~".. -~ r- .-w--r_. &Iir 'ummirr ESTABLISHED 1920 l3Iirbigan~ il MEMBER OFt THB ASSOCIATED I PRESS VOL. XI, NO. 18. EDUCATION SCHOOL - .,TO OPEN GRADUATIE More Than 100 Alumni to Come _forFour-Day Study; Five States Represented. CONFERENCE IS UNIQUE Edmonson Expects Stimulating Informal Discussions and Group Contacts. The first session of the special ' conference for graduates in educa- tion will open in the Union at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. In discusing the conference, Dean James B. Edmonson, of the School of Education said, "Provision has been made for the discussion of trends and problems in certain major fields of education. It is our belief that this program will be of real value, and we anticipate that the informal discussions and group contacts wil prove very stimulat- ing." More than 100 applications for attendance have come in from five different states, according to an an- nouncement by Prof, Thomas A. Diamond, in charge of arrange- ments. Professor Diamond said that last year the conference en- joyed unusual success, and as far as he knew was unique in the field of education. Round Table Meetings Offered. He also stated that this year a series of round table conferences was being inaugurated. These meetings, scheduled to take place Wednesday morning, will be in charge of the members of the facul- ty, and those who attend will be given an opportunity to present problems of general interest to the group. , The fields to be considered in the various groups and the chairman responsible for each are listed as follows: "School Administration in Large Cities," Prof Arthur B. Moehlman; "School Administration in Cities of Less Than 5,000," Prof. George E. Carrothers; "Vocational' uidance," Prof. George E. Myers; "Elementary Education," Prof. Clif- ford Woody; and "High School In- struction," Prof. Raleigh Schorling. The Speakers.Scheduled. STheremainder of the program, which ends Thursday, July 23, is given in the following list: Tomor- row Prof. Raleigh Schorling and Dr. W. H. Congdon will address the students. The following morning P^rof. Katherine Greene and Prof. Marguerite Walker will speak. The same afternoon Prof. Clarence S. Yakum, vice president of the Uni- versity and Prof. Clarke Trowe will give talks.hWednesday afternoon Prof. J. R. Sharman and Prof. John Sundwall are scheduled to give lec- tudes. Prof George C. Kyte and Prof. John Sundwall will speak the following morning. They will be .- followed in .the afternoon by Prof. Calvin0. Davis, and by Dean Ed- monson who will make the closing remarks. CLARENCE NH. M AY Chairman of Postal Telegraph Board Marries Anna Case, Concert Soprano. NEW YORK, July 18-(IP)-Clar- ence H. Mackay, chairman of the board of directors of the Postal Telegraph & Cable corporation, and Miss Anna Case, concert soprano and for eight years a member of the Metropolitan Opera company, were married today at St. Mary's Catholic church, Roslyn, L. I. Only members of the immediate families of the bride4 and bride- groom were present, including the bride's mother, Mrs. Peter Van Nuys Case of South Branch, N. J., Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth O'Brien, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Berlin and Mr. and Mrs. John W. Mackay. Mrs. O'Brien and Mrs. Berlin are Mr. Mackay's daughters and John W. Mackay is his son. FOUR PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGANSUNDAY, JULY 19, 1931 WEATHER: Fair, Moderate PRICE FIVE CENTS Student Confcrencc Recommends Reciprocity .Basis in Peace Pacts Revision of the peace treaties on a basis of reciprocity as a necessary preliminary to any closer co-opera- tion between the European powers was advocated in one of a series of resolutions made public yesterday by the British and American Stu- dents Conference on International Affairs meeting here. The Conference approved the Austro-German customs union but opposed any form of general Euro- pean union inconsistent with the purposes and methods of the League of Nations. Any planatend- ing to weaken the League was op- posed. Complete control of raw materials by international boards was ad- vocated in a resolution which point- ed out a belief that development along international lines would be a better method of reaching world organization than building up of regional organizations. The Monroe doctrine and any form of pan-American union were condemned by the conference as inconsistent with the purposes and methods of the League. "The conference firmly believes that the treaty for the renuncia- tion of war can best be served by the accession of the United States to the League," according to the preamble of a report accepted in the final sessions. "Particular emphasis should be laid on the development of methods of peaceful procedure for the pre- vention of hostilities, rather than on measures to be taken after hos- tilities have brokn out," it was said in the resolution. Measures recommended in case of a violation of the pact included concentration of all agencies of public opinion against the viola- tor, co-operation in preventing in- tercourse with the violator, and co- operation in military measures to preserve the pact. Entrance of the United States into the World court was recom- mended in another resolution as a step towards world security. The resolution also recommended that the United States express its will- ingness to co-operate in economic sanctions against a state considered an aggressor by the council. Mate Tops Twenty Grand at Arlington ARLINGTON PARK, Lilinois, July 18-(IP)-The pounding hoofbeats of Mate ground Twen- ty Grandy the super-racehorse of America, into startling defeat to the astonishment of 67,000 howl- ing spectators today. Twenty Grand, winner of four successive rich stakes this season and rated as the greatest race- horse produced in America since Man O' War was soundly beaten in the $86,000 Arlington classic, richest three-year-old race in the world. Music School Faculty ; Will Present Concert Prof. Wassily Besekirsky, Prof. Joseph Brinkman, and other mem-] bers of the School of Music faculty will contribute to the program of the concert to be given in Hill audi- torium at 8:15 Tuesday evening. Thelma Lewis, soprano, has se- lected four French songs and four songs by American composers for' her part of the program. Profes- sor Besekirsky and Professor Brink- man will present for the first hear- ing in Ann Arbor a sonata for vio-' lin and piano by the French com- poser, Fauree. A group of cello solos ranging{ from the classic to the modern will be played by Prof. Hanns Pick. The general public with the excep- tion of small children is invited, Prof. Earl V. Moore, director of the School of Music anounced yester- day. Denmark Caches Fuel for Lindbergh Flight COPENHAGEN, Denmark, July 18. - (P) - At the request of Col. Charles A. Lindbergh, the Danish government has deposited a supply of Gasoline at Godthaab on the western coast of Greenland for his forthcoming flight to the far east. It was not known here whether the American airman intended to take advantage of this fuel depot on an easterly trip to the orient via the north Atlantic and Europe or whether he was planning to use it for the final stages of a westerly circuit of the world. A supply of gas also was placed at Godthaab for Capt. Wolfgang von Gronau, German conqueror of the Atlantic. Coal Sellers Oppose Higher Freight Rates CHICAGO, July 18.-()-Milton E. Robinson, jr., president of the National Retail Coal Merchants' association, anounced today that the association, after a nation- wide poll of its 5,000 members, has decided to oppose the petition of railroads for a 15 per cent freight rate increase before the interstate commerce commission. Second Presentation in America to Be Given Here; Mercier Directs Production. "Love and Chance" by Marivaux, will open as the fourth production of the Summer Repertory players next Wednesday, and will run the remainder of the week. The play is considered by some critics as the best to come from the pen of the noted French drama- tist. It deals with court life in the eighteenth century. The present production, it was announced, is the second presenta- tion of the play in America. It has been staged under the direction of Jean Mercier, guest director of the Repertory players. M. Mercier, who was formerly a member of the staff of the Theatre du Vieux Columbier in Paris, also mounted the first production of "Love and Chance" in this country, at the Cornish school of Seattle last winter. Three more plays are scheduled for presentation by the players this summer. "Allison's House," Susan Glaspel's Pulitzer prize play, will open week after next under the direction of Thomas Wood Stevens, and will be followed by W. Somerset Maugham's "The Circle," staged by Director Valentine B. Windt, of Play Production. The closing play has not yet been de- cided upon. HALL CU1TS RECOD FOR NON-STOP HOP, NEW YORKTO CUBA Finishes Flight in 8 Hours and 40 Minutes, According to Unofficial Record. LOWERS HAWKS' MARK Fog Blanket Impedes First Part of Journey; Blind Flying Instruments Used. HAVANA, July 18.-()-What was declared by aviation officials to be the fastest non-stop flight from New York to Havana was. made today by James Goodwin Hall, former army flyer, when ac- cording to his timing he spanned the long stretch in eight hours and thirty-five minutes. According to the flier's record, he took off at Roosevelt field at 4:23 o'clock this morning. Unofficial figures made the take-off from New York at 4:38, which would make the total elapsed time eight hours, 40 minutes. Lands at Wrong Field. Through error Hall landed his Lockheed-Altair monoplane at Co- lumbia airport instead of at Curtis airport, official government field at Renta, Boyers. Officials there clocked his arrival at 1:18 eastern standard time, which would mean that he had beaten Captain Frank M. Hawks' time of nine hours, 21 minutes, by 46 minutes on the basis of a take-off at 4:43 a.m. Encounters Fog. Hall said he had encountered fog during the first few hours of the flight and was forced to fly at 500 feet. Later it cleared and he climb- ed to 5000 feet, remaining at that altitude the remainder of the trip. His blind flying instruments, espec- ially his artificial horizon, came in handy when cutting through the fog blanket at the outset of the flight. His 450 h.p. motor, develop- ing 550 h.p. at high altitude be- cause of a special super-charger, functioning perfectly, he said. DR. DICK LECTURES TO HEALTH CLASS Chicago Expert Says Scarlet Fever Is Preventable and Curable. "Conquest of scarlet fever is com- plete, for not only deaths from scar- let fever should be prevented if the Refuses French Plan ,. , Henry L. Stimson, Secretary of State, yesterday in- formed Premier Laval that the French loan plan, involving guaran- tees by the United States, Great Britain, and France, is entirely un- acceptable to the government at; Washington. CHANGES IN FRENCH LOAN PLANS LOOM Stimson Informs Laval Proposal for Guarantee Will Not Be Acceptable Here. WASHINGTON, July 18--(')--, Material modification of the French plan for a loan to Germany ap-, peared certain tonight as trans-At-' lantic discussions continued to pave the way for a seven-power confer- hence in London Monday. The French proposal that such a, loan be guaranteed by the United States, Great Britian, and France is regarded here as wholly unac- ceptable, and Secretary Stimson, has so informed the French prem- ier. Certain other conditions of the proposal, having to do in part with guaranteees to be given by Ger-; many herself, likewise are looked upon in Washington with skeptic-, ism. Some hope-of an effective agree- ment is seen, however, in the fact that France actually is discussing real relief measures.. The Ameri- can representatives, Secretaies Stimson and Mellon, are expected to enter the London conference with confidence that a compromise will be posible. Some advices reaching governmental circles say 'the problem of Germany's salva- tion no longer centers entirely around an actual money advance but turns rather upon an interna- tional accord which will restore confidence in German institutions. The American embassy in Berlin Chas reported that economic condi- tions already are improving al- though they remain uncertain. EMIPLOYM ENT AID OFFERED BY BOAD Hoover Committee Makes Move to Give Assurance of Regular Work. WASHINGTON, July 18.-(A)- A new move for obtaining co-oper- ation of more than 200 trade asso- ciations to stimulate employment in each industry was announced to- day by Acting Chairman Croxton of the president's emergency com- .mittee fr employment. A letter was sent executives of the various trade groups asking specific co-operation, both in the, adoption of emergency policies and in long-term planning to maintain industrial employment. "We have turned to trade asso- ciations," Mr. Croxton wrote, "as a natural medium of contact with industry and commerce with con- fidence that each group will con- tinue the most helpful procedure in the present emergency and also SWill develop policies which ulti- mately will give assurance of greater regularity of income for all interests." FRENCH PREMIER READY TO ENTER LONDONPARLEY Laval Agrees to Take Part After Meeting Reich Ministers. CLASHES AVOIDED IN FRIENDLY TALK Co-Op ration Looms as Paris Conference Is Ended Peacefully. PARIS, July 18-(A)--The ob- stacles in the way of French par- ticipation in the conference of major statesmen to be held' in London Monday were sWept away today in conversations be- tween the heads of the French and German governments. Premier Laval decided after discussing the German crisis with Chancellor Bruening and Foreign Minister Curtius that his separate negotiations with Germany were sufficiently advanced to remove the French objections to taking pait in the London meeting. The French decision remained in doubt until a communique was is- sued at the conclusion of the Franco-German conversation, and even then it was set forth indirect- ly in connection with a reference to a meeting tomorrow of the repre- sentatives of the powers that will be present at the British capital. Co-Operation Seen. M. Laval made it clear he con- sidered the atmosphere cordial dur- ing his talk with Herr Bruening and Chancellor Curtius and during the larger conference which followed at which the way was opened for Franco-German co-operation in the future. The French and the Germans were wholly frank, it was under- stood, the Germans setting forth the details of the crisis in their country and saying in effect, "What is the world going to do about it?" It was recognized here it would have been extremely embarrasing for M. Laval to refuse to go to Lon- don, but he maintained his refusal to accept the British invitation un- til the end of today's conferences. Germans to -Go to London. The Germans made it clear they were in Paris on their way to Lon- don and the departure of Arthur. Henderson, British foreign secre- tary, already has been scheduled for tomorrow. This virtually puts M. Laval in the position of making the best of whatever understand- ing he could get from the Germans. There was an evident desire on both sides to avoid any clashes in Paris over prickling political ques- tions, such as the guarantee of the Polish frontier and Austro-German political union. But the veiled re- ferences to these problems were un- derstood by all participants so the cordiality. manifested was not looked upon as entirely an empty form. PARIS, July 18.-(P)-Chancellor Bruening and Foreign Minister Curtius, of Germany, tody laid Germany's economic situation be- fore French government officials in a conference which lasted several hours and will be resumed tomor- row afternoon. They left the meeting with grave faces and shortly afterward it was announced they would confer with Secretary Stimson, Secretary Mel- lon and Ambassador Edge, at the American embassy tonight. An offiicial communique issued by Premier Laval said the chancellor had outlined Germany's financial situation and that Pierre Flandin, French finance minister, had of- fered suggestions as to methods by which Germany may obtain finan- cial aid. The discussion, said the com- munique, was "frank and cordial." s It was the, first time a German chancellor had been in Paris offici- - ally since 1871 when Bismark came to proclaim the German Em- pire at Versailles at the end of the Franco-Prussian war. _r_____antitoxin be administered early and. in adequate doses, but there should be no new cases of scarlet fever if the means of prevention available be properly applied," explained Dr. Gladys H. Dick, of the scarlet fe- ver committee of Chicago, speaking to the third Public Health institute yesterday. Texas, Oklahoma Still at Odds yesterda Over Durant-Denison Free Public Health institutes, held on Fridays and Saturdays, are organ- BridgeDifficulty. ized for those Public Health work- DENISON, Tex., July l.-.{')-. ers who are unable to attend the The Horatius at the bridge acts regular Summer Session. The in- staged oapposite sides of the Red stitutes are arranged, the general river by Governors Sterling and statement of the division of hy- Murray continued to draw the at- giene and public health says, to pro- tention of Texas and Oklahoma to- vide intensified work for public day with indications the United health administrators, public school States supreme court may be called administrators, health education to take a hand. While the Texas teachers, public health nurses, vis- governor held the south end of the iting nurses, and social workers. Durant-lpenison free bridge, Mur- How posture of children may be ray continued the Oklahoma block- corrected by using children's in- ade of a parallel toll bridge in his terest in toys and dramatics was campaign to give motorists free demonstrated by a performance by passage across the stream. Miss Margaretta Fish, health dra- W. C. Lewis, assistant attorney matizer, tuberculosis and health so- general of Oklahoma, announced he ciety, of Detroit. The jumping was preparing a petition for an or- jack, a toy dog and a toy cat, and iginal action in the supreme court a toy brother and sister were the to open three free bridges over the persons in the drama, and in the river "once and for all time." Tex- land of dreams the conversations as rangers continued their armed, of the toys were used to impress patrol of a barrier re-erected on the necessity of an upright posture Texas soil after it had been torn while sitting and a straight post- down by Oklahoma highway em- ure while sleeping. ployees on Governor Murray's or- Public Health institutes are open ders of Governor Sterling, who said to all Summer Session students he was complying with a federal without fee, for others a small fee court injunction. is charged.