
The letter in the adjacent column
regarding the hoodlum antics of
unresponsible children at the band
concerts is an apt illustration of the
comparative ineffectiveness of the
University police.
Perhaps they have attempted to
maintain order at the concerts and
failed; perhaps they have not
deemed it necessary to interfere
with the gambolngs of the child,-
ren. At any rate, we believe that
a definite attempt should be made
on the part of the University to
spruce up the campus force. Their
uniforms are for the most part
sorry affairs and we often wonder

how the men manage to look at
all dignified. A policeman's great-


Majestic - "Annabelle's Affairs"
with Jeanette MacDonald and Vic-
tor McLaglen.
Michigan-"The Maltese Falcon"
with Bebe Daniels; also Laurel and
Hardy comedy, "Our Wife," and
Bobby Jones' "Big Irons."
Wuerth - "Gun Smoke" with
Richard Arlen.
Majestic-"Annabelle's Affairs."
Michigan - -"Maltese Falcon."
Owl Show: "Young Man of Man-
Wuerth-"Gun Smoke."
Education Graduate Conference
-Otto W. Haisley, Professor Ral-
eigh Schorling, Prof. W. H. Cong-
don; 2-4 o'clock, Michigan Union.
Lecture - Dr. A. D. Zanzig on
"Music in American Life," 5 o'clock
Natural Science auditorium.
Visitors' Night at the Observa-
tory; admission by ticket only, 8:15
Majestic-"Annabelle's Affairs."
Michigan-"Maltese Falcon."
Wuerth-"Gun Smoke."
Education Graduate Conference
William J. Norton, Prof. Katherine
B. Greene, Prof. Marguerite Wilker;
10-12 o'clock, Michigan union. Dr.
Webster H. Pearce, C. H. Yoakum,
Prof. Clarke Trow, 2-4 o'clock.
Lecture-Prof. Vernor C. Finch
on "New England Landscapes," 5-0'-
clock, Natural Science auditorium.
Concert-Thelma Lewis, soprano,
Hanns Pick, cellist, Joseph Brink-
man, pianist; 8 o'clock, Hill audi-
Visitors' Night at the Observa-
Majestic - "The Black Camel"
with Warner Oland.
Michigan-"Party Husband" with
Dorothy Mackaill.
Wuerth-"Gun Smoke."
Lydia Mendelssohn-"Love and
Chance" by Marivaux, staged by
the Michigan Repertory players un-
der the direction of Jean Mercier;
8:15 o'clock.
Education Graduate Conference--
Prof. A B. Moehman, George Car-
rothers, George E. Meyers, Clifford
Woody, Raleigh Schorling; 10-12 at
the Union.
Excursion No. Six-Ford Airport,
Greenfield village; reservations at
the Summer Session office; 1 0'-
Education Graduate Conference--
V. S. Blanchard, Prof. J. R. Shar-
man, John Sundwall, 2-4 o'clock,
at the Union.
Lecture-Prof. J. Douglas Bush
on "Romance and Realism in Mod-
ern Literature"; 5 o'clock, Natural
Science auditorium.
Visitors' Night at the Observa-



Among the Best and at
Reasonable Prices
Lunches 40c, Dinners 60c
Sunday Dinner 75c
- -






L confining themselves to less than 300 Yvor Winter's poem is a neo-clas-
words if possible. Anonymous corn-
s munications will be disregarded. The sic description and didactic piece
names of communicants will, however, in heroic couplets: an interesting
S be regarded as confidential, upon re-pg
quest. Letters published should not be about-face for a man who a year
construed as expressing the editorial
S opinion of The Daily. ago was in his criticism and poetry
-___the last and most intelligent of the
- imagists.
NUISANCE There are three excellent chroni-
To the Editor: Iles: a long Dance Chronicle by
Why is it that the delightful Lincoln Kirstein, taking vicious
open air concerts, so graciously giv- slams at Kreutzberg and Georgi,
opnMary Wigman, the League of Com-
en by the Summer School Band, posers, and pleading for a return
must be spoiled for listeners by a to the formal rigidity of the ballet
horde of rude, uncontrolled child- tradition of Diaghilev. Kenneth
te) h wr osatyoe h White writes a Film Chronicle, with
Library steps, running even in and the wr o FlW Mhronauas is
out among the performers? Such the work of F. W. Murnau as his
behavior would not be tolerated for topic, which is accompanied by sev-
-a moment at Belle Isle or any oth- eral excellent photographs from
a oent at ellerIse ora"The Last Laugh", "Sunrise", and
The winter concerts are protect- "Tabu". John Wheelwright writes
- Th witer oncrtsare rotct-an Architecture Chronicle on Mas-
ed always by the unfailing notice, triec o rchitece in the
- "Children will not be admitted." terpieces of Architecture tethe.
Why can't a campus policeman beUTedBotkteo
stationed at the foot of the steps The Book Review section of the
and forbid children on the steps of Hound and Horn has always been
the platform during the concert? the best in America. This issue's
- This music is such a delightful treat section contains. a review of the
why must it be spoiled by this nui- recent literature on El Greco by
sance? I feel sure that the musi- A. Hyatt Mayor; a review by Fr.
cians who so generously give us Peter Daniel Hughes of the recent
their tune and skill would greatly volume o essays on the Thought
appreciate having this short hour of St. Augustine; a very important
free from invasion. review of an important book by
Annoyed Listener. Renee Taupin on "L'Influence du
Aoy_ Symbolisme Francais Sur La Poesie
__Americaine (de 1910 a 1920)" by
Yvor Winters, who has written an
;Screen Reflections essay on the same subject in the
t _ _ _ _ _ _ Third American Caravan; the best
review written so far of Edmund
Gold Digger Wilson's "Axel's Castle" by Allen
vs. Gold Digger. Tate; and finally, a review by Dud-
At the Majestic: "Annabelle's Af- ley Fitts of nine recentivolumes of
fairs" with Jeanette McDonald and poetry.
Victor McLaglen. Closes Tuesday. The Editors have contributed a
Also Hearst Metrotone News, car- Commentary on the uncertainty of
toon song review, "My Wife's Gone The New Republic liberalism, very
to the Country." ingeniously stated in the form of a
Pictures of this calibre have evi- gnomic dialogue in which the New
dently been introduced as a substi- Republic's editors and writers par-
tute for the old slap-sticks of the ticipate.
silent days. Take the children for And finally, there is an Ezra
a good laugh if they can keep from Pound letter! A very precious one.
crying at this pathetic attempt to In one place, Ezra says: "I can on-
portray the modern way of making ly repeat my malediction: God eter-
a living. Jeanette McDonald has I nally damblast a country that
travelled a long way from the light spends billions interfering with
opera stage to a production of this people's diet and that cannot sup-
sort. port a single printing press which
Fox Film presents another ver- will print stuff that people like me
sion of the beautiful woman with- want to read; i.e., regardless of im-'
out the ready cash with which "to mediate fiscal profit." Then he
startle the horizon of this life, but tells of an amusing incident: "In
who is cast upon the cruel mercies a local (Italian) pharmacy I asked
of willing butter and egg men. Nat- for a certain brand of excellent
urally the blonde Jeannette takes American toilet paper and the
the eye of he-man Victor McLaglen, pharmacien replied with this epi-
the big mining man from Montana.' taph on Anglo-Saxon civilization:
While McLaglen is at first unat- I'E essagereate. Costa piu della Di-
tractive to the frail sex with his vina Commedia." "Yes, he wd. sell
long shavian beard, he takes on it to me, but really it cost too much.t
that sort of feminine appeal which rIt cost more than the Divina Com-
comes with the proper sartorial airs media. Our race still maintains
which are necessary to grace the this proportion in estimate. It is1
presidential suite of the expensive the reversal of the old epigram#
New York hotel. about hyacinths."

WANTED-House mother for fra-
ternity during summer. No ex-
perience necessary; requirements
light; no pay. Box 181. 56
MEN-171 offices in the U. S. to
place you. Work-healthful, edu-
cational, and profitable. Must be
satisfied with $35 per week plus
bonus. Write box No. 170, Mich.
Daily. 6-5C



Majestic-"The Black Camel"
Michigan-"Party Husband."
Wuerth-"The Right of Way"
with Conrad Nagel.
Lydia Mendelsohn-"Love and
Education Graduate Conference--
Prof. C. L. Anspach, Prof. George
C. Kyte, Prof. F. W. Hubbard, 10-12
at the Union. Dr. B. F. Pittinger,
Prof. C. O. Davis, Dean J. B. Ed-
monson, 2-4 o'clock.
Lecture-Prof. Arthur E. Wood
on "Recent Developments in the
Control of Crime," 5 o'clock, Natur-
al Science auditorium.
Majestic-"The Black Camel"
Michigan-"Party Husband."
Wuerth-"Right of Way."
Lydia Mendelssohn-"Love and
Majestic-"The Lawyer's Secret"
with Clive Brook and Charles Rod-
Michigan-"Party Husband."
Wuerth-"The Right of Way."
Lydia Mendelssohn-"LOve and
Excursion No. Seven-General
Motors Proving Ground; tickets at
the Summer Sesion office; 8 o'clock
in the morning.

These two ads, run in the Daily
during the regular session, brought over
ten replies each.
Thru the Daily classified columns
you can reach practically every student

and faculty


in Ann Arbor.

Just Dial 21214.
One insertion of 3 lines will costa
you only .................
Michigan Daily



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