TWO TtiE SUI INIER NIIC HIGAN DAIL" I' TESDAY, JULY' 14, 1931 TWO THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, JULY 14, 1931 U6kie 'ummr Published every morning except Monday during the University Summer Session by the Board in Oontrol of Student Publications. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dis patches credited to it or not otherwise credited in thi paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, post- office as second class matter.. Subscription by carrier, $1.50; by mail, $1.75.' Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street, Am Arbor, Michigan. Telephone: EdItorial, 4925; Business 2.1214. EDITORIAL STAFF MANAGING EDITOR HAROLD O. WARREN, JR. Editorial Director ...... , ....Gurney Williams ASSOCIATE EDITORS L W. arpenter Carl Meloy L. R.: Chubb Sher M. Quraishi Barbara Hall Eleanor Rairdon Charles C. Irwin Edgar Racine Susan Manchester Marion Thornton P. OutIr Showers BUSINESS STAFF BUSINESS MANAGER WILLIAM R. WRBOYS Assistant Business Manager .. Vernon Bishop Contracts Manager . ........,. .Carl Marty Advertising Manager......... .Jack B3uting Accounts.- Circulation.........Thomas Muir TUESDAY, JULY 14, 1931 Night Editor-Gurney Williams BUY A TAG T-OMORROW a campus drive will be held to replenish the treas- ury of the 3University Fresh Air Camp. Pursuing the annual cus- tom, the preliminary campaign was carried on in the spring, at which time the University responded gen- erously and enabled the staff at the Patterson lake Camp to provide three hundred boys with three weeks of healthful recreation. Now, with the season half over, the Camp faces failure unless tomorrow's drive is successful. Institutions depending upon vol- untary contributions are finding it difficult this year to maintain standards of service, and the Fresh Air Camp is no exception. The Pat- terson Lake plant runs in five two- week shifts, taking care of one hun- dred boys at a time, and to close down at this point in the season would deprive two hundred under- privileged boys of vacations toward which they have been looking for a long time. Social agencies have chosen the most worthy of city boys who need outdoor recreation, and the Patterson Lake project is made possible only through the generous contributions of the Uni- versity personnel. The price of a couple of movie tickets will buy a tag, but that neg- ligible amount will maintain for one day some kid whose vacation would otherwise consist of sunlight filtered through grime and an oc- casional ducking under an open fire hydrant in the heat of the city. Summer students are not called upon to contribute money to the multitude of tag day drives that besiege the students during the reg- ular session and it is hoped that tomorrow's individual contributions will reflect the traditional generos- ity of this campus. Michigan's stu- dent body has yet to fall short of any amount asked of it, and it is naturally to be expected that this summer's Camp drive will be met by the enthusiastic response it deserves. Buy a tag, and pay a lot for it! I PA YING THE PIPER S OMETIMES it occurs to us that the British have the only sat- isfactory solution of the radio en- tertainment problem. Over there, the radio listener pays a tax on his receiving set and programs are broadcast by a company that is not forced to operate on advertising in- come. The programs are therefore free from the nauseating ballyhoo that punctuates. with increasing, volume, our own so-called radio en- tertainment. When broadcasting first captured. the+ public fancy, people were only too willing to listen to statements+ of the merits of somebody's brooms, soup, cigarettes or toothpaste in ex-+ cnange for pure entertaimnent; but the business of radio advertising has evolved into such an avalanche of publicity madness that a revo-; lution seems likely.j A certain amount of advertising is of course necessary if American. manufacturers are to continue to. finance our radio stations, but thec gullibilities and patience of listen- ers are rapidly being exhausted by the present mass of advertising that1 is kneaded into their daily ration of dial-twisting. The American public is willing toe pay for entertainment.-they do so at the rate of several billions of dol- c lars a year-but the price of radio Campus Opinion Contributos ae askedI to be brief, onfing the selves to less than 300 w~ords if possbl. Anonymous, corn munic at ins will bedi sregarded 'rhe n mes of communicants will, however, b regarded as confidential, upon re- st. -Letters published should not be amcu true i as expressing the editorial opinion of The Ual}y. FA ULTY BRAKES To The Editor: It seems that the standards of the Ann Arbor au- tomobile traffic division are reget- tably low. An expression of satis- faction on their part with the re- sults of the car inspection recently conducted in Maynard street shows an impractically optimistic view of the traffic scene. The inspected cars could scarcely fail to constitute a select group with respect to gen- eral performance, inasmuch as the owners of questionably adjusted vehicles would shun inspection lanes. It is an engineering fact that with properly adjusted brakes the decel- eration available on dry pavement without locking any wheel greatly exceeds that normally required, and readily allows a stop at twenty miles an hour in less than a car length without skidding. If but one half of the "cream of the crop" manage io meet the minimum requirements, what must the average motor car of Ann Arbor be like? Casual ob- servation shows only too well con- ditions as they really are. Tell-tale skid-marks show where cars failed to stop are abundant. Of what use is a stop light if the driver cannot stop his car? Might not this condition explain Profes- sor Morrison's finding that traffic signals are of no assistance in rer- duction of traffic hazards except where traffic exceeds 500 to flOOC cars per hour? It seems likely that a city intersection carrying a car about every four seconds would be one at which traffic moves rather slowly, and at which bumpers furnish the braking effort for many of the cars, and few serious collis- ions occur. A traffic signal is re- quired at such an intersection from the standpoint of expediency rather than safety. The intersection of South and East University Avenues qualifies as such a traffic point at noon, because not only must a large number of cars be moved at this time but a very abnormal ped- estrian traffic from the diagona walk also uses this intersection at noon. The situation is acute dur- ing regular school session, and it has been my experience that the only way to get across this inter- section at noon is to be a member of a large and compact group oif pedestrians who surge into the first gap between cars that is judged long enough to enable the driver to stop, the theory evidently being that there is safety in numbers large enough to give the oncoming driver pause, and make him rather stop than take a chance on success- ful dodging those in his path. I believe a traffic light operated at noon at this intersection is fully warranted because of the seemingly equal volume of car and pedestrian traffic at this time of day, and be- cause the hazard of crossing would be somewhat decreased because giving way to the pedestrian would become a matter of law rather than of conscience. The hazard from faulty braking would of course re- main substantially the same with the light in operation as at present. To remedy this, periodic inspection of brakes should be made compul- sory. Too many people are using the current depression as an excuse to let car repairs slide. If the traf- fic department would station an of- ficer at bad - intersections to serve brake inspection summons on those who exhibit inadequate decelera- tion, noticeable reduction in traffic hazard should take place very rap- idly. The above-mentioned traffic sig- nal may be arranged with a third phase, on which all four directions get the red light, and a white light labelled "walk" gives pedestrians an opportunity to cross without the chance of being run down by cars making turns. Such a traffic light operating c o n t i n u o u s l y would aoubtless be an abomination, butj uo take care of the special condi- tions for fifteen minutes at noon, and possibly for a few minutes be- fore eight, nine, and one o'clock, it should prove a boon to motorists and pedestrians alike, as it would materially reduce the nervous strain on the part of everyone involved. Walter H. Nelson. LAl VISHT DISP' LY To the Editor: If you were pres- ent at the faculty reception in the League building last night, you could not but have noticed the vast array of evening gowns. Leave it OASTED ROLL SPRING HS H-ERE We wish, in all fairness, to pre- clude our remarks for the day byr forewarning any of you sillies who read this stuff that today's outputx is away below par---even for Rolls. The entire Whoofie family, with the exception of myself, has walked out on us, and things are looking very, very black. * * * Possibly the only bright spot on the columnistic horizon for the dayf is the fact that Professor Pawlow-1 ski is still going strong in the edi- torial columns. If we knew or cared anything about Poland weY would get a great kick out of this.1 We don't know anything about P-1 land. * * * SPECIAL BULLETIN1 The Summer Michigan Daily is1 at present, according to all reports,' being edited and put out by three people. A faculty investigation re- vealed the alarming fact that only three men were eligible to be work- ing on the paper. A little clear- headed reasoning and analytical thought soon brough them to the conclusion that, this being the case, only three men were working on the paper. Only three men are working on the paper, and any- l one who doesn't believe it can just trot right down here and look on the copy sheets. It's wonderful what three determined men can ac- complish, isn't it? .....Is it? EXTRA SPECIAL BULLETIN - It has started to rain. Ann Ar- t bor is vindicating its age-old repu- ration of never disappointing a col- t umnist in the matter of weather. Perhaps a review of the weather e on this date for the past ten years would prove enlightening. Perhaps s it wouldn't, but we don't really care such a lot about that. We're here - to fill this thing up, and will brook - no interference. z July 14, 1930............ Rain r July 14, 1929 ............ Rain f July 14, 1928 . ... Not Reported s July 14, 1927 ............Drool t July 14, 1926 ............. Rain L July 14, 1925 ...........Rain t July 14, 1924 ...........Rain - July 14, 1923 . .. .. . ... . .. Snow l July 14, 1922 .. ......... Sleet t July 14, 1921 .......... Gigan- - tic Sale at Fieltman's Bargain t Basement . . .prices slashed on e all the latest Paris Models in - sturdy work-shoes. 1-3 off. July 14, 1920.......... Rain, f Snow Sleet, Mush, Drizzle, thunderbolts, and ABSOLUTE- L LY FINAL SELLING OUT SALE AT FIETLEMAN'S BARGAIN BASEMENT. ALL GOOD S MUST GO. FORCED OUT OF BUSINESS. PRICES SLASHED. * * * - The Town is at present inundated by a swarm of gallant Britishers who came over here for a confer- ence. If one may conclude from this fact that there are no con- ferences in England, I know of a number of people who are right on the verge of changing nationalities. * * * It took us the longest time * to understand why these dele- gates were wandering about with puzzled expressions all the time. Finally it dawned upon us that they were looking for a pub. We should hesitate to say that this has anything to do with the fact that they have taken to congregating in the HUT. * * * We also hasten to add before we get misunderstood that this puz- zled expression we spoke of is not' the same one so frequently worn by professors. They are, in all prob- ability, trying to think of aome place to go that isn't a pub. * * * And that, in all fairness to our public, ought to be about' all for today. And if you think ' that this was as easy to write as it is hard to read, just come around and get disillusioned by " TOMMYKINS WHOOFLE. t tion existing all around us, that these "swells" would interest them- selves in ordinary people with a view to alleviating the horrible con- ditions under which .a great partE of our population is now existing.e The money spent on these gowns could keep a large number of fam-t ilies in food and keep up the hopef of these sufferers who see nothing but destitution ahead of them thec coming winter.f The University should take cog- 1 nizance of conditions and frown onc such lavish display of wealth as b 'M USIt fNO DRA MA Faclty Concert This Evening The second concert in the sum- mer series to be given by members of the School of Music faculty will be presented by the School of Music Trio: Wassily Besekersky, violinist; Hanns Pick, violincellist; Joseph Brinkman, pianist. The con- cert will be given in Hill Auditor- ium at 8:15 o'clock this evening. The general public is cordially in- vited without admission charge. The School of Music Trio was formed last fall. Mr. Pick has been head of the violincello department for some years. But both Mr. Be- sekersky and Mr. Brinkman were new to the local School of Music last fall, Mr. Besekersky being ap- pointed to head of the violin de- partment and Mr. Brinkman to the piano department. The Trio ap- peared several times during the past school year and was enthusi- astically greeted as a pleasant ad- dition to Ann Arbor music. The program for tonight's con- cert is as follows: 1. Trio in F Major Saint Saens Allegro Vivace Andante Scherzo Allegro Written in 1863, when he was on- ly twenty-eight, this trio is one of the most inspired works of Saint- Saen's youth. It is full of humor and an attractive sprightliness of melody. 2. Trio, Opus 34 Tcherepnine Moderato Allegro Allegretto Allegro Molto Alexander Tcherepnine is one of the most versatile of the younger contemporary Russian comp<%sers, having already to his credit at the age of 32 two quartets, two sym- phonies and four sonatas. Tcher- epnine's father was one of the famous pupils of both Rimsky- Korsakoff and of Tchaikovski; and this tradition, togther with some influence from the modern French, are generally thought of as the molding influence on the son's style. 3. Trio in D Minor, Opus 63 Schumann Mit Energie und Leidenschaft Lebhaft Langsam Mit Feuer When Schumann turned in 1842 to the composition of chamber- music, he had comparatively ma- tured. That effervesence in both joy and anguish which character- ised the years when he was strugg- ling for Clara Wieck had been toned down and he was ready for his most serious creative effort. People generally only know Schumann's chamber music by the ever-popular quintet-that lovely piece of sub- limated salon music. But Schu- mann composed less "unique", less "abundant" chamber music than the Quintet. The three Trios, of which the D Minor is the first, are evidence. * * * FRANCK: Sonata in A Major for Violin and piano: played by Alfred Dubois and Marcel Maas for Co- lumbia Masterworks Series Album No. 158. This work needs no recommend- ation. It has long been recognized as one of the loveliest works in the violin and piano repertoire. A good many of Cesar Franck's devoted ad- mirers cherish it as perhaps the most direct, most intimate expres- soin of his spirit. As Paul Rosen- feld puts it, it is a work "full of the gray and lonely air of the St. Clothilde organ-loft." It is full of that sweet, seraphic sadness that must have been very genuine with Franck even when his musical idiom fails (as it doesn't in the sonata) to establish it as genuine and convincing musically. The last two movements in particular of this sonata are splendid. The slow movement is one of the long- est, as well as the loveliest, pieces of sustained cantabile writing in sonata repertory. And the finale, in its simple, perfect joyousness and its sence of release, is like nothing if not Mozart. The Sonata was written in 1886 and thus belongs to that phenom- enal flowering period just after the composition of "The Beatitudes" which included in short succession the Prelude, Chorale, and Fugue for piano, the sonata, the sym- phony, the quartet and the three chorales for organ. The two per- formers are newcomers to Colum- bia's list and to America but in the country where Cesar Franck was born they are most distinguished Plan to Get Your SUMMER Directory IIOnly 35 Cents I 'I MOVIES MI C HI GA N eIf your phiiosophy is o ive dangerously . . you've come to the right man for love! Beautiful Norma Shearer enriches the drama with the most fascinating heroine yet to be created by the resplendent star of "Divorcee," "Let Us Be Gay," "Strangers May Kiss"! NOR MA makes a new bid for the dramatic Hall of Fame, in "A Free Soul" with LIONEL BARRYMORE Leslie Howard James Gleason CLARK GABLE Metro's smash hit from the Cosmo- politan Magazine novel , by Adela Rogers St. Johns ALSO Teaching "Medium Irons" M A JESTI C .y . with FAY WRAY REGIS TOOMEY and SCHMELLING-STRIBLING FIGHT Paramount Sound News "Hold Anything" Cartoon Weurth-"Ironman"-Lew Ayres"