I ESTABLISHED 1920 P 'ummrr t3lfrbigan Iail MEMBER OF THE ASSOCATED PRESS 1 VOL. XI, NO. 16. FOUR PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1931 WEATHER: Cloudy, Showers PRICE FIVE CENTS FORC ED T O LAND NEAR BUDAP EST Gasoline Shortage Ends 3,200-Mile Journey Short of Goal. FLYERS UNHURT IN FORCED DROP Propeller Breaks When Plane Is Grounded on Rough Land. Stimson's Aid I BUDAPEST, Hungary, July 6 -(P)-Failing by only a few miles to reach the goal of their approximately 3,2oo-mile non-- stop flight from Harbor Grace, Newfoundland, to Budapest, Captain Alexander Magyar and Captain George Endres were forced to land the transatlantic monoplane at Biscke, fourteen miles from here, tonight. Their last drop of gasoline ex- hausted, they landed the ship in rough ground along a railroad track at 7:40 p.m. (1:40 pm. eastern standard time). They had covered approxmately 3,200 miles over land and4 sea In a little over 26 hours and were almost in sight of their goal when the tank ran dry. Flyers Unhurt. The propeller was broken in landing, and one of the wings of _.the plane .was damaged, but the fliers themselves wre uninjured. They crawled out of the plane grin- ning broadly. Captain Magyar walked.' Theflyers took off from Harbor Grace, Newfoundland at 11:18 a.m. eastern standard time yesterday. _They noticed a hole in the top of their fuel tank and had to pour out part of the precious gasoline surplus to prevent greater leakage. Welcome Enthusiastic. ' Special trains had transported hundreds to Matyasold Airdome.' By noon 100,000 persons had1 gathered at the airport and every hour trains rolled in loaded to ca- pacity. The official welcoming commit-1 tee, modeling its plans on the American style, had arranged to' take the flyers by automobile along1 the principal streets of Budapest to the city hall. This is an honor' which never has been granted be- fore.. Throughout Hungary those who had lost hope that a flight of this kind ever would be made are filled with unbounded enthusiasm for the "Justice to Hungary" has be- come a symbol of the trials and disasters through which the nation] has passed.1 __THREEtTO AD D RESS D)r. GUdakufst, Miss Goodrkb, Dr. Dick to Give Taks at Session Today. The third Public Health institute specially desned for public health workers, visiting nurses, public school administrators, health Edu- cation teachers, and soial workers,, will begin at 9 o'clock today in the West Medical building under the presidency of Dr. R. B. Howard, director, district health department No. 1, Children's Fund of Michigan. Students enrolled in the Summer Session may attend the institute without payment of any fee, it was announced.! "City Health Service" will be the subject of an address by Dr. Don W. Gudakunst, director of S c h oo1 Health Service of Detroit. Dr. Gladys H. Dick of the scarlet fever committee of Chicago will discuss "Scarlet Fever." Miss Annie W. Goodrich, dean of the School of; Nursinig of Yale university will1 speak on "The Yale Schol of Nursing." The prevention of heart. disease and the normal diet will al- Harvey H. Bundy, of Boston, Mass., has succeeded the late Joseph P. Cotton as Assistant Secretary of State. He was photo- graphed at his desk in Washington as he took over his new post as an aide to Secretary Stimson. DOAK SCORES ALIEN DEFENSESOCIETIES Assails 'Un-American' Methds of Attempting to Block Deportation. ALEXANDRIA, Va., July 16-(IP) -Secretary Doak today denounced as "un-American" those organiza- tions which, he said, attempt to prevent the deportation of 'aliens who advocate "the annihilation of our democratic form of govern- ment." Speaking before the Alexandria Kiwanis club, across the Potomac river from Washington, the secre- tary of labor said he could not un- derstand "these precious ones" whose slogan seems to be "America last" and who "love every country but their own." Despite their opposition, Doak re- called, the labor department in the last fiscal year deported 18,000 aliens who proved undesirable or who had entered the country il- legally. "Many of these aliens," he said, "were affiliated with organizations whose announced purpose it is to overthrow the government of the United States by force and vio- lence. i "It is to prevent the deportation of aliens of this kind that the energies of certain individuals and societies are directed. Here are pedsons and societies in this coun- try who sneer at the word 'patriot- ism'. They believe and preach that. a man has a right to advocate by speech or by writing the annihi- lation of .our democratic form of government, and to go untouched by the law. "It has been a puzzle to me al- ways to learn upon what ground these organizations and these in- dividuals base their reasoning. There is nothing American in it. nothing democratic. They aid these preachers of violence in their appeal to the courts, and then if the courts uphold the order of de- portation, they rescend upon the department of labor with this plea or that plea for a change in the order." Students Will View Detroit Institutions More than 60 students are ex- pected to go on the fifth Summer Hession excursion tomorrow, Carle- ton F. Wells, secretary of the Ses- sion and director of the trip, said last night. The excursionists' will tour De- troit, seeing the Detroit News plant, Belle Isle, the Fisher building and the WJR studios, the Detroit In- stitute of Arts, and the Public Li- brary. Reservations for the tour will still be available until 5 o'clock tonight in the Summer Session office,.Uni- OR.\\W. B. HINSDALE TALKS ONINDIAN'S ORIGINALLIFE HERE state Archxilogist flnds EarW Amerinds Settles Neu* Fishiig Regions. TRACES USES OF PPI Tobacco Was First riiployed for Ceremonial Purposes, Says Lecturer. "Indian population was concen- trated in the best fishing sections of the State of MicLigan," Dr. Wil- bert B. Hinsdale, custodian of Mich- igan archaeology, said yesterday in an illustrated lecture at the Natural Science auditorium, "In shallow bays, like Saginaw bay where the waters were full of sturgeon and other large fish the Indian did his fishing," Dr. Hinsdale said. Describes Economy. It is estimated that a hundred square miles of land are needed to support fifty persons in a state of savage economy, Dr. Hinsdale explained, but in a small portion of Wisconsin and Minnesota where the Indians grew corn or harvested wild corn, hunted game and fished the population was as large as con- tained in the surrounding five states. Tobacco Ceremonial.- "The Indian thought of the earth as mother and never took out any plants from the earth without put- ting something back into the ground and he did not conceive of1 other animals living on the earth as "the lower animals", Dr. Hins- dale explained, "for he had a feel-" ing of oneness with all nature." "Neither did the Indian use tobacco; in the manner that we do; he used it to solemnize vows and for relig-" fous and social occasions", Dr. Hins- dale said, "the puffing on a friend- ly pipe was like the notary's seal on a document for the Indian." Among the archaeology collec- tIons of the state there is a tract of land of 25 acres where the In-; dian method of planting of corn; is preserved, Dr. Hinsdale said. Four Killed as Two Planes Crash in Ai SAN ANTONIO, July 16-()- Three officers and one flying cadet were killed four miles south of Brooks Field today when the two planes in which they were flying collided in the air. All four were on duty at Brooks Field. They were Maj. Charles V. Hart, flight surgeon and pilot, Capt, Carlos J. Chamberlain of New York City, Lieut. K. Austin Rogers, flying instructor, and Ca- det Endicott Longacre. HEAT WAVE IMOVES Hottest Jaly 15 in Chicago i Recored; M hIgn ' Hard Hit. CHICAGO, July 16.-('P)-With no relief in sight, the middle-west settled down today to earnest swel- tering. Southwest winds were whipping baking temperatures from Nebras- ka and Kansas toward Illinois, Wis- consin, Indiana and Michigan. Wednesday was Chicago's hottest July 15 on record. It outdid 1887's mark by 1 degree. by reaching 97. Chicago's weather was matched and beaten throughout the middle- west. Aberdeen, S.D., had the high- est, 114; Pierre, S.D., had an o31i- cial reading of 111, the highest in its history; Minneapolis and Dan- ville, Ind., had 102; Springfield, Ill, 100; LaCrosse, Wis., 100; St. Louis, Kansas City, Davenport, Ia., and Peoria, Ill., 98. Scattered storms failed to break the new heat, wave in Michigan. There were- scattered deaths caused by heat: Chicago, 4; down- state Illinois, 1; Minnesota, 2; Two Ministers Leave Country for Weekend. M'DONALD VISIT TO CAPITAL OFF Payrolls Met; Savings Accounts Still Closed. BERLIN, July z6--()-Ex- traordinary diplomatic develop- ments in Paris and London today snarled the week-end program of Chancellor Bruening and Foreign Minister Curtius, making it necessary for them to leave Ger- many during the height of the' financial crisis. Telephone lines linking Berlin, buzzed all day, with the upshot that the visit of Prime Minister McDonald and Foreign Secretary Henderson to the German capitol was called off. Meanwhile Germany waspcheered by one factor and depressed by an- other. Arrangements to meet to- morrow's payroll were completed and the nation's banks, closed for two days by President Von Hinden- burg's decree, were reopened, but they turned away large crowds of sullen and money-hungry deposi- tors, for they were not permitted to pay out funds held in savings accounts. The cabinet busied itself with the preparation of new decrees which were expected to be made public late tonight. Police chiefs throughout the nation took meas- ures to prevent the repetition of communist riots. In Breslau de- positors stormed the municipal savings bank and became so men- acing a large force of police was called out. Last night outbreaks occurred in Leipzig, Gelsenkirchen, Inschwerte, Munich, Hamburg, Al- tona, Dresden, and Karlsruhe. In each case the authorities succeeded in quelling the disorders. IiLOM Threatens Force Statesmen Will Convene in Paris; Unrest Grows as Germany Holds Funds Fantasy of Hungarian Tough Noted as Dramatist's Best Work. Is Adolph Hitler, Fiery Fascist leader of Germany, has declared himself ready to seize power, by force if necesary, to save Germany from Bolshevism in its present economic crisis. Hitler announced that the Geiman people are frantic over the financial chaos and that they're ready for any ex- periment to save themselves from ruin. LONDON GATHERING TO VIEW_ FINANCES Preparations for Conference of World's Major Powers Are Rushed. LONDON, July 16.-(lP)-Arrange- ments moved forward rapidly to- night for the extraordinary con- ference here Monday e v e n i g among the ministers of Great Brit- ain, France, the United States, Ger- many, Belgium, Italy, and Japan to seek a formula by which central Europe may be eased of its eco- nomic travail. Plans for the Monday conference, the greatest gathering of statesmen of the great powers since the post- war treaty days, forced an eleventh hour abandonment of the much ad- vertised good-will visit of Prime Minister MacDonald and Foreign Secretary Henderson to Berlin. The United States is expected to be represented at the Monday con- ference by Secretary of State Stim- son, who is in Paris; Secretary of the Treasury Mellon, now on the Riviera; and Hugh Gibson, Ameri- can Ambassador to Belgium, who arrived from Brussels last night to participate in a meeting of the Young plan experts which convenes tomorrow. Mr. MacDonald, Mr. Henderson, and Philip Snowden, chancellor of the exchequer, will be the British representatives. Mr. MacDonald probably will preside. Semi-officially, it was stated the conference would deal principally with economic matters and was made necessary by the growing seriousness of the German crisis. Emphasis would be placed, it was said, on measures to prevent dif- ficulties similar to those of Ger- many from spreading over the rest of Europe. In authoritative quarters it was also learned the political phases of the crisis would be discussed.'There was widespread expectation that Germany might come prepared to make certain political concessions in order to get credit to stabilize her economic position. Invitations to the nations which will participate in the conference were issued at 1 a.m. today. By tonight Japan was the only one to accept formally, but other accept- Laval Announces That Major Diplomats Will Attend. LONDON MEETING TO BE OPPOSED Proposal to Be Known as 'French Plan, Premier Says. PARIS, July i6-(P)-A con- ference of major statesmen which will include Chancellor Heinrich Bruening and Foreign Minister Curtius of Germany will be held here Saturday to discuss Ger- many's financial situation, it was announced tonight by Premier Laval. Secretary of State Henry L. Stimson of the United States and Foreign Minister Arthur Henderson of Great Britian will participate in the conference which, according to Premier Laval's announcement, will discuss the question of finan- 'cial guarantees for credit to be ex- tended to Germany and also "meas- ures of political appeasemtn." Communique Issued. The announcement that the con- ference would be held Saturday was made by Premier Laval through a communique issued after a session of the French cabinet this after- noon. Premier Laval made it clear the plan for financial aid to Germany will be discussed as a "French plan" and it was understood this accords with the views of Secretary Stim- son and Mr. Henderson, who went over it during the two hours of this morning's meeting. To Oppose Meeting. One phase in the communique which the French premier issued tonight aroused intense interest. The phase was "measures of polit- ical appeasement." This was re- ported to refer to a formula which was evolved by the premier at the cabinet meeting in order to bring together the opinions of the mem- bers. Premier Laval left no doubt in the minds of newspaper men who talked to him tonight that France has decided to oppose the London meeting, at least until after the fi- nancial and political conversations with German statesmen in Paris have reached concrete results. CHiIL NAUGURATES DEBT MORATORIUM Premier Blanquier Says Nation Must Deposit Payments for July Locally. SANTIAGO, Chile, July 16.-(P)- The world depression and disor- ganized markets for minerals and nitrates took their long-expected toll in Chile today. Premier Blan- quier anounced a moratorium on the foreign debt at least until Aug. 1. In two statements by the pre- mier, two days after he assumed office, and one by the Banco Cen- tral, it was announced that for the remainder of July interest and ser- vice charges on foreign obligations estimated to aggregate $2,040,000, would be deposited locally instead of being sent abroad and. that after Aug. 1 a decision would be made as to future payments. The Banco Central statement dis- cussed the general financial situa- tior a andsaid "this step is painful for a nation which up to the pres- ent day has complied exactly with its obligations, but it is indispen- sable at the present moment." The action affects thousands of holders of Chilean bonds, mainly in the United States and England, who must await temporarily the "Liliom," current production of the Repertory players, will close its run after two more performances, those of tonight and Saturday night. The play is known as Ferenc Mol- nar's most succesful work. It is a fantasy of life in Hungary, the strange romance of a tough who embodies the best and worst qual- ities of humanity. "It is a pensive and sanguine comedy which picks up a bit of human riffraff in the debris of Bu- dapest, and so trists and turns it that you can catch the glint of gold in it," Alexander Wollcott said in the New York Times. . American League Cleveland 9, New York 8 Athletics 5, Detroit 3 Washington 5, Chicago 4 game, wet grounds) St. Louis 2, Boston 1 National League Pittsburgh 12, Phillies 8 St. Louis 5, Brooklyn 0 Chicago 5, New York 2 (second