' ESTABLISHED 1920 I P i'uzumrr Y £Elithigan Iait MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS I VOL. XI, NO. 15. FOUR PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1931 WEATHER: Fair, Warmer PRICE FIVE CENTS HUNGARIAN FLYERS OFF FOR BUDAPEST; WINDS FAVORABLE Magyar, Endres Start Atlantic Hop in Plane, 'Justice of Hungary.' NO REPORTS RECEIVED Aviators Believed Far Out Sea, in Absence of Radio Message From Ship. Flint Man Awaits Flyers in Hungary FLINT, July 15-(IP)-Over in Budapest, Hungary, Emil Salay, retired Flint sausage manufact- urer, awaits the arrival of George Endres and Alexander Magyar, Hungarian fliers, in the plane in which he has invested $30,000 as his pay end of what he terms "a debt of gratitude" to the land of his birth. Salay, 58 years old, met the fliers in Detroit a year ago and heard of their hopes to make a grand gesture of patriot- ism toward their native land by a flight from Detroit to Buda- pest. Salay agreed to, under- take the flight, bought the plane and financed the preparations for the trip. So this flight in the Lockheed- Sirius low wing monoplane will be his remembrance of his fatherland.. He named the plane "Justice for Hungary" to call the attention of the world, by the flight if it succeeds, to Hungary's position among the nations af- ter the World war.I Play Production Offers 'Liliom' as Third Summer Presentation at HARBOR GRACE, Newfoundland, July 15.-()-Two Hungarian army reserve officers, Alexander Magyar and George Endres, today joined the small group of aviators who have atempted the west-to-east crossing of the Atlantic. They took off in the aeroplane, the "Justice of Hungary," at 1:48 p.m., Newfound- land time (11:18 a.m. eastern stan- dard time) for Budapest, and in the absence of radio reports were believed to be far out at sea to- night. The Hungarians had a wireless on board and said they would send the call letters KHNZA on six hun- dred meters every hour if they be- lieved it necessary. Weather re- ports just prior to the takeoff indi- cated the flyers would have favor- able winds over most of their route, but a dangerous ceiling formed by dense clouds might impede their progress. Not Too Optimistic. Magyar and Endres were inform- ed of the atmospheric conditions by Dr. James H. Kimball, New York weather bureau meteorologist, be- fore leaving Harbor Grace. They were not too optimistic about the weather conditions, it was indicated by Endres, who said, "We hope everything will be OK and the storm will finish before we get to it." Light rain fell here soon after the takeoff, and the wind had shifted to the northwest from the west. Reports from points along the western and southern coasts of Ire- land indicate fine weather is await- ing Endres and Maygar, a message from Dublin stated. Gets Good Start. The "Justice of Hungary" got away to a good start considering the heavy load of gasoline on board.- Much difficulty was experienced by a mechanic in starting the motor, but after it had been warmed up for about forty minutes everything mechanical was pronounced satis- factory. The object of the flight, Endres and Maygar had previously said, wdas to call the attention of the world to what they termed wrongs done Hungary after the World war in the division of territory. Their food supply included ham, chicken and tomato candwiches, two quarts of ice water, two quarts of black coffee and a score of choc- olate bars. STDENTS TO VISIT DETROIT SATUDAY Important Institutions Will Be Inspected on Fifth Summer Session Excursion. Visits to many of the important institutions in Detroit will feature the fifth Summer Session excursion Saturday. One of the chief points of interest which the students will see is the Detroit News plant, where the pro- cess of making a large metropoli- tan daily newspaper will be in- spected. A trip through the center of the city and a view of Grand Circus park will be followed by a complete tour of Belle isle. The students wll be carried throughout the ex- cursion by the same bus used for the trip from Ann Arbor. Reservations must be made be- fore 5 o'clock tonight in the Sum- mer Session office, University hall, Carleton F. Wells, secretary of the Summer Session and director of the excursion, said yesterday. The tntal expense for the tour. includ- Two Decrees Will Be Published Simultaneously in Paris and in Moscow. AGREEMENT IS SOUGHT Measure to Check 'Dumping' by Russia and Retaliatory Act Abrogated. PARIS, July 15. - (A)-Regular economic relations between France and Soviet Russia will be re-estab- lished tomorrow by publication of two decrees simultaneously in Paris and Moscow. !'he first abrogates one promul- gated by France October 3, 1930, which was designed to check Rus-, sian dumping. The second deal9 with the retaliatoy measures taken by the Soviet subsequent to the French action, at which time com- mercial exchanges between the two countries virtually ceased. The semi-official news agency said: "This first step will doubtless result in permitting the Franco- Russian negotiators to pursue in a more favorable atmosphere the dis- cussions begun in Paris June 5 in order to reach accord." MIALOTT DISCUSSES INCREASE_ SUDY Commercial Education Growing, Specialist From Interior Department Says. "Collegiate education for busi- ness is growing far more rapidly than higher education in general," said Prof. John 0. Malott, specialist in commercial education in the De- partment of the Interior, yesterday afternoon. "Although the collegi- ate schools of commerce are among the most recently organized divi- sions of the universities, they are in many instances the largest of the professional schools." Continuing further, Professor Malott said that perhaps the great- est potential force at the close of the decade is the movement toward scientific curriculum investigations in measuring the needs for busi- ness training and improving teach- ing procedures. "The growth of American busi- ness in size and complexity as well as the increasing ramifications of internabional trade warrants the best professional training that can be devised. The need is for a con- tinuing, capable leadership trained in the social implications and tech- nical phrases of business," he con- cluded. PETERSON REIEWS ICELANDICHISTORY Island's Language Has Changed Little During Thousand Years, He Says. "If Iceland and Greenland were to exchange names, both would be more properly named," said Prof. Frederick W. Peterson of the de- partment of English, in an illus- trated lecture yesterday. Iceland is in fact the land of fire, having been of volcanic origin, with 107 extinct volcanoes, innumerable guysers and hot springs. "The Icelanders are a story lov- ing and story telling people, fond of their literature to such an extent that their language has undergone less change in a thousand years than other languages do in half that time," Professor Peterson con- tinued. According to William Mor- ris, who translated some of the Ice- landic classics into English, the literature of Iceland was unparral- leled in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries after the Roman litera- ture in England and France in the sixteenth century, Professor Peter- son said. The people of Iceland are mainly Scandanavian with a slight celtic mixture, the island being first settled by Norwegian chieftains in 874 A. D., said Professor Peterson. "The liberal government of Den- mark, to whom the country now be- longs, in 1902 gave a great measure of freedom to Iceland but there Questions Ability of System Improve Conditions for to Working Class. "Reformists maintain that there, is no solution of the labor unrest, within the capitalist system, but the challenge to socialism is, whether it can provide more ade- quately for the demands of the workers," said Prof. G. E. Bigge, of Brown university, in a lecture be- fore the Michigan Socialist club yesterday. Workers demand a better living, more material goods, freedom from wage slavery, equality and economic justice, economic security, more leisure, and if socialism proposes to be a substitute for capitalism it must provide for these demands ac- cording to Professor Bigge. "But socialism must harmonize individual freedom and group wel- fare; it must decide whether free- dom to work or freedom from work is more important. It is not expedient for the movement to of- fer to one group freedom, to an- other leisure, to another attractive work, and to all an abundance of goods which con not be secured simultaneously with all or any of the other goods," Professor Bigge said. { Vallee's Mother Dies After Year's Illness WESTBROOK, M., July 14-(AP)- Mrs. Charles A. Vallee, mother of Rudy Valleee, died today at her home here. Members of the family, including the radio crooner and his brother William, who flew here from New York, were with her at the end. Mrs. Vallee was 61 years old. Vallee left his bride of a week, the former Fay Webb, in New York, when he made his hurried trip to his old home. The mother had been ill for a year. . Fresh Air Camp Drive Nets More Than $350 More than $351 was netted by the drive conducted for the Fresh Air camp, Theodore Honrberger, director, announced last night. This is $100 more than has ever before been collected in a summer drive. Hornberger said, and camp A Review by George W. Priehs. There is much to be said in hav- ing a good play adequately staged, in preference to having a poor play well done. Play production should be congratulated on doing "Liliom." It is by far one of the most inter- esting f this summer's prduc- tions, althought its actual presenta- tion may well serve those interested in producing as a text book for errors to be avoided. "Liliom" is a vivid drama of those who live on bread, stew, and cheap wine. Its characters are those who are not spoiled by psuedo-culture and sophistication. The emotions creating the drama are near the primitive, controlled not by the intellect but by intense feeling. If Mr. Windt understood this, he failed in his last night's produc- tion to convey this to his audience. The chief fault being his inability to make Miss Chapel, who played the maltreated, inarticulate, peas- )ant wife of "Liliom" feel emotions that she tried exteriorly to convey. Not once did she rise to the in- tense dramatic reaction that Mol- nar created for his heroine. She was not the sympathetic Julie, but always Eugenie Chapel in a drab Austrian serving girls' costume. Harry Allen was "the capable Mr. Allen" as "Liliom". Unfortun- ately the title role required a bit more than capable acting. It re- quired a sympathetic understand- ing of the character of a tough. The actor to be an unforgettable Liliom must have weeks of study. Mr. Allen is to be congratulated for his serious approach. The only regret is that the production had to be rushed in order to fill sched- ule, costing Mr. Allen a wonderful opportunity., "Liliom" is a play that cannot, be hastily done. The mistake that Play Production made was that they did not save it for the winter season. It would have given Mr. Windt an opportunity to study thoroughly the intricate script, to cast his play more intelligently, to work out the difficult shadings and; thythms, in short to produce "Lil- iom" as it deserves to be produced., MOONEY! BILLINGS DECISIONATTACKED Wickersham Commission Assails Law Which Sentenced Two in Bombing.- WASHINGTON, July 15-(/P)- The Wickersham commission today, denounced as "shocking to one's sense of justice" the laws under which the famous Mooney-Billings case was conducted. Embedded deep in a formal re- port to President Hoover on meth- ods of criminal procedure, the com- mission cited the case arising from the 1916 Preparedness day bomb- ing in San Francisco as one in which motions for a new trial F'were held inadequate to prevent injustice." It made no direct recommenda- tion, however, that the case be re- opened. In the body of its report, signed by 10 of the 11 members, the com- mission concluded that blame should be laid at the door of "in- competent, weak or politics-ridden judges" for much of the general complaint against this country's /eriminal procedure. It presented a plea that the pub- lic insist upon the complete divorce of the administration of justice from politics and that the selection of judges and magistrates be made upon the ground of conspicuous fit- ness alone. Educators to Sponsor Dance Tomorrow Night The, Women's and Men's Educa- tion clubs are jointly sponsoring a dance to be held from 8:30 to 12 o'clock tomorrow evening in the gymnasium of the University High school, Prof. Thomas A. Diamond announced yesterday. All educa- PARIS, July 15.-(P)--The Ger- man financial crisis will be faced as a world problem at a "conference of six" which will take place there -at 11 a.m. tomorrow, presided over by Premier Pierre Laval. Present at the conference will be Secretary Henry L. Stimson, Foreign Secretary Arthur Henderson of Great Britain, Foreign Minister Aristide Briand, Finance Minister Etienne Flandin, and American Ambassador Walter E. Edge. Three important interviews to- day prepared the way for tomor- row's one-day conference. Briand was reported to have in- formed Secretary Stimson that France asks no political guaran- tees from Germany before extend- ing further financial aid, but ac- cepts a gesture from Germany showing a willingness to help her- self. Castle Says Nation Will Keep Out of Politics in Giving Aid to Germany. WASHINGTON, July 15-(IP)- 'America drew aloft tonight from .all political considerations in con- nection with the German finan- cial situation. Acting Secretary Castle of the State department said the United States would not allow itself to be involved in any political situation in the extension of economic as- sistance to Germany. The French government, he add- ed, has contended it did not ask directly for political considerations in connection with financial aid asked by Germany. Press dis- patches from Europe earlier in the week said France had made politi- cal demands on Germany through Hans Luther, head of the Reichs- bank, when he talked with French officials in Paris. The acting secretary asserted that he thought it unlikely that other countries would extend credit to Germany before that nation took steps toward domestic econ- omic adjustment. He expressed a belief that the American federal reserve system would extend credit to Germany only in concert with all interested banking sources, in- cluding the bank of France. Conference Members Visit Ford Factories Members of the British and American Students Conference on International Affairs visited the River Rouge Ford plant yesterday. Final commission meetings of the Conference will be held today. Following the completion of the work in commission, the reports will be considered tonight, tomor- row morning, and Saturday morn- ing in plenary sessions of the con- ference, and resolutions will be acted on formally. The last open meeting will be held at 8 o'clock tomorrow night in the Grand Rapids room of the League. American League New York 4, Cleveland 4. Chicago at Washington, rain. Athletics 5, 11, Detroit 3, 0. Boston 5, 2, St. Louis 4, 5. National League Pittsburgh 4, Phillies 2. Laval Heads 'Big Conference at Six' Paris GEHRN GOVERlNMENT INITIATES STRICT CURRENCY REGULATIONS; DIPLOMATS WILL ITACKLE CRISIS Banks to Be Reopened Today for Major Withdrawals. JOBLESS CREATE NO DISTURBANCE BERLIN, July r5-(P)-The government tonight clamped down drastic regulations cover- ing traffic in foreign currency and at the same time announced that the banks of Germany will be reopened tomorrow but only for such essential purposes as the withdrawal of money for payrolls and tax obligations and the un- employment dole. Both these measures were an- nounced to the country over ra- dio by a government broadcaster who appealed to those discom- moded by the bank closure to show "a sporting spirit and get along somehow for a few days more." The government's action came a few hours after the Reichsbank had lowered the forty per cent coverage on currency required by law, there- by releasing millions of marks to ease the credit situation created by heavy withdrawals of foreign cur- rency during recent weeks. Discount Rate Raised. The Reichsbank also raised its discount rate from seven to ten per cent and boosted the rates on loans against collateral from eight to fif- teen per cent, both measures being taken to keep the expanded cur- rency down to the actual neds of the nation and to forestall infla- tion. The decree affecting foreign cur- rency, also read over the radio, re- stricts buying and selling of the Reichsbank and its duly appointed agents. It prohibits the quotation of any but official rates of exchange which will be determined in Berlin. The decree also forbids publica- tion of unofficial stock and bond quotations as well as all trading in foreign exchange futures. Jobless Withhold Protest. The fact that no serious disturb- ances had been reported tonight in connection with the scheduled na- tion-widedprotest bynthe jobless against dole reduction brought a degree of reassurance to uneasy citizens. Fears also were quieted by an an- nouncement to the press by Her- mann Goering, national socialist member of the Reichstag, that the Nazis positively were planning no pitsch. He said all reports to that effect were lies. Asserting he was speaking on be- half of the Adolf Hitler Nazi move- ment, Herr Goering said, "Common sense should convince anyone that the party needs only to sit back and wait until the situation inevit- ably gets so bad the nation will spontaneously demand Hitler rule." SLUMPS RECORDED IN POUNDSTERLING Downward Movement Attributed to Recall of Capital by Nations of World. LONDON, July 15-(IP)-The pound sterling fell below $4.84 to- day on the New York exchange, the lowest point recorded since Great Britain returned to the gold standard in the spring of 1925. Similar s umps in sterling oc- curred in Paris, Amsterdam, on the Swiss exchange, and in other con- tinental financial centers. The downward movement was attributed to the general calling home, of capital by the United States and European countries due to the world's uncertainty and anx- iety to cover commitments in cen- tral Europe. Big movements in the bullion