F'RIDAY, JULY 17, 1931 THE SUMMKR MIHitGAN DAILY FA(#E ThE Members of Leading Michigan Women's Clubs Discuss Child Problem. Representatives of the leading Women's clubs of Michigan yester- day completed a three-day confer- ence called for the purpose of dis- cussing problems of child study clubs and parent teacher organi- zations in the state. The program, sponsored by the Extension Divi- sion, the School of Education, and the Michigan State Parent Teach- ers Association, included a special observation trip to the nursery unit of the University Elementary school. Dr. C. A. Fisher of the Extension Division was in charge of the ar- rangements and Dr. Marguerita Wilker directed the discussions. Among those attending the meet- ing were: Mrs. J. D. McGill, Jack- son; Mrs. D. W. Frostick, Wyan- dotte; Mrs. Perry Norton, Mrs. E. W. Oswald, Mrs. James C. McBral- ine, Mrs. Edward B. Flack, and Mrs. Edward Boegert, all of Saginaw; Mrs. L. E. Butler and Mrs. W. C. Schaefer, Grand Rapids, Mrs. E. G. Johnson, Ann Arbor; ]Vrs. Bess N. Ross, Detroit; Mrs. A. V. Minifee, Pontiac. Woman, Unconscious 25 Hours, Succumbs LATSING, July 16-(IP)-After a coma of nearly 25 hours, Miss Win- ifred Russell, fromer student tech- nician at Edgewater hospital in Chicago, died Wednesday at a local hospjital. She never regained con- sciousness after swallowing three bottles of a powerful sleeping drug. RAGGEDY ANN BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waves $4.00, $6.00, $8.00 With Service Dial 7561 1115 South University C LASSIFU[) BOARD-First class, by the week, $5.50 for 3 meals per day; $4.75 for two meals. Slightly higher rates by the single meal. One half block from the Campus at 213 South Thayer. Phone 5156. WANTED -Student laundry. All work guaranteed. Reasonable prices. Socks darned and buttons replaced free. Will call for and deliver. Call 23365. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 SITUATION W A N T E D-Experi- enced man wants job as porter in a fraternity house. Address Box 183 care Michigan Daily. 15, 17, 19 WANTED-Two confident bridge players desire experienced oppo- nent. For further details address Box 181 care Michigan Daily. THREE ROOM furnished apart- ment of distinction. Private bath and shower, refrigeration, soft water, heated garage, etc. $50 to desirable party. Open Sept. 1. Call Phone 6187. MENDING of all kinds. Ladies' and Men's underwear, shirts and stockings. 228 South Thayer, opposite Hill Auditorium. 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24 t .^ I M iIDLE $11 ~2~&4vYfo~opr AxksI9I ht frmtic ir~ /r A Ou tele-ilio-dllr pot Since the beginning of time, cooking has been a family affair-each family for itself; a potful at a time. But the past decade has seen a great change. The old family cooking pot has gone the way of the old oaken bucket. And in its place is a new American phenom- enon: the twelve-billion-dollar pot. In this pot, 55,000 factories are stewing and brewing and preparing most of your food ... and yours... and yours-an annual produc- tion of almost twelve billions of dollars. These 55,000 plants represent America's food industry. They are scattered throughout the nation. They make everything from canned foods to beverages, from ice cream to packed meats. But in the delectation of the public palate, the nourishment of the nation. Until two years ago, there was little coopera- tion or interchange of ideas in this vast enter- prise. Then a McGraw-Hill Publication, Food Industries, came upon the scene ... linked together the members of the industry .. . opened its columns exclusively to news and discussions of their common problems .. . provided averitable melting pot for food ideas. In almost every industry, a McGraw-Hill paper is occupying a role of like importance. You will find such a publication aiding and interpreting the industry you expect to enter. If you want to keep abreast of its latest trends every one of them, a staff of technical experts is facing t'he same problems of production, is working for a common cause: Business men, industrialists and engineers-600,000 of them-regularly read the McGraw-Hill Publications. More than 3,000,000 use McGraw- Hill books and magazines in their business. The Business Week System Aviation Factory and Industrial Management Power Industrial Engineering coal Age Textile World Food Industries Electrical World Electrical Merchandising Electrical West Radio Retiling Electronics Product Engineering Engineering and Mining Journal Engineering and Mining World Electric Railway Journal Bus Transportation American Machinist Engineering News-Record Construction Methods Chemical & Metallurgical Engineering 3 Mc GRAW- HILL PUBLICATIONS McGRAW-HIt( PUBUSHING CO., Inc., New York. Chicago.Phiodolphia -Washington.Detroit St tous.Cleveland- Los Angeles- Son EronCisco -Boston-"Greenvyile -4ondon